This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

3.07 ❤ Friendly Fire

This took way longer than it should have, Delta thought.

Delta had had her suspicions on Fe’s attraction to Zoey the second the two of them hard arrived to her store, and Fe’s face had lit up. Before that, even. The debacle with her flipped-up skirt was highly suspicious. Fe couldn’t have known the two of them were going to be the next in her shop, sure, but she’d been in a little too compromising of a situation for Delta to think it had happened naturally.

A certain wide-hipped artificer, Delta suspected, had a thing for exhibitionism.

Which, Delta thought … good choice.

The nail in the coffin, though, had been when Zoey had brought up the ‘convenience’ of the item they’d found. How the ability to store Zoey’s ‘big problem’ away was something she wanted sooner rather than later. Fe had taken too much interest, there, and her eyes had wandered down to Zoey’s crotch, and stayed, for a little too long.

So, how had it taken ten minutes of item-testing musings to get here? Especially when things had started so auspiciously. Delta had thought they were going to get to the good stuff right away.

Because Zoey had been determined to cockblock herself. She’d had her equipment laid out in front of Fe, and she’d chosen to … chat about item theoreticals? For several minutes?

What was wrong with her?

At least Delta had gotten them back on track.

Fe wrapped a hand around Zoey’s cock, and she stared down hesitantly at the veiny, impressive member. Delta’s heart skipped a beat, sympathetically. Honestly, she wasn’t sure why she was so into this. Why did the idea of getting Zoey’s dick wet turn her on? She’d love to take credit for ‘being a good friend’, but that was only half the truth. Delta liked helping Zoey out, but Fe’s hand around Zoey’s cock did about as much for her as it did Zoey, if she had to guess.

“C’mon,” Delta murmured into Fe’s ear. “Don’t be shy. Get down there.” She was still pressed into the shorter girl, and had been since all this had started. Delta was a bit offended her proximity had gone ignored, Fe’s curiosity over the item taking higher priority. Having her body pressed into Fe’s should’ve gotten her all heated up. And it had … just not enough, apparently, to overrule her curiosity.

And no, Delta wasn’t pouting about it.

“It really … is so big,” Fe mumbled back, amazed. Now that her analytical brain had shut off, replaced by her much more primitive, animal one, Delta’s briefly subdued arousal stirred back up.

Zoey’s too. A bead of precum had sprung up at the tip of her gigantic cock, and it twitched in excitement at the imminent activities.

Delta ran her pointer finger across it, collecting the liquid. “Here,” Delta said. “Try.”

Fe didn’t hesitant. She opened her mouth. Delta rubbed the thick droplet of pre-cum around on her tongue, and Fe sucked, her powerful, slippery appendage rubbing circles around her finger. Delta’s heart skipped a beat at the eagerness.

It really is always the nerdy ones, Delta thought.

“That’s a good girl,” Delta said, rubbing her finger around Fe’s mouth, letting it be sucked on. “You like how it tastes?”

Fe nodded mutely, face burning.

“You can have more, you’ll just have to work for it. Now get down there.”

Fe didn’t need further prompting. Fe leaned forward, hand still wrapped around Zoey’s base, and she pressed her lips to Zoey’s cockhead, giving it a gentle kiss.

Delta was torn between which of the two girls’ reactions to watch—Zoey’s, or Fe’s. She settled on Zoey. Zoey’s eyes widened as Fe’s lips split open, taking Zoey into her mouth. She breathed in, back arching in pleasure. She was dressed from the waist up, and was wearing panties, so not much was showing. Honestly, that did even more for Delta, though. Seeing her groan in pleasure while mostly clothed, and, seemingly, though obviously not actually, having nothing done to her.

“There you go,” Delta murmured, wrapping a hand into Fe’s fluffy white hair, between two curled horns. She pressed down, urging Fe deeper onto Zoey’s cock. “A good businesswoman would go all the way, wouldn’t she? All about keeping customers satisfied, right?”

