This Bastard is Too Competent

Chapter 135: With Dignity

‘It’s a trial by combat. Not bad.’

Ian was not worried about Fionia, a party of the trial.

Because he saw it clearly with his own eyes.

‘The sight of her leading the Red Wolf to attack the crown prince of Cantum was like a wolf stirring up a flock of sheep.’

She was the only daughter of Duke Lavaltor.

At best, Cardinal Haverion, a former priest, had no chance of winning.

At least try to hurt her even a little.

The Duke would never stand idly.

‘Haverion must be quite a headache.’

Ian mused with a quiet smile. 

Just then, the First Princess approached him.

“Are you feeling alright?”

Her expression didn’t show concern; her voice was curt, as if merely checking on Ian, her rival. Ian somehow felt that she was worried about him. 

However, her faction’s nobles were clearly displeased with her actions.

“Well, a person who was in a coma suddenly moved like this. Is he really not in pain?”


Ian decided to play it up and deliberately started coughing under the watchful gaze of the nobles. 

He even coughed up blood, causing the First Princess to exclaim in alarm.

“What are you saying now?”

“Pardon? That’s not it.”

“Is that something to say to someone who is in pain right now?”

The First Princess urgently grabbed Ian’s body. 

His complexion was so pallid that it was difficult for him to speak. 

No, it wasn’t just his complexion.

 “T-The Seventh Prince’s injury!”

“Blood is flowing from the wound. We need to get something to treat him quickly.”

The bandages surrounding Ian’s body were soaked through with blood, almost dripping. The First Princess scolded him with a reproachful voice.

“Moving around in this condition. Are you thinking straight?” she questioned.

“I’m fine.”

“Fine? With such severe injuries…”

Seeing Ian’s ashen face, the First Princess couldn’t stay silent any longer.

“What are the knights doing? Hurry and assist the Seventh Prince!”

The Blood Lion Knights behind the First Princess stepped forward and supported Ian. However, their expressions showed dissatisfaction.

‘Why do we have to do this…’

Their expressions showed a sense of injustice about why they had to support Ian. But they had no choice.

‘This is all just an act!’

In reality, Ian wasn’t in pain at all. 

He had told the chamberlain to prepare a few things before coming here. 

Bandages and fake blood. 

He even took some herbs to create the pale complexion. 

So, the Blood Lion Knights couldn’t help but be bewildered.

‘He came out with a pouch of blood just to pretend to be in pain.’ 

‘Does this Prince really…’

Among the nobles, who would have expected someone to go to such lengths? 

But they couldn’t show their true feelings.

Before entering the audience hall, Ian had warned them sharply with a piercing gaze.

“If it’s known that I’m perfectly fine, it will tarnish His Majesty’s reputation. So behave yourself.”

Both of them remembered those words clearly. 

So, it was inevitable that they would try to take him out again. 

Ian pushed away the hands of the two knights.

“I’m sorry, sister, but I cannot leave just yet.”

“What! It would be a serious problem if you collapse here. Your well-being is not only your concern. Think about the hearts of those who follow you,” the First Princess scolded him, emphasizing the importance of maintaining his royal dignity.

Instead of answering, Ian struggled to raise his hand and pointed towards Fionia.

“How could I leave when the woman who would become my wife requested a trial by combat on behalf of my sickly self?”


“I cannot leave until at least the trial is over.”

Ian’s attitude was firm. Fionia nodded as if she was worried.

“He hurt my husband-to-be. I must seek revenge. I will defeat the challenger in front of the prince.”

The Blood Lion Knight standing next to Ian was left dumbfounded.

‘Didn’t the lady know that the Seventh Prince is faking his illness?’

‘She said she would seek revenge… What on earth?’

However, the First Princess, unaware of Ian’s deception, looked at the throne as if she knew but had no choice. 

King Eloin sat there, and she raised her eyebrows and gestured towards the judge. 

In response to her gaze, the judge stood up.

“With the authority of this judge, I will proceed with the trial by combat. Guards, prepare the arena.”

Upon the judge’s command, the soldiers swiftly moved into action. 

Haverion shouted in surprise at the unfolding events.

“W-what kind of situation is this? At the very least, I should be given time to prepare for the trial by combat,” Haverion protested. 

The trial by combat was supposed to allow for several weeks of preparation. 

Moreover, he had just been released from prison, and his body was still stiff. 

Despite his opponent being a woman and having learned swordsmanship in his childhood, he felt at a significant disadvantage. 

However, his plea for a delay fell on deaf ears as the First Princess spoke coldly in place of the judge.

“So, are you simply going to wait until the Seventh Prince dies?” 


“Our country values its prince more than a cardinal from another country.”

Haverion was speechless at his sister’s words.

He is also a prince of this country, and they are siblings, so why favor only the youngest?”

But soon the judge’s cold words poured out on him.

“And didn’t you just say it yourself? Because she’s a woman. Is so much preparation really necessary to face just one woman?”


“If you’re afraid of the lady, just say so. I, as the judge, will declare your defeat on your behalf.”


It was the moment when Haverion was about to say something.

“I am already ready.”

Fionia slowly got down from her seat.

She tied her hair back and accepted the sword from the guards. 

Then, she sent a look as if to say she was ready, and questioned why he was still standing there. 

Haverion furrowed his brow at her confident demeanor.

‘These people…’

Despite feeling humiliated and lacking any allies in the situation, Haverion realized there was nothing he could do. 

The trial by combat was about to commence.

“If you are ready, step forward.”

Even the knights who had been restraining Haverion stepped aside and offered him a sword. Reluctantly, Haverion had no choice but to take it. 

