This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

5.06 – ❤ Poise

Rosalie had one major complaint about her girlfriend, amazing as she was: she was just so distracting.

On arriving to Treyhull, Rosalie had, naturally, set out to the Guild’s training rooms to continue working on ‘Reach’, her newest third-advancement skill. She’d carried along Zoey’s linking plate. She wouldn’t need to use it until Zoey’s training session with Maddy, assuming the mage was even available today, but Rosalie had kept it on hand just in case. Zoey’s class needed recharging, and it was up to her and Delta to handle that.

Just, how was she supposed to carry around her girlfriend’s fourteen inch cock and not be distracted?

As far as Rosalie was concerned, distractions were the death of a wayfaring career. How could anyone expect to reach the pinnacle of any field when it wasn’t their highest priority? When their mind wasn’t focused one-hundred percent on striving for the peak?

In Rosalie’s case, it seemed the answer was by that same distraction providing ridiculous benefits. Zoey’s class—well, Zoey in general—might occupy her mind to an outrageous degree these days, but it was hard to argue the results earned from teaming up with her.

But those distractions followed her everywhere. It simply wasn’t fair. She was doing her best to stay focused and train with Reach, learning how to bend and twist space as she thrust, jabbed, and even threw her spear, but her mind kept, invariably, wandering back to that item she had sitting on the bench. She was in a private training room, more than able to afford them, and so Zoey’s cock was at no risk of someone passing by and seeing it.

And yes, she could simply store the linking plate in her inventory—they had discovered early on that was safe—and thus halfway solve the distraction, but Rosalie had the item in the first place so that if it got hard, she would take care of it. That was Rosalie’s signal that Zoey needed recharging.

Zoey’s cock had disappeared earlier, which Rosalie could only assume meant she’d been using it on Sabina, that rather stiff alchemist she’d only met once or twice. But it was back, now. Sitting there. On the bench. Fourteen inches of her girlfriend’s cock.

Rosalie shook her head clear, realizing she had, once again, gotten lost in her thoughts. She returned to training.

Another half-hour later, she admitted defeat. With a huff, she sat down on the bench next to her girlfriend’s cock, somewhat sweaty from the effort of using Reach—it was an ability that took no small physical toll, as expected of a third-advancement skill.

Zoey’s cock sat there, soft, but still outrageously large, and equally as tempting. Rosalie glared at it. When Zoey’s cock didn’t response to the scathing look, that only made her angrier.

Since when had her composure been so frail? That she couldn’t even complete a training session without wanting to play around with a toy that’d been left near her? It was genuinely infuriating. She was mad at herself, of course, not Zoey, for all the piercing glare she leveled at Zoey’s member would suggest otherwise.

She needed to start working on her willpower and composure. It was something she had already thought she’d mastered, but recent events had proved that was incorrect.

Rosalie fidgeted in place, some of the anger melting as an idea hit her.

Composure practice.

Keeping control of herself in a difficult situation.

Well … Rosalie could imagine one such event that would challenge her. And it solved another problem of hers, too.

Shivering at the absurd idea, she immediately scolded herself. She couldn’t seriously be considering doing that?

She reached a finger out and traced a digit across Zoey’s length. It twitched in response, and Rosalie jumped almost as much as it did.

Infuriatingly, Zoey didn’t spare a moment to respond to Rosalie’s touch. In less than a few seconds, fourteen inches of veiny, thick girl cock stood straight up in the air, and Rosalie had to hold down the linking plate so it didn’t topple over.

“Really?” Rosalie demanded. “I just have to touch you for you to be ready?”

She sounded angry, but inwardly, she was flushing. Just tracing a finger down Zoey’s cock had made her instantly hard? She was that excited by the idea Rosalie wanted to play with her?

It would be rude to ignore Zoey after getting her hard, Rosalie felt. Plus, she supposed, her idea for ‘composure training’ wasn’t that ridiculous. Maybe a bit strange, but certainly effective.

Rosalie reached out and grabbed her girlfriend’s cock. The warm heat of it pulsed into her hand, and it throbbed in her grip. She stroked up and down, bunching Zoey’s foreskin around her cock tip, then running her hand down, fascinated by the sight of how it shifted in her hand. Something about Zoey’s cock was almost literally entrancing. Because it had been bestowed by a deity? Rosalie didn’t think anything supernatural was going on with her attraction to it. Unfortunately, she might just be a slut for her girlfriend’s fourteen-inch girl cock. Who wouldn’t be?

