These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 72: We know that you know, but do you really know what you think you know?




Unlike Cassiopeia, Rian maintained his outward persona flawlessly. He continued to smile and engage in conversation around the table.

Dinner soon finished, and it was time to dance. Under the courteous ushering of the palace butlers, the nobles drifted into the adjacent ballroom.

King Edric and Queen Mira took the opening dance. Then, the children were invited on next, led by Prince Rian and Prince Alexius. Prince Rian chose Lady Nicola Storm, the young daughter of Duke Storm. Prince Alexius choose Lady Cassiopeia Schauss, the young daughter of Duke Schauss.

Ren Xiyang wanted to die inside. He turned awkwardly to the closest girl. “Lady Adrienne, can you do me a favour?”

Adrienne gave a nod.

Ren Xiyang wasn’t uncoordinated, but because of his discomfort, his dancing became awkward. The moment the dance ended, he thanked Adrienne and headed over to the wall to stand in peace while the adult nobles joined in. In contrast, Rian chose another noble girl to dance with. Alexius also chose another noble girl.

The huge, decadent ballroom lit up by magical light and filled with swirling nobles was a visual fest for the eyes. Rian seemed to dance effortlessly. He smiled warmly, he gently held the hands of the young girls he danced with and he gave them an ice flower afterwards.

More than one noble parent of those girls had a little thought: Does Prince Rian like my daughter more than the other girls? Can my daughter catch Prince Rian’s eye? If she could…

Ren Xiyang wondered when he could escape and how impolite he should be. But before he could leave, Günter Blewitt and Tierri Mauveine came over.

They had seen Earl Rosewood without the princes hovering around! What a rare opportunity!

“Earl Rosewood, once I master nonverbal magic, I want you to show me direct magic manipulation!” Günter said. “Tell me how to become proficient with non-verbal spells!”

“I don’t know how to cast nonverbally,” Ren Xiyang said.

Günter looked scandalised. “You don’t?”

“I learnt direct-magic manipulation first.”

Günter looked even more scandalised. “Then why can’t I—”

“Because it’s more dangerous, and my situation was different.”

Günter pouted.

“Earl Rosewood, I heard that you conducted a census, I think that’s a great idea,” Tierri said. “Do you have any information yet?”

“The relevant teams are still processing through it but I plan to release a report summarising the Rosewood fief’s demographics…”

As Rian danced, his gaze focused on the girl in front of him, and they would occasionally exchange small words. However, his peripheral vision caught sight of Günter and Tierri gathering around Ren Xiyang. For a brief moment, Rian’s eyes darkened.

Once the current dance concluded, Rian thanked his partner. Then he strolled over to a certain little group. “Earl Rosewood, Young Lord Blewitt, Young Lord Mauveine, what are you talking about?”

Tierri subtly backed away from Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood.

“Wouldn’t you want to know,” Earl Rosewood said.

Rian looked at Tierri.

“Earl Rosewood telling me about the Rosewood census, Your Highness,” Tierri quickly answered.

“Oh? Earl Rosewood, would you mind repeating what you said?”

“Not at all, your Highness…”

Tierri stood, quiet as a mouse, as Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood talked. There was a subtle feeling of pressure coming from Prince Rian, which felt off since Prince Rian was usually very genial and approachable. Meanwhile, Earl Rosewood’s answers and tone of voice could be considered impolite, especially when speaking to a member of the Imperial family.

Eventually, Earl Rosewood gave his abrupt farewells and left. Prince Rian went back to dancing.

Both Tierri and Günter went to dance again too.

But Tierri couldn’t help but wonder…were Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood actually friends? They seemed more like rivals, like the refined version of Alexius and Günter…



Cassiopeia had danced with both princes that night—Alexius danced with her first!—but she had been too distracted to enjoy it. She had to rely on muscle memory to make it through those dances in an effortless manner.

Tomorrow’s meeting weighed on her mind. After she returned home after the ball, she anxiously prepared.

The next morning was cold and windy.

Cassiopeia dressed in beautiful clothing and expensive jewellery like it was armour. Some of it was indeed armour—the magical jewellery was charmed with defensive spells.

At breakfast, she was hardly able to eat. Her head remained lowered as she picked at her food.

The Schauss family glanced at each other over Cassiopeia’s head, concern clear in their eyes.

After breakfast, Cassiopeia made her last preparations before heading out to the Schauss carriage. Her father, Duke Schauss was waiting for her. He would accompany her to the Imperial Palace.

