This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

4.40 – ❤ Lured Out

The end result was the slightest bit comical.

Zoey knew she came a lot; she’d become intimately acquainted with the fact in a whole slew of ways. But seeing her payload bulging at the tip of a condom contextualized just how much.

“Seriously,” Delta said admiringly, hefting the collection up and down with two hands. It was still attached to Zoey’s cock, so, despite the absurdity, it was also somewhat arousing seeing another girl worship it. “How do you do this? Has to be magic.”

“I’m glad you had fun,” Mel laughed, poking the balloon of liquid. “Yeah. This’ll definitely be enough.”

“Enough for what?”

“My devious plan, obviously,” Mel said. “This was to save my life, remember?” She pecked Zoey on the cheek. “Which I’m super grateful for. And like I said, I’ll let you do that gross thing in reward. Just have to handle this, first.”

“Gross thing?” Delta asked, her playing with the condom freezing, the statement intriguing her.

“I said,” Zoey protested, “that I’ve never asked for anything of the sort.”

“So you’re turning me down, then?” Mel asked.

A part of Zoey insisted that she did, if simply because it was so weird. But she hesitated.

“Gross thing?” Delta insisted. “What gross thing?”

“She wants to fuck me in the head,” Mel said. “To stir my brains around with her cock.”

Delta blinked several times, then turned to Zoey with raised eyebrows. “She does, does she?”

“I never asked for that,” Zoey said firmly. “Seriously. She just assumed it.”

“Well,” Mel said. “I know you thought it. You just didn’t actually ask.”

“Huh,” Delta said. “Yeah, that makes sense. No way she would. Zoey doesn’t have nearly that good of taste.”

Zoey paused.

“Kidding,” Delta laughed. “Yeah, that’s pretty weird, even by my standards. That said, you better take her up on it. If you don’t, I’ll be disappointed.”


“It’s not like it’s a fantasy you can live out with anyone else. So yeah. I’ll be mad if you don’t.”

Zoey rolled her eyes.

Though with Delta’s approval, she suddenly felt a lot less hesitant with the idea. It was weird … but maybe she wouldn’t insist on refusing, if Mel offered again.

“And let’s get this thing off you,” Mel said, rolling the condom up. “Like I said, time to enact my brilliant plan.”


Mel’s plan wasn’t actually that brilliant. But hey, she had limited resources, and seriously limited information. Around a day’s worth of study of some kind of … bizarre, alien magic-eater wasn’t nearly enough to form a real plan of attack.

The only thing Mel had really deduced was that Mystery Woman liked the lewder stuff that Zoey’s presence had brought to her shard. She’d made that pretty clear in hour one. Mel was still upset that she’d caught the woman—in a human body, strangely—masturbating at full frenzy, then had cut off when Mel had found her, and vanished.

Even if the woman was eating her essence and slowly killing her, that she didn’t want to have some fun first was way more inconsiderate.

Okay, not really. Mel wasn’t suicidal. She’d rather not die. She probably didn’t have the same attachment to consciousness as some mortal creatures, but even so, she had some attachment. She’d never considered the topic too closely. This iteration—this version of her created to handle Zoey’s arrival—was more lucid than any other form she’d taken. More … autonomous. Her thoughts were less clouded. If still rather focused on one thing.

The proof was in how she was ignoring her proper instincts, right now, to handle this situation for her continued survival. The instructions embedded into Mel’s creation urged her to complete the fight with Zoey and Delta—to fuck the two of them mindlessly until someone came out a victor. That was how shards worked. Well, usually in a more violent way, but the general idea—fight to victory—was how they worked.

Instead, she lugged an overinflated balloon of Zoey’s cum out to the edge of the clearing.

Where the woman was watching from.

Not that Mel was certain of that. The creature was astoundingly stealthy. Mel should have a nearly omniscient awareness of her shard—seeing how the shard was her, in a sense—but wherever the creature went, a fuzziness followed. Though, in a way, that meant Mel was always vaguely aware of the creature, too. Her general location, though narrowing it down could be difficult.

But her opponent’s control had been slipping. The creature’s position had been coming sharper and sharper into focus.

She’d been distracted by the display Zoey, Mel, and Delta had put on.

Had quite enjoyed it, at a guess.

Mel knew she had. Zoey was really so much fun to play with.

But to the point—her plan. Her plan was simple. What better way to bait out a perverted creature infatuated with magical essence than the rawest, most powerful form of that magical essence? The energy found in Zoey’s cum was fascinatingly complex—divine in origin, Mel was pretty sure—but it was a rather inert sort of power, too. Not much could be done with it, despite its strength. Not to Mel’s knowledge.

A creature that ate such material, though? And digested it?

The perfect bait.

But she was averse to contact; Mel had talked herself hoarse trying to convince the woman to come speak with her. No amount of pleading or questioning had worked.

So, she had to be trickier.

Not that tricky, though. Sometimes blunt force was the best way to handle things.

Mel hefted up the condom stuffed with Zoey’s cum, which drooped several inches from sheer weight. She held it out in the direction she was fairly certain the creature hid. Mel imagined a rapturously intent gaze leveled her way—only raw self-control managing to keep the creature from pouncing on her and claiming the substance.

