This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

4.24 – ❤ Dream Delving

Kali felt the dream crystallize. One moment, she was blissfully enjoying a tantalizing fantasy at the park, hand slipped into her panties as she rubbed herself, and the next, the dream became both ten times more real, and also blatantly false. Not only was she suddenly aware, but she could feel herself sleeping peacefully in her bed, both in the dream, and there. Two places at once.

She froze, hand stuffed into her pants. Her heart slammed from the tantalizing excitement of a moment earlier, and while it didn’t fade, it shifted. She knew she was dreaming, now.

But the difference in clarity between the fantasy, and what she faced now, was night and day.

Shame surged through her as her hand in retreated. Really. This fantasy, again? At least this time it wasn’t up on stage, pleasuring herself in front of an audience. Her perverted mind had insisted some discretion.

Why did she keep having these dreams?

Well, she knew why. The real question was, why did the idea of exposure excite her so much?

More importantly, what was going on? Why had everything become so startlingly real?

With the crystallization of the dream, and the awareness that she was dreaming, Kali’s thoughts slowed, then picked up. Well, if it was a dream … then no harm, right?

Her heart started pumping faster than before.

Her hand slipped back into her panties.

She looked around. The park-goers seemed so much more like real people, now. She couldn’t describe the effect, since when she’d been dreaming, she’d obviously thought the passersby had been perfectly real-looking, but something about this development had amplified everything. Even if it was a fantasy, somehow the change made things more exciting, not less.

A personal playground, perfect to life.

Kali tugged her book in closer, the shield feeling even more blatantly flimsy than before. And, emboldened, rather than rubbing at herself over her underwear, she slipped her fingers past the last layer of fabric and played with herself directly. Her arousal coated her fingers, and a shaky moan left her lips. She swallowed, astounded at how intense the dream had become. The pleasure, especially, had become incredibly vivid.

Her eyes skirted around, cheeks flushed, searching for anyone who might have caught her or started to grow suspicious. Even if she knew the people weren’t real, the idea excited and terrified her. But nobody had. Though someone would, eventually.

That was the point.

In fact, maybe she should speed the process up. Enjoy this dream to the fullest. She closed her book and set it to the side. She wanted eyes on her. For a crowd to collect and give her disgusted looks as she openly pleasured herself on a park bench. Just how real would this dream be? What would it be like?

Before she could wiggle down her pants, though, and really garner the public’s attention, somebody sat next to her, appearing from nowhere. Kali stiffened, hand still very obviously inside her pants.

“First off,” the tall, stunningly gorgeous woman said, “let me say that you have great taste.” She waved around, as if indicating the park. “I approve.”

Kali stared at the black-haired woman, mouth slightly open, frozen in shock. Her hand was still buried in her panties. And what did Kali look like, right now? How red was her face? Had this woman heard her panting?

Because she’d been caught. By someone real. She could recognize that in an instant, bizarrely, in the same way she recognized the dream’s crystallization. She couldn’t explain the intuition, but she knew without a doubt.

Which meant, in a way, she really had just gotten caught masturbating in public.

Kali swallowed, sliding her hands out of her pants. Shame washed through her, and unfortunately, the mortifying emotions only swirled with her arousal, bringing it higher.

It really was such an unfortunate fetish of hers.

“Who are you?” Kali asked. She was proud to say her voice only wobbled slightly.

The woman was painfully beautiful. Perfect skin, deep emerald eyes, glossy black hair, and curves that stopped her heart. And … something less expected. A noticeable bulge in her pants. Kali’s brain did a little somersault at that. For the obvious reason, but not only that, but the size of it.

“Zoey,” the woman replied, lips turning up in amusement. She’d caught Kali looking, and Kali flushed. “Nice to meet you.”

“What’s going on?” Kali asked. “What is this? Is it your fault?”

Zoey paused. “Sorry? Is what my fault?”

“This dream.”

She looked even more surprised. “You … know it’s a dream?”

“And you. You’re real. Who are you?”

Kali’s questions had taken the woman aback. But Kali knew she was right, and Zoey could read the confidence in her accusations, too.

It took Zoey a few moments to organize her thoughts before she replied, “I stopped by out of curiosity.”

Not really an answer. “Are you a wayfarer?” That was the simplest explanation Kali could come up with. But … how strange. “That can enter other people’s dreams?”


“Why me? Do I know you?” Kali wracked her brain, but she was pretty sure this wasn’t a woman she’d forget.

