Thirteen Suicide Notes, Girlfriend Burst Into Tears After The Truth Was Exposed

Chapter 110

110 Jiang Ye…Moved?! (Kneeling And Begging For Full Order)

“Heroes, should not be buried!

Donate lithography machines for Daxia, donate huge sums of money to help impoverished areas, adopt homeless children, and help workers recover their rights…

Everything Jiang Ye does.

All worthy of the word Guoshi Wushuang!!

He Jiang Ye, he can do it!

After the glasses man arranged everything, he sighed and sat back on the chair.

Jiang Ye is so ill that even the doctors at the top cancer hospital in the beautiful country are helpless.

Not to mention yourself!

The only thing men with glasses can do now is to let more people in Daxia know about Jiang Ye, the hero.

At this time, the man with glasses felt a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart!

How about being in a high position?

But still can’t save this big summer hero!!

And according to Jiang Ye’s previous gift lithography machine contract regulations.

Ye didn’t want the officials to publicize their donation of the lithography machine.

He doesn’t need these fake names, he just wants to do something real for Da Xia.

Just like he spends 30 billion every year to help children in poverty-stricken areas.

Just like he spent billions to defend workers’ rights!

The glasses man knows Jiang Ye’s life experience.

Also know about his tragic childhood.

I even know that he is not used to dealing with people, nor is he used to lighting and applause.

So, glasses men respect Jiang Ye’s choice!

He was just helping the Magic Capital TV station to drain traffic.

No other news was announced.

It is precisely because of Jiang Ye’s quality of doing real things that he doesn’t want to be falsely named that he is so impressed by the glasses men.

Although the glasses man is older than Jiang Ye, but…

He really admires Jiang Ye!!

On the other side, the magic capital.

When the host saw the sudden surge in popularity, the whole person was shocked.

You know, at the beginning, only 3 million people were online at the same time.

And now, it has soared tenfold directly!!

There are 30 million people online!!

What is this concept??

Apart from the fact that so many people can be online at the same time during the Spring Festival Gala, there is no second program in the whole summer.

Do you want to fight the gods yourself?!

In the live broadcast room, 30 million viewers asked in tears!!

“Host! Do you know Jiang Ye’s address? Can you go see him…”

“I haven’t cried like this for a long time, I beg the host, I must find Jiang Ye’s address!”

“I really don’t want Jiang Ye to die! But Jiang Ye’s illness is an incurable disease. If… Jiang Ye really wants to leave… Then, let us stay by his side.”9

“Jiang Ye had a very hard childhood, no one loved him and no one accompanied him!

As an adult, I meet the love of my life, but suffer from an incurable disease…

This life has been so miserable, if such a good person is going to die… that is really an injustice of God. ”

The barrage of more than 30 million people is so dense that the host can’t see it clearly.

And when the top management of Magic Capital TV saw this, they made a decision directly!

Let the live broadcast switch to the lens of the foreign reporter from the beautiful country!!

Let the foreign reporters in the beautiful country go to Shanfang Private Hospital to live broadcast Jiang Ye’s specific condition for the whole network audience!

The top management of Magic City TV made this decision, one is for the ratings!

Second, they also want to see the specific situation of Jiang Ye now!!

They also sincerely admire Jiang Ye!

the other side.

Xiaoyue, an expatriate reporter from the Magic Capital of Beautiful Country, suddenly received news from her superiors!

Let her prepare quickly, she will go to Shanfang Hospital to visit the live broadcast Jiang Ye!!

After Xiaoyue learned that there were more than 30 million people online, she couldn’t help but gasped…

She cheered up, took the microphone and took the director and others to Shanfang Private Hospital!!

This is a live broadcast not to be missed!

the other side.

Beautiful Guoshanfang Private Hospital.

Zhou Lu knelt in front of Jiang Ye’s hospital bed, holding her head down and holding the armrest of the hospital bed.

Her tears fell to the ground in large drops, and she cried sparsely!!

She really didn’t expect it.

Jiang Ye is actually the benefactor of the Zhou family!!

It was Jiang Ye who gave the Zhou family an order of 60 million because of Liu Ziyuan’s affection!!

It was Jiang Ye who made the current Zhou family!!

And what about yourself?!

But when Jiang Ye needed the most care, he spoke ill of Jiang Ye to Liu Ziyuan many times!!

Without investigating, Jiang Ye was repeatedly said to be a scumbag!!

After knowing that Jiang Ye was not a scum, but left Liu Ziyuan because of illness, Zhou Lu also persuaded Liu Ziyuan to let go of Jiang Ye!!


what is it…

Secretary Ye said it well.

People like myself are not qualified to visit Jiang Ye at all!!

Zhou Lu’s guilt cry made everyone sigh unbearably.

Liu Tianhua stood aside and said nothing!

The regret in his heart is not much lower than Zhou Lu.

Now I just want Jiang Ye to wake up soon!

Liu Tianhua is ready!

Must be in front of Jiang Ye…

A good apology to Jiang Ye!!

Of course, the most distressed at the scene is still Liu Ziyuan!

Liu Ziyuan held her cell phone and lowered her head, silently shedding tears.

