This DCverse is Maddening

DCM Volume 2 – Chapter 4: Arcane Registration

A/N: Sorry for the late chapter! I forgot to upload everything before going into work this morning, anyways I hope you all enjoy the chapter!

“You two don’t really need to do much of anything,” Joanna then pulled out a series of papers from one side of her messy desk, how she found those particular sheets must’ve been due to that ‘dowsing’ spark of hers. No wonder they had her doing this job,” When I first Ignited, my Dowsing wasn’t all that strong. I could use a divining rod to find the general direction of things, but it worked extremely well at finding sources of ground water. But over the year, my Spark has taken on a more...esoteric appearance. I’m not just restricted to the physical and that’s probably why they have me initiate newly Ignited.”

“In simplest terms, I can get a general idea on what your Spark is. Usually just the name and vague idea on what it can do. But some might consider this to be a bit too intrusive, so I’ll need you two to sign this form. It’s a consent form.”

With that, the magical bureaucrat handed the two teens identical looking sheets of paper. Looking down at the tightly packed legal jargon, Albert was a bit lost here. There were a few words he could somewhat understand, but only if he forced himself through the slog of boring legalese. Despite that, he really didn’t think it would be a good idea to just sign some contract given to by some mysterious magical organization. Plenty of fairy-tale stories had beaten that lesson in home.

“It’s a consent form,” Angeline murmured,” A strangely worded one to completely avoid the use of magic...but still just a consent form. It basically says that by signing down below, we grant ‘The Order of Eight’ permission to do a scan of our capabilities. But by doing so, they guarantee that this information they gleam will not be released to the general populace or within their organization. Unless those who actually has access to such information goes looking, like branch managers or any members of the Council of Seven.”

“Thanks.” There were a few questions he wanted to ask but now, he was just glad that the jargon had been simplified for his convenience. And so without further ado, they both signed on the bottom lines before handing them back over across the table.

“Excellent.” To his surprise, instead of placing the newly papers anywhere nearby she just sloppily placed them in a nearby pile. That honestly didn’t look much better in terms of organization, looking as though it was ready to tip over to one side. “Before we begin, do you have any questions or concerns? This will be your last chance to back out now but please remember by doing so, you do put yourself under the scrutiny of Enforcers. Who are basically like our version of police who makes sure the secret doesn’t leak out to the general population and keeps all rogue Ignited in line….”

He didn’t even need to look at Marceline to see her shiver at the mere mention of the name, knowing all to well of her aversion to these magical Enforcers that seem to have the entirety of the magical community in a choke hold. If he could help, he never wanted to meet them.

“Why are you called ‘The Order of Eight’ if there’s only seven on this council of yours?”

That discrepancy niggled at his curiosity above all else, wondering if it was just a ruse to shake people of their trail or some kind of inside joke that had gotten out of hand.

“That’s rather simple,” Joanna started while rummaging around in a nearby pile to pull out two more sheets of paper. Black lines covered it’s entire surface in a box like formation from the flashes that could seen in that short moment,” The Council of Seven are a group of the most powerful and influential Homo-Magi known to mankind. Each of them come from incredibly old and prestigious families, think of them as the top percenters. But why are we called The Order of Eight? Simple. It’s meant to allude to the council and us, the general public. Before it was just the council handling everything without any input from the magical community, but after a few hidden wars it was deemed important to give us a voice too. Thus, The Order of Eight was formed. If you want more information, you’ll have to find some historian willing to tell you.”

“ guys don’t have libraries?” Angeline asked, bafflement evident in her tone. After all, what kind of magical society didn’t have one? It was basically a requirement to gape so heavily at collection of ancient tomes filled to the brim with magical lore and theories. A look passed between the two veteran Ignited before they broke out into a series of chuckles.

“Lin.” Marceline said in-between a few giggles, even going so far as to wipe a single tear from her in the process. “Knowledge is an important factor in magic. So much so, that it has basically become it’s own form of currency here. No one would voluntarily donate their hard earned knowledge to anyone, not even their own friends and family. Even basic ritual primers, that doesn’t even have any actual rituals inside, costs a fortune. And not just in this counties currency, but in gems and other rare materials.”

“So how are suppose to progress or even get started?”

