These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 56: Money is coming~

A few days later, Ren Xiyang went over to the Imperial Palace for two reasons: to use Prince Rian’s crystal ball and to meet with the Obsidians.

He, Prince Rian, and Viscount Obsidian had organised to meet at the Imperial Palace first. He would teach Adrienne how to fly on a sword under Viscount Obsidian’s supervision, while Prince Rian was to be present to even out the numbers.

As usual, Prince Rian was waiting for him outside the front doors to the Imperial Palace. Unlike usual, Rian stayed half a step further away from him.

“Earl Rosewood, I may have to wrong you by asking you to use my crystal ball in my drawing room instead of my study room. Before we can meet with Viscount Obsidian and Young Lady Obsidian, I have a lesson to attend.”

“I’ve imposed on you to use your crystal ball,” Ren Xiyang replied. The things he and his staff talked about were not particularly private.

One of Rian’s servants carried the crystal ball in its case out of Rian’s study room and into the main drawing room.

A stern person came in, looked faintly down on Earl Rosewood, before going into Rian’s study room to begin the lesson.

Ren Xiyang familiarly activated the crystal ball and connected with the Rosewood crystal ball. It didn’t take long for the Rosewood estate council to gather. He told them that he would be delayed at the Capital due to the trial, and then they moved on to updates, discussions, and next steps on various projects in the Rosewood fief.

Ren Xiyang was done before Prince Rian was finished with his class. He waited quietly until that stern tutor left.

Rian poked his head out of his study room. “Earl Rosewood, come in.”

Ren Xiyang got to his feet and headed inside.

Rian closed the door and cast a new privacy spell around them.

“Earl Rosewood, you’ll have to forgive me if I’m slower in the projects on my side. My Imperial Mother has increased my lessons. She has also handed me the task of catering for the next social event.”

“You can pay some of the chefs at the Rosewood summer manor as consultants if you wish,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian was thoughtful. “I could indeed. I had wanted foods from foreign nations, but starting with our own Sedaverian fiefs is a better idea. Though, Earl Rosewood, choosing your fief first would be blatant favouritism.”

“You’re not very subtle.”

Rian looked at him. “Did you know that historically, the Rosewood fief and the Azure fief were all part of the Red fief, back in King Rexius Red’s time?” The Red family had since died off, and the lands redistributed.

Ren Xiyang blinked, not understanding Rian’s thought process.

“Hence, the fact that we’re allied makes sense.”

Ren Xiyang continued looking at Rian in non-understanding.

Rian sighed in ‘reluctant defeat’. “Let me be honest. My Imperial Mother has told me to be careful about you.” His icy blue eyes met with Earl Rosewood’s calm red eyes. “Are you going to betray me?”

“I tend not to betray people if they don’t betray me,” Ren Xiyang said.

Rian smiled slightly as his chest grew warm. “I gathered. Now, if I act a little colder in public, you’ll understand why.”

“I’ll try not to take it personally.”

Rian chuckled. “Much obliged, Earl Rosewood. Now, onto our next business. Viscount Obsidian and Adrienne Obsidian. I was surprised when Young Lady Adrienne spoke up the other day. The Obsidian family tend to stay at the periphery. We are strongly allied with the Schauss family, and light and shadow magics tend not to mix well. So this meeting with Viscount Obsidian is a good opportunity.”

Rian laid out a plan for the fast-approaching meeting. Ren Xiyang had no objections.

Shadow magic also included alternative forms of healing, of which necromancy was a highly restricted subset—a big point of animosity between light mages and shadow mages. And thus, shadow-magic families kept to themselves, quietly attending necessary functions and handing in necessary taxes but otherwise not participating (at least, not publicly).

The Obsidian family in particular did not have strict branches like other noble families. The children of each generation came together to study and compete. The strongest, or most sociable, or the most liked, would become the next Viscount. Adrienne Obsidian was the most talented mage in the greater Obsidian family of her generation.

And now, Adrienne had dared to reach out. How could Rian not grasp this hand?



When Viscount Obsidian and Adrienne Obsidian arrived, Imperial Palace servants led them to Prince Rian’s sitting room where Earl Rosewood and Prince Rian awaited.

The Obsidians were dressed in multiple layers of black. Ren Xiyang chided Rian in his heart: if it weren’t for Rian, Ren Xiyang’s wardrobe would look like that.