With a gag, Delta’s insistence—both verbal and physical—succeeded: Zoey’s cock slid into Fe’s throat. Delta watched her throat distend out with the size of the object invading it. As amazing as Zoey’s size was for pleasure, the sights it provided was just as fun. The way Delta could see Zoey’s cock go deeper, inch by inch, forcing Fe’s throat out to accommodate.

Delta rubbed her other hand against Fe’s throat, massaging Zoey’s cock through Fe’s skin. Zoey groaned in the background, and it wasn’t only Zoey the feeling was too much for; Fe gagged, and not softly, but enough to have her head jerking up, needing Zoey’s cock out. Delta was a bit disappointed, of course, but while she was happy to help push someone outside their comfort zone, she wasn’t going to literally force Fe to choke on Zoey’s cock.

You know. Unless she wanted to.

Fe had a brief coughing fit, saliva dripping from her lips into her hands as she hacked away. Zoey’s cock glistened with her spit to about the halfway point—which would’ve been ‘all the way in’ for a regular cock. Fe had her work cut out, if she wanted all the way down.

Delta ought to help her out.

“Here,” Delta said. “Get down on the table.”

Fe obeyed, again, instantly. As Delta had picked up on, she liked being bossed around. Delta grabbed Zoey’s cock, then cleared space for Fe as she situated herself.

“Turn around.”

Fe did, so she was laying on her back. A few more instructions, and Delta had Fe situated in the position she wanted.

Fe laid across the table, stomach facing up, and her head leaning over the ledge. Delta grabbed Zoey’s cock by the plate-glass base, then lined its tip up to Fe’s mouth. Fe opened eagerly, neck pointing to the ceiling, and Delta pressed Zoey’s cock forward.

She pushed the object in, slowly but insistently, watching it cram open Fe’s throat.

Delta was fucking Fe’s throat … with Zoey’s cock. For a second, she admired the surreality of the situation, that the dildo in her hands wasn’t a dildo, but Zoey’s actual cock. And she was getting to pleasure Zoey by stuffing open the sheep-girl’s throat with it.

Seriously. So awesome. Delta could get used to the items these lewd shards spat out.

Delta bottomed Zoey out, letting the glass touch Fe’s lips. She admired the way her throat bulged out, and the way Fe tried to fight against her gag reflex.

Then she pulled out, and thrusted back in. Fe gagged at the sudden motion, but her hands didn’t shoot up to ask Delta to stop.

Delta thought she had a good read on people. She liked taking charge, and urging her partners to go further than they would on their own, but she wouldn’t ever force something. She watched Fe’s reactions carefully—as she did all of her partners—for indications that her roughness wasn’t something Fe wanted.

But the way Fe squirmed didn’t leave much up to interpretation.

Delta worked into a rhythm, face-fucking Fe with eager thrusts of her arm, sliding Zoey’s cock in and out with quick squelches, and a background chorus of Zoey, groaning in pleasure, which Delta couldn’t see, occupied with the sheep girl.

The world’s best, and weirdest, sex toy.

Delta glanced over. Zoey had leaned against the table with both hands, face pointed down as she panted. Her hips wiggled side to side in pace with Delta’s thrusting. The weirdness of all this thrilled through her. This wasn’t a toy she was thrusting down Fe’s throat, but Zoey’s actual cock.

Delta picked up speed. The squelching noises of Fe’s violated throat became louder. So did Zoey’s moans.

Fuck, Delta was so turned on. Why was this so hot?

Fe’s hands went up, grabbing Delta’s wrists, and Delta pulled Zoey’s cock out of her throat. She sputtered, like before, as she sucked in oxygen. Fe was eager, but eagerness didn’t mean she didn’t need oxygen.

Zoey panted in the background, taking her brief reprieve.

