This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

4.26 – Visit

For a short while longer, Zoey explored the sparkling expanse of the dreamworld.

She was disappointed how her lustful indulgences with Kali had been abruptly cut off, but even interrupted, it had been fun. She wondered if she could find a way to meet up with the woman in real life. That park they’d gone to—was it real? She didn’t know the name, but there were only so many in Treyhull; she could probably track it down. Would Kali do the same?

Though maybe it would be for the best if she didn’t. While fun, Zoey was supposed to be minimizing her presence. Plus, she wouldn’t be at Treyhull much longer.

So she wouldn’t seek out Kali, exciting as that event had been.

For now, she sated herself with drifting through the inky expanse dotted with dream orbs, exploring. She thought she had a grasp on how the liminal space worked, but more could reveal itself on closer inspection.

Mostly, Zoey was curious about the ‘links’. The dream orbs had shown themselves to be what she expected—ways to slip into dreams of the sleeping—but she’d yet to fully identify the strands that entangled the structure. Relationships, she felt fairly confident in saying, but hadn’t confirmed it. The most concrete proof she could dig up was that, with some frequency, links from one orb to another included people who looked similar. Family, maybe.

Obviously, that was far from hard proof. But something that edged her suspicion away from ‘unsubstantiated theory’ to ‘slightly substantiated’. Because what other ideas could she come up with for what the links were?

Ten or fifteen minutes into Zoey’s explorations, a suspicion hit her. Something obvious in retrospect. If each of the dream orbs—which represented individuals—had relationship links, did she?

She explored her incorporeal self. On initial inspection, there didn’t seem to be any of the strands that represented ‘links’, and certainly none that were obvious, floating in her peripheral. But on closer inspection, with a deliberate effort to seek them out, she found some. Strands of light trailing into the distance.

Faded, though. Dark gray and barely noticeable, she only caught them after a scrutinizing inspection. And only a few. Since Zoey only had four meaningful relationships in this world—Rosalie, Delta, Sabina, and Maddy—and they were all solidly awake, with Zoey taking a midday nap to play with the dream potion, she assumed the links were inactive, the reason they were gray and faded. The same dulled state that Kali’s dream orb had shifted into upon her waking.

Curious, Zoey followed one of the strands. The endeavor didn’t yield much. She found herself in front of a foggy orb, identical to Kali’s. She didn’t know who it belonged to. The target being awake, there was nothing to experiment with; she could neither invade the orb nor get a hint of what lay inside.

Idly, Zoey sorted through the other strands radiating from her chest, disappointed there weren’t any active ones. There were four prominent, but other smaller strings, too. At a guess, they represented inconsequential relationships. Likely, Fe, the artificer, was one of the larger ‘smaller’ strands, bordering between a real relationship and not. Other thinner ones were truly brief interactions: the dressing room girl she’d enjoyed, Delta’s two dates, the guides that had led them through realms to Treyhull, if Zoey had to make some guesses.

Then, Zoey found a stranger link.

Spidersilk thin, it had been easy to miss. And beyond that, it was … different. Not gray and faded like the others. She’d missed it because of its size. And because it pointed upwards, not sideways.

Even odder, with Zoey’s attention falling on it, the string grew. From hair-thin, it expanded in Zoey’s awareness, from near invisible to pulsating and thicker than the rest. It vibrated in her vision, flaking off tiny crystalline shards. The space around it twisted with chromatic aberrations, flickering from one color to the next, disappearing when she looked at them.

Otherworldly. That was the immediate word that came to mind, watching the bizarre effects.


As if what lay on the other end wasn’t quite human.

Zoey had a suspicion what she’d stumbled onto. For a second, she hesitated. Then, latching to the strand, she followed the path it provided. Rather than horizontal, it led her upward into the sky, away from the sea of dream orbs.

Away from the mortals.

Venturing far above the floating mass of dream orbs, Zoey traced the strand into the heavens. Arriving, the glass ball that met her was larger, thicker, and sparkling in hundreds of colors, the same otherworldly material the linking-strand was made of. Zoey studied the object.

She didn’t intend to fall in. Rather, she was pulled. Before she could even realize what was happening, she sank, against her will, into the consciousness of a goddess.


Cool wind buffeted Zoey, blowing through her hair and across her skin, carrying the invigorating scent of salt water. Above, the sun beat down, washing grassy plains in bright light.

A short distance away, a goddess stood on the edge of a cliff.

Ephy’s hands were clasped behind her back as she leaned forward, peering across the sea churning hundreds of feet below. Her see-through white dress fluttered in the wind, hugging divine curves, and even a sight of the goddess almost stopped Zoey’s heart. Her memories hadn’t done the woman justice. The goddess of beauty, fertility, and lust.

“I wondered when you’d get in contact,” Ephythithys said, not turning to face her. “It’s been almost a week. You’ll make a girl feel neglected, you know?”

Zoey floundered for a response—or even to form coherent thoughts. She had intended to find a way to speak with Ephy, but not today, through the dream potion. It was an awfully convenient result, but at the same time, not. She hadn’t organized what she wanted to say. And when it came to speaking with divine beings, she would rather have been prepared.

“I mean, not even trying?” Ephy continued. “A few prayers? I’m not worth that?” She faced Zoey, and, again, Zoey’s heart almost stopped beating. Ephy pouted at her, exaggerating her disappointment. “Gallivanting across the Fractures, stuffing nubile young bodies full with seed, is what I told you to do. But the world’s ending, you know? You should probably worry about that more than you are.”