The footman opened the carriage door and helped them inside. Then, the carriage started to move. A small group of Schauss guards accompanied them on horseback.

Duke Schauss examined his anxious daughter, who was staring out of the window. He had complex feelings in his heart, and some annoyance too. If Prince Rian had a crush on her, then he would have invited her to afternoon tea. The excuse ‘learning about healing from another peer’ was so flimsy it was worse than a cobweb. Let alone fundamentals of healing, he knew that Prince Rian was communicating with the healers at the Capital Hospital about the development of new advanced healing techniques.

What was Prince Rian truly planning? What did he know? Was this meeting meant to be a warning or punishment?

“Cassiopeia, allow me to give you some words of caution.”

Cassiopeia looked at him weakly. “Yes, Father.”

“If Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood invite you to work on any initiative, tell them that you are interested and want more information, and then come home and tell me. If they insult you or the family, don’t rise to their bait.”

“Yes, Father.”

“I know they won’t hurt you. They know the consequences if they do,” Duke Schauss said, steel in his voice. “But it still pays to be careful.” He pulled out something from an inner pocket in his coat. “Here, take this.”

It was a necklace with pale pink gems.

“This is one of the strongest protective amulets I have. Wear this and be confident that you’ll be safe. If you’re attacked, the necklace will also alert me. I’ll come immediately, okay? So don’t be afraid.”

Cassiopeia gave a weak smile. “Thank you, Father.”

“Very good.” Duke Schauss helped Cassiopeia put on the necklace. “And after you come back, tell me what happened, understood?”

“Yes, Father.”

When they arrived at the Imperial Palace, Prince Rian and Earl Rosewood were standing at the front doors. The nobles politely greeted each other.

“Your Highness, I leave my daughter with you. I hope you have a fruitful learning session,” Duke Schauss said.

Prince Rian smiled. “Thank you. And Lady Cassiopeia, thank you for your time today. Shall we head in?”

Cassiopeia breathed in and steeled herself. “Yes, Your Highness. Goodbye, Father, I’ll see you later.” She followed Prince Rian, with two Schauss guards accompanying her.

The group headed into Prince Rian’s quarters.

It was the first time Cassiopeia had been there—it was so huge and so opulent, many times more expensive and luxurious than her rooms. Prince Rian ushered her and Earl Rosewood into his study room and closed the door behind him.

There were now only three of them in that study room. There were no servants, no guards.

Cassiopeia glanced at the door.

“The door isn’t locked, you can leave whenever you wish,” Prince Rian said. “Take a seat.”

Cassiopeia gave a proper smile in return and sat down on one of the sofas.

Prince Rian wordlessly cast the sound-blocking spell and sat on the opposite sofa, while Earl Rosewood took an armchair to the side.

Cassiopeia clutched the notes about basic healing magic in her lap. “So, shall I begin with something easy?”

Rian smiled at her, but it was cold.

Cassiopeia’s chest tightened. She glanced at deadpan ‘Ayden Rosewood’ and then back to the coldly smiling prince. “Yes, Your Highness?”

“Of course, we’re not here to talk about simple healing magic,” Rian said. “I know you sent those anonymous letters about Earl Rosewood.”

Cassiopeia sucked in a breath. “What letters? What are you talking about?”

Rian twirled his fingers. A stack of letters levitated over from his desk and landed on the coffee table between him and Cassiopeia. “You know what I’m talking about, but let me remind you.”

Cassiopeia felt cold as she stared down at the familiar words.

“Oh, I’ve heard of this, these were the letters that many nobles were sent, weren’t they?” Cassiopeia said.

Rian’s eyes narrowed. He saw how her notes were crumpling slightly under her grip. The way her body shifted. The way her eyes darted to the side.

“This was much easier with Earl Rosewood,” he said with a snort. “I won’t force you to sign anything. I believe you won’t reveal what we will tell you next.”

Cassiopeia pressed her lips together.

Rian’s icy blue eyes glinted. “We know that you know this is a novel. Cassiopeia Schauss, the future Saintess of Sedaveria, the kindhearted healer who did save, will save the people from the terrible plague-curse. Cassiopeia, so kindhearted, and yet you would send such hateful letters.” Rian’s lips stretched into a chilling smile. “I’ll give you some information for free. I have lived through the plague-curse once, before returning to this past. Earl Rosewood, meanwhile, transmigrated from another world. And what about you, Cassiopeia?”

What?!! Why was this happening to her? Why was she so unlucky?