Delta didn’t give her long. With Fe having recovered, she pressed Zoey’s cock back against her lips, then back into her throat. She was even rougher, this time. She worked Zoey’s cock into Fe’s tight hole with loud squelches, saliva flying from her lips with the jerking forcefulness of Delta’s movements. Fe didn’t protest. She took Zoey’s cock in and out of her throat like she did it for a living. Delta was legitimately impressed. Fe was, as making itself amazing clear, no amateur to face-fucking. Delta’s assumptions from earlier had confirmed themselves. Nerdy girls … what did the world do to deserve them?

Delta slid Zoey’s cock out, letting Fe catch her breath. She set the object to the side, then walked to the opposite end of the long table, to where Fe’s feet were hanging off. She unlaced Fe’s shoes and tossed them to the side. Fe, after catching her breath from her throat-fucking, got to work eagerly, helping undress herself. She knew where Delta was going with this. Fun as a blowjob was, all three of them wanted to get to the good stuff.

Fe’s lower half exposed, Delta grabbed Zoey’s cock, then slapped it down on Fe’s stomach. The hot, veiny member stuck up to the base of her breasts. Zoey’s cock was impressive even laid out against Delta, but on a shorter girl—Fe was even smaller than Rosalie—its size seemed downright absurd.

A normal girl would’ve commented how it wouldn’t fit, seeing it stick up so far up her body. Fe just started panting, then looked at Delta with begging eyes.

Delta slid Zoey’s cock down her stomach, until its shaft was pressed into Fe’s pussy. Delta rubbed the object up and down, delighting in the way Fe wiggled side to side, looking for better friction.

Man. She really wants this.

Delta didn’t blame her.

“Lean up,” Delta said. “Don’t you want to see her reactions?” Zoey was standing to Delta’s side, now, so Delta couldn’t see what Zoey was doing, or what faces she was making. But if Fe leaned up, she could.

Fe did so. She got up on one elbow, propping herself up just enough to see Zoey. Their eyes locked, and Fe’s blush deepened.

Delta dipped Zoey’s cock down even further, pressing the tip against Fe’s lower lips. Delta shook it side to side, gently, digging her cock head between soft folds, and just barely starting to spread them—half penetrating Fe, but not. Fe groaned. Behind Delta, Zoey was making similar noises. But Delta was mostly interested in Fe, at this point. Getting Zoey off was just a bonus.

“Ready?” Delta murmured.


Delta pushed forward, sinking Zoey’s cock into Fe.

Her experience in the shard, with the oversized toy, might have instated a new fascination in Delta—in watching large objects bulge skin outward. Zoey’s cock wasn’t as absurd as the one Delta had ridden, but it was still huge; as Delta pushed forward, sliding Zoey’s cock into Fe’s warm, tight walls, her stomach pushed up in pace with it, Zoey’s member providing a visible indicator of where, exactly, it was venturing. Inch by inch.

Delta placed her hand on Fe’s stomach, following the bulge upward as it traveled. She rubbed in circles against Fe, massaging Zoey’s cock through the skin in the same way she had when it’d been in Fe’s throat.

Fe shivered, placing her free hand over her mouth as she squeezed her eyes shut. Taking Zoey’s cock wasn’t an easy thing, even accounting for Zoey’s skill. It had to hurt, at least in some small way. Hence Delta’s slow advance.

The white plate hit Fe’s lower lips, Zoey’s cock fully inserted.

Fe released a breath, the growing pressure finally ceasing. Her shoulders slumped down.

Delta got to work.

She pulled out, then pushed back forward, sinking fourteen inches back into Fe. Fe cried out and collapsed back onto the table, no longer propping herself up to see Zoey.

Hips could only work so fast. Delta’s pumping arm, using Zoey’s cock as a toy, could move much faster.

Delta jerked Zoey’s cock in and out of Fe, fascinated in the way it crawled up her stomach then down with each rapid thrust. The lewd noises of the two girls picked up at the same speed as Delta’s vigor: the room went from breathless moans, gasps, and groans to outright cries of pleasure. Zoey’s cock squelched with Delta’s rapid, urgent thrusting.

