This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

4.22 – Dreaming

With Zoey’s arousal having washed away, she would admit the aftermath was the the slightest bit awkward. Fortunately, Maddy also seemed intent on brushing past the horribly degenerate things the two of them had engaged in. Not that, literally speaking, they’d done much degenerate, not compared to Zoey’s new standards. Masturbating in front of another girl? Even with another girl’s teleported pussy, it wasn’t that strange, not compared to a twenty-inch cock bulging her girlfriend’s stomach out, or Rosalie and Zoey sharing a cock to fuck Delta for the first time. But it still felt that way.

Fortunately, they had meaningful distractions to concern themselves with. Maddy’s new spells. Or, spell. The second one she’d sketched during Zoey’s ‘recharging’ hadn’t come out correctly. Apparently, Maddy had been too distracted to formulate complex spell designs. Understandable.

But, her first spell. The one she’d made before the event. That was ready to go.

“It’s the obvious one,” Maddy said. “Arousal. Which, um, probably not something you want to deal with, now. Having just …” she coughed. “But it’s the most fitting to your class, and a novel enough application I gravitated to it. A spell that arouses? A tricky spell to invent, even piece-meal. It might not work. I’ve never heard of such a thing. But I organized the glyphs in such a way that it should.” She frowned. “It can sometimes be an art more than a science, spell design. I hope I got it right.”

“Should I use it on myself?” Zoey asked, studying the diagram, which Maddy had handed to her.

“Well, who else, silly?” Maddy asked.

Maddy paused.

“Oh! Um! I mean—!”

“Myself is fine,” Zoey rushed to assure her. Like usual, Maddy’s innocence—which was only half innocence, she’d discovered—was endlessly endearing. “I’ll do my best. Getting something right the first try is going to be hard, though.”

“Try as much as you need,” Maddy said, cheeks pink. “I’ll critique, like usual. That’s why I’m here.”

Zoey wasn’t sure why she’d suggested she’d use an arousal spell on Maddy. Obviously casting such a strange spell on herself should have been her default instinct. Just, external influence seemed more natural. Or maybe it’d been her pervertedness guiding her. Which, she would admit, existed. After all her recent adventures, she had to concede she was far from a vanilla, blushing dilettante. Her preferences were becoming more refined as the days passed.

Days. Only days? God, what would she look like a few weeks from now, if she’d changed this much in less than a week? Or months, for that matter?

Then again, had she really changed? Or just been introduced to a lifestyle she’d easily accepted?

She focused. She had a spell to test.

Using the diagram Maddy had quickly thrown together, Zoey used her newest arcana specialty and attempted to manifest an arousal spell. The design of the spell defined most of the behavior, but some mental guidance was required, too. In this case, picking a target. She chose herself.

And was surprised to find the spell not fizzle. Though Zoey was improving, and learning to experiment with new spells rather than a single, she hadn’t expected her first attempt to be a success. Especially because it’d been hastily assembled by Maddy. The blue-haired girl hadn’t sounded confident she’d gotten it right.

A hot surge of arousal coursed through her, shocking in its speed and intensity. That, of course, meant Zoey's rather-noticeable equipment, thus having been sated, stirred to life, stiffening and making even her loose pants suddenly very tight.

Though Zoey half paid attention to that. After so many lewd adventures, both contrived and chosen, she'd grown accustomed to dealing with arousal. But produced through a spell? The forcefulness, and lack of stimuli to arouse her naturally, somehow made the effect more intense, not less.

A shaky breath escaped her lips as she fought down a sudden urge to pin down the wide-eyed, blushing girl in front of her.  She wanted to do it so badly. To climb over Maddy and give her fourteen inches of stiff girl cock. To bump around in her deepest reaches, joining their lower halves desperately.

Through great effort, she chased the urge away. Or down. Definitely not away.

"It worked," Zoey said, voice shaky, glancing away from Maddy.

