This Bastard is Too Competent

Chapter 113: Good Day

“Let go of me! I will walk with my own feet!”

The crown prince, looking shabby like a beggar, appeared in the palace.  

Next to him, his advisor and close aides, similarly shabbily dressed, were dragged in together.

But despite the crown prince’s dignified demeanor, the Bahara warriors forced him to kneel before Ian. 

“You are in front of His Majesty! Kneel!”


The crown prince, who was forced to his knees, faced Ian with an icy glare. 



“I am Leonic Kahn, the crown prince of Cantum. You will really regret it for treating me like this, Ian Kaistein!”

It had to be.

It was a custom on the continent to treat royalty or nobles with kid gloves when they were taken prisoners.

But Ian broke it and imprisoned him and his entourage in the dungeon.

Even everyone should be well aware of this long-established custom.

The advisor, one of the crown prince’s close aides, clenched his teeth and shouted.

“Why are you discriminating His Highness the crown prince and us! Even you should fear Cantum!”

“Indeed I do.”

“Otherwise, why do you treat the soldiers so well but not us? Only unless you don’t fear Cantum’s public opinion—”

“Shut up! You are in the presence of His Majesty! Insolence!”

The problem was that Ian treated the other people from Cantum well, even the common soldiers.

All of them were treated properly as if they were not prisoners of war.

From medical attention to quality food.

Only the crown prince and his entourage were treated as prisoners of war of the lowest order.

It was only understandable for them to be furious since they had never been subjected to such treatment. 

However, despite being faced with their fierce glares, Ian was calm. 

“Regent Olak! Bring it.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

And he brought a bunch of papers.

His entourage, including Crown Prince Leonic, flinched after seeing the seal stamped on it.

Ian opened his mouth coldly at the sight. 

“You know without me having to tell you, right? About what you people have done.”


“This is evidence that Cantum betrayed Kaistein and made a secret agreement with Bahara.”

Leonic was momentarily speechless. 

It was because it was a document that Leonic proposed to the frontier chieftain of Bahara to pretend to fight.

‘You must have gone crazy to reveal that! Aren’t you afraid of the repercussions?!’

It was a question posed to not only the chieftain of Bahara, to whom he wrote the document, but Ian as well. 

There was no way that those who did not fight Bahara’s enemies due to conspiring with them would not go unpunished.

Nonetheless, Ian raised his voice, his eyes chilly.

“You don’t have to worry about him. I won’t punish anyone serving Bahara.”

“Then why should we…”

“However, as the supreme commander of the Northern Expedition, there are some things I can’t just let slide.”

Ian shouted loudly so everyone could hear him. 

“I will never show any tolerance or forgiveness to those who exploit and betray my country and homeland!”

At that, Leonic’s advisor shouted with a pale face. 

“It, it’s just one of the operations that took place during the war. It has nothing to do with prisoner treatment…”

“Even if the said operation destroys Bahara and Kaistain to occupy both countries at the same time?”

“H, how do you know that?”

“Shut up! Wouldn’t the people of Cantum who were used by you know? I will not waste the citizens’ hard-earned money on you! Not even a single crumb of bread!”

Despite Ian’s harsh words, the advisor hurriedly opened his mouth.

“B, but, by the custom of the continent, being treated as a prisoner for that reason is…”

But that wasn’t the only thing Ian prepared. 


A new document showed up. 

The crown prince’s seal was also stamped there. 

“This one is for instigating my sister to kill me.”


“This is to my second brother.”


“Oh! There was this, too.”

All of them were documents containing information about plotting on Ian. 

Leonic tilted his head upon seeing them. No matter how hard he racked his brain, he didn’t recall ever stamping those documents. 

However, the advisor and the close aides showed different reactions. 

‘W-why is that…!’

Because this was the result of their actions behind the crown prince’s back.

Unlike Leonic, who only received a verbal promise, they wanted to leave a written document to make sure of things. 

So, those were documents received from Kaistein royals’ aides while the crown prince was away.


‘But how did he know and get them?’

Of course, Ian heard from Nathan and asked his brothers and sisters.  

It was a mistake to leave evidence in the hands of the royal family of Kaistein, the people they should never trifle with. 

Leonic gritted his teeth after seeing his entourage’s complexions.

Judging by the atmosphere, he seemed to understand what had happened.

However, he didn’t show it and smiled instead.

“Regardless, I am of royal blood. I will soon become the emperor of Cantum. This is nothing more than the advisor’s personal misconduct…”

“It’s just the advisor’s personal misconduct, you said?”

“Yes, it has nothing to do with me at all…”

“Is that true?”


Ian smirked. Then he gestured outward. 

“Bring him in.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

This time, it wasn’t a thing

It was the envoy of the empire. Or, to be precise, the sole man who directly received the emperor’s message among the prisoners captured with the crown prince. 