“No reason. Just coincidence.” Zoey’s surprise was fading, reverting back to her easy confidence. She smirked. “You caught my attention with all this, I suppose.” She waved around. “It’s all a little … perverted, don’t you think?”

Kali flushed. She got the impression Zoey was teasing her specifically because she knew the embarrassment excited her, not because she disapproved.

“And don’t stop on my account,” Zoey continued, the grin widening. “Weren’t you busy?”

Kali’s face burned. But … Zoey was real. In a dream, sure, and Kali didn’t really know what was doing on, but she couldn’t possibly be suggesting that Kali keep going in front of her? To put on a show?

“Or did you want some help?” Zoey asked.

Kali’s heart skipped several beats. Her eyes skirted around the park, checking for anyone who might be watching. She’d picked a secluded spot so she wouldn’t be caught too fast, but there were definitely people passing by. One walked past the bench now; if she’d still been pleasuring herself, the woman would’ve been plenty close enough to see her. Especially because she’d almost stripped off her pants and thrown all subtlety to the wind, indulging in the bizarrely real dream in full, before Zoey had interrupted her.

She wasn’t sure how to feel about this. That apparently a wayfarer capable of entering dreams had stumbled in on hers. That this was a real person who had snuck into her mind. Maybe that ought to bother her more, but for the most part, it didn’t.

Because something else occupied her mind. While she didn’t know, fully, what was going on, she knew one thing. That she was insanely turned on. And second, that a beautiful woman had offered to fuck her in public. To fulfill a long-standing fantasy of hers.

Kali considered herself a fairly reserved person, and under normal circumstances, would never accept such overt, fast-moving advances of a stranger. But this was a dream, however real she knew the mysterious wayfarer was, and this event would be consequence free. A way to indulge in a shameful fantasy in the realest manner she could without, well, serious legal problems.

Kali, in a burst of surprising confidence, scooted across the bench, pressing herself into the strange woman.

“It’s rude to barge into people’s dreams,” she said, and it felt like someone else was speaking the words, “but I guess you can make it up to me.”

Zoey didn’t need further prompting. Her hand replaced where Kali’s had been a few moments prior, sliding down her stomach. So confident. No hesitation. Kali sucked in a breath of air as Zoey’s warm hand trailed down, then into her panties. Digits provided pressure against her slick, needy core.

It felt so real. As if this was happening in person. The differences between this dream world and reality were nonexistent. Yes, she felt her body sleeping in her bed half a dimension away, but it didn’t mute the sensations of Zoey’s fingers playing with her.

How her heart could be slamming so loudly without her waking up was a bit of a mystery. Could she wake up, if she wanted to? Or was she trapped here?

Trapped in the most wonderful sense of the word.

“Is that—is that a dick?” Kali finally asked.

Maybe in the real world she wouldn’t have been so blunt. It felt rude, even here. Then again, Zoey had been rude by invading her thoughts, so fair was fair.

And Zoey didn’t seem bothered. She leaned close to Kali’s ear, and hot breath tickled her, making her shiver. “Why? Do you want to see it?”

“Now? But …”

Kali felt silly as soon as she said the words. They were in a dream. They weren’t actually in public. It was why she’d so brazenly allowed Zoey to start rubbing her pussy in the first place.

Zoey didn’t tease her, though. In fact, she played into the situation. “If it means I get to show off, I’m willing to risk getting caught. Are you?”

Kali shivered for a different reason this time. Maybe this wasn’t real exhibitionism, but she was still painfully turned on.

“And who knows?” Zoey continued, mouth close to Kali’s ear, fingers rubbing away inside her panties. “Maybe this dream is special, now that I’m here. Maybe those people are real. Drawn here. Dreaming, like us, but still real. And they’re about to catch me fingering you out in the open, on a park bench.”

The idea thrilled through Kali, and a groan escaped the back of her throat. It was a non-zero chance. Clearly, something was strange was going on. If Zoey could be here, and be real, then maybe other conscious people had come along for the ride.

For the sake of the fantasy, she believed it whole heartedly.

Two of Zoey’s fingers slid inside Kali, and embarrassingly, her back arched, and she almost fell apart right there. Her hand shot to Zoey’s wrist, stilling her. Zoey stopped.

“Let’s go somewhere else,” Kali said. She wanted to do this right.


“Somewhere less private,” Kali breathed, pulling Zoey’s hand out. “We need a proper audience.”

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