This Childhood Sweetheart is a Little Sweet

Chapter 18: Winter Melon Balls

Chapter 18

Yi Ming got off class early, while Jiang Wei's dance class still had half an hour left before dismissal. He waited for her at the building entrance.

When the class bell rang, Yi Ming waved at Jiang Wei from afar. Her roommate Xiao Liang smiled and nudged Jiang Wei with her shoulder, saying, "Hey, your childhood friend is here again." Jiang Wei pursed her lips and smiled, "Let me go talk to him. We'll go grocery shopping together later."

"No, no, no! There's no rush, I still have stuff at home." Xiao Liang patted her chest and laughed, "Alright, go ahead and spread your lovey-doveyness. I'll be fine enduring it as a lifelong single!"

Jiang Wei was about to say something when Xiao Liang gently pushed her away. Xiao Liang waved her hand casually then dashed off in a flash.

Yi Ming smiled as he came over. His tall, slender figure immediately cast a shadow over Jiang Wei's head. His clothes carried a familiar minty fragrance.

"What did Xiao Liang say to you just now? Don't tell me there's a big sis Zhou at home and a little sis Xiao Liang at school. Why is my life so miserable..." Yi Ming deliberately teased her in a drawn out voice until Jiang Wei pretended to glare at him. Only then did he stop making faces and smiled as he ruffled her hair.

"Where do you want to go? I'll go with you."

Jiang Wei wandered aimlessly for a few steps then said softly, "Big sis Zhou went back home."

"If she went home then she went home, what's that got to do with me..." Yi Ming reflexively started to say before a jolt went through his mind.

"Wait, what did you say? Big sis Zhou went home?"

Yi Ming looked at Jiang Wei in disbelief. The good news came so suddenly it felt unreal.


Jiang Wei smiled softly, "Winter melon ball soup, want to eat it?"

Yi Ming was startled then eagerly nodded his head, smiling so widely his mouth corners almost reached his ears, "Eat, eat! Of course I want to eat, I'm starving for it!"

There was no winter melon at home, so Yi Ming accompanied Jiang Wei to the supermarket.

When they went to check out, Jiang Wei suddenly told Yi Ming to stand still and wait for her. Yi Ming was puzzled, what was this girl up to, being all mysterious?

With his 187cm height, he could quickly spot that little girl with her high ponytail walking slowly no matter where she went. When he saw Jiang Wei stop in front of the feminine products section and frown while choosing something, Yi Ming finally understood why she had gotten him to stand aside.

"Next time something like this happens, let me go with you."

Jiang Wei jumped, startled by Yi Ming's sudden appearance. She almost dropped the seven-day pantyliner in her hand. Her face flushed red in surprise, "Why did you come over? Didn't I tell you to..."

Yi Ming had a serious expression as he solemnly shook his head. He took out his phone and pretended to take notes on the things in Jiang Wei's arms: "As a qualified boyfriend, I should attentively take care of every detail of my girlfriend's daily life. I'm a medical student, so I'm not embarrassed by such things at all. Next time you buy these, just let me know, I've made a note of it already...overnight extra long..."

Jiang Wei's face felt feverishly hot. She covered his lips with her hand, "Keep it down..."

Yi Ming seized the chance to smile smugly and even sneakily pecked her warm palm.

It was as if Jiang Wei got an electric shock. She sprang back, biting her lower lip as she glared at him, blushing, "Yi Ming, you have no shame!"

"No shame then no shame," Yi Ming's bright, sparkling eyes gazed at her, brimming with warm, affectionate smiles. "What do I need shame for? It's useless for filling my stomach. I just need you. With you, I get to drink winter melon soup..."

Jiang Wei: "......"

It must be the supermarket's air conditioner temperature set too high, otherwise how could her cheeks feel like they were burned?

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