This DCverse is Maddening

Chapter 11: Night Stroll

The walk out of the haunted school wasn’t any less nerve wracking the second time through. But at least it didn’t take them nearly as much time as before, fifteen minutes later they were taking in the smoggy night sky of Gotham. For Albert, the two places were still equally as dangerous. As the school had a supernatural threat, the city itself had a more moral danger. All good men eventually turn bad in this accursed city.

“O-oh yeah Albert,” Steve said,” I-is your phone working now?”

He had completely forgotten about it if he were to be honest, looking down he noticed his phone turned on just fine. It seems what ever interference that caused it be unresponsive has lifted.

“Yeah it seems so,” He responded,” Let me check if the footage is safe…”

It wasn’t long before he found a two hour long video saved on his device, but when he selected it disappointment filled his stomach. It was just pure static, nothing was decipherable whatsoever. He could only shake his in defeat, Marian had truly gotten out ahead in this.

“I-its okay,” Steven cajoled,” T-these things happen, we’ll still pay you no problem.”

“I don’t see a problem with that,” Angeline nodded,” We’re kind of stuck together for now, so its for the best to keep up good relations.”

Albert eyed her in suspicion, that was possibly the most hostile thing she had said to him all night. He could tell she meant it, but still it was a bit of a shock.

“Yeah she’s like that,” Michael laughed good naturedly,” Give it some time and you’ll grow on her.”

“What your playing the silent type anymore?”

“There’s no need,” He shrugged,” If we’re going to be working together then it’ll be a pain to keep up that act.”

“H-he’ a real c-chatterbox,” Steve smiled.

“Fuck you.”

The two laughed in conjunction. It was what broke the tense air from before. They fully relaxed into the warm atmosphere.

“I wish I could say it was fun,” The blonde clutched at her overalls’ straps,” But I really have to get home.”

“We’ll walk you home,” Michael said and Steve nodded.

“What about you Marcy?” Angeline asked,”Do you want to stay at my place tonight? If you’re there my parents won’t be so hard on me..”

“At least pretend you aren’t going to use me as a shield,” She rolled her eyes,” But no, I have something to do tonight.”

“C-call us when you get in.” Steve said before the group shared a joined hug. It felt a bit awkward for Albert to witness something so private, but he had no choice but to stand awkwardly to the side. They separated and as the group of three were slowly becoming smaller in the distance, Marceline turned her hazel gaze to him.

“Let’s walk and talk.”

“Lead the way.”

The two began walk in a random direction, at least from his point of view. It was a few minutes of silence before she broke the silence,” I hope you realize you can’t tell anyone of this night, right?”

“Who would believe me?” Albert snorted in derision. He knew he would have a one way ticket to the local asylum if he started screaming out the existence of ghosts. And given where he was, it would be worse than prison.

“You would be surprise..” A small smile traced across her lips.

“Is that all you wanted to speak to me about?”

“No,” She shook her head,” Because I was the one who inadvertently brought you into this world, I have to warn you of the danger.”

‘Does she mean…?’

“What do you mean by that?” Albert asked carefully.

“I fully exposed the supernatural to you,” She breathed out,” There are some consequences to that..”

“Like what?”

“Congratulations, your chances of igniting your spark has increased by a margin.”

“What’s a spark?”

“A spark is someone magical potential. Some are born with it ignited and some needs so outside stimulation for it.”

“I’m guessing you have a spark.”

He quirked his eyebrow.

“Yes,” She smiled proudly,” I’m a natural born psychopomp.”

“What’s that?”

“Think of characters like Charon from Greek mythology, I can guide wandering spirits to their next destination.”

That did explain why she was so adamant on opening communications with Marian.

“Does this mean the rest of your friends…”

“Yes, they know.” She ran her fingers through her hair,” It wouldn’t have been right for me to keep this from them. They were pretty excited at the chance of being able to cast magic, but its been years now and no sign of them igniting.”

“Does that mean there are others who have their ‘sparks ignited’?”

That was the moment her face darkened a bit.

“Yes,” Marceline hesitantly started,” They are called mages or magicians. I can’t go to far into it but I should tell you if you ever ignite your spark then you will be required to go before the local representative of the Seven and register.”

“Who are the Seven?”

“The Seven is a council of the world’s strongest mages, they make the rules for us to follow.”

“Why the secrecy?”

“The same reason why the government requires registration for certain firearms.” She explained,” All mages have the capacity to wrought great chaos and chaos will attract attention which is counter intuitive to our existence.”

“Why hide?”

“From what I was told, mages used to be out in the open but after the witch hunts everything changed.”

