This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

4.44 – ❤❤ How To Give Head, The Other Way

Content Warning: Unusual penetrations.


Zoey wasn’t sure why the idea was so enticing. Purely because of the strangeness? That was the only reason she could imagine. And maybe some curiosity. Because what would it feel like? It wasn’t every girl that Zoey could stick her dick wherever she wanted. And from the sounds of it, into Mel’s ear was going to be a special experience.

Mel posted up on her knees, kneeling with her back straight. The slimegirl deliberately positioned them pointing toward Rosalie. Zoey had definitely not forgotten about her girlfriend—knowing those blue eyes had been watching her and Delta double-stuff the slimegirl had been one of the many exciting parts to the event.

Though, this.

Zoey paused. “You’re not going to … I don’t know, see me weirdly if I do this, are you?”

Rosalie crossed her arms and leveled something close to a disdainful look at Zoey—in that typically way of hers that was way more adorable than intimidating. Her blush gave the masquerade away.

“Believe me,” Rosalie said. “When it comes to your perversion, there are no more bars to be lowered. Have your fun.” She rolled her eyes. “Besides, this is still technically a boss fight. Do what you need to win.”

Zoey grinned. “Cool.” She focused back on Mel, who was diligently keeping her head forward, her own excited smile on her lips. She seemed to be trying to goad Rosalie into eye contact, but the flustered girl couldn’t manage it.

“Don’t worry if I start acting funny,” Mel said. “Getting my brains scrambled means I might not be able to talk, or whatever.”

That made Zoey pause, but Mel tilted her head and pointed at her ear, and if she wasn’t perturbed, there was no reason for Zoey to be. “Come on. Let’s see what you can do. If I can still form words, it means you’re not trying hard enough.”

Flushing, Zoey shuffled up, trying to ignore—or maybe delighting—in the way violet eyes and blue eyes watched her. Really. This was embarrassing enough without an audience. Especially one that seemed so interested.

She had to widen her stance, and Mel angle her head, to get herself to the proper level. Slowly, she guided her cock tip into the green gelatin of Mel’s ear, pushing away long, thick locks of slime-hair to make access. She stared at the sight for a moment, her cock nudging up against a tiny earhole, and wondered if she was really going to do this.

Gripping Mel’s forehead and the back of her head with either hand, Zoey pushed her hips forward. She guessed she was.

She met resistance. Even malleable as Mel’s body was, this hole simply wasn’t meant for entry. Zoey pushed harder. Mel whined as the pressure, and as the restrictive entry started to spread. Zoey sucked in a breath of air as tightness wrapped around her cock tip, Mel’s ear slowly opening up. She urged her hips forward and helped push Mel’s head into her cock.

Gasping, Zoey’s tip popped in. It was so tight. Mel’s ear squeezed her cock on all sides, so many times more cramped of a space than her pussy or ass. A shiver wracked her as she stared down at her cocktip floating an inch inside Mel’s head. She was inside. Inside Mel’s ear. So weird. But also so good?

“Woah,” Mel said. “If you weren’t so big, this would be so much … much …”

Mel’s muscles went limp as Zoey pressed forward, her words abruptly cutting off.

“Much …” Mel slurred.

Zoey slid several inches deeper, getting her cock deep into Mel’s head. She was vaguely alarmed at Mel’s sudden loss of speech, but she’d been warned of that, and the texture of Mel’s ear was almost overwhelmingly pleasurable. She couldn’t stop if she wanted to. Panting, Zoey’s hips worked back and forth, sliding her member around Mel’s brains. There wasn’t any blockage—Mel’s anatomy was realistic in some ways, but not her head, apparently—but the feeling was still vastly different from anything else Zoey had experienced.

“So,” Delta asked. “How’s it feel?”

Zoey glanced up at her, and, face red from excitement, couldn’t even find it in herself to be ashamed. “Pretty amazing. Kinda … bumpier than usual. And way tighter.” She moaned as she worked into a faster pace. “Hard to describe it, exactly.”

“Gonna try going all the way through?”

Zoey paused. She hadn’t even considered that, for some reason. She was more than willing to try it out, though.

She pushed her hips forward, sinking her cock toward Mel’s other earhole. Pressure once again assaulted her cock tip as she shoved her way through that restrictive opening, and Zoey’s cock popped through, back into air.

