This Bastard is Too Competent

Chapter 137: He's alive?

‘What? Compensation?’

King Eloin looked dumbfounded at the First Princess’s words.

“Are you asking for compensation for the victim?”


At those words, King Eloin looked at Ian in his daughter’s arms.

In that fleeting moment, their eyes met, and Ian subtly closed his eyes as their gazes locked.

The king was dumbfounded by the sight.

“The Seventh Prince is the victim…”

It was right then.

Behind the First Princess, the ministers began shouting at the king.

“The First Princess’s words are correct. Let us not forget that the Seventh Prince sacrificed himself for Kaistein.” 

“Even in the face of the lady’s danger, he fought without forgetting his wounds. We must not forget his determination.” 

“We must provide proper compensation to the Seventh Prince, the victim.”

Everyone’s faces showed excitement and fervor.

It seemed like they couldn’t do anything like they did just a moment ago.

It was inevitable.

‘Is that called the Seven Virtues, Patience?’

‘It was truly an incredible power. I thought it was just a huge thing, but I never thought it could be wielded. 

‘That devilish Haverion was defeated in a single blow. What a feat.’ 

Those who wanted to follow the Seventh Prince, those who wanted to change the powers that be, those who fell in love with the Seventh Prince because of this. 

Those who saw an opportunity.  

They all shouted in unison. 

“From the time of the victory ceremony until now, there has never been a time when the Seventh Prince hasn’t made an effort.”

“It seems only right that we should reward the victim, the Seventh Prince, with what he deserves.” 

It was only absurd for King Eloin. 

‘He’s the one who created this situation in the first place.’ 

The truth known to them and the truth known to King Eloin were completely different. 

To the king, Ian was more of a perpetrator than a victim.

He was the one who had used the hammer of Patience to turn Haverion into a mute. 

The king could only look at his daughter, who demanded that he make amends. 

Her eyes were fixed on him. 


‘What are you doing?’

It was as if she were saying. 

King Eloin was inwardly puzzled. 

It was natural. 

‘I didn’t know that she’d be doing that for her rival, the youngest.’

The First Princess was a lot like him, with a cold and stern personality.

Moreover, she did not even show sibling affection to her other brothers. 

But he never expected her to favor another brother to that extent. 

Especially her biggest rival. 

That’s why he stared at Ian sharply.

‘Could this be what you were aiming for as well?’

However, the youngest child still closed his eyes and groaned as if in pain. 

Although he laughed at that sight, King Eloin looked at the ministers instead of laughing.

Everyone in the hall seemed to be waiting for his response.

‘Kaistein is a country where merit is rewarded as much as it reveres military force.’

The king’s eyes shot up.

‘The best thing is to reveal everything here.’

It wasn’t difficult to find out that Ian was lying.




Although it was his son, on the other hand, the cardinal of the Holy Empire, that was the problem.

And if Ian’s scheming was exposed, it would give leverage to the Holy Empire. 

Would he allow such a thing to happen? 

Anyway, it was a problem even if Ian kept faking it and even if he was rewarded. 

As a king, his reputation was at stake, and there were also future problems to consider.

‘Then the next best option…’

Soon, the king’s gaze turned to Duke Lavaltor. 

It was enough to get help from someone who knew the whole story of this incident, as well as the lady.

It was certain that the Duke, who was like a brother to him, would surely step forward. 

However, a problem arose.


Duke Lavaltor turned his head away from his gaze. 

King Eloin could only be taken aback for the first time.

‘Huh? Hey. Hey. Duke Lavaltor.’

No matter how much he gestured, there was no response. 

But under the continued scrutiny of the king, Duke Lavaltor met his gaze with a cold look. 

Being long-time friends, King Eloin could read his mind.


‘It’s your son’s matter; handle it yourself.’ 


It wasn’t just a matter of turning his head. 

The Duke held his daughter, Fionia, in his hands. 

Fionia struggled with embarrassment.

“Fa… Father?” 

“Stay still. The injury is serious.” 

“It’s just… a minor scratch.” 

“If that wound festers and remains a scar, what will you do? Fiosen, call for the healer.” 

“Yes, Father.”

The lady tried to escape from the duke’s arms. 

But the duke didn’t seem to care, and he picked her up and left. 

Even his eldest son, Fiosen, left as if escorting them. 

King Eloin was dumbfounded. 

It was as if he had no idea that his old friend would betray him like that.


‘No way… Is he angry that my child hurt his daughter?’ 

But that wasn’t what mattered now.

This was because the current situation was not very good for him, the king.

The Duke, who was his only ally here, left like that.

In the end, the king said it as if there was nothing he could do.

“Very well. Kaistein is a place where merit is paid to those who have contributed. I’ll make sure that Ian, the Seventh Prince, gets what he deserves.” 

‘I’ll have to talk to the youngest one about the details of the reward later.’

That was the thought that occurred to him at that moment.

“Your Majesty, while other matters have been discussed here, why postpone dealing with the issue regarding the youngest prince? Please address it now.” 


At the words of the First Princess, King Eloin’s steps momentarily halted. 

The other nobles also opened their eyes wide and looked at King Eloin and the First Princess.

King Eloin was embarrassed but did not show it and opened his mouth.