This set-up really didn’t seem sustainable to Albert, he could understand hoarding personal information with extreme relish but purposefully restricting even the most basic of information seemed...intentional.

‘It makes since if there’s other Magi Houses than just the Seven,’ He thought,’ They certainly wouldn’t want to give up their massive advantage for all the money in the world.’

“Just like anyone else whose from an established family,” Joanna shrugged, but still slightly bad for their current situation, “You train your Spark until it becomes something desired. Then once your good enough, you can demand any price you want for you services. You just need to find your own niche and stick with it.”

“And plus besides,” Marceline piped up, her face slightly flushed as she calmed enough to speak without wheezing like a heavy chain smoker,” I’m not going to leave you guys hanging, don’t worry about the basic primers I got you two handled. It’s not a lot, just a book on tips to further develop your Sparks.”

“Thanks Marcy,” The blonde wiped at her brow comically,” Whatever would we do without you there to hold our hand.”

“Probably press ganged into some magical gang or coven.”

She shrugged nonchalantly as though she hadn’t just dropped a massive bomb on their expectations.

“You guys can get into that at a later date,” Joanna looked up above their heads,” But we should really get the scan done. I do have other appointments after you and I don’t want to keep you here for too long. Who wants to go first?”

The two newly Ignited looked at one another, brown met green and weighed each other heavily.

“You can go first,” Albert said,” I don’t mind.”

“Thanks.” Angeline looked a bit sheepish, but didn’t argue. He wouldn’t blame the girl, she wasn’t like him who got at least a basic description of his talent and probably had to figure everything out on her own. The curiosity must be eating her up alive.

“Excellent, you don’t need to do anything but stand still.” Joanna said and pulled out a pair of items out from inside her desk. In each of her hands, a pair of golden ‘L’ shaped rods were held. Each of these rods had what looked like a ball on the ends pointing out to the blonde, that reflected the overhead lights.

The office worker then closed her eyes and mumbled a few words that jumbled together into an indistinguishable mass of sound, the language was strange. It sounded both guttural and melodious, seeming to slip off the tongue with relative ease in one moment before an insane effort forced her throat muscles to throb visibly. As she chanted, the ball tips glowed with a light blue hue of their own making, before the rods zeroed in on the blonde. Nothing seem to happen for a few moments, while both he and Angeline froze. Just waiting for something...well magical to happen.

So color them surprised when instead of anything visible besides the light, the bureaucrat instead put the golden rods down before writing furiously at one of the empty sheets.

“Uh..was that it?” Albert felt that he had to ask, he had expected something...more? To him, it looked like she just twisted the divining rods in the girl’s direction before writing. Hell, the overhead lights didn’t even flicker.

“Yes…” Joanna said distractedly, her pen still in motion. “We aren’t Magi, Mr. Nelson. There are very few Sparks with a visible component to them, at least with mundane eyes. Magi can see the currents of magic in the air and actually witness what our Sparks can do. It’s theorized that’s how the first spells came about. But let me tell you what I found. Ms. Gramercy, you’ve probably noticed your exercises have an increased affect on your body?”

She received a nod in return and it finally clicked for Albert, he had noticed something strange with the blonde awhile ago but that exorcism had kinda pushed everything else aside. Now with new eyes, he eyed the girl’s biceps and really noticed the muscle present. That really didn’t seem like the kind of process that only a few weeks would provide, maybe six months or more but not a little less than two months. And the muscle she developed didn’t look too out of place on her either, just seeming to blend right in with her natural body shape.

“Well, that’s your Spark working on you. Your entire body in being infused with your magical reserves, essentially improving the effects of any conditioning you do it. But because of this, most of your reserves are going to maintaining your physique so there really isn’t much left over to cast any medium sized or greater ritual. Maybe that’ll change in the future, but for now you’re going to be slightly faster and stronger than most people your own age. This Spark is common for magic users who hunt magical entities. Congratulations Angeline Gramercy, you’re a Slayer.”

“Like...Van Helsing?”

Her voice came out timid and unsure, something he had never heard since knowing the strong minded girl.

