These Side Characters Have More Important Things To Do

Chapter 98: This is all Prince Rian’s fault!

“So, what does Prince Rian want to talk to me about?”

King Augustus looked down upon the Sedaverian envoys. They were a mixture of young and old mages.

The most powerful was perhaps that lightning mage in their midst, but King Augustus was the most powerful lightning mage on the continent.

The most interesting was Earl Rosewood, the youngest of the envoys. With his straight posture and bland expression, that boy didn’t seem to know fear. Yet.

The annoying point was that they looked less sweaty and messed up than he expected. Especially that Earl Rosewood.

Crown Prince Rian took one step forward and smiled. “I am in awe of your kingdom, King Augustus. Our kingdoms have a deep history together. We are the closest neighbours, and I believe that both our kingdoms are stronger and more prosperous when we are allied. We have gifts, I hope you will accept them.”

“Bring them in.”

Sedaverian Royal Guards entered the throne room, carrying numerous chests.

Angian servants took the chests and carried them to the base of the stairs leading up to King Augustus’s elevated platform. They opened the chests and showed them to King Augustus.

One chest had Sedaverian delicacies, kept in ice; one had a set of silver plates spelled to detect poisons; one had scented oils and soaps and candles; another had luxurious Sedaverian cloth; and another contained finely written magical charms.

King Augustus leaned back on his throne and waved his hand. His servants carried the chests away. “Cheap goods for a prince of Sedaveria. You’ve given more away to charity.”

Prince Rian’s smile didn’t falter. If anything, it became brighter. “Your final gift could not be taken up to the castle. It is a floating carriage, awaiting your customisation. Unlike ordinary flying carriages, your carriage is more spacious, more comfortable, and can fly higher, faster, longer.”

King Augustus was partially appeased. He knew that Prince Rian could make better flying carriages than the ones he sold to other nobles. “Aurelia, go down and examine the carriage.”

Princess Aurelia bowed. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

After she left, King Augustus propped his elbow on the right armrest of his throne. In a lazy tone, he said, “As for my gifts to you…”

Angian servants quickly walked over with two objects. One was a large squarish object covered in a cloth, and the other was in a rectangular box. The servants pull back the cloth and opened the box, showing the contents: a portrait of King Augustus, and an ornate horse saddle.

“Do you accept?”

Prince Rian bowed. “Thank you. This is a fine portrait of yourself, and a beautiful horse saddle. We Sedaverians cannot ride as well as Your Majesty, so forgive us if we display the horse saddle instead of using it.”

“These aren’t your only gifts. Your final gift is ten tonnes of wheat. I have taken the initiative to distribute it among the common people of Angio for you.”

Prince Rian raised his head, with a softened smile. “I’m very grateful for the third gift, King Augustus is too thoughtful.”

King Augustus smirked. “Now, whether our kingdoms are allied or not depends on fate. And on what you can do for me.”

“—And what you can do for us,” Prince Rian said, with a faint smile.

His smiles were starting to annoy King Augustus.

Prince Rian continued, “Sedaverian has produced a number of new technologies in recent years. Meanwhile, Angio has many resources that we would like to buy. I believe we could have a trading relationship that will benefit both nations.”

“We don’t need your ancient technology,” King Augustus said.

Prince Rian inclined his head in acknowledgement. “It is indeed ancient, compared to a world with flying vehicles that would take an hour to go from this castle to the Sedaverian Imperial Palace.”

King Augustus’s eyes narrowed. “An hour. And you think you can make such a carriage.”

“Given time, talent, and resources,” Prince Rian said.

King Augustus snorted. That sounded like all those researchers and inventors who wanted money for their grand ideas. He straightened on his throne. “There is one thing I’ll like to know, Crown Prince Rian.”

“Yes, King Augustus?”

“If your father truly wanted diplomacy, why didn’t he come himself? You should have stayed in your kingdom and attended school for a few more years.”

“Perhaps he wants me to learn about the ways of the world,” Prince Rian replied with a humble smile. “There is much for me to learn, including from yourself, King Augustus. Through this trip, I have learnt about different governing and management styles and opened my eyes to alternative city planning. I will take this back to improve Sedaveria.”

