Thirty-ninth Raiders

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Idol Is A Cat (5)

Chapter 6 The idol is a cat (5)

I don’t feel it when I don’t look at each other.

A pair of eyes, those beautiful cat pupils were clearly reflected in the lens, a bit of broken blue seemed to be revealed in the pitch black, and the curled eyelashes were clearly reflected in the pupils, looking at her from under the brim of the hat.

Yu Chu was inexplicable, feeling that he saw a kitten, staring at her lazily with his tail curled up, cold and cute.

This is too cute!

She pressed the shutter quickly.

In fact, the two are far away, so the idol naturally didn’t see her.

After she took the photo, Chenxi had already left the airport on the other side, and the rest of the fans couldn’t keep up, so they could only reluctantly wave their arms in place.

Yu Chu looked at the photo.

Every one is perfect.

After she got home, she did post-production on the photo and sent it to [Chenxi is my destiny].

and then posted a Weibo post with photos.

At night.

Yu Chu Xianlai opened Weibo for nothing, clicked into his account, and almost suspected that he had read it wrong, it was not his account.

has actually gained thousands of followers in just a few hours, and the replies under the Weibo post that posted the picture have already exceeded 1,000. Yu Chu opened it in confusion.

【Ahhhhhhh my God】

[Will the blogger be a fairy! This photo is so touching! 】

【Ah, ah, yes, it feels so good! Brother I can! The eyelashes I’m dead, the profile face I’m dead again, when will you marry me, brother! 】

【Dream upstairs】

【Dream +1】

【Ahhh the last one! Did my brother see you, blogger! I am so sour, I am so sour, I am so sour, blogger, you and our baby Chenxi looked at each other! 】

【I am crazy about lemons! Chenxi baby is looking at you! Ahhh our brother hasn’t seen anyone yet, you’re so lucky to be able to take the opposite view! 】

The last picture on Weibo is exactly the front face picture.

Airport photos, it is difficult for the station sister to take a front face.

Because there are so many people, idols won’t notice them, not to mention Chenxi’s indifferent character, and it’s even more impossible to cooperate with the support club and watch the camera to let them take a face.

Besides, this is not an ordinary face photo.

This is looking at each other.

Idol he is watching the camera!

The photos are so beautiful and precious that the fans are going crazy.

Yu Chu watched as his Weibo followers rose wildly.

broke the 10,000 mark in no time.

There are also fans who left a message below: [Sister Fairy, you have over 10,000 followers! Do you want to consider offering a benefit and take more pictures of your brother!嘤嘤嘤]

【Yes, yes, the blogger took pictures really well, and also did a good job in the later stage, is it a professional station sister? I really wish there were more pictures for me to lick the screen.]

[Pfft, but the blogger’s name is really interesting, everyone else dreams of seeing their elder brother as their husband, and bloggers regarding their elder brother as their wife, puff haha]

【Hahaha blogger wake up, it is impossible for our brother to be a husband, let alone be your wife hahahaha, hurry up and continue to take pictures! 】

Yu Chu snorted.

She clicked on the private message page and found that her private message was also fried.

Even the official support club contacted her and asked if she could buy the copyright of this set of pictures, and invited her to join the support club.

Yu Chu flipped through Weibo, intending to quit, but suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar account.

The little butterfly whose ID is called Chen Xijia, left a message under Yu Chu’s Weibo: [Blogger, you are so amazing! Can you get to know me? It’s great that our brother has fans like you! 】


Yu Chu looked strange.

This [Chenxi’s Little Butterfly] is Liu Xiaodie’s Weibo account.

was looked down upon by Liu Xiaodie at school.

I don’t know anyone on Weibo, but I was farted by Rainbow.

Yu Chu took a screenshot of Rainbow Fart.



After half a month.

Yu Chu’s Weibo followers have exceeded 50,000.

She hasn’t posted a new Weibo for the past two weeks, so the Weibo post that posted the picture has more than tens of thousands of comments, and there was a hot search before, with hundreds of thousands of likes and retweets.

is a small fire.

Her city-wide joint entrance examination was also over. Because she won the first place, her parents gave her pocket money to let her do her own free use.

Yu Chu had nothing to buy, and when he was thinking about what to do with the money, he inadvertently saw the topic that was the most searched.

#Huayi Entertainment Fan Volunteers#

What is this?

She clicked on the hot search to browse.

turns out to be a fan benefit!

The official of Huayi Entertainment sent a message saying that by recruiting three fans and joining the company as interns, you can get in close contact with some idols, and may even become an idol’s assistant.

Huayi naturally has no shortage of interns, which is a benefit for fans.

The    time is three days.

Yu Chugang was very relaxed after the exam, and he had a short vacation, so he naturally had to apply for the job.

In accordance with the requirements of the recruitment, she posted a Weibo and @@the official account.

The condition of recruitment is based on Weibo popularity.

In other words, as long as the popularity is in the top three, you can get this spot.

Of course, it is forbidden to spend money to gain popularity.

Yu Chu looked at his 50,000 followers, not sure if he could grab the top three.

As soon as the Weibo was posted, fans immediately left a message: [Ah ah ah, is Sister Shenxian going to participate in volunteer activities! Damn it, the sisters must send this sister up! 】

【Yes, the blogger is really good at taking pictures. If she applies for the job, she can go to the company to see her brother, we must have a lot of benefits! My saliva is going to stay, the treasure blogger will go to me! 】

【Ah, sister, you haven’t posted pictures for half a month! Is it because you can’t see baby Chenxi? 】

【Wake up upstairs! My brother is so low-key and cold-hearted, so I’m sure I don’t see him often, so I quickly send this sister to the heat~ I don’t have any hope for the top three, but my sister can take pictures! 】

【agree! Strongly agree! I didn’t expect the first three, I must send this fairy sister! 】

Yu Chu didn’t expect that, because fans liked her pictures so much, they actually took the initiative to help boost the popularity, and the number of retweets soon reached 10,000.

There is no ordinary account with public certification, it is amazing that Weibo has this popularity.

looks stable!

Yu Chu left a message under his Weibo: [Wow, thank you for your help, if I can go, I must find a way to get close to my wife to take pictures]

The following fans are all hahaha replies.

【The blogger is dreaming again, my brother doesn’t want to be a husband, let alone a wife. Damn, sister wake up, I’m tired of saying this sentence]

【Hey…A lady who is so beautiful in taking pictures, why is she always dreaming! Not awake! 】

【I think it’s good for bloggers to be happy, husbands and wives are the same, it won’t come true, just let the bloggers and sisters call hahaha! 】

【Hi, the truth upstairs is also heartbreaking】

【Miss, stay awake, baby Chenxi is coaxing me on my bed, you can’t get him! 】

(end of this chapter)

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