This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 30 Do you know how I spent these seven days?

Two days later, Xu Nan returned to the crew and attended the closing banquet.

The movie "Taoist Bian Shan" took a total of seven days to shoot, plus two days of preparation, that's nine days.

To be honest, it didn't meet his expectations, but it was an improvement compared to the previous movie.

That's it.

By summarizing the experience, we can shoot the next movie faster.

After the movie was finished, Old Liu found a restaurant, ordered a table of delicious food, and invited all the dozen or so people from the crew over.

Xu Nan specially ordered a box of beer, not even a cup. As soon as the bottle cap was opened, he grabbed the bottle and stood up, saying emotionally.

"Everyone has worked hard these days."

As soon as these emotional words came out, the dining table fell silent for a moment, and several people's eyes turned red.

Zhang Ying, in particular, felt so sad that she almost shed tears.

Damn, it’s really hard.

Before coming, she specifically checked the information of Summit Film and Television Company.

She also knew what kind of film she wanted to shoot and had already prepared it before she came.

When she arrived on the set, she realized that her preparations were far from enough.

Damn, have you ever seen a crew with only a dozen members?

There were only a dozen members and she recognized them.

But what’s outrageous is that the identities of the cast, crew, and crew members switch seamlessly.

One second, this person may be the lighting engineer or prop master of the crew, and the next second, he has become an important actor in the movie.

Both Nima and the male lead opposite her can become crew members and even help distribute lunch boxes.

On the first day she arrived, the director was quite polite to her and just let her act.

On the second day, Nima asked her to do everything. As long as she had free time, she had to do something that was originally done by the staff.

When she was studying acting, her teacher told her that when an actor arrives on the set, he must devote himself wholeheartedly to the role. Only in this way can the role be brought to life.

But when she came to this crew, she devoted herself wholeheartedly to more than just the role.

For the filming of the movie, she worked hard and died.

Seven days, seven whole days.

Do you know how she spent these seven days?

After the filming of the movie was completed, the dark life finally passed.

Zhang Ying also adjusted her mood.

But Mr. Xu's sudden words of comfort made her break her guard.

People are like this. If you are alone, you can be very strong, but when there is someone next to you to comfort you, you will become very fragile.

"It seems our heroine is very touched."

Seeing Zhang Ying's expression, Xu Nan teased.

Then he said seriously: "But don't worry, I won't treat you badly."

"I have already contacted the theater chain, and the movie will be released in five days."

"After the movie is released, everyone will have a red envelope. Newcomers can ask the old employees if I gave everyone a red envelope for the last movie."

"Mr. Xu is very generous."

Lao Liu clapped his hands at the right time.

The others also clapped when they saw this.

Zhang Ying was the only newcomer here, and she also clapped when she saw this.

Judging from the expressions of other staff members, what Mr. Xu said should be true.


Xu Nan stopped everyone's applause at the right time and continued.

"I know that because the film production fee is too low, you have a hard time during the filming process."

"But I didn't have any good ideas before because the company had insufficient funds and could only shoot movies like this."

"Everyone has their pursuits. In fact, I don't want to make such a rubbish movie, but I have no choice. Who said I don't have money?"

Speaking of this, Xu Nan's eyes turned red.

Zhang Ying was very moved when she heard this and couldn't help but nodded.

Yes, who would want to make bad movies if they weren't forced by life.

Mr. Xu has worked really hard.

Xu Nan's voice suddenly became louder, holding a wine bottle in one hand and waving the other hand vigorously in the air.

With strong contagiousness.

"But don't worry, good times are coming soon."

"The company made money on its last movie, a lot of money."

"If you have money, you will naturally want to make blockbusters."

"Currently, the company is preparing for a big-budget movie, and has already invited Shenhua Princess Lin Hongxiu to be the first heroine."

"Well, Zhang Ying, please feel aggrieved. The number one female lead has returned to Lin Hongxiu, and you can only play the second female lead."

Xu Nan turned to Zhang Ying with an apologetic expression.

Zhang Ying quickly stood up.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu, I'll be satisfied if I can get a role."

"Don't worry, I will definitely give you wonderful acting skills and I will never let you down."

"Well done."

Xu Nan gave Zhang Ying a thumbs up.

"Everyone applaud."

Liu Yang was the first to applaud.

Others quickly followed suit and applauded.

There was a happy atmosphere at the dinner table.

"Um, Mr. Xu, can I ask how much this big-budget movie costs?"

Zhang Wei, who has played the leading role twice in a row, asked suddenly.

"The cost."

Xu Nan glanced around the people at the dinner table and found that they were all looking at him expectantly.

Even Liu Yang had light in his eyes.

Xu Nan stretched out five fingers vigorously and said loudly: "Fifty million."


There was a gasp at the dinner table.

These days, there are not many movies with a box office of more than 50 million a year. I didn't expect that the production cost of their movies could be so high.

Big production, really big production.

The crew's eyes lit up.

Being able to participate in such a large-scale production is a rare experience for them.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Xu Nan smiled with satisfaction.

"Of course, because the main funds for this movie will be spent on production, your remuneration may not be too high."

"After all, we need to work more on the quality of the movie and find ways to make the movie better."

Zhang Ying stood up again and said excitedly: "Don't worry, Mr. Xu, the salary is not important, the important thing is to make a good movie."

Being able to participate in a big production with a cost of 50 million yuan, not to mention the low salary, she is willing to pay for it.

"Well done."

Xu Nan gave a thumbs up.

What a good girl. She is fierce, long-legged, and stylish.

You are on the right track.

"Don't worry, everyone, I can guarantee that the movie will be a hit."

"Don't forget, my last movie only cost 200,000 yuan, but it made nearly 140 million yuan at the box office, and I also sold 16 million in online broadcast rights."

"The rate of return is more than 700 times."

"Looking around the country, no, around the world, is there any director with a higher return rate than me?"

Xu Nan said confidently.

When everyone heard it, it was really like this.

Although Mr. Xu was poor at filming movies, his results were real and surpassed many great directors.

There is definitely a future with a director like this.

Seeing that everyone was feeling comfortable with him, Xu Nan quickly raised the bottle.

"Come, drink."

"Tonight, I won't come home until I'm drunk."

"You won't come home until you're drunk."

Everyone echoed loudly and the atmosphere was warm.

In their minds, they couldn't help but start thinking about the bright future.

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