This Emperor is Only An Actor

Chapter 107 The Hot Yueguan

Li Ruotong was very angry.

She kindly reminded Yueguan, but this guy actually mocked her on purpose.

Dog things, kindly treat them as the liver and lungs of donkeys.

the next day.

Li Ruotong became even more angry.

Because the data of the first day of Edge of the City came out.

Blind the eyes of countless people.

The total number of subscriptions is 1.2 million+, and the total number of subscribers is 80,000+. On the first day, all costs are recovered by subscription revenue.

Five-star video has tens of thousands of paying members in one day, and it is still growing.

Many viewers are not short of money, and fans are even more so.

As for the fans that Yueguan has now, a large part of them are the kind of true fans who can go crazy for their idols.

At the moment, no one is more worthy of the word traffic than Yueguan.

So even if the quality of Edge of the City is average, it is actually impossible to hit the street.

Not to mention, the quality of Edge of the City is really excellent. The score of 9.7 is definitely inflated, but there is definitely no problem with a score of 9 or more.

Even if you don't like a domestic drama of this level, you can only say that it is not the type you like, and it does not mean that the quality of the drama is not good enough.

Li Ruotong couldn't believe it after seeing this data.

Shouldn't be, Edge of the City is such a niche subject, it can actually have this data, have you subscribed?

Yue Guan took a look at Li Ruotong and shook his head: Sister Ruotong, why are you like some readers on Five Star Chinese Online?

What's the meaning?

I recently read novels on the five-star Chinese website, and found that many readers have a problem. Anything they don't like thinks it must not be successful, and what doesn't fit their ideas is unreasonable. It's exactly the same as yours. Your family opened the earth. Huh? Just go around you?

Li Ruotong: ...

They are all grown-ups, mature, no one is the center of the world, the world doesn't bother to talk to us at all. If a work wants to make money, it has nothing to do with the public and niche, just target the audience. And the more niche themes pay The higher the rate, this is common sense. Besides, with my current fame, popularity, word-of-mouth, and such a big publicity campaign, there are currently only more than 80,000 paid subscriptions. Is this number exaggerated?

Mo Xiangwan nodded: Yue Guan is right. 80,000 paid members are not a particularly good result. In fact, the first day of subscription revenue of City Edge can only exceed one million, and five-star video and our The investment in publicity and promotion resources has already exceeded one million yuan, and the cost has not yet been recovered. If it is replaced by Chuanming, the subscription number can be increased by at least five times. From this perspective, The Edge of the City Its subject matter is indeed niche and its potential is limited.”

But if it develops like this, Edge of the City will definitely make a lot of money. This is the first day. Li Ruotong simply did the math and realized that selling this show in this way may actually make more money than selling it at a high price. many.

Sister Ruotong, as long as I become popular, there will be no possibility of losing money in this show from the beginning. It's just a matter of earning more and less.

Yueguan actually didn't expect Edge of the City to make a lot of money.

If you double the profit by more than ten times, you will be satisfied.

The biggest significance of Edge of the City is to prove to the outside world that the business model of Five Star Video can be a win-win situation with investors and producers. In the future, after the film and television project is established, in addition to considering cooperation with TV stations, it may also consider cooperation with Five Star Video.

With one successful example, the road ahead will be much easier.

In fact, you could have earned more, Yueguan, why do you oppose the tipping function? With your current popularity, if you activate the tipping function, the reward income will probably exceed the subscription income. Mo Xiangwan felt a little regretful.

When it was decided that Edge of the City needs to be paid to watch in the five-star video, Li Fuzhen proposed to set up a reward function to attract fans and viewers who are really rich and like the show to contribute more income to the show.

Yueguan refused.

In the future, other film and television drama projects can enable the tipping function, so let's forget about mine, at least for now.


Many of my current fan base are minors or students. The subscription fee is nothing, and it should be regarded as cultivating their genuine awareness. But asking them to tip is tantamount to encouraging them to ask for money from their families. This behavior is not good. I don’t need this little money.”

Yueguan does not reject this business model. For the platform, making money is always the first priority.

But he's fine with it.

The influence of a star is too great, and there is still a sense of social responsibility. At least I still want it. Let's talk about it later when I am not popular or the fan base is stable.

He hasn't been pushed to that level yet, so there's no need to make all the money.


The word-of-mouth of Edge of the City is as Yueguan expected, and the praise is overwhelming. Of course, if there are too many people watching, it is impossible to have a high score of 9.7, but the score is not too low. It is currently maintained at around 9.4, yes The TV series with the highest ratings this year even surpassed No. 1 in the World and Chuanming.

Coupled with the popularity of Yueguan and the vigorous promotion of the five-star company, the number of subscribers of Edge of the City has been increasing steadily, and the income is naturally far less than that of Crossing Ming, but the profit has already exceeded 10 million.

Shock in the industry.

Many people have begun to face up to the new model of five-star video, thinking about whether they have a chance to get a share.

This is the effect Yueguan and Five Star Video want.

Compared with five-star videos, Yueguan has accumulated more auras.

In the eyes of most people, no matter how good the quality of Edge of the City is, a group of unknown directors and creators would not have achieved the current results without Yue Guan's popularity.

Facts have proved that Yueguan not only carries the ratings, but also makes the audience spend money to watch him.

The latter is already what the film industry requires of movie stars.

Therefore, many resources in the film industry offered an olive branch to Yueguan.

Among them, there are many famous directors and big producers.

Mo Xiangwan became excited.

Yueguan, good news and better news, which one do you want to hear first?


There is a big production movie looking for you, starring Andy Lau, but the role you are looking for is the big villain, the second male lead, and the role is very important.

No matter how popular Yueguan is, it is impossible to be ranked ahead of Andy Lau. Being able to accept the role of the anti-number one as a newcomer in the film industry is indeed considered Yueguan very important.

Yue Guan nodded slightly: What type?

A blockbuster commercial action movie of the Treasure Hunt type, a 3D movie created by an elite Hollywood production team, and it is the 150th movie starring Andy Lau. There are many stars, and the box office will definitely not be too bad.

Yue Guan's expression turned subtle: A blockbuster commercial action movie of the Treasure Hunt type? The 150th movie starring Andy Lau? Has the script been sent yet?

Not yet, the producer means to ask you to audition first and go through the motions.

What's the name of this play?

Sky secret · Fu Chun mountain picture!

Yueguan: ╮(╯▽╰)╭

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