These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 86: Congratulations to the new Crown Prince!

Marquis Terra turned to Earl Rosewood. “How about you give me a discount? We have a deep trading relationship.”

Ren Xiyang thought about it. Honestly, since the floating carriages were marketed towards nobles and rich families, there was a huge markup on their production. (Items made for the common people were much more affordably priced.) Those profits were then split evenly between himself and Rian. Ren Xiyang could offer a discount by cutting into his profit.

“I can give you a small discount,” Ren Xiyang said reluctantly.

“—Provided you provide Earl Rosewood with a discount elsewhere,” Rian said. “The retail price of a standard flying carriage with your crest and colours is 3000 Sedaverian gold. For additional customisation, comfort, and specifications, the price will go up accordingly. It is not simple to make a floating carriage, or else it would have been done hundreds of years ago.”

Marquis Terra smiled meaningfully. He quickly calculated. There were approximately 1000 noble families in Sedaveria, and if each one ordered a single carriage, that would be 3 million gold. The cost price for a standard noble carriage with minor magical conveniences was around 500 gold. Casting the required floating spells probably took less than an hour and would cost at most 200 gold per carriage for some mage’s time. Even if Prince Rian took half of the profits, that would still be over 1 million gold sent to Earl Rosewood’s coffers.

“You must make quite a lot of money, Earl Rosewood.”

“Not personally, no,” Ren Xiyang said mildly. “I’m relatively poor.”

Marquis Terra raised his eyebrows. “Really?”

Aside from the flying carriages, Earl Rosewood had traded a lot of goods with him. His critical eye and his knowledge of Sedaverian high fashion meant he knew just how well made and fashionable Earl Rosewood’s clothes were, and as an earth mage, he knew at a glance the expensiveness of the gems and precious metals on Earl Rosewood’s clothes and few accessories. Earl Rosewood’s additional peculiar hobbies all showed that he was so rich that he didn’t worry about maintaining a noble image.

“I pay myself a salary when I work, just like everyone else. The rest of the money goes into the Rosewood Group.  Lately, due to Prince Rian occupying my time, I’ve worked fewer hours for the fief.”

Rian cast Ren Xiyang a look. “Are you blaming me, Earl Rosewood?”

“I am, Your Highness.”

Marquis Terra chuckled. “Is that so? Earl Rosewood, I suggest you pay yourself a higher salary.”

“There’s no need, Prince Rian provides all of my clothes, half of my food, and even some of my staff,” Ren Xiyang said.

Marquis Terra was surprised. Prince Rian provided Earl Rosewood’s clothes? He glanced at his wife; she looked equally surprised. “What a generous prince!”

“Earl Rosewood is invaluable to me,” Rian said with a slight smile. “I heard your eldest princess is wealthy and generous too. I have to try as hard as she does. Without a queen, Princess Aurelia Lūpiter must deal with a lot of matters for King Augustus Lūpiter.”

“Princess Aurelia is indeed quite generous,” Marquis Terra said lightly. “Her timely aid saved thousands of Angio commoners. She bought most of the surplus food I produced using your techniques, Earl Rosewood. Of course, your aid was also crucial.”

“I believe Princess Aurelia would be interested in your agricultural knowledge, Earl Rosewood,” Marchioness Terra said.

“She can send people here to the Rosewood fief for them to study directly,” Ren Xiyang said. “That way, they can see the methods in action, rather than just trusting me. All they need to do is to work on the Rosewood fields for one day.”

Marquis Terra gave a short chuckle. “Only one day? Surely that knowledge is worth more! Earl Rosewood, let me give you some tips about trading…”

Marquis Terra might have started giving tips to Earl Rosewood, but Rian was the one who replied. It didn’t take long for the conversation to change to discussions about numerous matters.

Rian was a very lively and smooth talker, and Marquis Terra was a fluent conversationalist. The two of them had a great time chatting while Ren Xiyang ate in peace.



After lunch concluded, the four nobles headed out to the front of the Rosewood summer manor where the prepared carriages and carts were waiting.

The Rosewood Group staff were waiting to see them off. As usual, Kel would be going with Ren Xiyang. Ren Xiyang entrusted the estate and fief operations to the Rosewood council body.

Marquis Terra and Marchioness Terra joined Rian in the Rosewood carriage.