He nodded in understanding, even from his word the Salem Witch Trials were famous and taught to everyone starting at a certain age. Sensing the dropping atmosphere, he decided to blurt out the first question that anyone would have.

“Could you show me some magic?”

“You’ve already seen it,” She chuckled and signaled towards her backpack,” Not all magic is the same. I can’t throw fireballs or summon lightning, mine is much more subtle than that. I’m not strong enough to communicate with spirits without a medium yet. Its only sight for now.”

“What else do you think you’ll be able to do?”

“I don’t know,” She shrugged,” I just know it’ll continue to grow towards more intangible effects. Maybe I’ll be able to physically interact with them, I would’ve loved something like that in the past..”

“What happened?”

“There was this old man who was haunting some apartment complex causing havoc,” She started,” And when we get there you know what he wanted in order for him to move on peacefully?”


“He wanted to see Angeline’s underwear!”


Albert was flabbergasted at the request, from his short interaction with the blonde earlier he couldn’t imagine it went on well.

“I know right?!” She threw hands in the air,” But Lin didn’t even hesitate, just flashed the pervert right then and there.”

“I don’t believe you.”

No he refused to believe she just did it without even a lick of thought.

“No really she grew up a free spirit and has never been ashamed of her body,” She then narrowed her eyes at him,” But don’t make the same mistake some of classmate made, that doesn’t mean she would sleep with just anyone. I remember how she punched this senior in the face after he got a bit too handsy for her liking.”

“What happened next?”

“Oh yeah, well the perverted old ghost went on to his next destination and Steve couldn’t look her in the eye for almost a week. If your aren’t as dense as Lin is, you probably could tell he has a massive crush on her.”

“Yeah kind of got that.”

Albert shamelessly lied.

“Sure you did,” She smirked,” Michael and I have a bet going on until either she figures it out or Steve gets the nerve to ask her out. Been going on for almost 2 years now.”

They soon were lulled into a comfortable silence, the story had done enough to ease him from the events of the night. Sure he had some more questions, but he figured if he was going to be working with them then it would be better to not just bombard her with them. It didn’t take long for him to recognize the street they were on, it seemed they had somehow gotten to near his motel.

“This is my stop, do you want me to walk you to where ever you’re going?”

He asked, it definitely wouldn’t be safe for anyone to walk home alone in Gotham.

“Thank you for the offer but no,” She shook her head,” I have someone to do that already.”

She then pointed across the street and locked eyes with familiar spine chilling orange orbs. Under the street lights, they gave off a more predatory feel than during the day. Gulping silently he nodded towards the man known as ‘Ant’, who waved mockingly, and turned his attention back to the diminutive brown haired girl before him who in turn shoved a couple of twenty dollar bills in his hands.

“Here is your payment, and give me your phone real quick.”

Seeing no reason not to, he did as she said and short time later she handed it back to him.

“Either Steve or I will text you the location to meet us at. Have a goodnight Albert.”

“Yeah you too.”

After watching the two slowly disappeared into the urban jungle, he let out a breathe after no longer being weighed down by those orange eyes. He could probably guess Ant was a mage or meta-human of some kind.

He quickly ducked down the street and into his motel room. Locking it behind him with a soft click, he then closed the curtains and collapsed into the lumpy bed beneath him. It wasn’t nearly as comfortable as the cots back at the shelter but it’ll do for the night. It looked like he should treasure these peaceful days while he still could. With all the information he learned from the psychopomp it wouldn’t be long before he was inevitably dragged into the magic world. Albert wasn’t under any illusions on that fact but it did confuse him a bit.


He could clearly see how much magic points he had, so does that mean his spark was already ignited? Or did he need to do something magical in to light it? He wouldn’t know until then.

A yawned escaped from his lips and that seemed like a sign for not long after, his lids grew heavier and he descended into a restful sleep.


“Bruce?” A young voice echoed through the cave,” You called for me?”

“Yes,” The large man grunted from his seat,” You said you wanted to prove yourself? Congrats, I’ll be out of town for a couple of days.”

“What?!” The youth’s dark blue eyes bulged,” Really? Why? When will you be back?”

“I called a meeting after Black Mask tried to steal that piece of Kryptonite, there’s something brewing.” He answered solemnly,” I should be back by next weekend at the latest.”

Dick couldn’t keep the smile from crawling across his face, this was exactly what he wanted. A few days without his mentor breathing down his neck and prove that he wasn’t just a side kick to the dark angel of Gotham. He quickly dropped his happy expression when he noticed Bruce’s hard side eye.

“Of course I understand,” He coughed into his fist,” The place will still be in one piece when you get back. Anything else I should know?”

