This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

5.08 – ❤ Failure

Fourteen inches of her girlfriend’s cock throbbed inside Rosalie, and it took more willpower than she was willing to admit not to moan.

Oh, gods. She couldn’t imagine the shame of that. Losing composure, and not just in public, but right in front of their potential fourth party member.

Maddy cheerfully barreled through the conversation, oblivious to Rosalie’s plight. Maybe that meant she was doing something right? She felt like a complete mess, inches from falling apart, but Maddy at least greeted her like usual.

“So Delta and Zoey are back too, yeah?” she asked. “Are lessons on for this afternoon? Haven’t had a chance to talk with her.”

“Zoey intended to come find you and ask. So I imagine so.”

“Cool. Sounds fun. Didn’t have any plans, and honestly, wasn’t sure what I would’ve done with myself. Think I’ve been in Treyhull too long. Needa get out again.”

“I’m not one for idleness, either.”

Her voice quavered on the last word, even casual smalltalk too much for Rosalie to work through, and Maddy paused, clearly noticing.

She had to know. Didn’t she? Rosalie’s face had to give it away all by its own.

“Wow, you look beat,” Maddy said. “Went hard on your training session? Or just got done with a spar?”

Her pussy clamped down on Zoey’s cock, squirming against it, and it pulsed back, radiating heat into her. Even after ten minutes stuffed inside her, it stayed rock hard, throbbing with excitement.

“The former,” Rosalie said.

She let out a shaky breath, then strangled a moan before it could escape. Gods, she wasn’t more excited because Maddy was here, was she? That an associate of hers was watching her? Watching her stand there, her girlfriend’s gigantic cock pulsing inside her pussy?

Maddy paused a second time, and Rosalie wondered whether she was actually pulling anything off. The blue-haired girl continued with only a slight hesitation.

“Wanna have a round with me?” Maddy asked. “Finding good sparring partners can be a real challenge.”

“I’m resting,” Rosalie said stiffly. “Just watching the competition, for now. Maybe later.”

“Fair enough.”

A short lull in the conversation. They watched the two combatants go at it for a minute or two. Maddy shifted in place, then glanced at Rosalie. “So. Um. It’s good that I caught you. There’s something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.”

“Oh?” Rosalie said, somewhat faintly.

The radiating heat was starting to suffuse her in entirety, and she wondered whether she would have to cut this conversation short and flee for a safe space. She fought down the growing pleasure, refusing to give in. At a minimum, she would finish this conversation. She hadn’t lasted a quarter as long as she intended, so that was the smallest goalpost she would reach.

“Yeah. Um. I don’t think there’s a good way to ease into this,” Maddy said. “But … I think I know who you are. Like. Who you are.”

That statement, at least, managed to shock Rosalie out of her tenuous circumstances. She stiffened, then turned a sharp look to Maddy, who laughed nervously. Maddy fidgeted as she looked back forward to the ongoing duel.

“Yeah. I mean, you know who my parents are, so you know I’m at least kind of informed. And Rosalie’s a common name, since, you know, the leader of the Deepshunter guild has a daughter named Rosalie. Made it pretty popular.” She gave her a significant look.

Oh, gods.

She could not be having this conversation right now. It was the worst possible time. Rosalie simply didn’t have the faculties available to navigate it. She’d known Maddy might figure her identity out, since she hadn’t taken any grand measures to hide herself, having only intended to be in Treyhull briefly. If she’d known it would be an extended stay, she would have dyed her hair and given a false name. For this exact situation. Normal civilians might not be that aware of what she looked like, though some would, but of course the daughter of a Sovereign—even one that wasn’t especially prominent—could possibly recognize her, the daughter of Enzo d’Celestin.

Maddy’s voice lowered. “You’re just, you know. Too good. Freakishly. I’ve never seen anyone move like you do. It’s incredible. I could put aside the hair, eyes, and name. I’m sure the world’s not crawling with blonde girls named Rosalie, but I also doubt it’s that rare. Even wayfarers who use a spear … though we’re reaching odd coincidence territory, there. But I can imagine there’s only one person as good as you. Only Enzo’s daughter could tear apart Delta like that. You know she was undefeated before you? And you made that first spar look like a joke.”

“I … I …”

This wasn’t fair. This couldn’t be happening right now. Rosalie had been somewhat braced for the possibility, but not when she had Zoey’s cock pulsing inside her, and her pussy clamping down in response, the threat of orgasm imminent.

The shame of her situation doubled. Maddy knew who she was. Rosalie wasn’t just standing here as some pervert who wanted to play with her girlfriend’s cock in public, but as the heiress to the Deepshunters guild.

And that only made things so much worse.

So much better.

White-hot pleasure coursed through her. She, the esteemed daughter of one of the most prominent families in the world, was about to orgasm in the middle of a populated training hall. In front of her potential teammate. Who knew who she was.

The shame roiled in her stomach, and her entire body twitched with an imminent climax. Why? Why did shame and embarrassment make her body so hot? It wasn’t fair.

“I … I have to … I can’t …”

She stumbled as she turned and started to flee. That was a mistake as much as it was necessary. Zoey’s cock stirred around inside her as she strode away as quickly as she could, trying to hide the panic, and a low groan escaped her lips, unable to be stopped like the previous. Someone looked over; Rosalie couldn’t meet the woman’s eyes, simply shuffling forward.

She made it out into the hallway, then gasped as one of her most intense climaxes she’d ever experienced refused to be ignored.

Worse, Zoey must have felt her spasming. Because Rosalie felt her girlfriend start to swell inside her.

No. This couldn’t be happening.

Rosalie groaned as she collapsed to her knees. There were two people in front of her, in the hallway, though neither were looking at her; they chatted with themselves. How had they not noticed? It wouldn’t be long.

How had she gotten here?

How did she feel so good?

A loud moan escaped her, and she rolled onto her back, hips arching upward. She pressed down with both hands on the linking plate, wanting Zoey even a centimeter deeper. The horrifying situation she was in didn’t matter anymore. She just wanted pleasure. For Zoey to finish inside her. To bask in her own ecstasy.

Hot liquid sprayed into her, and Rosalie moaned and whined, toes curling as her hips jerked up and down in little spasms as her climax rushed through her. She wasn’t aware of anyone or anything around her. The world ceased to exist. Shame and burning pleasure vied inside her, then joined, combining into something intoxicating.

She didn’t know how long she lay there, on cool tile floor, hips arched and entire body shaking. Round after round of pleasure crashed through her, Zoey’s sticky finish filling her womb unbelievably full, then spilling out of her, covering her panties, then dripping down her thighs and onto the floor.

Some indeterminable time later, she swam back to something resembling consciousness, Zoey’s cock finally having grown soft inside of her, the amazing pressure relenting.

She opened her eyes.

A wide-eyed Maddy stared at her. Rosalie’s stomach sank. She looked around.

The two chatting wayfarers … weren’t also looking at her?

Nor was another passerby, recently arrived?

She lay there, a pool of Zoey’s cum on the floor. But nobody was looking?

Besides Maddy.

Addled and completely disassembled from her orgasm, it took Rosalie a second to understand.

Maddy had saved her. An illusion. Obvious in retrospect.

Well. Rosalie was saved from the shame of being seen by strangers. From being banned from Treyhull’s guild for obscene behavior. Which would be a phrase that understated this event. But saved from her teammate, and someone who knew who Rosalie really was?

No, she hadn’t been spared from that in the slightest.

For a second, they just stared at each other.

“That … seemed fun,” Maddy finally said, face burling scarlet. “Zoey mentioned the portal panties, but, uh. They’re really getting some good use, huh?”

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