King Augustus was inwardly cocky. Of course Prince Rian learnt many new things while in Angio. “Then we shall await the improvements in Sedaveria,” he said in a languid manner. “I should say, congratulations on becoming the Crown Prince, Prince Rian.”

“Thank you, King Augustus. Congratulations on your thirtieth year as king of Angio.”

King Augustus smirked faintly. “Hm. Now, introduce yourselves.”

Duke Mauveine stepped forward first and bowed again. “I am Duke Raoul Mauveine, Prime Minister of the Sedaverian Imperial Parliament. Thank you for hosting us, and pleased to make your acquaintance.”

Next was Count Aegean, then Earl Rosewood, then Lord Celeste, and finally other non-important people.

After the last unimportant person finished, King Augustus said, “You must be tired from travel. I invite you to the evening meal in the Great Hall. Your rooms have also been prepared in the ambassadors’ suites.” He gave them a wave of dismissal.

The Sedaverian envoys bowed. Angian servants led the Sedaverians away.

Princess Aurelia returned after they left. She got down on her knee. “Reporting to Your Majesty, the floating carriage passes all initial checks.”

“Get some of those self-proclaimed inventors to study it and take it apart,” King Augustus commanded.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

As Princess Aurelia left, Prince Marcus crossed his arms. “Your Majesty, those Sedaverians wouldn’t dare to hide anything in your gifts. And even if they did, none of their little tricks would work on you.”

King Augustus’s gaze was a touch indulgent towards his favourite child. “One cannot be too careful. Once our researchers discover how they’re made, I’ll have one made for your personal use.”

Prince Marcus smirked. He bowed. “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Princess Marcia said nothing. She bowed when dismissed and headed in the opposite direction of her twin brother.



As others walked to their rooms, Rian grabbed Ren Xiyang.

Florence, who had been about to say something to Earl Rosewood, closed her mouth and quietly headed into her rooms.

Rian pulled Ren Xiyang into his room and cast a privacy spell. But for good measure, he pulled Ren Xiyang close and whispered into his ear.

“I want you to be yourself at dinner,” Rian said meaningfully. “King Augustus is a man who would laugh mockingly at your honesty. I want you to goad him.”

Ren Xiyang raised an eyebrow. “Oh, so you don’t like him after all?”

“Oh, and you do?”

Ren Xiyang didn’t deign a response, but Rian could read his expression. He let go of Ren Xiyang’s arm.

“Now go clean up before dinner. And thank you for that little boost walking up the stairs.” Ren Xiyang had made their feet lighter, making the walk much more easy; and he had wicked away heat, thus reducing the need to sweat.

“Thank you very much for your benevolence.”



King Augustus had a single long table set up in the great hall. He and his five children sat at the head of the table, while the Sedaverian envoys on one side and the highest-ranked nobles from Angio sat opposite them.

A handful of elite Sedaverian Royal Guards stood behind Prince Rian, vastly outnumbered by the Angio Guards around the hall.

Angio servants served the first course and poured drinks for all at the table.

When a servant came to Ren Xiyang’s side, Ren Xiyang covered his hand over his glass, magically pushing the alcohol back into the bottle before it spilled. “Can I get a glass of water or milk instead?”

The servant stiffened, glancing up to the head of the table.

King Augustus caught the movement. “Oh? You don’t like the wine I’ve had served, Earl Rosewood of Sedaveria?”

Ren Xiyang looked at King Augustus and said blandly, “I’m a powerful mage. I don’t drink alcohol, as there is a nonzero risk that I would burn down the castle around me while intoxicated.”

King Augustus narrowed his eyes. “You have great confidence about your abilities to believe you could accidentally burn my castle down. I heard that you dealt with numerous bandit raids in Marquis Terra’s land.”

“I also heard about your recent suppression of bandits in Angio’s north,” Ren Xiyang said calmly. “It was an interesting experience. I haven’t met any bandits for a long time. As you know, many people in my fief don’t need to become bandits due to the strong social welfare system.”

King Augustus’s face darkened. “I’ve heard of your bottomless charity. Quite surprising that you lower yourself in front of Prince Rian, despite having defeated him numerous times.” He then ‘relaxed’ back in his chair, and smiled tauntingly. “But then again, you mages in Sedaveria don’t undergo the rigorous raining my mages do. I’m afraid you would lose to even a ten-year-old here.”

