This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

4.46 – Interlude – Exploration

Sol knew she was being played by that slimegirl, but that did nothing to change the reality of the situation. She couldn’t let that walking producer of literally divine energy—the most incredibly potent essence she’d ever tasted—simply walk away and be lost to her. She had no choice but to follow the woman out of the shard and into the Fractures.

And it was for more reasons than just personal interest. The dark-haired woman was proof that her suspicions were correct: that there was, indeed, a second deity interested in this world. More importantly, one that didn’t seem interested in abandoning the decaying realm to its fate. The exact details of who and why, she hadn’t a clue. But for the good of her people, she needed to investigate. It truly wasn’t just her fascination in the party of three; this was as much a practical and selfless mission as anything.

The problem would be meeting Mother’s directives. She couldn’t reveal herself. Her people’s strategy was fairly consistent: gnaw on the edges of a world, weakening it over years or even decades, before swooping in and finishing things off when the world’s energy had been greatly dampened.

It wasn’t only a tactic to mitigate how many losses they would take in the resulting violence, but sometimes a downright necessity. While Sol’s people were far stronger than the average resident of this world, not only were there many times more of them than they, but the strongest of these individuals also seemed to be enormously powerful. These pocket-dimension shards were exceptional at imparting latent energy onto their delvers: the residents of this world could grow strong enough to cause even the elites among the Famished problems. Not Mother, of course, but Mother was bound by the rules of all divinities.

So revealing her people’s presence was something that couldn’t happen. It was Mother’s highest directive.

That said, clearly there were extenuating circumstances. And Sol could keep an eye on these three women without revealing herself—or at least revealing herself in truth. As much as secrecy was needed, so was discovering what was going on with another Prime’s involvement.

She would infiltrate their society and report back later.

It was, even she could admit, something of an excuse. She’d wanted to explore more of this society since arriving to this world—a desire she had for any world her people invaded, but especially this one, being so much more interesting than the others.

She’d always been more curious than her brothers and sisters. They were too occupied with their hunger—and so was Sol, to a degree, though by the standards of a Famished, she supposed she had far better control of herself. The excessive curiosity made hunger somewhat easier to stave off.

Plus, her thoughts were cleared after having been so thoroughly fed. That delightful load the slimegirl had poured into her mouth would last her days. She’d have to figure out how to extract more in the future, but for now, she was satiated. Divine essence went a long way.

The question was, how would she pull it off? Keeping her true nature hidden while infiltrating their society? There was a reason it wasn’t something her people usually attempted.

She imagined she’d have to masquerade as a human, and in a more direct manner than usual. While her people excelled at stealth, lurking in the shadows might not be the most tenable option. She was more than capable of evading the notice of these relatively low-powered individuals—though the blonde woman concerned her somewhat, especially as she would continue to grow and feed off the shards and environment like all residents of this world did—but Sol didn’t have total confidence in remaining invisible to other more powerful individuals. And since they were presumably headed back to their proper society, there would surely be those she couldn’t deal with so easily.

Hence, a more traditional sort of stealth. Masquerading as a human and integrating rather than relying on her abilities to stay hidden. It wasn’t something the Famished normally did, and especially not Sol, being the Fourth Daughter and prone to more restrictions, but again, there were extenuating circumstances going on—and Sol thought she could manage it. Though young, she thought she did have a better grasp on alien minds than most of her brothers and sisters.

It would still be tricky, though.

Her plan formulated as she followed the three women across the Fractures. Watching them was endlessly intriguing. Sol had cognitively absorbed a crude, if notable, portion of human culture upon taking their form, but it was unrefined and riddled with holes, so observation would do wonders for further learning.

That statement became doubly true as they reached the first outpost. Sol couldn’t help the sinking feeling in her stomach as she ignored Mother’s instructions by so freely exploring the tiny settlement, but exhilaration outweighed it. She snooped around and observed the various people in their day-to-day life. Most were settling down for the night, with the trek to the outpost having taken several hours and the sun setting in the meantime.

As for the party of three she was stalking—Zoey, Rosalie, and Delta—Sol watched them with just as much interest, if not more. Their nighttime activities weren’t so relaxing. Sol watched that event with great interest. It seemed mostly focused on the blonde woman, with Zoey and Delta teasing her about having been ‘pent up’ from not joining in with the slimegirl.

Sol watched from the shadows, and, to her embarrassment and small dismay, a large portion of the event seemed to be Zoey and Delta goading Rosalie about how she was probably being watched, and wasn’t that exciting? The blonde woman seemed to have mixed feelings, but it didn’t stop her from begging to have the taller woman’s cock stuffing inside her, or spreading her legs for what Sol could assume was her own viewing pleasure, especially as the event got more and more heated.

Sol would admit the teasing and taunting from Zoey and Delta on how their ‘spectator should come join in’ was quite nearly effective on her end, consequences and Mother’s directives or not. But she somehow forced herself to stay hidden and instead satisfied herself with watching.

Though seeing so much divine essence pouring into the blonde woman’s pussy, who wastefully just let it fill her up rather than consuming it, was a source of no small amount of incredulity from Sol. She knew humans couldn’t digest the essence in the way she could, but it still seemed like some sort of sacrilege to waste it in that way.

The blonde woman had at least enjoyed it in a more carnal manner. Still, Sol’s heart hurt seeing it drip out, then shortly be cleaned up by towels. Satiated or not, she wouldn’t have minded another snack—she would have made so much better use of Zoey’s finish than the blonde woman had.

More than being fed, too, she had wanted to join in for other reasons. She was unusually attuned to this body’s emotions; lust was shockingly stronger inside her than most other forms she’d adopted. And that was only growing more true as she spent time around the champion of the lust goddess. Sol was vaguely concerned about what that meant, but she couldn’t find it in herself to see it as a bad thing.

The next day, Zoey and her team continued the trek forward with the help of a guide they enlisted. Hours of quick travel later, they’d arrived to a stunning city suspended in the canopies and branches of gargantuan trees. Sol’s exploration of their society began in earnest, and she also settled on what her future plans would be.

While revealing herself to the goddess’s champion was off the table for now—though she doubted she’d keep to that conviction forever—she needed to get a better handle on this world and its various races. How else would she properly masquerade herself or lie to Zoey and her team, when she eventually decided on how to handle that situation? Subterfuge could only be learned through experience.

To help with her future missions, she rummaged around inside the three girl’s inventories. It was a rather tricky feat, sliding into that dimensional working, but she had experimented with it while they were sleeping, and none of the three seemed to be aware she was doing it. She didn’t have as great of hopes managing that against more powerful people, but these three were, while not outrageously low-powered, far from the strongest this world had to offer, and so she could get away with some things she couldn’t elsewhere.

She borrowed a few items from Zoey. Namely, some of those potions she’d given to Delta to grow that appendage between her legs. If Sol was going to explore this ‘city of Treyhull’, then she might as well have a few tools to make the event more interesting. She was a curious girl. And in the same manner they had teased Rosalie about, Sol was also quite ‘worked up’, after all the events of the past two days.

She’d already decided to ignore Mother’s instructions, so she might as well enjoy herself. A new weapon to aid her in her exploration of Treyhull would be quite welcome, in that regard.

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