This DCverse is Maddening


Hello everyone! I am proud to announce, that Volume 1 of This DCverse is Maddening, has officially ended! You have no idea how proud and glad I am to have finally achieved one of my many goals here! And thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you all for staying with the story for this long! Over 177k words and almost a fully year later!

I wanted the world and Albert to be in certain places in time. If you guy haven’t found out, then I am here to verify that yes, this is a AU. This is a time just after the creation of the Justice League, but before Batman was known to be an actual member. And I decided to use this prison break as his entry to the world stage.

Now the most prevalent question people had was why Albert even stayed in Gotham in the first place, and for that I can come up with so many excuses trying to explain my reasoning but I won’t bullshit you guys; there’s no real reason. I like Gotham as a setting, it already has that Noir city vibe that I was going for and it was gritty as hell.

Sure I could’ve done Star City, with the Green Arrow, or just cross the river over to Metropolis. But I didn’t. I grew up watching the old Batman animated tv show and it’s stuck with me ever since. I like the villains, I like the conflict, I like the vigilantes.

I just like Gotham, a lot.

So yeah that’s the answer to that burning question, just the author playing favorites.

Other than that, this isn’t the end of Albert’s story. There’s a lot of hidden mysteries I’ve scattered all across the volume, little nuggets that’ll lead into future cases. Like for instance, whose the illusory group that planned the prison break? Why did they take those particular villains? Who mutated Killer Croc and why did he attack? And many, many more! In fact, I plan for volume 1 to be the SHORTEST volume. The following volumes are going be cases after cases, with some of slice of life to break things up.

Thank you again for all your support, I couldn’t have done this without you. I read all the comments multiple times per day and it acted fuel to keep me going, even when my writing felt like a slog. I hope you to see you all in the next volume!

[A/N: This is just an addon, but I decided to do a little Q/A down below in the comments!]

[Here are some questions my patrons had for me!]

      1. Are all superheros as unknown as batman (where the regular people consider him myth) cause I think only superman was mention regularly.

         A majority of the Justice are considered myths for right now. Except Superman, Wonder Woman and the Flash. That's why they joked about Green Arrow being a copycat if he were to debut too soon. The reason why I mentioned Superman so much because of the proximity with Metropolis, being a stone's throw away. If the story was located in Central City or Gate Way City then the Flash or Wonder Woman would've been mentioned more frequently.

        2. Just found your novel an hour or so ago and I just binged the whole volume. Can’t wait to see more of Albert’s story. Thank you for the volume, your work a passion. When will the next volume begin and will there be a time skip or will we hope right back in on Albert’s story

        I'm sooo glad that you liked my novel so far! It warms my heart to see and hear people enjoy it. Thank you! To answer your question, I have a few chapters of volume 2 but I'm debating on whether or not I want to do a little hiatus until I stockpile a good long lead. That option isn't likely as I already have a good lead on everything. So volume 2 should start next week! I've decided to do a little time skip between volumes, not anything drastic like a year or something.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.