“Uh...yeah kinda. But please don’t go around hunting vampires, most of them just want to be left alone. Any who try to take over the city or world are free game though. But funnily enough, Van Helsing didn’t have this Spark. He was more of an alchemist and used potions to match their vampiric physical might. But once again, I must stress this enough; please do not go hunting magical creatures without an active bounty. Not only would that most assuredly get you killed but also make you criminal in our organization. If there is an emergency with some magical creature causing trouble, we have seers and diviners that allows us to get these bounties out pretty quickly. Of course, if you’re attacked you don’t need to hold back.”

“Hunting? I don’t even know how to fight…” She murmured. “Does wrestling moves count?”

“Like what form? The sport or…”

“She means like jumping off the top rope,” Marceline pipped in, “Slamming people with chairs, stuff like that.”

“Uhh…” Joanna looked at the two weirdly, her eyebrow quirked in obvious confusion. “No, most these creatures are bigger than humans and would absolutely rip you to shreds. Remember, for now your body is just faster and stronger, not more durable. So please, learn how to fight before you go after any bounties. In fact, I would even say don’t take any bounties for at least a few years. Even our lowest level bounties still have some uncertainties about them. So just train for now.”

Angeline looked a bit relieved at not being forced to hunt down creatures out of nightmares and also a bit sad at being able to do exactly that. She truly did have a good Spark, and if his theories were true then she must posses a lesser version of Shazam’s toolkit. But if the blonde ever got anywhere close to that near demigod levels of strength or speed, then she would possibly be one of the strongest people on this planet.

“You might even receive some sponsorship offers,” The bureaucrat added offhandedly,” While the exact details of your Spark is on a need to know basis, that doesn’t mean some of the Magi Houses or Ignited groups won’t want to recruit you. Slayers are always needed, all around the globe at that. As a neutral party I am not allowed to provide you with any advice pertaining to this.”

“That’s why I’m here!” Marceline pointed at herself proudly, even going so far as to puff her chest out. “Just stick with me tutes, I can show you this whole magical world! I’ll make sure no one tries to advantage of you...except me of course.”

“Despite her joking,” Joanna grinned,” It is best that you have an experienced guide, Marceline here is very well versed in the inner workings of the cities prominent Magi Houses and Ignited Organizations. She assuredly won’t steer you wrong. Now, Mr. Nelson, are you ready?”


Albert nodded at that, despite already knowing what his talent could do he didn’t know exactly if it would even qualify as a Spark. Given it’s origin not being of this world. What he did know for certain was that it did use Magic Points (MP) to use.

[MP: 9/9]

And if he needed to prove it, then at least his pool regenerated enough to hopefully to use once. With his verbal consent, Joanna picked up the twin golden divining rods in each hand. Closing her eyes, she once more began to chant in that strange guttural but melodic language, the ball tipped ends pointing in his direction after only a moment. He could see a bluish hue overtake the instrument and figured everything would go the same as before but that expectation went out the door the moment those two tips continued to move closer to one another. And just when the two balls (A/N: Heh) were getting ready to collide, they stopped in place and bent up.

They went from his chest all the way up to the middle of his forehead, leaving cold chills to spread across his skin.

“Those were new…” Joanna looked down at her divining rods with a forlorn expression on her face before placing them down and scribbling down on another empty sheet. “Well Albert, I don’t know if you have a magical creature as an ancestor or what but to clear up any confusion I should really explain. Most Magi and Ignited have their magical reserves stored in the form of a core in the Hypogastric area, or better known as the pubic region. It’s not really a core, some just imagine it as one. Some of the stranger Magi or Ignited has their core located in their hearts...but normally only magical creatures have them located in their brain. And only those with mental aspects to their abilities.”

He felt his heart stop at that, a frigid finger running itself down his spine as images flashed through his mind. Years of reading fantasy books reared it’s ugly head in that moment, foretelling his rather gruesome end,” Does..does that mean I need to worry about being...disappeared?”

“If we were still in the dark ages,” Joanna snorted, her pen never stopping as she got near the bottom of the sheet,” But no. There are no Magi or Ignited that’ll be willing to risk drawing the ire of the entire Council just at the chance of figuring something out about your body. And plus besides, from what I can tell there doesn’t seem to be any real benefits allotted to you for having it located where it is. Your overall reserves are a bit lower than average, not by much but enough to restrict in a similar way to Angeline here. As for your Spark? Judging from your gloves, I’m guessing you probably already know. Psychometry, the ability to read the history and memories stored within an object. An incredibly rare Spark that’ll certainly make you a hot commodity in the magical community.”

