Thirteen Suicide Notes, Girlfriend Burst Into Tears After The Truth Was Exposed

Chapter 19

19 Past! (You Guys Kneel And Beg For A Flower Evaluation Ticket!!!)

Seeing this, everyone raised their heads and looked puzzled.

“That’s not right… Although Jiang Ye is rich, that’s right.

But Xuancai Beauty Group was established by Liu Ziyuan! ! This is someone’s hard work. At that time, Jiang Ye didn’t know where he was so handsome and happy! ”

“Just so. I don’t understand, what does the colorful makeup have to do with Jiang Ye?”

“Jiang Ye wrote in the letter that he helped Liu Ziyuan build the dazzling beauty makeup? How is that possible?! As far as our Ziyuan’s Talent is concerned, do we still need Jiang Ye’s help??”

“I laughed. The dazzling beauty is built by Liu Ziyuan step by step. All of this is based on Ziyuan’s amazing design talent.

He took ten thousand steps back and said that whether Jiang Ye helped or not, gold would always shine. Even without Jiang Ye, Liu Ziyuan can still stand in the magic capital! ”

Obviously, this sentence has caused a lot of controversy!

Before Jiang Ye planted peach forests, Jiang Ye helped dozens of couples overcome difficulties together, Jiang Ye did this to atone for Liu Ziyuan, and they could understand.

But Jiang Ye said that Liu Ziyuan’s dazzling beauty group was established with his help…

Everyone can’t agree with this! !

To say a word, with Liu Ziyuan’s Talent in design!

No matter where, no matter what time!

All will be successful! !

This has nothing to do with Jiang Ye!

If Jiang Ye insisted on putting gold on his face, it can only be said that his face is thick enough.

Zhou Lu was also puzzled.

She came to Liu Ziyuan’s side and asked,

“Ziyuan, as Jiang Ye said, your dazzling beauty group was founded by Jiang Ye secretly helping you?”

Liu Ziyuan shook her head,

“Not really.

If he helped me, I wouldn’t have been unaware. ”

In the past four years, Liu Ziyuan has never realized Jiang Ye’s so-called secret help.

Even if Jiang Ye helped himself once in secret…

Then he wouldn’t be so disheartened about Jiang Ye.

Liu Ziyuan continued,

“four years ago.

I just got a pregnancy report.

At the time, I was still very happy.

Jiang Ye and I discussed that as long as we have children, we will get married immediately.

So, when I first got the pregnancy report, I still had some longing in my heart. ”

Speaking of this, Liu Ziyuan’s face showed a touch of self-mockery.

I want to marry Jiang Ye and grow old together.

However, this is just a beautiful fantasy.

Maybe Jiang Ye at that time was just a joke.

In the end, it’s still self-indulgent.

In fact, what Liu Ziyuan didn’t know was that Jiang Ye also went to get his own medical report that day.

After getting the report, Jiang Ye was stunned in the hospital for half an hour.

After that, instead of going home, he went to the river alone to relax.

He is not afraid of death.

To be honest, he came into this world and enjoyed everything he should have enjoyed.

Death… is nothing to be afraid of.

The only thing he can’t worry about is Liu Ziyuan.

And when she went out in the morning, Liu Ziyuan also said that she would give herself good news.

Jiang Ye knew that Liu Ziyuan didn’t come to aunt during this time.

He also guessed that Liu Ziyuan might have a child of her own.

However, Jiang Ye didn’t have time to be happy, but he was icy and biting by the reality of a basin of cold water! ! !

That night, Jiang Ye smoked cigarettes by the river all night.

The riverside is full of cigarette butts thrown by Jiang Ye…

Seeing Liu Ziyuan’s self-deprecating wry smile, everyone at the scene stepped forward to comfort her.

Jiang Ye really doesn’t know how to cherish such a good girl.

After Liu Ziyuan calmed down, she continued,

“That night, I planned to tell Jiang Ye the good news.

But that day, Jiang Ye’s phone couldn’t get through.

After a long, long time, Jiang Ye returned home.

He is in a particularly bad state, and he smells of smoke…

So, I decided to tell him about the pregnancy the next day. ”

At that time, when Jiang Ye returned home, he was forced to face Liu Ziyuan with his sadness.

That evening. Jiang Ye was the same as usual, but when he was sleeping, he hugged Liu Ziyuan tightly and didn’t want to let go for a moment…

And Liu Ziyuan was still smiling, she didn’t know Jiang Ye’s physical condition at that time.

The doctor told Jiang Ye.

The possibility of his illness being cured is extremely slim!

Even if I go to the world’s top private hospital for treatment, the result is the same.

The cure rate is less than one in ten million.


The doctor told Jiang Ye, let him relax and live a few more years.

That night, Jiang Ye didn’t sleep a night. He wanted to imprint Liu Ziyuan’s appearance in his mind.

the next day.

Before dawn, Jiang Ye went out.

Go to Beautiful Guoshanfang Private Hospital! !

Even if there is only one in ten million hope of healing, Jiang Ye wants to try it! !

It’s not that I’m afraid of death, it’s that I can stay with Liu Ziyuan and the child.

Liu Ziyuan slowed down and took a deep breath,

“When I woke up the next day, Jiang Ye was no longer by my side…”

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