While the woman laid out onto the table was a rapturous enough sight, Delta turned, glancing to her side. Zoey was fully hunched over, now, forehead pressed into the table as she gripped the ledge with white knuckles. Her hips jerked back and forth as if she were the one providing the motion that was giving her pleasure, not Delta. And instinctive reaction—she couldn’t help herself from making her hips move, not with her cock sliding in and out of Fe.

And fuck, it was hot.

For all Delta hadn’t even so much as touched herself, she felt awfully close to coming undone herself. If these two girls were finding this a tenth as scorching as Delta, then—

Fe cried out, hands scrambling at the table. “Fuck! Yes! Please!”

Then that. Fe fell apart under Delta’s thrusting, her back arching as she started to spasm. Zoey’s breath was growing ragged, too, so she was close herself—but not there, yet. Delta continued to pump. She massaged Fe’s stomach as she did, jerking Zoey off with her hand even as her cock pumped into Fe’s insides.

Finally, by the raggedness of Zoey’s breathing, Delta could tell she was a second from coming. She pulled Zoey’s cock out. They hadn’t explicitly discussed where to finish, and Delta had realized too late, so the pulling out was the obvious course of action … much as she’d like to pump Fe full.

Delta pressed the linking plate into her own stomach, stabilizing it, and got to work milking out Zoey’s finish.

Fe’s climax had already wracked through her, and she’d clearly started to grow sensitive, so she didn’t complain about Delta pulling Zoey out. She seemed vaguely not-there, anyway; her finish had crashed through her, leaving her seemingly half-conscious.

Zoey’s cock swelled, and something crashed to the floor as Zoey’s scrambling knocked some piece of equipment off the crowded table.

Here it comes.

Delta watched with fascination as the first hot string burst from Zoey’s cock and sprayed onto Fe’s stomach. White liquid coated the sheep-girl’s body in long, sticky strands. Stomach, tits, face, hair—it got everywhere. Intentionally. Delta sprayed her down. And since this was Zoey’s cock, it just kept coming. Plenty of ammunition to drench Fe with. Delta savored in the sight.

Then, halfway through using Zoey’s cock as a spray-gun … the intrusive thoughts won. An idea popped into Delta’s head, and she’d always been horrible at controlling herself. Still pumping her hand to work more of Zoey’s payload out, Delta pivoted, lips curling in amusement, and she pointed Zoey’s cock at Zoey herself.

Delta laughed delightedly as she hosed Zoey down. The first string caught her on the shoulder, and Zoey, realizing what was happening, staggered up from her keeled-over position.

“D-Delta,” she groaned, legs shaking, and holding her hands up as if she could fend Delta off. “What the fuck are you—“ The next string sprayed across her shirt, drenching her, and to her credit, her hands did block some of it.

“Come on. You like it.” Zoey’s legs were shaking with the strength of her orgasm … and the way her cock was pushing out hot strings in such powerful spurts gave it away, too. “Open your mouth.”

Zoey tried to defend herself for one or two more spurts. Delta’s hand milked expertly away, working as much as she could. She wanted more ammunition.

Whether intentional or not—whether it’d been the pleasure Delta’s hands provided that opened Zoey’s mouth as she whined out her satisfaction—Delta’s next shot was perfect: Zoey’s cock ejected her own hot seed across her face, and into her partially opened lips.

Zoey’s complaints fell away. She let Delta milk her cock out onto her face, giving in, closing her eyes as Delta coated her. Her mouth fell open, and plenty of her own cum sprayed into her mouth, which she let happen. Her legs—and body—were shaking so hard Delta was amazed she was even staying upright.

Finally, Zoey’s twitching finish left her. Zoey leaned heavily onto the table. Her eyes were glued shut by the seed covering her face, which she shakily worked at cleaning away.

Delta spared a glance for Fe. She was seated up, having likewise cleared her eyes so she could open them—having been as coated as Zoey. Her face burned red. She’d liked what she’d seen: Zoey’s reactions at Delta emptying Zoey across her own face.

“Man,” Delta said, admiring the glistening cock in her hands. “I really, really love this item.”

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