Ren Xiyang: “…” Did King Augustus think he was some ‘hot-blooded’ teenage boy who could be goaded? In reality, it was King Augustus being goaded by him.

Expressionlessly, Ren Xiyang said, “Oh, you are wrong, I can defeat a ten-year-old. I heard you are a powerful lightning mage. I don’t know if you are more powerful than Duke Storm. Can I challenge you to a duel?”

King Augustus narrowed his eyes, annoyed at Earl Rosewood’s flat tone. A powerful lightning mage? He was the most powerful! Where was the reverence? Earl Rosewood seemed completely unfazed, cocky and confident.

“I like your attitude!” King Augustus said, slapping the table. “Let’s duel!”

Ren Xiyang stood up—it would be consistent with his ‘hot-headed’ character profile. “I’ll fight right now if you pay me 5000 Sedaverian gold.”

The Angio princesses and princes and lords and ladies present all felt incredulous. How could this Sedaverian be so stupid? Has he come here to die? How could he say such a thing on the first dinner here!

Count Aegean inwardly frowned. He glanced at Prince Rian—why was Earl Rosewood challenging King Augustus? Earl Rosewood never took the initiative to challenge someone! Prince Rian must have something to do with this!

Duke Mauveine: “…..” His jaw tightened. Earl Rosewood must have been told to do this by Prince Rian! Didn’t Prince Rian listen to all his lessons about diplomacy?!!

King Augustus let out a laugh. “Hah! Hold your horses, Earl Rosewood! We will duel the day after. Don’t become a coward, now!”

Ren Xiyang sat down. “Fine. I guess you don’t have 5000 gold to spare. That gives us time to write and sign a contract.” He turned to Rian. “Your Highness, can you help me?”

Rian put on a concerned expression, looking hesitant. “Earl Rosewood, I’m afraid this is not a good idea—”

BAM! King Augustus slapped the table. “Earl Rosewood has agreed!” During the meeting in the throne room earlier, Earl Rosewood had remained quiet, and Prince Rian had been a nuisance. But now that Earl Rosewood opened his mouth, King Augustus understood the true annoyance among this group of Sedaverians.

Importantly, King Augustus didn’t like the look of Earl Rosewood, didn’t like how he and Prince Rian meddled in Angio. When he and Prince Rian sent charity wheat to Angio last year, King Augustus’ standing was damaged. Crushing Earl Rosewood would be the perfect lesson.

“No, you’d lose,” Prince Rian said to Earl Rosewood. “King Augustus, please decline Earl Rosewood’s challenge.”

Duke Mauveine’s jaw tightened. Prince Rian must have been planning this for a long, long time. Those diplomacy lessons hadn’t swayed him at all. It was too late to retract Earl Rosewood’s challenge and Prince Rian knew it.

“Earl Rosewood has made his own decision,” King Augustus said.

Rian hesitated. “Then…”

Ren Xiyang raised an eyebrow. “If you’re afraid, why don’t we duel King Augustus together?”

Rian frowned. “That’s not a good idea,” he said in a quiet tone that King Augustus heard.

King Augustus grinned, all sharp teeth. “Why, that’s a great idea!” he countered. “Aurelia, deal with the Sedaverians’ contract for me and set up the field!”

Princess Aurelia bowed her head. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

The prospect of a duel with two Sedaverians put King Augustus in a good mood and let him easily ignore small annoyances. The lightning around his head crackled more than usual, putting fear into the servants who had to serve him, and making the Angio nobles timid.

Princess Aurelia’s eyes hid her thoughts.

Prince Marcus had a bit of a frown.

Ren Xiyang, who had eventually gotten his glass of water, ate calmly. He seemed to be the calmest person at that dinner table, despite being the one facing imminent death in two days.

Rian was also remarkably calm.

Meanwhile, Count Aegean had the biggest headache. He should have known, he should have known!







After Rian comes back to Sedaveria:

King Edric: ....Why are you standing behind a structurally important pillar that I can’t destroy?

Rian: No reason ^_^

King Edric: ....




Thank you to lia, Arro and mero for the monetary support! Can you believe we’re almost up to chapter 100????



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