“Well,” Mel said. “It would sure be a shame if someone were to waste all this precious, raw magical essence, wouldn’t it?”

She poured some of Zoey’s cum on her chest, then rubbed it around, slickening her already sticky body with the lewd material. She shivered in excitement at the act; though she was focused on this mission, right now, she still had a lot of fulfilling to take care of, afterward. Rubbing Zoey’s cum across her tits, brushing her nipples with her fingers, made her core clench with need. She wanted the dark-haired human to coat her the more exciting way—to paint her straight-on. But this was a fun alternative.

Mel poured a hefty load into her mouth, then rolled her tongue around, tasting Zoey’s thick musk. It was, of course, incredible. The best thing she’d ever tasted. Or maybe second best—Zoey’s cock itself had the lead.

In front of her, the vague impression of a shadow roiled and twisted, as if furious. That made Mel pause, but it also meant it was working. Irritating the creature was her intent.

“It tastes really good,” Mel said, pouring another load out and swallowing. With how much Zoey produced, she’d barely made a dent on the material. “And I’d be more than happy to share if someone wants to come talk with me. Or even show themselves.”

She waited, but nothing happened. Well, beyond the vibrating shadow-mass in the nearby distance. Which wasn’t really a shadow—just Mel’s supernatural understanding of her shard manifesting into something her eyes could comprehend.

She pouted when she got no response.

She tilted the condom, then slowly started letting Zoey’s cum spill into the grass. Slowly—only a trickle.

The shadows grew more agitated.

She increased the flow. It poured out in a slow stream.

They bubbled and turned.

Finally, she tilted it all the way, and a torrent of white cream poured out, pattering into the ground.

A woman materialized from thin air in front of Mel. She lunged forward, then clasped two hands into where Mel held the condom’s tip. The flow cut off, the divine liquid saved by her interloper’s intervention.

“What are you doing?” the creature hissed—a mixture of aghast and infuriated. “Do you have any idea what that is?”

Ruby-red eyes glared at her, and Mel found herself briefly at a loss for words. She’d caught a quick glance of the woman, but up-close, she was even more beautiful.

Mel leaned forward and kissed her.

Red eyes widened in surprise, and then—thank the heavens—she relaxed, leaning back and letting Mel assault her.

Mel knew how to handle this. After swirling her tongue around and mixing the lingering amounts of Zoey’s cum between their mouths, she pulled back and poured a second fresh load. She rejoined the kiss, pushing Zoey’s cum in, swirling it around and sharing it. The thick, musky material traded mouths, before the woman drank greedily, swallowing the saliva-cum mixture they’d created.

Mel poured another load. It was a good thing Zoey had provided so much—after pouring it out, then sharing, she was running low.

Her opponent was so overwhelmed by her attack it was almost amusing. Not just Mel’s skilled tongue and mouth, her tits pressed into the other woman’s, and her knee providing a firm place to rub against lower down, but the more magical sort of assault that Zoey’s cum provided. She drowned in raw, potent essence, and she started to sway in place, standing only with the support of Mel’s free hand on her waist, tucking her in.

“Wow,” Mel said. “You like it even more than me.”

“So … much energy …”

Mel tipped the condom over, pouring it straight into the woman’s mouth. She drank happily, closing her eyes as she basked in the taste—both the literal, at a guess, and the magical. By her squirming lower half, she was hardly immune to lust.

“An infinite supply of it, too,” Mel murmured—which had two brilliant red eyes clearing, then locking to her, hungry. “Bet my shard looks kind of boring in comparison, huh?” She leaned closer and bit the woman’s lower lip, tugging on it. “If you stay here and keep feeding on me, then there’s no more where that came from. But her?” Mel gestured in Zoey’s direction, who watched them with wide eyes. “There’s as much as you want, if you ask for it from the source.”

The woman stared at Zoey’s group.

Unfortunately, contrary to what Mel had expected, she paled, expression morphing to raw panic.

“They see me,” she whispered. “I can’t—Mother’s directive—“

She vanished.

Mel fumbled at the sudden lack of a warm body to lean against. Stabilizing herself, she crossed her arms and pouted at the empty air where her invader had been.

What the words meant—‘Mother’s directive’—she hadn’t a clue, but Mel was almost certain she’d accomplished her objective, even if not in as direct of a method as she’d hoped. When Zoey left the shard, a certain cum-fascinated vampire would almost certainly be accompanying her in the shadows. Why stay here, after all, when there was so much more potent material to be feeding on?

It was all Mel had. The creature could avoid them—and probably overpower them, even—if it wished. Her only option was baiting her with Zoey, so that she left Mel alone.

And Zoey would be fine. If the creature really did want frequent feedings, then Zoey’s blessing—a mantle of heavenly energy—would be more than enough to keep her satisfied. Whatever that creature was, she could drink forever of a goddess’s essence and never make a dent in the reservoir. Zoey was in no harm, and neither would Mel be, assuming she left.

It was as neat of a solution as she could invent.

Mel turned and beamed at Zoey and her group, feeling immensely relieved—and excited for what was to come.

“Okay! Pretty sure that’s handled. Now, it’s time to say thank you.”

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