This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 2 As long as you give money, you can make bad movies

If you ask what a movie is, everyone will have their own answer.

Some people think movies are art, some think movies are entertainment, and still others think movies are a noble thing that exposes the darkness of society and shows the reality of the world.

But here in Xu Nan, movies are a tool to make money.

As long as it makes money, I can make any movie.

In his previous life, he filmed the kind of anti-Japanese dramas that people madly complained about every day, but so what, at least he made money, and occasionally he could give advice on actresses' acting skills.

So how do you make money in this world?

After much deliberation, the best way is to make a movie, and a really bad movie.

Some people may ask, how can a bad movie make money? Shouldn't a movie that can really make money be a good movie?

This kind of thinking is actually very amateurish. Good movies may not necessarily make money, and bad movies may not necessarily lose money.

Whether a movie can make money depends mainly on whether the audience is willing to pay.

Whether "Wolf Warrior" is a good movie, most people will only think that this movie is good, but it is definitely not a classic.

But the box office of "Wolf Warrior" far exceeded those classic movies.

"Tiny Times" is a complete bad movie, but this movie made a lot of money, much more than those classic movies.

In his previous life, Xu Nan, as a person in the entertainment industry, had always paid close attention to the film industry. As a TV series director, he had always wanted to enter the film industry with higher standards and make more money.

However, his focus is different from others. Others focus on big directors, big companies, and big-budget movies.

And what he pays attention to are all eccentric directors, eccentric companies, and eccentric movies.

Although those big companies and big directors are glamorous, in terms of return on investment, they are really not as good as those unsophisticated companies and unsophisticated directors.

In this regard, what Xu Nan admires the most is Sanctuary Pictures in the United States. This film company specializes in making knock-off movies.

When other companies filmed "Ten Thousand Years Before History", they filmed "One Hundred Million Years Before History"; when others filmed "Pacific Rim", they filmed "Atlantic Rim"; when others filmed "Spider-Man", they immediately copied a "Spider-Man" Dragonfly Man".

The most amazing thing is that this film production company, which specializes in copycats, is still very prosperous. Not only is it prosperous, but it also makes a lot of money. The profit margin is much higher than those of big companies.

This company is Xu Nan's role model. He even thought about imitating this film company and making a copycat movie to make money. He even wrote the script and was waiting to find someone to invest.

But later he discovered that he couldn't do it.

In the United States, the reason why Shelter Pictures, which produces knock-off movies, is because the entertainment system there is more complete. If you make such knock-off movies in China, you will end up with a silver bracelet package.

After discovering this fact, Xu Nan was frustrated for a long time.

His movie dream was shattered before it even started.

After traveling through time, he carefully studied the entertainment industry in this world and was surprised to find that the laws and regulations of the entertainment industry in this world were much more complete than those in his previous life.

In order to avoid the emergence of monopoly giants, a series of regulations such as the separation of production and broadcasting, the separation of artist management and film and television production, and the prohibition of theaters from intervening in film production have been implemented early.

The most important thing is that the theater chains in this world are not strong. There are four or five large theater chain companies with thousands of theaters, and there are a dozen medium-sized theater chain companies with more than 500 theaters.

There are even more small and medium-sized theater chain companies with only dozens or even a dozen theaters.

The most important reason why copycat movies could not appear in the past life is that the theater companies that control movie theaters are particularly powerful and have directly intervened in the production of movies, becoming an upstream monopoly platform.

In this case, they will not allow copycat movies to affect their interests.

Chinatown is a good example. It is clear that the quality of the third film is not good, but in order to ensure its own interests, the theater chain has always allowed this average-quality film to occupy the largest slot, thus getting the most box office.

Because they own shares in this movie.

In the past, several major directors and film companies joined forces to change this situation, increase their box office share, and had a quarrel with theater chains.

Then they were severely beaten by the theaters and no longer dared to challenge the theaters.

Big directors and big film companies are like this. How does Xu Nan, a director who makes anti-Japanese dramas, have the qualifications to use a copycat movie to hit theaters?

But this world is different. Theater chains are simply theater chains, a platform for showing movies. There are special laws staring at them, preventing them from intervening in the production of movies.

It is even less possible to form a theater alliance to bully directors and audiences like in previous lives.

In this environment, copycat movies have a lot to offer.

Xu Nan searched the Internet and found that the film "Along the River During Qingming Festival" by great director Zhang Yange was about to be released, and the first trailer had already been released.

When he saw the lineup, the investment, and the production company, Xu Nan was extremely excited.

Isn't this a human being?

Decisively, he spent three hours writing the script for the movie "Along the River on a Sunny Day".

Generally speaking, after the first trailer comes out, the movie will be released within one to two months.

So Xu Nan's time was very tight and he had to finish filming "Along the River on a Qingming Festival" in the shortest possible time so that it could be released before them.

Yes, this movie has to be released before Zhang Yange's "Along the River During the Qingming Festival".

Liu Yang has been in the industry for a long time and has seen many copycat movies, but he has never seen such a blatant copycat movie.

The most important thing is that the cost is only 200,000. What is enough for this little money?

"Mr. Xu, why don't you add some money? This money is too little and it won't be enough for anything you do." Liu Yang said in a dilemma.

"I can't help it, the company only has so little money." Xu Nan spread his hands as a bachelor.

You think he doesn’t want to make big productions or be a big director, because he doesn’t have money.

After paying off the loan with the money from selling the house, he only had enough money left to make bad movies.

"Otherwise, try to find a few investors and let them invest some money." Liu Yang suggested.

This is also a common practice in the film industry. To make a movie, the film company itself only contributes a small part or even no money, and the majority of the money is borne by the investors, and the risks are also borne by the investors.

Xu Nan shook his head: "Our company just lost money on a movie. No one will invest in our new movie."

"Moreover, increasing investment means that it will be more difficult to make back the investment. The shooting cost of 200,000 yuan can be recovered with the box office of 500,000 yuan. If the investment increases, it will be difficult to make money."

"In addition, our movie must be released before Zhang Yange's movie. The time is very tight and we don't have time to find investors."

Seeing the troubled expression on Liu Yang's face, Xu Nan patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, I will be the director and producer of the movie, and you will only be responsible for the shooting. The money you should be given will not be less, and there will be bonuses after the movie is released."

"Okay." Liu Yang reluctantly agreed.

Just give money.

bad movie?

Then it’s a bad movie.

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