Albert didn’t know what made him more relieved, the possibility of him being whisked away by some curiosity and less scrupulous Magi to be experimented on or that his glove ploy actually worked. His lying abilities were practically nonexistent at this time, if he could make people assume something was true then it would technically fall under that MVP known as Psychology.

“Once it gets out that you’re a Psychometrist, you’ll nearly have a completely open market to peddle your trade...but you might want to wait until your Spark is better developed. From our records, trying to read an object that has too much significant will leave adverse effects. From confusion, to memory lost, all the way up to even dropping into a coma. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re contacted by this time tomorrow.”

‘I can use it as a side business,’ He thought, joy churning in his stomach as the idea came to mind,‘ I won’t need to worry about my bills...and I can use it as a method to advertise my detective agency.. How attractive would a magical investigator be?’

‘...But I get the feeling no one really wants a nosy Psychometrist investigating crimes, the amount of enemies I’ll make who feels threatened by me accidently unearthing their secrets… Maybe I won’t dip my toe in the magical mire beyond offering my services until I’m a bit more established.’

“Please sign your signature at the bottom here to verify that all the information present is correct.” Joanna foisted two sheets, that were now completely filled in with their personal information. From their genders, age, birthday, address and even their most recent phone numbers. He started to fill a bit uneasy at exact how much information this woman could gleam from just a single once over.

‘No wonder we had to sign those consent forms…’ His eyes glanced over the series of numbers representing his height with a slight frown. ‘I could’ve swore I was taller than that...I can see why some people would consider this to rather invasive.’

At the very bottom, there was only a single spot left completely unfilled and after scanning the document once more, he signed his signature.

“Excellent,” The magical bureaucrat smiling gentle, taking the sheets from them and tossing the documents haphazardly. Given her abilities she explained so far, it was easier to see why she didn’t need to worry about organization in the slightest,” There are a few things I need to explain to you...well more warn than anything else.”

“We do have some problematic members of our organization but that’s the same everywhere,” She waved her hand dismissively,” Most of them believe themselves to be some sort of chosen one, that their Sparks are all something so valuable that we’ll protect them when they screw up or do something nasty. But other than some holier than though thinking, most of them are harmless. Just insufferable….”

“But despite that, there is one person I must warn you about.” Joanna’s words put a spike of attention to pierce into his spine, making him sit up a bit straighter. For someone to be so troublesome that they’re actively being warned against is definitely someone he wanted to avoid. “He’s not exactly a bad guy...but his action-”

“If you’re talking about who I’m thinking your talking about,” The very tips of Marceline’s ears grew beat red as a flash of fury crossed her features,” Then yes, he is a bad guy. I’m still surprised he’s not considered a criminal yet by the Order.”

“Be that as it may,” She grimaced at the teen’s interruption, stooping her fingers together,” Please do not slander other people. Especially not members of the Order. Despite the things he has done, he’s helped the Order greatly in the past and gained a pardon for his past...misdeeds.”

Albert really wasn’t getting a good feeling about this, for someone to be this despised and prized practically screamed the power of a protagonist. A child blessed by fate to have everything in the world work out in the end. And instead of her words intention to ease the blow this person’s name might bring, it only further cemented his resolve to never work with this person.

“The man in question is named John Constantine.”

If before he had resolved to never work with the man, then he feared his legs wouldn’t be fast enough to flee from that particular calamity. John Constantine, the swindler of the magical world of DC. A man who had promised to sell his soul so many times that it has essentially became worthless in Hell, a person so slippery that even eels would be envious of how slimy he was. Making him a massive trouble magnet given all the otherworldly enemies he has.

Someone Albert couldn’t afford to accidentally run into, else it wouldn’t take long for the man to convince him to join in on some scheme that most likely would find him somewhere in Hell as some demon’s plaything.

“Stay away from him.” The medium huffed, seeming not willing to let this particular thing go. He had seen her mad before but not this pissed, whatever experience she might’ve had with the magical conman must’ve been quite the story. “He’s nothing but trouble. He’ll tell you anything to get you to help him, but immediately skimp out on any sort of payment the moment everything’s said and done. Hell, he’ll even steal from you while doing so! I swear his Spark must be that silvery tongue of his! Or else he wouldn’t keep getting away with it!”