Meanwhile, Ren Xiyang sat on the roof of the carriage. As he had promised Kel, he floated every normal carriage and cart and made quick progress towards the Imperial Capital. The horses that should have pulled the normal carriages and carts ran alongside them—with no burden, they could move a lot faster.

Inside the carriage, Marquis Terra looked around with a sharp eye and then gave smile to Prince Rian. “It’s very smooth and comfortable,” he said.

Marchioness Terra nodded slightly in agreement. “If it were not for the scenery outside the window, it is as though we are not moving at all.”

“Then Marquis Terra and Marchioness Terra understand why a single flying carriage has been priced so,” Prince Rian replied with a similar smile. “For anyone who travels frequently, a flying carriage is indispensable.”

Marquis Terra had been more sceptical during lunch. But now that he was sitting in the flying carriage, he had to rate the carriage’s qualities higher. However, he was also a businessman and he knew the kind of profit they would make from him…and the kind of profit he could make by reselling these carriages in his own country.

“Prince Rian speaks clearly, this carriage would benefit many if marketed appropriately. If we are to become business partners in the future, shall we not talk frankly?”

“Please go ahead. I trust Earl Rosewood’s evaluation of you, he has praised the glass windows you provided him numerous times to me.”

And so, Prince Rian and Marquis Terra had another lively chat.

By the end of that few hours’ trip, Marquis Terra had placed an order for a custom flying carriage (with an appropriate discount), and Marquis Terra, Prince Rian, and Earl Rosewood signed a new trade agreement.

Both Marquis Terra and Prince Rian were satisfied with the other: clear, direct businessmen were refreshing to work with!



Ren Xiyang stopped the contingent when the outskirts of the Capital were in sight. Everything was re-arranged: horses and donkeys were connected back up to their respective carriages and carts. Marquis Terra and Marchioness Terra disembarked the Rosewood carriage and boarded their own carriage.

Rian also disembarked and entered his floating Imperial carriage. As a prince of the Imperial Azure family, it wouldn’t do to arrive in the Imperial Capital in a Rosewood carriage.

Ren Xiyang settled back in the now empty Rosewood carriage. With that, the contingent finally entered the Capital. They moved through the streets slowly: many commoners flocked to the streets to watch the Imperial carriage pass by. Prince Rian indulged them, waving from inside his carriage.

The contingent eventually separated: the Rosewood party headed to the Rosewood capital house, while Prince Rian continued to the Imperial Palace. Marquis Terra and his group also headed to the Imperial Palace, where he would be hosted during his time in the Sedaverian capital.

The further Rian was away from Ren Xiyang, the more serious he became.

He had been waiting for his 15th birthday. In just two days, he would be finally instated as the Crown Prince again, and the next stage of his plans could begin.



In early spring, the weather was still cold and there was a chill in the wind. However, on the important day of the proclamation of the new Crown Prince, mages worked to make sure it wouldn’t rain.

For Rian, the day began very early with last-minute preparations. He had a small breakfast with his immediate family, before changing into his prepared clothing.

The largest square in the Capital was located in the inner city, in front of the Capital Town Hall. A large stage was set up right in front of the Town Hall. Then came the seating for the nobility and distinguished guests and ambassadors. This area was blocked off with clear shields, behind which the commoner audience had to stand.

The commoners started to arrive first, followed by the steady stream of aristocratic carriages, some of which were the floating kind.

There were also many people on the streets between the Imperial Palace and the Town Square.

At 10:30 am, the Imperial procession departed from the Imperial Palace. Floating carriages, beautiful warhorses and stern-faced Royal Guards dressed in their finest proceeded down the street at a slow but momentous pace.

Street goers arched their necks to catch glimpses of the Imperial family inside their carriages.

Ren Xiyang was seated among the other aristocracy when the Imperial Family arrived at the Town Square just before 11 am.

Rian looked extremely regal and poised as he disembarked his carriage. White boots stepped down onto the red carpet that was laid out. As he walked, his deep blue cape fluttered, revealing a sharp military jacket and long legs wrapped in slim white trousers. He walked up the stairs to the stage with the rest of his family. His smile was light and restrained as he acknowledge the audience.

There was a slight burn in Ren Xiyang’s chest as he looked at Rian’s tall figure. He suppressed the sensation—he already knew that Rian was handsome, there was no need to have such a weird feeling.

