This DCverse is Maddening

Chapter 43: Urban Legend Realized

The firing suddenly stopped. But from the camera’s viewpoint, no one could see as to why. They could only look at a the same piece of rubble that took up it’s entire view. That pool of red added a more grim picture to this post-apocalyptic scene. Sight wasn’t only way to paint an image. All that could heard were now the distraught and pain-filled cries from the survivors of this oh so callous tragedy.

The camera jittered a bit before it was raised to get a better look at the disaster before them. The eyes of the world looked on at the devastation that just a few minutes allowed. Bodies, both living and dead, laid littered across the thoroughly ruined streets. Broken glass and shattered debris was everywhere.

It zoomed in on shaky hands on a woman that cried out into the indifferent sky as she held a small body close to her chest. Her wails acting like hot claws that raked across the heartstrings, igniting something dark and just within the heart of many.

The camera turned and in the forefront of the view, the once attractive looking reporter by the name of Vicki Vale now looked like a survivor. Her once pristine business suit now had a series of rips and tatters that made it look like she went through a forest of sharp debris. Those once bright copper locks now laid in a random mess as dust was caked on. Her make-up now thoroughly ruined beyond repair; eye shadow leaving black streaking down her face, false eyelashes barely hanging on and lipstick smeared. While the world was sure that her make-up artist was most likely screaming out into the void, the reporter looked beyond the point of caring.

A blue, piercing gaze that once made her the talk of the city, now hollowly looked into the very souls of all those watching that day. Tears prickled at the edges of her red eyes.

“This is Vicki Vale,” She said in a clearly distraught way and seeming barely present,” I will be replacing…. Showing you all the tragedy that has occurred here today.”

The eyes that darted down to something beyond the sight of viewer told anyone all they needed to know. The view spun around at the firing line that had unleashed this chaos onto the city, the back of a lone figure that despite not seeing their face, look vivid beyond imagination.

The figures’ gesticulating hand gestures looked as though they were the only thing’s hold him back from striking out at the officers who were now in handcuffs and down on their knees with their own comrades looming over them. Their helmets off and exposed for the world to see.

“..It seems Detective James Gordon has apprehended the….police officers who have opened fire on a crowd of fleeing civilians.” Her voice was hollow and almost robotics as though she was just going through the motions,” I am sure he will be open to an intervie-”

A sudden, familiar roar filled the street. Sending a line of dread down even those watching from an ocean away. It wasn’t possible. Nothing could’ve survived getting nearly tens of thousands of bullets being pumped into it. Everything should’ve ended, was the lives of so many not enough to satiate this tragedy?

Turning, almost reluctantly, the world saw the fruitlessness of their actions. Before them, the abomination still stood. Small holes from all over it’s body closed with contemptuous ease. Those faces quickly reformed within a beat, continuing in their chaotic expressions. Crying, laughing, sneering, roaring, coughing, begging. All these facial expressions changed and twisted in a seemingly random pattern. Shifting in and out of reality

“Why is it still here?” Now Vicki’s voice took on a more frantic edge, insanity and despair threatening to peel away at her image and descend into madness,” Why isn’t it gone?!”


‘Normal bullets won’t work on Clayface.’ Albert thought absentmindedly, still petting the purring alley-cat beneath him,’ Would an Enchanted bullet work? It’s magic, so maybe?’

It was safe to say that the youth was exhausted beyond belief, the back to back tragedies had thoroughly rung him out emotionally. First the monster, the deaths and now that villain being completely unaffected by their actions. This engagement had only been, at most, a few minutes.But it felt like it was taking hours.

“What can they do?”

Darnell asked, his tool and rag long forgotten.

“He’s made out of clay.” Ivy shrugged, completely unconcerned with the current situation in the slightest. In fact, he was sure that she was feeling mighty glad that the population had taken a hit. No matter how small the victory was, it was still considered an upside for her greater plans. After all, she wanted all the meat-bags gone. Preferably as fertilizer for the flora life to truly bloom. “So either lots of water or extreme temperatures, that should either halt his ability to stay cohesive or just restrict his movement for awhile.”

“Well,” The old man sighed,” Let’s just hope firefighters are close by then.”

“One can hope.”

The blonde murmured, her hand reaching out to pat the black cat.


But despite the barrage, the abomination didn’t look too interested in the despairing people below. It’s head literally spinning on a swivel as those pure white eyes looked in every which direction, as though searching for something. It even went as far as forming eyes everywhere on it’s body to aid in it’s search.

The camera then panned to the line of officers who unlike their fire happy cohorts, charged forward and begun to shepherd survivors to safety while the abomination was busy. At least those that could move, those that couldn’t be moved safety instead received an officer that guarded over them as they waited for the distant ambulance siren to grow closer.

“It seems Detective James Gordon is prioritizing the safety of the citizens over the defeat of the monster,” Vicki slightly slurred in her words as an officer grew closer before them,” Sir! An interview if you please?”