Cassiopeia had thought Ayden Rosewood was a villain. Yet, the future crown prince was being even more terrible in front of her! She had suspected that ‘Ayden Rosewood’ knew about the novel, but Prince Rian knew too! And they had found out that she was the anon! How was that possible? Those letters were sent anonymously! If they didn’t like those letters, then it meant they had something to hide!!



Ren Xiyang’s eyes were lowered as he watched the exchange between Rian and Cassiopeia. Rian was unexpectedly cold.

Ren Xiyang said, “My previous world had cars and the internet and planes and zombies and novels like this world. Did yours?”

Cassiopeia’s head snapped towards him. “You!” Her papers scattered over the sofa seat next to her as her eyes turned red. “So you both know that you’re messing up the novel! You both know it and yet you’re doing it! Where’s Alyssa?! Alyssa should be here! There shouldn’t be chopsticks and tofu!”

“I heard that you baked, Cassiopeia. The original couldn’t,” Ren Xiyang said.

“That’s completely different from what you’ve done! You murdered Alyssa!”

Ren Xiyang inclined his head slightly. “In some ways, I did kill Alyssa.”

Cassiopeia’s eyes widen. “So, I was right! You can’t gaslight me!”

“On the morning of the Rosewood murders, I transmigrated into Alyssa’s body. I took over this body, and I’ve made it mine.”

“What—what do you mean? You gained the memories of your past life—”

“No. I’m a different person from Alyssa.” Ren Xiyang was already getting tired of everything. “I transmigrated into Alyssa’s body. I took over it. Roland Rosewood and Marie Rosewood only had two children, Silas and Alyssa. ‘Ayden’ was a fake name and identity I made up.”

“…You’re in Alyssa’s body…There is no Ayden Rosewood. What—that means you’re a girl! Why are you pretending to be a boy?”

Cassiopeia suddenly shivered as the temperature plummeted.

“I’m pretending to be a Rosewood. I’m not pretending to be a boy,” Ren Xiyang said.

Cassiopeia resisted rolling her eyes. “You’re Alyssa, aren’t you?”

If ‘Ayden’ was Alyssa, then there was still hope that the novel would go back on track—

“Tell me, what was your previous world like?” Ren Xiyang asked, dangerously calm. “Haven’t you heard about trans people?”

Cassiopeia pursed her lips. “You mean women who have been brainwashed by the patriarchy to be point that they would betray other women and pretend to be men to get male privileges? If you’re attracted to women, then you should call yourself a lesbian, you know, there’s nothing wrong with being gay.” Cassiopeia realised something. “Are you one of those fetishising fujoshi? That’s why you’re pretending to be a guy, right? Alyssa, you should take a good hard look at yourself.”

Ren Xiyang closed his eyes, but he could still sense Cassiopeia’s infuriating existence. “You don’t support queer people them.”

“The q-word is a slur, if you’re LGBT, you’d know that,” Cassiopeia snorted. “I’m not homophobic. I support real gay people.”

Ren Xiyang exhaled. The temperature returned to normal. He looked at Rian. “Rian, tell her about the plague-curse.”

Rian’s impression of Cassiopeia had rapidly fallen, much deeper than anticipated. And thus, his smile became wider as his eyes became darker. “Lady Cassiopeia must know a lot about the future plague-curse that will spread across Sedaveria. Only you, the best healer in the land, could save my younger brother and the kingdom. However, many others died first. Ayden Rosewood and I have been working on various plans to prevent the plague-curse from occurring and to prepare the kingdom for any other plagues. We hope that you can help us in improving future outcomes.”

“What can I do? I’m not even a proper healer mage yet! I need years more study.”

Rian looked down on Cassiopeia. “Ayden has provided us with information about pathogens, introduced hand-washing and face masks and has plans to improve clean water access. I’ve prompted my Imperial Parents to start talks with the Angio court to improve diplomacy. Lady Cassiopeia, is there anything you can do to help prevent the plague-curse or protect and prepare against other diseases?”

“I’m only ten. And aren’t you only twelve? Wait, Alyssa is only ten as well…!”

Ren Xiyang gritted his teeth. “Weren’t you older in your past life? I was almost thirty.”

“I was twenty when I died the first time,” Rian said. He also lingered around in the world as a ghost for a few more years after that.

“I’m a minor,” Cassiopeia retorted. Her eyes widened as she realised. “So you’re both adults! But I’ve seen you talk to other kids…” She grasped her protective necklace as she looked at them in disgust and fear. “You’re trying to groom them? Are you paedophiles? This is not okay!






I wonder if anyone can guess the inspiration for Cassiopeia’s character ^_^



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