Leonic tilted his head when the envoy appeared neatly dressed, unlike him. 

Why would the envoy show up in this situation? 

“Why are you here? No, more than that, you don’t even pay your respect when you see me.”


However, the diplomat of the empire did not even look at him.

He was too busy gleaning Ian’s mood to even spare Leonic a glance. 

Even though he was a high-and-mighty diplomat of the empire, he bowed to Ian and showed his courtesy.

“Did you call for me, Your Majesty Ian?”

“Tell as exactly as what you told me.”

The diplomat sighed for a moment. 

Then, with a calm expression, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and began to read it. 

“This is the command of His Majesty the Emperor.”

And he brought up a shocking announcement. 

“From this moment on, I hereby strip Prince Leonic Kahn of all his titles and positions. Everything he has done is a personal misconduct of the former crown prince, Leonic. King Ian Kaistein of Bahara will take appropriate actions as he sees fit. That’s all.”

The emperor of the empire abandoned him. 

The emperor, who had already heard all the facts, threw him away without looking back.  

The crown prince had lost so much power and resources, so the emperor had no more business with him anyway. 

At those words, Leonic’s eyes widened to an unusual size.

“Th, that can’t be! Father can’t abandon me like this!”

He was about to jump from his spot. 

His face was full of incredulity. 

No matter how many people doubted his position, he was the undisputable second-in-command of the empire in name and reality. 

And he had to lose everything from only one mistake.

“I will tell the emperor myself. Something must be wrong with this! What does he mean, my personal misconduct? This is the order of His Majesty the Emperor—”

“What are you doing, sinner! Kneel!”

But Leonic had no choice but to kneel again at Ian’s order. 

The Bahara warriors pressed his shoulders hard. 

“Stay still!”

“Unhand me! I said, unhand me!”

Leonic tried to resist by any means. 

However, the warriors’ unyielding hands finally brought him back to his knees.


But it was not the end yet. 

Ian’s next words flowed into Leonic’s ears, who had lost his cool.

No, a new document had been pulled out. 

“This is a letter from your brother.”

“Brother? You mean the second prince? Why did that guy tell you…”

“He said thank you. For eliminating his competitor.”


Of course, such a letter could not have already arrived here. 

This whole thing was Ian’s ruse. 

However, since Leonic was abandoned by the emperor, it went without saying that the second son would naturally ascend to the position of crown prince.

Normally, Leonic would have noticed right away, but he was so enraged now that he could not afford to judge the authenticity. 

Leonic shouted with bloodshot eyes. 

“Ian, Ian Kaistein! You really…!”

But Ian was relentless. 

“Drag him away. We’ll be taking him to Kaistein soon. Keep him locked up until further orders.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

“I will never forgive you! Never—mmph!”

Leonic’s mouth was muzzled with a gag as he yelled in rage. 

His entourage followed him back to the dungeon, whereas the Cantum diplomat was sent back to his comfortable place after a modest greeting.

At that moment, Ian’s golden eyes flashed. 

“Listen up! I, Ian Kaistein, will never forgive anyone who wants to take advantage of Bahara and Kaistein!”

Those in the palace gulped at his words. 


His dignified attitude overwhelmed the audience. 

They instinctively bowed their heads in response to his attitude in dealing with the crown prince of Cantum, Leonic.

And now, it was the moment Ian had been waiting for.

‘It’s finally time.’

Ian’s eyes lit up.

It was because it was for this moment that he summoned Crown Prince Leonic and raised the tension of the war.

So, he called one person.

It’s the Second Princess. 

She was the only woman among her siblings who did not return to Kaistein.

“Sister, let’s see your skills.”

“What skills?”

The Second Princess tilted her head. 

The regent had been decided anyway, but what kind of work did he intend to leave to her?

But Ian said with a smile. 

“From now on, I will make Elizabeth Kaistein, the second princess of Kaistein, the chancellor of Bahara.”



“During my absence, she will assist Regent Olak in running the state affairs.”

Everyone was greatly taken by surprise by Ian’s words. 

It was inevitable.

“F-female chancellor!”

“Even if she is His Majesty’s sibling, it is unprecedented for a woman to take part in Bahara’s state affairs…”

The key figures of Bahara stood up in response to Ian’s decision. 

No, it’s the same for the Second Princess. 

She shot Ian an urgent glance. 

‘Are you crazy? All of a sudden, the chancellor?’

‘Didn’t you want the chancellor’s seat?’


‘I did, but…’ 

‘Then show me if you really deserve to be a chancellor. Let’s look at the results at Bahara first.’

The Second Princess bit her lips at Ian’s provocative gaze. 

‘Yeah, I’ll show you that I deserve to stand by you.’

However, Olak, the regent, expressed reluctance toward Ian. 

“Until now, in the history of Bahara, there has never been a woman as chancellor.”