For a moment, Zoey relished the sight. Penetrating Mel’s head all the way through, her cock suspended in green gelatin. Strange, but erotic. Her life in general, these days.

“Now that’s something,” Delta said admiringly. “Get going. Let’s see you stir her up.”

Zoey didn’t need to be told twice.

She worked into a rhythm. In long strokes, she penetrated inside and out of Mel’s head, squelching her way through her tight earhole with each thrust. Gooey insides caressed her cock, and Zoey grunted and panted as she got into it. She adjusted position, gripping Mel even more firmly, who went further and further limp with each stroke stirring around her brains.

Zoey was admittedly a bit worried about how she seemed to be fucking the slimegirl into near unconsciousness, but Mel had warned her, and she couldn’t stop if she wanted.

“Come share with me,” Zoey grunted. “Let’s fill her up together.”

Delta, apparently, had been waiting for the request. She shuffled up eagerly, lining her cocktip up. Zoey took a brief second to admire the pale member jutting from between her foxgirl teammate’s legs. That sight wouldn’t ever get old—but for now, it was even more exciting for its newness.

Zoey watched Delta’s face as she pushed into Mel’s ear. Her eyebrows pressed down and her eyes squeezed shut in pleasure, a shiver wracking her. An orange foxtail whipped left and right, showcasing how overwhelming the sensation was. Zoey sympathized.

Delta’s cock slid into Mel’s head, brushing against her own.

The two of them got to work. Their cocks rubbed against each other as they violently stirred Mel’s brains around. Grunts, slaps, squelches, and panting filled the air. A limp slimegirl let her head be pumped into from two directions, still conscious, but only barely, and unable to form words or even keep her head up unsupported—Zoey and Delta had to hold it still as they slapped forcefully inside and out.

“C-Close,” Delta said. “Same time?”

“Yeah. R-Ready too. Go ahead.”

With Delta’s cock rubbing against her own, she felt the moment the foxgirl’s orgasm hit. Zoey gave in at the same time. The first thick white strings spilled into Mel’s head from Delta’s orgasm, and Zoey followed a moment later.

The two girls worked their hips slowly back and forth, caressing out two thicks payloads into the slimegirl’s ears. Their cum mixed around, tinting the green girl white, strands floating around—and more and more ejecting by the second, the coaxing sensation of Mel’s ears working out an even more potent payload than usual.

Finally expended, they pulled out and admired their handiwork. No longer supported, Mel collapsed into the grass, seeming dazed—even vacant-eyed. Honestly, Zoey felt close to how Mel looked; that had taken a lot out of her, too. She’d been squeezed dry.

She knelt down and inspected her, though. The total vacancy in her eyes was concerning, regardless of how she’d been warned. She shook Mel’s shoulder. “Mel? All good?”

Fortunately, she received a response quick enough to prevent a panic, because after a violent twitch of her limbs, Mel’s eyes started to clear.

“Oh … oh. Oh!” Mel shook the haze off slowly—or at least part of the haze. She pushed up and rubbed both sides of her head. “Oh, wow. You two really didn’t go easy on me, huh?”

Zoey blushed at seeing all the sticky strings floating around inside Mel’s head. “Um. Yeah. Couldn’t help ourselves. Sorry?”

Sorry?” Mel almost seemed offended at the word. “It was amazing.” She paused. “Even if I can’t remember most of it.” She shakily stood. “Okay. That favor’s payed for. But we’re not remotely done.”

Zoey hadn’t thought they were. Mel wasn’t nearly that satiable. This boss fight was far from over.

“You know,” Delta said suddenly. “You’re always acting like you have cum for brains, but now you really do.”

Mel and Zoey paused.

Mel burst out laughing. Zoey shook her head in exasperation.

“Guess I have an excuse, now,” Mel said. She stood, then threw herself at Delta, knocking the foxgirl over. Without even time for Delta to respond, the slimegirl had her lips wrapped around Delta’s cock. With her ass sticking up in the air and waggling Zoey’s way, Zoey could intuit what her job was.

And this event wouldn’t be done then, either. Based on the last time Zoey had fought Mel, they still had five or six climaxes to work out. This slimegirl succubus was a definite handful.

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