It was few heartbeats before his question was answered,” No, just keep an eye out for some of the gangs. Black Mask’s arrest left a bit of a power vacuum, be careful. And Barbara will be here to help.”

That caused Dick’s back to straighten, it was clear that the boy had a bit of a crush on Commissioner Gordon’s daughter. It had been so ever since he had first became Robin 3 years ago. But he did try to tamper down his excitement when he sense his mentor’s amused gaze.

“That’s cool..” He said lamely,” Anyone personally you want me to keep an eye out for?”

“I already have a list.”

It took him but a glance before his dark blue gaze shot up in confusion.

“Why is he still on this list?” The teen asked,” It’s been like what? A week? And there hasn’t been a peep from him at all.”

“If it was just my suspicions of the boy, he wouldn’t be on the list.” Bruce scoffed,” Black Mask has been tried, I wouldn’t pass it by him to try and get rid of any witnesses to avoid additional charges.”

“I guess that makes sense,” He nodded,” Do you want me to make contact with him?”

“Do what you want,” The man shrugged,” I’m leaving it to your judgment.”

The teen nodded again in ascent, but inwardly he was just imagining all the things he could do this week. He could sit around all day and eat pizza, watch movies, hell he might even try on the batman suit. Maybe not. His mentor always knew whenever someone touch it.

Seeing his charge so lost in thought, Bruce shook his head. This was of course at test to see if Dick was ready to start doing more solo work. He had the best training, and resources. If the teen couldn’t handle something like this, then maybe it would be time to go back to basics.

“What’s in the box?”

Dick asked, eyes locked onto the report.

“Page 4.”

Bruce grunted. He really wished his apprentice would finish reading the document before asking any questions, most of them could be answered just by doing so.

“A book?”

The teen voiced his bewilderment, sure his mentor was known to be paranoid but even this was a bit to far. He had expected to be berated for wanting to snoop around in someone inheritance like that but not for them to be on the same wavelength. There were a few pictures of each page from said book and the writing made him not want to look to closely. The archaic looking words had begun to spin in his vision, churning his stomach. Dick locked gazes with Bruce, sweat starting to beat on his brow.

“What is it? It seems magical.”

“I don’t know,” The man sighed,” I ran it through multiple translation programs but nothing showed up. I’ll have to ask Zatara to have a look at it.”

“Why don’t you ask Constantine? Last I checked, he’s a lot closer.”

The teen smirked.


Bruce grimaced at the mere thought of letting that conman anyway near that book. He had worked with the man in the past, and lets just say it didn’t go to well. He already didn’t like the idea of essential reality warpers walking around without any oversight but that man’s arrogance left a bad taste in his mouth. That girl had been sick, but Constantine wasn’t hearing anything anyone else had to say and when she had died because of his actions he only shrugged. Saying she was dead a long time ago and was only a meat puppet for a demon or some nonsense like that. He swore that would be the last time he would ever work with the warlock.

“Do we even want this Albert to get his hands on it?”

His thoughts were pretty simple, just a huge unknown like this shouldn’t be left in civilians hands. Especially not someone of his age. (A/N: Ironic….)

“We don’t steal,” He ignored Dick’s snort of derision,”I’ll send someone to offer to buy it from him.”

“What if he doesn’t want to sell?”

“He’ll sell.”

“You know…” The teen hedged,” We could just go all Robin and Batman on him…”

“No,” He shook his head,” I wouldn’t have a problem doing so if he had broken any laws, but he’s been keeping out of trouble.”

Dick clicked his tongue in annoyance, maybe he would give this Albert a personal visit so he’s aware of the rules here. Don’t cause trouble or you’ll get the redbird….no that sounds wrong. Putting those thoughts to side he continued to flip through the report until he paused and raised his brow.

“Selina isn’t on the list..” He hedge carefully.

“I know,” The man grunted,” That’s on purpose.”

After a few beats of silence, Dick realized that his mentor wouldn’t voluntarily give up anymore information without some prodding.


“She’s kept her promise,” Bruce sighed,” She hasn’t been active for months now.”


“Enough.” The man interrupted, he wasn’t in the mood to be questioned by a child. The ex-thief had given him her word that she would leave that life behind. And so far she had stuck to it. He was always willing to give villains a second chance. They were people at the end of the day and could change.

A flat expression grew on Dick’s face, he knew his mentor had feelings for the woman. He couldn’t blame the man though, even he had a couple of uncomfortable dreams of her in that sinful suit. Shaking his head before the memories of it could resurface, he decided that there was nothing else to said in this conversation. He waved over his shoulder as he began to climb the near endless stair.

“Have fun on your trip.”

Seeing his apprentice departure, Bruce turned back to the computer. He had plenty of stuff to do before he left Gotham.

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