At that, not even Joanna had the cheek to stare the fuming girl down and instead turned her head to the side. There was obviously some unwillingness on her part but she kept her mouth shut, but Albert could see it in the clenching of her hands and the way both guilt and anger flashed behind her eyes. That wasn’t the expression of someone who was entirely a neutral party, but someone who knew the man in question personally.

Acquaintance? Friend? Savior? Lover? He didn’t know but what Psychology did tell him through small insights wasn’t anything good in the slightest.

‘We should leave.’

There was no reason to further irk the woman by speaking ill of Constantine, especially not with her abilities and position. The amount of trouble that she could cause for us was substantial and not something Albert wanted to deal with. And so without further ado, he discreetly elbowed Marceline’s side.

Given his lower than average strength, the blow was more like an annoying poke that barely stopped itself from bridging the line to something actually harmful. The glare she sent him in kind was enough to tell him he would have to bring her another pizza in the near future but if that’s all it took to get out of here on amicable terms, then that was certainly fine.

Let’s go.

He’s never been too good at speaking with only his eyes, the act was something he could never truly get right but this time he tried to convey the seriousness and desperation that was churning in his gullet. Whatever she saw must’ve at least conveyed the basics.

“I apologize.” Marceline nodded at the magical bureaucrat. “I have personal issues with Constantine, but that doesn’t mean I should use your office to rant. We will take out leave, thank you for helping my friends.”


“You’re forgiven.”

Marceline practically moaned as she chewed on her most recent bite of greasy goodness. Little bits of cheese and sauce sticking to the sides of her mouth to showcase exactly how big the burger in question was. It was a tall thing, having about three patties of varying size drizzled in ketchup and mustard, some pickles and large rings of onions that slipped out from the toasted buns. A tray of crisp fries sat off to the side with a large strawberry milkshake the size of a human head next to it.

Despite her joking, Albert knew she was serious. No one enjoyed getting elbowed in the side, especially not after getting dealt the same hand by all the wondering denizens of Gotham. Lunch hour was truly the worst time to travel in the city.

The rough jostling on their way here hadn’t done any favors on his shoulder and even now, a slight burning sensation was slowly spreading. It didn’t hurt as much as it did that night but it was still enough to worry him.

‘I’ll get it check out later.’


Angeline sighed wistfully, popping the last bits of her burger in her mouth and chewed noisily. Unlike the absolute monstrosity that the medium had gotten, the blonde had been a bit more reasonable and instead ordered multiple burgers. To be fair, she actually seemed like she could finish them all. Whilst Marceline looked to be struggling after only a few bites.

“I’m so glad that you both have magnanimously decided to accept my offering.” He rolled his eyes at their antics and popped another crispy fry in his mouth. They had stumbled across this burger shop on their way back from the magical BMV and saw fit to at least treat the two of them to lunch. While he was sorry for elbowing the girl like that, he would do it again if his instincts were ringing true. “But can you explain the...incident with Constantine better?”

“Yeah,” The blonde nodded,” I get there’s some history between you two, but not exactly what happened.”

Marceline chewed slower at that, her cheeks bulging as she furrowed her brow in thought. Whatever story she was about to tell, it obviously wasn’t the best of her work. And probably brought up a lot of shame. But inevitably, she sighed and placed the burger down.

“Fine.” She huffed. “But I’m only telling you this because it’ll act as a warning. When I was younger and still living the nomad life, I had stumbled across him...but thinking back on it I think it was purposeful. He came to me wanting to use my Spark to aid him in something he was working on and, despite being warned multiple times by many people, I trusted him. Especially after he promised me a particular artifact that would’ve made my Spark work wonders. Long story short after exorcising the spirit, Constantine said he was going out for a smoke and never came back. I looked everywhere for that conman but nothing ever came up. I even reported him to the Order but nothing ever came out of it.”

“You’re talking about John? John Constantine?” A man turned around to face our booth, a furious expression on his face as he nearly spat out the name. “I went exploring a tomb with him and he still owes me all those high grade rubies!”

“Don’t say his name in my shop!” The cook hollered out from the little window that showcased the kitchen. It seems even saying his name was enough to get people all riled up. “That bastard has made a tab from here to halfway across the country!”

“He stole my grimoire!”

“He dug up my grandma.”