Prime Minister Mauvine came up to the stage.

As King Edric gazed across the square, the Royal Guards took their cue and called out, “Quiet!

The audience hushed.

Prime Minister Duke Mauvine spoke first. A spell ensured that his voice could be easily heard throughout the square and beyond, yet without being overly loud to the nearest people. “I warmly thank everyone for their attendance today. We are gathered here, first to celebrate the fifteenth birthday of the eldest prince, His Highness Prince Rian Azure of the Kingdom of Sedaveria.”

He paused, giving time for everyone to clap. Upon the signal of the various Royal Guards, the audience became quiet again.

“We are also gathered here for a second reason. Please welcome His Imperial Majesty, King Edric Azure of the Kingdom of Sedaveria!”

“We greet His Imperial Majesty, King Edric Azure of the Kingdom of Sedaveria!” the crowd repeated.

Prime Minister Duke Mauvine stood aside as King Edric stepped forward. He held a golden sceptre with a powerful magic crystal. His rich deep blue cape edged with white fur trailed behind him and his golden crown shone upon his head.

“Welcome, everyone, to this fine morning,” King Edric said. “Firstly, I would like to wish my eldest son, Prince Rian, a happy birthday.”

Prince Rian bowed his head. “I thank His Imperial Majesty for the well wishes.”

King Edric’s gaze swept across the audience. “Prince Rian has been diligently studying. In the past few years, he has taken on increasingly many responsibilities for the Imperial Family. He has personally established the Royal Healers’ service and helped countless Sedaverian citizens. I believe that Prince Rian is now ready to step up and take on another mantle. That is…”

He paused for dramatic effect.

“I hereby proclaim that Prince Rian Azure of the Kingdom of Sedaveria is Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Sedaveria!”

Clapping burst out.

Rian smiled and bowed to his father. “Your Imperial Majesty, I am filled with heartfelt gratitude at being proclaimed Crown Prince. I will complete my duties and responsibilities to the best of my abilities and uphold the good name of the Imperial family and our Kingdom of Sedaveria.”

King Edric inclined his head in acknowledgement.

Queen Mira spoke: “His Majesty King Edric Azure has proclaimed that Prince Rian has become the Crown Prince. We congratulate the new Crown Prince. Crown Prince Rian has previously supported myself and His Majesty in the duties of the kingdom and the Imperial family and we look forward to the Crown Prince’s work in the future.”

Prime Minister Duke Mauvine followed up, “His Majesty King Edric Azure has proclaimed that Prince Rian has become the Crown Prince. We congratulate the new Crown Prince. Crown Prince Rian has worked sincerely for the people of Sedaveria with the creation of the Royal Healers’ Service. We, the people of Sedaveria, have deep respect for Crown Prince Rian. Best wishes for the Kingdom of Sedaveria to flourish!”

The other Dukes—including Duke Schauss—also stepped forward and gave their personal best wishes, and then King Edric spoke again:

“It gives me great joy to proclaim the new Crown Prince. It is my hope that you will successfully fulfil your duties as Crown Prince and go above and beyond the expectations of the Sedaverian people. Together, the Kingdom of Sedaveria will flourish.”

“All in attendance, please congratulate Crown Prince Rian!” Queen Mira said.

Magical stars of light and delicate ice fell gently over the stage as Prince Rian turned to face the audience. He placed a hand on his chest and bowed.

The nobles in the central square started clapping, but that was quickly overwhelmed by the roaring cheers and clapping from all the commoners in attendance.

Rian raised his head, happy and proud and solemn all at the same time. When the clapping eased, he said, “Thank you to everyone for your well wishes! I will work hard for our kingdom! Together, the Kingdom of Sedaveria will flourish!”

With that, the clapping and cheering swelled again. “Crown Prince Rian! Crown Prince Rian!”

Rian enjoyed everyone’s attention. His gaze swept across the attendees and accurately found Ren Xiyang.

Ren Xiyang’s lips formed words. Congratulations, Prince Rian. There was a slight smile on his lips, but there was a provocative look in his eyes, as if he was saying—now you’re the crown prince, I expect more from you. Maybe you could beat me in a duel eventually.

Rian inwardly scoffed but his smile brightened.







Did you see how I finally named the Angio king? XD

Also, the crown prince ceremony was based on this reference:

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