Maddy stared at Zoey. Zoey got the impression some of her previous thoughts had shown through, and that Maddy had read them plain as day. Zoey cleared her throat, still looking somewhere safer. Maddy's robes really were unreasonably tight. Was that intentional?

Obviously not. Equipment dropped from random shards. But fuck, it looked good on her.

“It worked,” Maddy stuttered. "That's good! Um. It’s pretty strong, I'm taking it? It is your third advancement rune, so, um. Makes sense."

Maddy's awkwardness only had Zoey’s urge to pin her down spiking even higher. How was this girl so cute? Zoey knew a quick way to dispel that hesitancy. Once she gave the girl a proper taste of her cock, she wouldn't blush every time the topic was brought up.

Swallowing, and disoriented at how intense the arousal spell’s influence was, Zoey said, "First try. I'm impressed. You said improvising spells is hard."

That, at least, started to drag them back. The spell's effect was dispersing, bit by bit. Not gone, but fading.

Maddy was pointedly not looking at the bulge in Zoey’s pants. "It's not the easiest thing, but I've been training for it forever." The talk of spellcasting was, unsurprisingly, a topic genuinely effective at distracting Maddy. "I really didn't think it would work, though. Haven't ever heard of a spell that arouses someone, so I had to make some big assumptions."

"And the others?" Zoey found it hard to focus. Half because of the spells effect, half because she couldn't wait to test this out with Rosalie and Delta. What kinds of noises–and begging–could she draw out of Rosalie when combining this, some chemical enhancements, and growing Rosalie her own cock, as Sabina had recently invented? Could she gave her girlfriend climaxing without even touching her? That would be a fun event.

Focus, Zoey chided herself.

"Other applications?" Maddy asked. "Let's try out anger, then pain? I have a feeling those won't come as naturally to you, though."

Probably true. The arousal spell had been surprisingly easy to cast on the first try. It aligned to her class.

Further testing was best saved for later, though. Namely, when Maddy wasn't in the crossfire.


Magic lessons wrapped up, Zoey headed back to the guild. Up in her room, she discovered—unsurprisingly—Rosalie hadn’t returned. She wouldn’t for an hour or two, maybe more. Normally, Zoey would fill this time with studying. Especially with Sabina’s new rewards, she found herself both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated.

But there’d been something she’d wanted to test. With how packed her schedule was, some exciting discoveries had needed to be put off. With a moment to herself, the opportunity to experiment had arrived.

[Potion of Expanded Consciousness] - Open the consumer’s mind to the dream world, allowing external influences to delve deep into one’s psyche.

It wasn’t the only potion Sabina had catalyzed that Zoey intended to play with over the following days—the aphrodisiacs and sensitivity enhancers were tragically underused—but she’d been slowly formulating plans for each. Maybe it was best, even, that they’d been left to the wayside. Zoey had a devious event planned for Rosalie’s first time with her own cock.

For now, the dream potion.

Zoey didn’t know what it would do, and, based on the description, maybe she was being reckless by not taking precautions. Then again, what precautions were there? And Sabina had warned her, but not seemed overly worried.

Still, Zoey didn’t simply take a swig and crash on the bed. She made minor preparations. Namely, an alarm, as to hopefully only be out for a cat nap—and possibly cutting off any unpleasant experience, if it turned out to be such—then wrote a note for Rosalie, leaving it on the nightstand, should this end up sinking Zoey into some fugue.

That done, she popped open the dubious potion and downed the vial. It tasted like cinnamon. A more pleasant taste than many of the ones she’d drunk.

Almost immediately, she was hit with a wave of vertigo. She swayed on her feet, then stagged into the bed, only half controlling her collapse. She blinked rapidly, vision already going fuzzy, and fumbled the empty vial onto the nightstand next to the note.

Trepidation, of course, reared up at the sudden, intense disorientation, and how quickly her vision was fuzzing and turning black, but she’d expected it. She settled onto the bed, more of a controlled collapse, then cozied up against the headboard, propping herself with pillows.

Her eyes, impossibly heavy, finally sagged shut, and her head lolled to the side, unconsciousness claiming her.

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