Ian observed Haverion’s reaction with a smile.

‘If given time, he would surely come up with some excuse.’

That was precisely why he had feigned illness and avoided going outside, in case someone was assisting Haverion to manipulate the trial by combat. 

Ian’s eyes sparkled, silently challenging Haverion to try anything.

And so, the duel between the two began.

* * *

The cold sensation of the sword gripped in Haverion’s hand snapped him back to reality.

‘How did it come to this?’ 

He had assumed he could simply bide his time, but the situation had not unfolded as he had hoped. Most importantly, there was Fionia standing before him with her sword raised.

‘If I were to accidentally hurt her… ‘

The powerful noble Lavaltor family of Kaistein would turn completely hostile towards him. 

Ever since the engagement had been decided, the Lavaltor family had sided with Ian.

‘But turning the Lavaltor family into enemies was not part of the plan. I should not have provoked them until their power was weakened.’

He had intended to destroy Duke Lavaltor’s territory and soldiers before engaging further. Unfortunately, the situation had already spiraled out of control. 

Nevertheless, Haverion furrowed his brow.

‘Do you think I would lose to a mere woman?’

Especially if that woman was going to be Ian’s wife, he couldn’t afford to lose. 

Even though it had been a long time since he had held a sword, he was still a cardinal of the Holy Empire. 

He could at least protect himself.

That wasn’t all.

‘Why is she not looking at me, but at that brat?’

Fionia’s dismissive attitude was infuriating, but if she saw him as insignificant, there was a way. That was the moment.

“I will commence the trial by combat!”

As soon as the judge spoke, Haverion rushed out toward Fionia.

The nobles screamed at the sight.

“Did… did I just witness an impudent and ignorant individual with no manners!”

“In a duel, there should be respect between opponents! But to attack by surprise!”

“How can a man be so despicable!”

Although it was a trial by combat, it was clearly expected to be a duel between royalty and nobility. Haverion had shown no respect for his opponent, launching an attack while Fionia wasn’t even ready to fight. 

That was the moment.


Fionia effortlessly blocked Haverion’s sword. 

Her face seemed to say that she had known he would attack. 

For the first time, Haverion looked flustered.


“You have such a murderous look in your eyes. How could I not know?”


Haverion was taken aback by Fionia’s calm tone.

‘That brat’s future wife… mocking me. How dare she.’

Haverion began to swing his sword, but Fionia effortlessly parried and deflected his attacks. Even the palace knights seemed surprised by the sight.

Even though she is from Lavaltor, they thought she would have had a hobby or learned self-defense skills.

‘She’s not even knighted yet…!’

The vast difference in strength between Haverion and Fionia was evident. Haverion realized that there was no way he could win this duel and decided to resort to desperate measures.

‘I can’t help it.’

He slowly raised his divine power.

Divine power could be used for healing, but also to enhance the body, like the Oath. 

It is the power that created the berserkers who ruined the victory ceremony.

He had started to apply [Berserker] to himself.

However, unlike the power used in the victory ceremony, it was a power that was transformed into divine power.

It is not a power that simply causes one to go crazy, but is suppressed with divine power so that only the [Berserker] effect can be enjoyed.

And that was then.


Haverion’s face began to flush with blood vessels as the blood in his body started to boil, and the power of the berserker surged through his entire body.


‘I’ll kill her!’

A tremendous force, equivalent to that of a knight, surged forth from him. 

With his enhanced physical abilities, thanks to what seemed like the use of an oath, Haverion was completely different from just moments before. 

He had turned into a wild beast, swinging his sword towards Fionia. 




“Your stance is incorrect. That’s why the force isn’t properly transmitted through the sword.” 


Haverion couldn’t understand Fionia, who effortlessly redirected his sword. 

He was able to use his full strength without experiencing any symptoms of [Berserker].

Surely, with this power, he should tear this woman to pieces.




He was unable to land a single blow on her, while she seemed to be dancing around him, inflicting wounds all over his body. 

“Don’t make me laugh! I am a cardinal of the Holy Empire. Do you think I would yield to such insignificant wounds?”

Haverion turned the divine power he poured from [Berserker] into healing power.

The wounds on his body healed instantly.

However, the moment the body heals and the berserker’s power disappears.

“You’ve lost your strength.”


Fionia’s sword cut in another place as if it were natural.


Haverion was embarrassed and turned his power back to [Berserker].

But Fionia opened her eyes fiercely.

“You called me a mere woman. Isn’t that too careless of you?”


Once again, Fionia targeted the wounds that had just been healed. 

Every time Haverion attempted to heal a wound, she would strike elsewhere, and when he completed the healing, she would strike the same spot again. 

Haverion found himself becoming drenched in blood within moments.

“This… this bitch!”

“Please watch your language. This is a place where His Majesty and all the nobles gather. I request a dignified conversation.” 


It could no longer be called a duel.

Haverion slowly knelt under Fionia’s relentless assault.



He collapsed, drenched in blood. 

The judge raised his hand at this sight.

“Enough! The match is over. It’s Fionia Lavaltor’s victory!”

It was indeed a hollow victory. 

The spectators, even those who had anticipated Haverion to put up a formidable fight, appeared bewildered by the one-sidedness of the duel.

Even Ian’s eyes widened. 

He had seen her fight in Labadom, but she seemed even stronger now. 

Fionia slowly turned away at the judge’s declaration.

“If you want to aim for the throne, it would serve you well to at least practice swordsmanship to some extent.”


“Or at least if you claim to be of the royal family of Kaistein.”

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