“He slept with my wife and refused to give up the tape!” Everyone gazed over at the heavily muscles man who said that particular line. Who only looked at everyone else like they were the crazy ones. “What? My wife and I have our own kinks! It takes a man to allow his wife to sleep with another! And it takes an even better man to actually hold the camera!”

“Anyway…” Marceline dragged the pair back into their own little bubble as the surrounding customers and cook dug into the man. “The story doesn’t end there. Not only did he get away with scamming me but he also had the gall to come looking for me about a year ago. Sent him right out on the curb without giving him a chance to spill his garbage. What you need to know is this, no matter what he tries to say do not. And I repeat DO NOT agree to work with or help him! He WILL swindle you, I can guarantee that. How he gets away with duping so many people, I don’t know.”

“Are we in a magical burger shop?”

Angeline’s eyes positively sparkled as she looked around at the still arguing customers, probably hoping to see the place get trashed by magic spells or something.

“Yeah,” The brunette shrugged,” Basically any shop nearby the Order can be considered in on the know. But in general, you’ll likely run into a lot more places that are magical now.”


“In the current era of widespread information, magic is already something incredibly hard to hide. Back then, it was easier without cameras and social media. But think of the entire world shrouded in a veil type thing that makes most non-magical humans ignore anything strange they might witness. It’s not strong enough to prevent anything cataclysmic from going unnoticed, it just makes them more willing to explain it away with science or their own form of reason. But because you registered with the Order, that spell’s effect has been effectively lifted from you. You’ll stumble upon so many locations that you previously would’ve ignored.”

“That…” The blonde paused with another burger halfway to her mouth. “Sounds really powerful. Isn’t that like worldwide mind control?”

“Think of it more like an illusion, mind control is a bit taboo in this community. A lot of people put it on the same level of other darker schools of magic, like necromancy and curses. But essentially, the Veil only nudges people to lean more heavily in their own willingness to just ignore things. And to answer your next question, yes that spell is very powerful indeed. So powerful that it took the entire Council to cast and maintain.”

“Let’s circle around back to this….” She looked around at the still arguing customers and probably noticed how heated things were getting and dropped her voice to a whisper. “John guy? I know the excuse Joanna gave was..less than satisfactory but I gotta know why hasn’t anyone done anything about him? Isn’t that what your police are for?”

“Like I said,” Marceline shrugged,” His Spark must have something to do with either lying or persuasion. He’s not a Magi, so he has no House backing him. So that can be ruled out. As for why no one does anything? Simple, they’ve tried. If you think I’m the first he’s swindled then you’re wrong. There’s been a bunch of Ignited and even Magi that he’s scammed. But when they tried going after him, he always either runs away or traps them somewhere long enough for him to hide under the coattails of someone strong. How he has so many friends, I have no idea. And as for the Order? They won’t do anything about him and has pardoned him multiple times, despite some of things he’s done being enough to get anyone else hunted.”

‘Could he be involved with Joanna?’ Albert thought, drumming his fingers on the table as he played back his most recent interaction with the dowser. In particular, he thought back to her rather strange reaction. Maybe she could’ve felt guilty for her branch not doing anything..but that flash of anger he saw wasn’t that of someone who had their hands tied. No, it was more like she had almost said or done something in defense of someone else. In this instance, in defense of Constantine. It wasn’t anything concrete he could actively search into, especially not given how valuable the Order found Joanna. But it was something to keep in mind.

And from his own memories of how the conman was portrayed in media, he was leaning more towards the two having a more intimate relationship. Maybe a fling? If the two had anything romantic he suspected she would’ve been a lot less tolerant and instead kicked them out for daring to speak ill of her loved one.

‘Or maybe not.’

He wanted to pull out his hair as the mystery came full circle. He didn’t know the woman well enough to know that’s how she would react. Saying anything now would just be him splashing mud in the bureaucrat's face. If pissing off a regular state official was bad enough, doing the same to a magical one would certainly make his life a living nightmare.

So for now, Albert contented himself with lavishing in these simpler days. Knowing full well that in his darkness days he would look fondly here. The system wouldn’t be content with allowing him to live so peacefully for long.

Hey guys! If you wish to read ahead on this and all my fanfiction (And even extra, extra early access to my original) I have a patreon down below! Thank you for reading!

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