“We appreciate your time today, Your Highness, Earl Rosewood,” Viscount Obsidian said first, with a quarter bow. After all, he was technically lower ranked than either of them.

Adrienne Obsidian also bowed and echoed her uncle’s greeting.

Rian smiled warmly. “Thank you for making time to come, Viscount Obsidian, and Young Lady Obsidian.”

“Let’s begin,” Ren Xiyang said, wasting no time.

Adrienne glanced at her uncle and then nodded. “Yes, Earl Rosewood.”

The two moved over to a clear area.

“Let’s begin first, tell me what kind of direct magic manipulation you can do.”

Adrienne’s concentration converged as shadows bloomed around her.

“Can you also cast the standard levitation spell for me? ...Good, then try this…”

Viscount Obsidian watched Earl Rosewood teaching Adrienne direct magic levitation with a wary eye.

The stone in his chest lowered as he continued watching. Earl Rosewood was only asking Adrienne to practise levitating items, not people.

Rian glanced at his low-sense-of-existence servants. A moment later, they quietly bought over some light refreshments, setting them on the coffee table in front of Prince Rian and Viscount Obsidian.

Rian took the initiative to pour two cups of tea and took a sip of his first. Once Viscount Obsidian followed suit, Rian nonverbally cast a sound scrambling spell around them.

Viscount Obsidian’s brows raised slightly as he sensed it, his internal hackles raising. Did the little prince want to ask him to do some secretive work? Many stealth-related and dark spells fell under shadow magic, which made them good assassins and agents.

It was what light-aligned nobles did: they acted all shining and pure in public and did dark dealings in the shadows.

Rian began lightly, “You may have heard that I’ve been organising a Royal Healers’ Service.”

Viscount Obsidian said nothing.

Rian didn’t mind. He continued to explain what the service would do, and then asked, “Does Viscount Obsidian have any interest in collaborating? Earl Rosewood has already agreed to aid the Royal Healers’ Service’s work in the Rosewood fief with administration and organisational matters.”

“I will have to think about it,” Viscount Obsidian said.

Rian nodded. “I understand, it’s not yet official anyway.” He turned his gaze to where Earl Rosewood and Adrienne Obsidian were casting magic. Adrienne was already levitating a heavy stack of books and moving them back and forth in a fluid, direct-magic-manipulation manner.

“Your niece is extremely talented.”

“I should say the same towards you and Earl Rosewood.”

Rian smiled happily, hiding the wryness inside. That was only because he and Earl Rosewood were much older than they looked.

“Thank you,” Rian said. “Earl Rosewood and I have been teaching each other and practising magic together, each of us reducing our weaknesses and improving our strengths. Viscount Obsidian, I am very grateful that you have made time for us today. I wanted to ask you about secure communication methods. I believe you would have improvements to the crystal balls available on the market.” He gave a slight smile and then took a sip of tea. “I am talking business, Viscount.”

Viscount Obsidian relaxed a little. Ah, so this is why the little prince had raised that privacy spell. One of the Obsidian family’s businesses was in the production of crystal balls for communication, and while the crystals were ostensibly secure, it was possible to eavesdrop. Hence the different price tags across the range.

“If you’re talking business, then there are indeed improvements. However, these magical objects and spells are propriety and still not yet available for sale.”

“They would be used between myself and Earl Rosewood,” Rian revealed. “Earl Rosewood has promised to teach your niece until she is proficient at flying, taking up his valuable time,” he added, selling Earl Rosewood off. “Once Adrienne learns, she could teach the rest of the Obsidians, and even yourself.” Rian looked up through his pale lashes. “Quite useful, I would imagine.”

Viscount Obsidian’s eyes narrowed. “Is that so?”

“Of course, this is a private order, and you will be compensated appropriately. It will be for personal use only and won’t be copied or resold.”

“I’ll consider it.”

Rian inclined his head. “That’s all I ask. Say, have you heard about Earl Rosewood’s new agricultural methods?”

By moving from topic to topic, Rian was able to maintain the conversation between himself and Viscount Obsidian.

Eventually, the hour was up. Adrienne’s black hair was pushed behind her ears, revealing her smile of success at levitating one of the Royal Guards’ swords.