“Ma’am.” The officer nodded calmly, his youthful face looking out of place under that pitch black helmet,” You need to come with us, it isn’t safe here.”

“I’m fine!” The woman’s slur grew heavier,” I need to catch everything! The people needs to see this!”

“I understand ma’am,” He nodded agreeably,” But you’re injured ma’am.”

“It’s just a bump!” She said fervently,” I’m not going anywhere!”

“I can’t force you ma’am,” He agreed,” But please let me hold the camera, you look like you’re going to collapse.”

“No!” Vicki Vale denied petulantly,” I’m fine!”

“Understood ma’am.”

With that, the camera spun back around to the still searching monster. Who despite their little play, still hadn’t found the surrounding bodies of any interest in the slightest. It’s head still swiveling and eyes opened wide.

Suddenly a seemingly small, black figure darted down from above. It was but a simple blur but it certainly wasn’t fast enough to escape the hound-like reporter.

“What was that?” She asked no one in-particular, acting more akin to commentary on this gloomy scene,” It look like so-”

The camera caught a pair of blurs that quickly followed the first, darting from two differing directions. Not a lot was captured. Only the light outline of a long cape on one of them.

And the creature roared out in anger before moving for the first time in what seemed like forever. Swinging those long arms in a wild manner as it tried and failed to bat away the three figures that were running across the surface of it’s body.

“...There are three, I repeat, three, figures that are...fighting the monster?”

Even the story hungry reporter was at a lost for words as the camera took in the ongoing battle before it, broadcasting the absurdity worldwide.

In a fluid, synchronized movement, the three danced across the surface. Ducking and dodging calamity with just centimeters at a time. With each dark figure having their own unique way of traversing and surviving the onslaught from the monster. The smallest and brightest figure, who looked more like a red-yellow blur, had a more energetic air about them. They took risks, just barely getting out of the way in time that caused the world to tense in unison, but instead of those close encounters instilling the fear of god in the figure it instead on further fueled the reckless movements.

The other figure was a completely different from the first, seeming both a bit taller and more aligned to stealth. While it too danced on a razor’s edge, this shadow instead slid effortlessly across the surface. Like trying to snatch a feather out of free fall, every blow only further assisted the blur. Fueling its’ ascent, instilling a sense of awe at the individual’s athleticism.

While the last had an entirely different air about it. They weren’t energetic nor as awe inspiring as their compatriots. No, the movements were simple and to the point. The black blur did not halt, taking everything with one step at a time, no movement was wasted and no quarter of given. It instilled a feeling of inevitability to the situation, like the no matter what happened today, that blurry figure would make it to it’s destination. Unlike the other two, the goal of the is one was obvious. It took a near direct route to the monster’s ‘head’.

Yellowed gnashing teeth, pitch white eyes that seem to glare into the heart of many and drag back those long forgotten memories of creatures or monsters that hid under the bed. Just waiting to drag their unwitting victims to whatever fate awaited them. Maybe being eaten? Taken to gloomy world where they would never see their parents again? The mind of children were truly out of norm when it came to such things.

But despite that, the three blurs continued their onward charge. How they could run along such an uneven surface was simply thrown to the back of their minds, the sight before the world had them all in a choke hold. It even silenced the distraught wailing and injured. All gazes were locked onto the marvel. It didn’t matter from which walk of life; homeless, office worker, soldier, criminal, police officer, student, parent, young and old. They were all entrapped by the perfect rendition of mythological heroes of old, forever immortalized in their marbled tomb.

Suddenly, the figures paused in unison. Each in their own desired location, with their fist raised up high to the sky. The camera zoomed in on the largest blur and caught but a single thing before those hammer fell down like some kind of furious god, submerging the world in an ocean of white and a garbled roar.

“A bat symbol…?”


“A bat symbol…?”

If Albert had any doubts on exactly who was fighting the notorious villain, known as Clayface, then that single mumbled statement threw those feelings out of the window. For those remnants to be feasted on by the cruel reality of the world. Honestly, he felt like there was so much that was missing from just listening in on the radio. If this was truly the Batman’s first public appearance, then him missing it felt like a major let down.

“See?!” Michael’s voice was loud a clear over the awed silence on the other end, vindication filling every word,” I told you! He’s real! He’s real!”

“I can see that…” Marceline sounded like she was in complete shock over the situation, he remembered her skepticism of the legend being anything more than just that, a legend. But a simple urban legend that was common in the United States. Like the ever illusive Big Foot or Mothman. But to have all that rug doubt and reason to be pulled out from underneath her..must’ve been quite the sight to see. But given the fact that she had done the same thing with those weird ghost-medium powers to her friends, he didn’t feel too bad for her.

He’s always felt it was weird for the girl to be so obstinate on the existence of the Batman, to just throw away the idea that a man was running around in a bat costume fighting crime. It sounded incredibly absurd, something a child would make up in their coloring book. Especially given her knowledge into the magical world.

‘There’s has to be some weirder stuff than that there..right?’