Unable to help herself, having already gotten worked up from the wildly inappropriate idea fermenting in her head, Rosalie stripped off her boots and pants. She laid herself out lengthwise on the bench, then slapped Zoey’s cock down on her panties, satisfied with the heavy clap of flesh. There was something maddening about how hefty this monster was. It radiated heat into her core, even through her panties. A droplet of precum dripped down, staining the blue fabric dark.

Composure training. And a bit of teasing. It might be a bit mean, but Rosalie somewhat delighted in how the timing might be unfortunate for Zoey—that she might be caught in this situation, with Rosalie playing with her, when she was otherwise trying to focus. Was she practicing potion making while having to ignore Rosalie? Would she have to excuse herself? Rosalie’s lips quirked at the idea.

Shifting her panties to the side, she wiggled her girlfriend’s cock tip against her entrance. She was embarrassingly drenched already, and she didn’t need to pull out lubricant from her inventory; she more than coated Zoey with her own juices, taking care of that problem herself.

Rosalie gasped as she penetrated herself. Her back arched as she pushed firmly, sliding more and more of her girlfriend’s fat cock into her. Her tummy bulged as the monster filled her up to a degree that shouldn’t be possible. It was hard to explain what having Zoey inside her felt like. Only half-way in, her cock tip was kissing her cervix, and her pussy was stuffed imaginably full—and that was only half-way. The sensation kept intensifying as more and more of her was crammed in. Not just full, but supernaturally so. Like her entire body was a sheathe for Zoey’s cock.

Pressing the linking plate to her pussy, she had all fourteen inches in. If she bent in the right way, she could watch her stomach bulge as the unwieldy member failed to fit properly inside her and distended her stomach out. It was a rather intoxicating sight, for a reason Rosalie couldn’t explain.

Her thoughts flickered, of course, to that cock-ring event, where she’d actually been a sheathe for Zoey’s cock. They might have to have another go with that. Maybe Zoey was even working on an easier way to get bigger, using potions? The cock ring was unfortunately uncomfortable for Zoey, so she hadn’t insisted on going a second round. She’d have to ask about alchemical solutions.

Though, bigger? Was fourteen inches really not enough for Rosalie? Well, that wasn’t it—it was more than enough. But she wouldn’t turn down a few more rounds of more extreme play, either.

The urge to start thrusting Zoey’s cock in and out of her, using it as a dildo, was enticing, but that wasn’t Rosalie’s goal.

Composure training. Rosalie clearly needed some of that. And what better way than this?

She pressed Zoey’s cock firmly into her, situating it so it was as deep as possible. She messed with the plate to angle it so that it would sit as comfortably against her pussy as she could manage. Finished, she rummaged through her inventory and found a skirt, since pants wouldn’t work well with this. Skirts weren’t really her style, nor the best for combat—if suitable with the correct fit—but Rosalie made it a habit to be well-supplied, and this was exactly why. You never knew when you’d need something.

She stood. She walked over to the mirror and looked at herself. She looked, of course, normal—besides the flush on her face, which could be explained by a vigorous training session. The linking plate couldn’t be seen through the skirt, obviously, though the object was slightly uncomfortable, even angled properly. But some discomfort hardly bothered Rosalie.

Besides, the real discomfort was the fact that she had fourteen inches of her girlfriend’s cock crammed into her. She turned sideways then leaned backward, watching a bulge appear, running up her stomach and nearly to the base of her breasts.

She shivered as she straightened back out, and Zoey’s cock throbbed inside her. Undoubtedly, Zoey was frustrated that Rosalie wasn’t properly pumping it in and out of her, but she could use the training as much as Rosalie. Who knew what they’d face in future shards? Endurance training simply seemed smart.

Rosalie had a few errands to run. If this crucible she had planned couldn’t teach her how to keep control of herself—being out in public with Zoey’s cock crammed into her—then nothing would.

And no, she wasn’t doing this because it excited her. It was strictly composure training.

She was working on her poise.

Lacing her boots back up, tossing her discarded pants into her inventory, then grabbing her spear, Rosalie set out into the training facility, and into public—with her face burning, and her pussy clenching and squirming against a cock that barely fit inside her.

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