Zoey continued to struggle to find words. It was hard to put into words how disarming Ephy’s presence was. Much more so than the first time. Was she doing something?

Ephy smirked, then advanced on Zoey. “Cat got your tongue?” The paper-thin fabric of her dress blew in the wind as she approached. Thin as it was, it hid nothing. Ephy’s body was on full display, accented by the sunlight piercing the material and the way it hugged her curves. The false effort of concealment only made it more tantalizing. It was unfair how gorgeous this woman was. This being was. A goddess. In the literal sense.

“I suppose I’m being mean, not dampening my presence,” Ephy said. “But the admiration. I do appreciate it. I’m a vain goddess, and I won’t pretend otherwise.”

She sighed despondently, then, with great reluctance, the overwhelming distraction disappeared. Or … lessened. Zoey’s thoughts cleared, and she could suddenly think. Her mind wasn’t consumed by the perfect being in front of her.

“Teasing mortals is too easy,” Ephy said. “It’s beneath me.” She stepped forward and whispered, close enough hot breath brushed Zoey’s face, “But at the same time, I do like being on top.”

Zoey swallowed. Not overwhelming and mind-erasing anymore, but Ephy, even holding back her divine presence, was hard to deal with.

“Ephy,” Zoey finally said. “It’s, um, nice to see you.”

She wasn’t sure she meant the words, but being impolite to a goddess seemed unwise.

“Aw. It’s nice to see you, too.” She traced a finger down Zoey’s jaw. “Though, I know you’re mad. You’re not good at hiding what you think, dearest disciple of mine.” She took another step forward, pressing her breasts into Zoey’s, and she looked up with pleading blue eyes. “Maybe there’s something I can do to say sorry?”

“Play fair,” Zoey said, turning her face away. Her heart had already been racing, but having Ephy’s curves pressed into her was producing other unfortunate reactions.

Ones which Ephy seemed delighted by. A hand seized Zoey’s stiffening cock, and Zoey realized for the first time she’d been brought into this … dream world? … naked.

“No, really,” Ephy breathed, pressing her body closer to Zoey’s. “Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”

Zoey retreated several steps, Ephy’s grip slipping from her cock. Ephy pouted.

“We need to talk,” Zoey said firmly. The words came out with more conviction than she admittedly felt.

“We do,” Ephy said. “But it can wait a few moments, can’t it?” She advanced on Zoey, and unfortunately, she couldn’t force herself to retreat a second time. Her grip returned to Zoey’s cock, and a noise escaped the back of Zoey’s throat at the touch. Even just holding her, the pleasure of Ephy’s grip was indescribable. “And it will only be a few moments. I don’t think you’d last very long against me.”

Probably true. If there were anyone who could take Zoey apart in a few short moments, it would be the goddess of lust.

“Plus, I gave you this, didn’t I?” Ephy asked, squeezing. “I’m entitled to enjoy it, aren’t I?”

Zoey’s head spun. She didn’t trust this woman. She wouldn’t say she hated Ephy, but at the same time, she remembered their first interaction. The things she had said. A specific exchange stuck out. ‘Sensuality cares little for consent. Don’t mistake me for something I’m not.’

Possibly this woman was Zoey’s ally, but more likely, Zoey was her pawn. Zoey doubted her well-being was Ephy’s highest priority. And Ephy’s methodology—what she stood for—Zoey didn’t condone, either. 

But with Ephy’s hand stroking up and down her cock, it was hard keep those thoughts in mind.

“We need to talk,” Zoey gasped.

“Then tell me to stop,” Ephy said, smirking. Her hand traveled Zoey’s length. Their nipples brushed together, sending electricity up and down Zoey’s spine. The urge to grab Ephy’s ass and tug her in—or more, pin her down and indulge entirely—was almost overwhelming. How did it feel so good? Just her hand, her body pressed into Zoey’s? She knew why. It was the white-hot aspect of a goddess.

Still, knowing didn’t make it easier to resist.

For a moment, Zoey basked in Ephy’s hand taking care of her, unable to help herself.

She wasn’t sure how she worked up the nerve, but she somehow did. “Stop. We need to talk.”

Ephy’s movements stilled, her skilled digits ceasing their stroking.

Zoey agonized that she’d listened. She’d said the words, but she didn’t know if she’d meant them. She wanted nothing more than for Ephy to continue. To be pleasured by the literal paragon of lust and fertility. If her hand felt that amazing, what would her pussy feel like? And all Zoey had to do to find out was nothing. Allow Ephy to continue.

“You are learning,” Ephy said, amused. “That’s a surprising amount of restraint, for a gigantic pervert.” She sighed, “I knew I made a good choice, but how disappointing. I thought we were going to have some fun.”

She pulled away from Zoey, hand separating from her cock, and leaving her swaying in place.

Her thoughts returned, bit by bit.

“I want answers,” Zoey said.

“I can give some,” Ephy said, with a hint of dismissiveness. She’d expected it. Maybe she’d expected all of this. Zoey’s arrival in the first place, despite her implications of surprise. She was a goddess. Not that Zoey knew, really, what that meant. “But some, I cant. Ask away, dear disciple, and I’ll tell you what I can.”

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