But given his current company, he didn’t think it was too wise to bring that question up. Maybe a bit later when it was at least the five of them once more.

“You owe me five bucks, Red.” Harley softly cheered, those blue orbs alighting as she stared at the nymph with an incredibly too smug of an expression. Who in kind didn’t argue in the least and instead only grumbled a bit and slapped a green bill into the blonde’s hand. “I gotta make some calls, a lot of people now owes Ol’Harley a bunch of money now..”

“Good luck getting Selina to cough up anything..”

Ivy snorted.

“She’ll pay up!” She said with a wide mischievous grin crossing her face,” I’ll just keep annoying her until she decides to cough it up!”


As the world of light subsided, allowing colorful reality to slam back into place, what the world saw before them filled them with a stronger sense of awe. The fleshly monster that had shot a string of terror into the hearts of many, due to both it’s appearance and complete immunity to bullets, now stood in a jittering mess. Arcs of electricity danced across it’s body, like thick azure snakes that bite into the skin and embedded it’s venomous payload. The monster’s skin cracked in places and set loose a light smattering of dust that fell to the ground in a thick cloud.

In front of the whole world to see, the creature slowly lost it’s once seemingly invincible stature. A giant felled low by what was but mere ants, tossed from it’s once lofty position. It’s roars were somewhat garbled but a single word could be made out from it’s thick voice.

“B-B-” The shocks ran rampant through it’s body but those eyes were hateful beyond imagine, vindictiveness fueling it’s every word. “B-b-at-at-at-ma-ma-man!”

And finally in a near implosion of dust and debris, the giant’s mass fell in on itself. Collapsing sand that sent out a massive cloud covered the three. Roiling across the asphalt like a wave, nearby police officers who were standing over severely injured civilians either fell on top of them in a final show of selflessness or just fled in terror as the wave grew closer.

“What are you doing?!” Vicki Vale screeched as the camera was suddenly higher up in the air than normal,” Put me down this instant!”

“I’m sorry ma’am,” The police officer said as he ran, a small deprecating smile on his face,” You can take this up with my superiors if you want, but I need to get you out of here.”

“Wait!” She tried to argue but no avail and the camera could only watch on as the three figures were slowly lost in the cloud, heralding a new chapter in Gotham’s history.


“What happened?” Harley asked the obvious question on everyone’s mind,” That Vicki Vale should be fired or something! Does she not know not everyone got them fancy-televisions? Some of us are from more humbled beginnings!”

“We can see it later,” The auburn haired woman said,” I’m sure it’ll be everywhere for a week straight. We won’t be able to not see it even if we try.”

Albert knew that if such a thing was shown even in his old world, it would be talked about everywhere endlessly. There would be a deluge of conspiracies on message boards, everyone and their dogs trying to wrench away any details they could from the video that would surely circulate. News stations would bring on guests to analyze every clip, religious leaders would either decry or rejoice the figures. Some people would call for them to be taken in for their vigilantism, while others would crown them heroes. But most of all, this would inspire a lot of frauds to come to the forefront to claim credit for it all.

And he didn’t believe this world would be too different, maybe except the fact that heroes were truly among the populace.

‘Maybe the reaction would be worse?’

“….I have to make some calls.” Angeline’s mom said, her voice cold and a bit stilted,” I’ll be back. Such actions cannot be allowed.”

And of course the politicians would be all over this, like ants on sugared water. Most of them would most assuredly outcry the figures for interfering with the operation. They would most likely place the blame at the newly named ‘Batman’. If Albert could come to that conclusion, the politically acute blonde on the other side of the phone could to and honestly, he wanted nothing to do with that upcoming argument between mother and daughter.

“-didn’t do anything wrong! Those cops were completely useless! They even opened fire on a crowd of civilians! You saw those bullets do absolutely nothing righ-”

“We live in a society of law and order! What those rogue police officer’s did was completely unforgivable and I hope they face the full consequences of their actions, but that doesn’t mean some mad man in a bat costume to take matters in his own hands! You heard him right? He struck first! Do you-”

“Hey Marceline,” He said quickly as two pairs of voices started to rise in volume,” I’ll talk you to later, thank you telling me about all this.”

“No problem.” She snorted and murmured,” Lucky bastard..”

Hanging up the phone with a sigh of relief, he got the feeling that Angeline would not be having a good time at home for awhile.

“What has the world come too..?” Darnell sighed, the grim raged that boiled just beneath the surface subsided under abnormality of it all. He suddenly looked a few years older as he sunk back against the wall, exhaustion filling his posture.

“Chin up Arney!” The blonde chirped,” It’s not all bad! Think of the upsides! Bat’s might be a bit of a stickler for the rules, kinda gloomy, mean, grouchy, a stinky and rude. But for the folks of Gotham? He’ll be like an angel… a very edgy angel. Like instead of feathery wings, it’s just all metal. Sharp metal. And maybe some horns?”

Hey guys! If you wish to read ahead on this and all my fanfiction (And even extra, extra early access to my original) I have patreon down below! Thank you for reading!

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