They scheduled another meeting in the near future before the court trial. Then, Rian and Ren Xiyang saw Viscount Obsidian and Adrienne Obsidian off.

After the Obsidians left, Ren Xiyang said offhandedly, “Adrienne learns as fast as you. Faster, even.”

Rian narrowed his eyes. “Wonderful, she truly is powerful,” he said. “Unfortunately for you, I’m too busy to accompany you.” He had spotted his next tutor walking down the corridor towards his door.

“You’re only twelve, you should study hard,” Ren Xiyang said. He smirked slightly and stepped out of Rian’s hand-slap range. “Have a good day, Your Highness. We’ll meet again soon.”

“Good day, Earl Rosewood.”



Ren Xiyang expected meetings and magic study for the rest of his time at the Capital.

He didn’t expect that a random visitor would come to the Rosewood Capital House the very next day. One of the house servants took Ren Xiyang down to the ground floor drawing room to meet the visitor, informing him that it was Anthony Fulvous, the eldest son of Viscount Fulvous.

A tall young man was waiting for him. Anthony Fulvous had orange-brown hair and wore shoulder armour to emphasise and exaggerate his shoulders.

“Good morning, Earl Rosewood. I hope I didn’t come at a bad time,” Anthony said in a casual, drawling tone. He looked over the young Earl with a sharp eye. Damn, this child was half his size!

“Hello,” Ren Xiyang said.

Anthony Fulvous puffed up his chest. “I’m here to formally challenge you to a duel, Earl Rosewood!”

The recent duel between Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood had dissuaded some but galvanised Anthony Fulvous. Anthony had been among the audience watching the duel. After analysing the fight, he had a feeling that firstly, Earl Rosewood and Prince Rian both liked flashy moves, and two, that as an earth mage, he would have a much easier time up against Earl Rosewood! Fire was naturally weak against earth. He had already started formulating ideas of how he would defeat Earl Rosewood.

And Anthony Fulvous was a straightforward person. Since he started thinking about it, why not just challenge the Earl and put his thoughts into action? And if he won, it would be great for his reputation and name!

Baron Carmine, who had definitively lost against Earl Rosewood, was just weak. Everyone knew that.

“No, I’m busy.”

Anthony’s determination to duel increased. “What do you mean? Do you want me to draw up a contract as you did with Baron Carmine?”

“I’ll duel if pay me 1500 gold up front first, and another 1500 gold if I win,” Ren Xiyang said.

Anthony Fulvous paused. He had been somewhat prepared to offer up 2500 gold (he had heard that Earl Rosewood was willing to duel with anyone who paid him enough money), but 3000 was pushing it! He wasn’t completely sure he would win, and if he lost, his father would destroy him for wasting that much gold!

“If not, you could consider paying me 1500 gold up front, and working for me for a month if I win,” Ren Xiyang said.

Anthony was very conflicted. If he worked for this little earl, wouldn’t his reputation take a hit?!!

“If I were you, I wouldn’t agree,” Ren Xiyang advised. “Go home and practice some more for free.”

“I’m not poor!” Anthony retorted. Hearing a little child say something like that made his determination rise! “Let’s write a contract! 1500 gold up front, and either 1500 gold or working for you for one month if I lose! And if I win… you give me 3000 gold or return the 1500 gold and work for me for one month!”

Ren Xiyang could imagine the heavy gold in his hands already. “Then, I accept. I’ll let Solicitor Carmine draw up the contract right away. If you decide to cancel before the duel, then no one will be charged anything and I’ll return any gold as appropriate.”

“Sure, that’s fine,” Anthony said.

Ren Xiyang went to fetch a bewildered Solicitor Carmine from his office. Solicitor Carmine quickly understood the task and wrote up a contract, with a deadline included. When they took it back to Anthony Fulvous, the young man signed it on the spot, and so did Ren Xiyang.

Ren Xiyang smiled at Anthony. “Thank you. Now, what time and date would suit you?”

“You won’t be too tired from your duel with Prince Rian the other day, would you?” Anthony’s eyebrows went up in challenge. “We can duel this afternoon!”

Ren Xiyang immediately agreed. Money was soon coming into his hands!








🥺👉👈 I want to write more romance 🥺👉👈


By the way, what’s a good CP/shipping name for Ren Xiyang and Rian?


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