“The same is true for Kaistein.”

“If that’s the case, it becomes even more problematic. Moreover, even if that woman is Your Majesty’s sister, to have a fragile woman leading us in Bahara…”

Right then. 


The Second Princess stomped on the floor with fiery eyes. No, it wasn’t a mere stomp. 

The ground cracked under her feet. 

Ian’s eyes gleamed. 

‘As expected, my sister also had an Oath.’

It must be the power she had been hiding. 

And yet, she showed that power.

“Who dares question my eligibility! I am Elizabeth Kaistein, the second princess of Kaistein, and a contender to the throne, like His Majesty Ian!”

This went to show how much she coveted the position of chancellor. No, this expressed her will to become the chancellor of the country that would rule Kaistein and the continent along with Ian.

An imposing aura exuded from her current self, contrasting with her delicate appearance up until now.

In that very next moment, her cold eyes scanned over the palace.

“Whoever questions my eligibility, follow me! I will take you on!”

Everyone in the palace gulped at her words. 

They were all taken aback by the momentum of the Second Princess, who seemed formidable even at first glance. 

Then, all eyes turned to Ian. 

“Anyone is fine. Those who disagree with my opinion, test her yourself.”

At Ian’s words, the eyes of not only the 25 chieftains but also Yamanta and Olak shone. 

Everyone was going to show him their full skills. 

Once Ian’s permission was given, everyone headed outside. 

Yet, Ian remained in place. 

‘It may be hard to get to Yamanta, but she is capable enough to beat the chieftains and Prince Olak.’ 

The Second Princess did not just have the Oath. 

As much as she competed as a candidate for the throne, she had not only her innate power but also the weapon she got from the trial.

Those two things were enough for her to win the respect of those savage warriors.

‘Well then, there’s only one thing left.’

Ian slowly headed to the terrace. 

A wide, open space spread out before him, where the coronation ceremony had just taken place.

And in the next second. 


As a ray of light burst forth from Ian’s body. 


A hole opened up in the sky coiling with dark clouds.


“Hurry up! We must go to the royal castle quickly.”

The First Princess led her troops in a hurry. 

They were unmistakably the victors in the Northern Expedition, but for some reason, they looked like losers.

It was only natural.

“A lot of resources have been invested into this achievement. This competition is…”

“That’s a matter of course. Since I handed over all my merits to the Seventh Prince, I was pushed by not only the Third Prince but also the Fourth Prince.”

Not only the position of supreme commander, but also her merits. 

It was because there were so many things lost to the Seventh Prince that they suffered heavy losses in this Northern Expedition. 

Her dream of acquiring a new territory had popped like a bubble. 

But it didn’t matter to the First Princess. 

‘I made the youngest the king of Bahara. I’ve dealt with the most dangerous man.’

For some reason, the Second Princess stayed in Bahara. 

The First Princess’s lips curled up into a cold smile. 

‘You picked the wrong rope, my sister.’

The Fourth Prince was walking on eggshells around her. 

Now, as long as she kept the Third Prince in check. 

‘I may have lost this competition, but I will be the winner in the end.’

And she would become the queen. 

Thinking so, the First Princess quickly headed to the royal castle. The Seventh Prince was not here.

She intended to steal the victory and merits of the Northern Expedition. 

However, the marching pace was inevitably slower than expected. 

“Can’t we speed up?”

“I’m sorry, Your Highness. We’re in a hurry enough as it is. We have many wounded and…”

“Why don’t we leave them behind and go on our own?”

“However, if we do, the nobles below will not stay still. Also, there is the matter of the victory ceremony…”

Following the successful Northern Expedition, a large-scale victory ceremony was going to be held. 

Failure to do so would land a blow to one’s face as a noble. The First Princess’s faction, which was a coalition of nobles, might split. 

“Alright. Adjust the marching pace.”

In the end, she couldn’t help it. 

So, after taking a long time, the First Princess finally reached the royal castle. 

Of course, even if she arrived, she couldn’t enter right away. 

“Everyone, stand by outside. I’ll be the only one entering.”

It was because of the victory ceremony. 

As the only one who came early, she had to wait outside until the other siblings arrived. 

By rule, her army should wait outside until the ceremony was over. 

It was when the First Princess headed to the castle. 

“The First Princess is entering!”

She was able to enter the castle before anyone else. 

‘Duke Garcia is still in the castle. If I can get help from him, even if that means I have to give up a lot of things to him…’

If she could anticipate what her other siblings were going to say before they could even open their mouths, she would surely receive merits for all the efforts she made in the Northern Expedition.

If that happened, she could be well-rewarded even if she handed over Bahara. 

As she was thinking so. 


The First Princess’s face hardened in an instant.

It was inevitable.

“Good day, Sister.” 

Ian was waiting for her there.

And he, without a doubt, should be in Bahara.

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