“Good. Let’s proceed to determine the compensation for the Seventh Prince, Ian. Also, the request regarding the successor that was brought up last time, I approve…”

At that moment, the First Princess intervened once again.

“I remember you decided to leave that to the royal elders. Good results will come soon. Perhaps there might be a need for different compensation.”


King Eloin paused for a moment.

Then he looked at the First Princess with a serious expression.

‘Why go to such lengths? The youngest is undoubtedly your competitor, isn’t he?’

He wasn’t just a simple competitor. 

The Seventh Prince Ian was closer to the throne than the First Princess. 

Why support him? Could it be because he was stabbed in place of her during the victory ceremony? 

If that was the only reason, it would be truly disappointing. 

His eyes conveyed disappointment as he looked at the First Princess. 

However, the First Princess confidently spoke.

“Didn’t Your Majesty say so? It is said that Kaistein pays a fair price to those who have contributed. I just hope that doesn’t change.”


King Eloin burst into laughter at the First Princess’s consistent expression.

“Good. Then, I will pay proper compensation as you said.”

“Thank you for listening to me, Your Majesty.”

Soon, the king spoke about the Seventh Prince. 

And everyone’s eyes widened at the words. Ian looked at the king out of the corner of his eye, as if to ask if he was serious. 

“I will not allow any counterarguments.”

At the king’s words, not only the First Princess but all the ministers bowed their heads.


As soon as the king finished speaking, everyone left.

Ian was still lying on the First Princess’s lap.

Then, Fiosen arrived with soldiers carrying stretchers toward the fallen Ian.

“Princess. I will attend to the prince now.”

However, the First Princess did not move aside. Instead of getting up, she slowly bowed her head toward Ian. And she whispered,

“Isn’t it time to get up now? My legs hurt.”


Ian’s eyelids slowly lifted at the sound of her voice. 

He whispered, too, so the others wouldn’t hear. 

“How long have you known?” 

“A little while.” 

To be exact, it was when Ian used Patience.

She saw Ian’s wounds through the flying bandages.

Obviously, the area where he was stabbed with a knife was completely smooth.

That’s not all.

“Injured people don’t breathe so evenly. Be more careful next time.”

The reason the First Princess gave Ian a lap was for no other reason than to confirm if Ian was truly unharmed. 

And as soon as she noticed his even breathing, the First Princess was certain. 

Ian, seeming puzzled, asked.

“But why did you…” 

“Are you asking if I helped you?”


The First Princess smiled slightly at the look in Ian’s eyes.

“Whether it is grace or resentment, if a person receives something, it makes sense to repay it. I also received it from you. I should give it back at least once.”

That wasn’t a lie.

Thanks to Ian, the First Princess gained more benefits than she had expected. 

Not only did she escape the grasp of the Second Prince, whom she thought would hold the reins for her lifetime, but she was also able to save herself and her soldiers from danger during a critical moment in the Northern Expedition, all thanks to the youngest prince.

‘It’s not just that. This time, he directly saved my life.’

Ian was clearly her competitor. 

However, it did not suit her temperament to just accept things from such a competitor.

There was something else important.

“And… I gave our father a blow too. That was enough.”

There was also anger towards their father, who clearly knew something was wrong but did not come forward.

She hated the way he always looked down on everything from above. 

The First Princess got up from her seat as if she was finally relieved.

“However, don’t assume I’ll act like this next time. There is only one throne.”

She turned and left without even looking back.

Fiosen slowly tried to move Ian onto the stretcher.

But Ian stopped it.

“It’s okay. Let me walk out on my own now.” 

“Yes? But there are still people outside…”

“It’s okay. Didn’t the Princess say so? I’ll walk out on my own.” 


Ian got up slowly, as if nothing had happened. 

And he opened the door leading outside. 

And Fiosen couldn’t help but be surprised.


There was really no one outside.

There was not a single knight guarding the entrance to the hall, nor even a single servant in sight. 

Fiosen’s eyes shook.

“When on earth did…” 

“That’s right. She is truly a great sister.”

It must have been right after she realized Ian’s scheme. 

While no one else noticed. 

She moved quietly as they left. 

She must have gotten them all to leave. 

‘She’s definitely not to be underestimated.’

Currently, Ian is the closest heir to the throne. 

But neither the First Princess nor the Third Prince could let their guard down. 

Ian asked as if he remembered something.

“Have you found the Third Prince?”

“Yes. In fact, a report about him just came in.”

Fiosen whispered in Ian’s ear. After listening to his words for a moment, Ian smirked.

“I thought he would be there.” 

Ian walked out slowly.

“Now then, let’s go. It seems like the saint has come to look for Haverion.”

“Yes. Prince Ian.”

He was truly going to be busy in the days ahead. 

The reward that King Eloin gave him was a troubling item, and he was also scheduled to be in charge of the upcoming negotiations with the saint of the Holy Empire.

‘The problem is dealing with the First Princess and the Third Prince.’

He wasn’t far from the throne, but the Third Prince’s disappearance was troubling. 

But there was something more important than that.

About what Haverion said to him as he fell after being struck by the Hammer of Patience.

“…is still alive.”

That was the reason.

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