If Jiang Ye can wake up, Liu Ziyuan can even trade her life for it!!

In the past, Liu Ziyuan always thought that she loved Jiang Ye a little more.

But now that she knew the truth, Liu Ziyuan realized that the more love in her mouth than Jiang Ye was just a joke.

While the crowd was silent.

Someone knocked on the door outside the ward!

After Secretary Ye opened the door, Modu reporter Xiaoyue walked in immediately.

Behind her was a choreographer carrying a camera.

Seeing reporter Xiaoyue, Secretary Ye’s face showed displeasure.

Before Secretary Ye could drive Xiaoyue away, Xiaoyue spoke first.

“You should be Secretary Ye.

I’m Xiaoyue, a reporter from the Magic Capital.

We listened to the descriptions of Shouling Uncle Liu, the dean of the welfare agency and others in the magic capital, and we learned about the existence of Mr. Jiang Ye!

To be honest, we really admire Mr. Jiang Ye!

Says our leader!

Heroes like Mr. Jiang Ye should not be buried “”!”

After listening to Xiaoyue’s words, Secretary Ye did not speak, but Liu Ziyuan, who was on the side, spoke first.

Maybe it was Xiaoyue’s words that really moved Liu Ziyuan.

In this way, Satsuki stayed.

The camera was on the bed, but because it was at the door, and there was a curtain in front of the bed. s

So the netizens in the live broadcast room did not see Jiang Ye’s ill appearance at this time.

However, just the atmosphere at the scene made netizens unable to hold back their tears again.

“Is that Liu Ziyuan sitting on the chair… Oh my god, she’s so beautiful. She and Mr. Jiang Ye are so talented!

“Woohoo, it’s really good !! Why is God so unfair, let Jiang Ye suffer from this incurable disease?”

“Could it be that good people don’t live long, and disasters are left for thousands of years?”5

“Woooooo…I really hope Jiang Ye can wake up!

After seeing Liu Ziyuan’s appearance, netizens felt more sorry for Jiang Ye and Jiang Ye.

Liu Ziyuan and Jiang Ye were supposed to be both talented and talented, and they were supposed to grow old together.

Just when everyone was sorry, Secretary Ye took another thing and walked in front of Liu Ziyuan.

Secretary Ye stretched out his hand and handed out the small box in his hand.

“Miss Liu.

This is the diary written by Mr. Jiang Ye for the past four years.

You can take a look. 35

Liu Ziyuan took the diary and gently placed it on her body.

After opening the box, there are six thick diaries inside.

Turning to the first page, it is Jiang Ye’s delicate font.

“September 13, 2016.

Today is the 403rd day that Ziyuan and I have been separated.

After being separated for so long, I have never seen my daughter or Ziyuan.

Does my daughter remember me…

Ziyuan…will you still think of me?

The doctor chatted with me several times.

Ask me what I want to do the most right now.

I said without hesitation that I wanted to go home.

I want to see my daughter and you.

But ah, my disease is getting worse and worse.

It is now serious enough to be inseparable from medical equipment.

In this life, I don’t know if I can see you and my daughter…

I really want to see you again.

I would love to visit our daughter.

I haven’t heard it with my own ears, my daughter is seeing my dad.

Missed my daughter’s growth.

Is my father incompetent…”

This page of Jiang Ye’s diary made everyone around him feel sad.

And everyone in the live broadcast room couldn’t stop the tears!!

“…” Jiang Ye!! You are not incompetent! You are the greatest father in the world!


Now I am also married and my child was born yesterday.

I don’t know how to deal with my children in the future.

Until I saw Mr. Jiang Ye…

Really, he interprets the father’s love really perfectly!!

He really is a great father!

Although I am not one ten thousandth as good as him, in the future, I will be on par with him!

Strive to be a qualified father!

Let’s talk about Liu Ziyuan.

“December 19, 2016.

(Wang Zhao) It hurts!!

I got 13 injections of inhibitor today!!

It hurts so I can’t breathe.

Now the hand holding the pen is so painful that I’m in a cold sweat!!

Every time I can’t stand the pain, I’ll take pictures of you and your daughter.

Seeing my daughter and your smiling face relieves all the pain in my body.

The doctor said that I am recovering well now, and I may be discharged from the hospital after a while.

It can’t be cured, but it can add ten years to my life.

Really looking forward to this day. ”

Seeing this, Liu Ziyuan covered her mouth again…

Tears flowed unsatisfactorily again.

She could see that Jiang Ye was very much looking forward to it!

But reality gave him a resounding slap in the face.

“January 26, 2018.

I had a bone marrow transplant today.

The doctor told me that my condition is well suppressed now, and if I get a bone marrow transplant, my condition may collapse and I can no longer hold back.

But if I don’t donate bone marrow.

My daughter Sissi…

There will be danger!

If I hesitate for a second, it will make her sick

So, I can only choose to transplant bone marrow.

I’m sorry daughter.

I’m sorry Ziyuan.

I may have to break my word again this time.

I can’t… be with you.

… delusional

When everyone read the letter, they didn’t know Jiang Ye on the hospital bed, and his fingers moved slightly.

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