This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

5.02 – ❤ Doubled Up

The transformation only took a few moments, but the sensation was a bit disorienting. As when Delta had grown her own equipment, several loud, rather inappropriate noises escaped Zoey as she wiggled in place, having to rest against a nearby counter to stay standing. Zoey thought the experience might be even more intense for her, since creating a second weapon of her particular size took some additional effort.

Before she knew it, not only was she the wielder of a single fourteen-inch girl cock, but a second had joined it.

“Well?” Sabina said. “Come here. Let me see.” She stayed at her workstation, carefully measuring and distributing ingredients, but an interested glance toward her told Zoey she was invested in what was going on, for all her stoicism might suggest otherwise.

Happy to show off, Zoey approached, her two members stiff and at attention. They were stacked on top of each other, which was how Zoey had hoped it would be. The ideas were already spinning around in her head. What would this be like, with Rosalie and Delta laying on top of each other? Even thinking about it made her dizzy. Both cocks had a bead of precum leaking from their tips in anticipation.

Though she supposed thinking about other girls when Sabina was here was a bit rude. She pushed those thoughts away. Instead, other ideas intruded. Two cocks for two holes. If her partners had thought they’d been stuffed full already, how would they fare against two of these monsters? Would there be enough space? Just how much of a bulge would it create? Zoey was intensely interested in finding out.

“They’re not identical,” Sabina noted. “Come here.”

Zoey did as she was told. Sabina stripped off her gloves, ignoring her previous work, then bent forward and inspected each of Zoey’s cocks with a keen eye. The clinical nature was, like usual, as exciting as if Sabina had been drooling over them, though Zoey wasn’t sure why. She was given the impression of a pretty doctor giving her a less than appropriate inspection. She gripped each of Zoey’s cocks and turned them side to side, cataloging the result of the potion.

“Not identical,” she confirmed. “Veins in different places. Marginal curve variance. Nearly identical volume, though, from initial appraisal.” She leveled a serious look Zoey’s way. “More importantly, I’m hoping for double output. We have collections to make up for.”

“I’ve been studying,” Zoey said with a grin. “So hopefully I can get pretty far in the quiz.” She hesitated. “Well, couldn’t study that much, but definitely here and there.” There’d been downtime during the trip. She’d managed to do some reading while plodding along back to Treyhull, though it wasn’t the easiest task. She would quiz herself while walking and reference the alchemy book to verify.

“A diligent student,” Sabina said approvingly. “Come. I’ve got something else for you.”

Zoey was instantly intrigued by that statement, considering the previous ‘something’ had been a potion that doubled her up on cocks, and she followed Sabina out of her laboratory and up to her living quarters—and finally to her special room. The usual racks and shelves of lewd equipment had her heart slamming in her chest, her two cocks throbbing in anticipation. But more importantly, where the adjustable metal chair usually sat, a different device had been arranged. Sabina’s plan today wasn’t, apparently, to strap her down and deviously milk her, but rather, something else.

The structure came up to her hips and had a large cylindrical component resting on four bolted-down legs. A pink, bumpy opening was at the mouth of the device, and it had two handled bars for grabbing onto. It didn’t take a genius to tell what it was meant for. An extraction device that Zoey could stand and hump herself into, emptying herself into the plastic-looking bulge at the other end.

“Wow,” Zoey said.

Sabina tsked, sounding amused. “That’s for if you do well,” she scolded. “Don’t forget. Progressive rewards. Keep you focused on your studies.”

“The rewards are supposed to be you,” Zoey said. She coughed. “Not that it doesn’t seem fun,” she said, glancing at the toy. “But it’s definitely you I’m interested in.”

Sabina’s cheeks colored at Zoey’s bluntness, and that had been exactly the point. She’d bludgeoned one reserved girl with compliments, and it had worked wonderfully—so why not two? Sabina was certainly not Rosalie, but that particular strategy, she felt would be effective here.

