Thirty-ninth Raiders

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Idol Is A Cat (23)

Chapter 25 The idol is a cat (23)

Chenxi turned her face sideways and leaned against the wall in silence.

Where your eyes reach, there are pictures of yourself everywhere. There are posters on the walls, pillows on the bed, and even the cups have their own pictures printed on them… Is this the life of a fan?

…Do you like him that much?

The young man lowered his eyes, his thick eyelashes covered the bottom of his eyes, and trembled slightly.

The young man pressed his temples with his long fingers and heard the footsteps of the girl outside, so he pursed his lips and climbed onto the bed on one knee. A snow-white kitten rolled in circles on the bed, flapping its tail and stepping on the cat to the back of the pillow, its paws hugging him. He leaned on the pillow, showing the tips of his ears from behind.

Yu Chu pushed the door and came in.

saw the kitten still behind the pillow.

She paused for two seconds, looked at her room, and tilted her head: “Do you feel a little strange?”


The kitten has round eyes, and a small snow-white face is exposed from behind the pillow. Paws resting on the pillow, meowing.

Yu Chu squinted his eyes, glanced at the kitten again, raised his eyebrows and said, “It’s very strange…”

bang bang.

The sound of Mother Yu knocking on the door suddenly came from outside the door.

Yu Chu quickly looked around and couldn’t find a place to quickly stuff the kitten, so he stretched out his hands towards the kitten: “Come here.”

The cat didn’t understand what she meant, but she jumped over lightly, and the snow-white little group threw herself into the girl’s arms.

Then Yu Chu opened the door with one hand and shouted without a smile, “Mom.”

After shouting   , he turned his back without changing his face, walked to the desk and sat down.

Mother Yu didn’t even notice that there was a kitten stuffed in her coat. After entering the door, she first looked at the surrounding posters and sighed, “This child is so handsome.”

is different from other parents who oppose star chasing.

Mother Yu was shocked by the appearance of the boy on the poster from the day her daughter posted the poster.

Chenxi’s face is indeed a man, woman, young and old.

Mother Yu looked at the poster carefully and touched the person on the poster with a smile:

“How many more did you change? Why does this kid get better as he grows.”

“It looks good in the first place.”

Yu Chu replied.

Can the fragments of her master **** look good?

Mother Yu admired it for a while, smacking her lips, and then gossip: “You want to see him after the college entrance examination? He is a big star, can you meet him?”

“I can see it if I work hard.” Yu Chu stroked the milk cat in his arms.

It was tucked into her coat, her little face pressed against her thin undershirt. I don’t know what happened, but the whole cat looked very stiff.

Yu Chu sat in front of the desk with his back to Mother Yu, and quietly lifted the kitten out of the collar of the coat, letting it breathe with its small face exposed.

She lowered her head and looked at the pair of cat pupils.

The kitten shrank softly in her arms, with cat ears and a small face sticking out from the neckline, looking up at her blankly. Yu Chu couldn’t help reaching out and poking its face, touching its small white fangs. The cat subconsciously stretched out the pink meat pad to push her, and the fangs lightly bit her fingertips as a warning.

But this warning not only has no deterrent effect, but makes people want to tease more.

Yu Chu smiled, poked his little fangs, and touched the cat’s paw.

The cat was molested to the point of wilting, and was quietly and pitifully nestled in her coat.

After reading the poster, Mother Yu went to the bed and helped her tidy up the bedding and pillows.

Yu Chu blinked, thinking that luckily he had brought the kitten over.

Mother came to the desk: “Would you like to give you hot milk?”

The girl quickly pressed the cat down, pressed it against her heart, and said, “No need.”

Mother Yu touched her hair, “It’s still hot, the college entrance examination will be taken after a while, work harder, and it will be easy after the college entrance examination.”

Yu Chu agreed.

is convenient for going out to warm milk.

The girl quickly locked the door before releasing the kitten from her arms and looked down at it.

The cat bowed his head, with a quiet appearance of being bullied badly.

Even when the girl reached out to touch its little fangs, it just tilted its head, but it didn’t resist, and was so teased that it was powerless to resist.

Yu Chu reached out and nodded its head: “I’m protecting you, and I didn’t mean to stuff you. Why are you still angry with me?”


The wilted cat raised her icy blue eyes with water in them. She stared at her aggrievedly for a while, then as if she wanted to show that she was not angry, she obediently said, “Meow.”

“Little Tiantian didn’t lose her temper.” The girl who got the response was satisfied, she leaned forward with a smile, and pecked her cat ear.

“Little Tiantian, I have given you a good name. Seeing how beautiful you are and how well-behaved you are, the name Tiantian is very suitable for you.”

Yu Chu raised the cat’s little chin.

The cat turned his face sideways and silently refused.

The girl got a little closer, her lips were close at hand: “If you don’t agree, I’ll kiss you bald.”


The kitten’s two small meat pads pressed against the cat’s ears again, and meowed softly.

is powerless.

Chenxi’s kitten pressed her temples with her paws, glanced at the girl’s smile with her cat ears erect, turned her face sideways, and lowered her eyes to suppress the temperature on her face.

Life is not easy, meow meow sigh.

(end of this chapter)

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