“Well,” Sabina said. “We can work me into the event somehow, then. Perhaps I’ll lay on top of it and you can use your imagination.” Her composure had recovered quickly, ignoring Zoey’s bluntness, and she turned an immaculate, quirked black eyebrow Zoey’s way. “Worry about getting that far in the quiz, first, ambitious student of mine. Here, take a seat.” She gestured at a chair tucked against the wall.

Zoey obeyed and sat. To her delight, Sabina followed, straddling her lap, and sandwiching Zoey’s two cocks against her ass. She was still fully dressed and in her lab coat, but Zoey knew the first quiz questions would quickly rectify that.

“Waiting and ready,” Zoey said, grinning up at her. “Let’s hear it.” Without her hands strapped down, she couldn’t help but resting them on Sabina’s hips. The urge to adventure further was pretty intense—especially with her stern teacher straddling her bare cocks—but she kept herself in check. The foreplay of the quiz was, honestly, nearly as much fun as the rewards.

Like usual, the first question Sabina asked her was as simple as they came: something Zoey should have known simply from Sabina’s first introductory lesson. Her reward was a stripped lab coat and Sabina’s body on display. Her lacy black bra and underwear were something that made Zoey miss the second question, which Sabina scolded her for but secretly seemed pleased by.

Zoey ran her hands across Sabina’s stomach, thighs, and hips as she followed up with the second question, and surprisingly, Sabina didn’t stop her. Zoey suspected that for all Sabina seemed to be less affected by lust than most girls, she’d also been looking forward to this. Maybe some experiments with lewd ingredients had gotten her worked up at some point, even. Surely playing with aphrodisiacs and sex potions all day had to have some accidental results.

Still, Zoey didn’t let her hands wander too freely: Sabina was letting her enjoy her body more than usual, but she knew she was bound by the usual rules. Answer questions, get rewards.

The fourth question was where the real fun began. Rather than Zoey’s hands doing the exploring, Sabina herself became adventurous. Lifting her hips up to free the two impressive members trapped and throbbing beneath her ass, she wiggled Zoey’s cocks up between their bodies and started stroking away. In a rare display, Sabina was even the one to become distracted—she stroked and rubbed Zoey’s two cocks, sandwiching them together and two-handing it, and otherwise enjoying herself as she explored, and only two minutes later did Sabina blink, then look up at a smirking Zoey and realize she’d forgotten to ask the next question.

She took it in her usual unruffled manner, though did seem somewhat surprised at herself. Sabina wasn’t the kind of woman to lose focus often. Two fourteen-inch girl cocks, though, was apparently enough of a fascination to break that trend.

She asked the fourth question, teasing and stroking the ridges of both of Zoey’s cock heads with her fingers, and Zoey couldn’t help but think that was outrageously unfair. Having two members pleasured was, in fact, twice as difficult to resist, and her only saving grace seemed to be that how much pleasure she could tolerate also seemed to have doubled. She briefly wondered whether a climax meant they’d both go off, or just the one that’d been taken care of.

As expected, question four indicated things were ramping up, and Zoey needed to chew over her answer before giving it. Of course, if she hadn’t had Sabina on her lap, twisting her wrists and doing her best to chase away Zoey’s higher-cognitive abilities, then she could probably have answered in a much smoother manner. Not that she was complaining, but she did feel like this arrangement made her seem slightly less versed on the topic of alchemy than she actually was. She was no expert, she knew, but she had been putting good effort in.

Satisfied with Zoey’s response, Sabina stood. “Okay, then. You can play with the big toy. You’ve earned it. Come here.”

She stood and swayed her hips over to the center of the room, and Zoey eagerly followed. And she definitely wasn’t imagining it—she could tell Sabina was looking forward to Zoey slapping her hips into that thing as much as she herself was. Her stoic teacher was a bit worked up and wanted to watch Zoey have fun. Great news.

She wondered, briefly, what the next rewards would be. How was Sabina going to ‘work herself into the event’, assuming she kept getting questions right?

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