This Emperor is Only An Actor

Chapter 953 Holy Immortal Buddha, I'd Rather Have Kindness

The Immortal Qin Empire trilogy is the same as the Fengshen trilogy, and it is filmed one by one.

The Fengshen series was filmed in this way, initially for the convenience of adjusting the follow-up plot, so as to avoid problems in the middle and then three consecutive pits.

In the filming of The Immortal Qin Empire, in addition to this consideration, one of the biggest problems was also considered: the advancement of special effects technology.

In the past two years, the progress of special effects technology has been one step at a time. If we can shoot one year later, we can bring a better audition feast to the audience.

At the same time, of course, it can get better box office.

If it weren't for the Immortal Qin Empire trilogy to take over the Fengshen series, theoretically speaking, the later the Immortal Qin Empire series is filmed, the better it is.

But when it comes to reality, you can't think that way. After all, Fengshen 3 has advertised Xianqin Empire all over the world. How many audiences are fascinated.

The best solution is to shoot The Immortal Qin Empire as soon as possible to retain these audiences.

Therefore, the first part of The Immortal Qin Empire was officially approved and entered the group.

The entire entertainment industry was in awe.

With the lineup of The Immortal Qin Empire, even if the production crew does not want to hold a press conference, the media reporters will not agree.

Zhang Yimou led the main creators of The Immortal Qin Empire and was interviewed by media reporters.

Director Zhang, what are your expectations for the box office of the first part of The Immortal Qin Empire?

Zhang Yimou said very conservatively: The first film can break 800 million at the box office and it will be considered a success. We hope that the second and third films will be more.

The box office of the first film in the Fengshen series was only over 600 million.

For ordinary movies, when asked about box office expectations, it is enough to brag as much as possible. For example, Space Hunter, Da Hei Niu said that he is rushing to Wolf Warrior 2.

But Zhang Yimou didn't brag.

Because The Immortal Qin Empire doesn't need to grab attention, this drama is destined to have attracted much attention since the success of the Fengshen trilogy.

So he keeps a low profile.

But the reporters were very dissatisfied, and pointed their guns at Yueguan one after another.

Yueguan, do you agree with Director Zhang's expectation?

Yue Guan smiled: What Director Zhang said was our thoughts. For the first part of The Immortal Qin Empire, we value word-of-mouth more than the box office. Of course, 800 million is compared to The Immortal Qin Empire. It’s really a bit small, 1 billion, as long as it can break 1 billion, it’s a good start for the trilogy of The Immortal Qin Empire, and we are basically satisfied.

What Yue Guan said was an understatement.

Zun Long beside him was so impressed.

He debuted longer than Yueguan.

But a billion movies...he hasn't made a single one.

In Yueguan's mouth, starting with a billion is only basically satisfactory.

The gap between people is really too big.

Zunlong approached Wu Gang, and he asked in a low voice, Mr. Wu, is the one-billion box office already so common in China?

Wu Gang said in a low voice: The movies that can break one billion yuan in China and abroad are still very powerful, but it is really normal for Yue Guan. The movies he made are more than the ones that don't break one billion.

Zunlong: ...

It's outrageous.

When he was still feeling outrageous, the reporters also found him.

John, may I ask...

Before the reporter finished speaking, Zunlong raised his hand and interrupted the other party: You don't need to call me by my English name in China, just call me Zunlong.

He still didn't want to call his original name Wu Guoliang.

He didn't want to recall the history represented by this name, after all, his experience before becoming famous was really miserable.

However, it is obviously not a wise choice to mix in the country and use English names.

When you go to the countryside, you always have to do as the Romans do.

Of course, the reporters also followed suit: Zun Long, it is said that you are now applying for the citizenship of the Dragon Kingdom. Is it true?

Zunlong nodded: I am originally Chinese, and the Dragon Kingdom is my motherland. The fallen leaves have returned to their roots, and now it is time to return to China. At present, this matter is still in the process of going through the process. After I get the Dragon Kingdom nationality, I will tell everyone of.

He finally listened to Yue Guan's suggestion.

Because he knew what Yue Guan said was right.

He's in Hollywood—no future really.

If you don't want to quit the circle, it's best to go back to China for development.

And Zunlong is actually quite patriotic. He went abroad because of various factors. He did very poorly in China, and his background and experience after childhood were too miserable. It's different now, he's already made a name for himself.

It is human nature to return home.

Even if the adoptive mother was not good to him at the beginning, Zun Long has now reconciled with her and started to support her.

After reaching a certain age, many people will gradually reconcile with the world and let go of past grievances.

Zunlong is almost in this state now.

Of course, this was because he hadn't been tricked by anyone in China in his life.

If he is deceived by domestic capital like in his previous life, no matter how patriotic he is, he will not be able to withstand such a toss.

In this life, he returned to the country to shoot a movie about Yue Guan, Yue Guan would definitely not cheat him, and his life trajectory would naturally be completely different from his previous life.

The nationality of Longguo is not particularly easy to get, but the whole world will give the green light to famous and rich people, and with the help of Yueguan, it is only a matter of time for Zunlong to change back to Longuo's nationality.

The reporters are still very interested in Zun Long. After all, Zun Long's behavior can be regarded as officially moving from Hollywood to the domestic entertainment industry.

All domestic artists want to go out and go to Hollywood, but you want to come back. Can you tell us why?

Zun Long said the truth: People are far from their hometowns, and the moon abroad is not particularly round.

He did well in Hollywood and made money, but the roles he played were basically Chinese in the impression of Westerners.

Can't get any good show.

And it will definitely become more and more difficult in the future.

Therefore, Yueguan didn't cheat him by letting him return to China for development.

Among the stars who left their hometown to develop in Hollywood, one counted as one, that is, Cheng Long succeeded, Li Lianjie barely counted, and the others were all soy sauce.

Some even lost their domestic base in order to break into Hollywood.

After Hollywood ruthlessly rejected them, domestic audiences have already forgotten them.

The loss outweighs the gain.

The home lineup of The Immortal Qin Empire is star-studded, everyone has a lot of points worthy of being interviewed, and basically everyone is a capable faction.

This lineup looks naturally strong.

However, the reporters asked a question that the audience was very concerned about: Director Zhang, will The Immortal Qin Empire become a drama where actors compete for acting skills?

Zhang Yimou glanced at Yueguan, and then replied firmly: The probability is not high. The Immortal Qin Empire trilogy will not use acting skills to attract the audience.

What's the use?

First, special effects; second, plot; third, all-star cast.

There is no need to show off the acting skills of this lineup.

Because they appeared in the play, the audience already knew that their acting skills must not be bad.

But they won't be the point.

The focus of special effects blockbusters will always be special effects, and anyone who tries to change this will be taught by the market to behave.

Yue Guan said before when he was filming The Unification of the Great Qin Empire that this TV series will test his acting skills more than The Immortal Qin Empire.

Because The Unification of the Great Qin Empire will also describe the growth of a character.

In The Immortal Qin Empire, apart from describing the protagonist Ying Zheng, others will not have too much pen and ink to shape his past.

There is one thing to say, it is a bit of a waste of their acting skills to let this group of actors come to play The Immortal Qin Empire.

But this is also their initiative.

No one is a fool, any drama is bigger than the sky, it is all nonsense. A blockbuster movie that has the potential to break box office records is especially attractive to any actor, even if they play a role that may be flat.

After the opening press conference, Zhang Yimou gathered a group of creators together and opened a script reading.

This is also Yue Guan's suggestion.

It is still necessary to read the script around. Everyone should unify their cognition first, so that the shooting can be faster.

Yue Guan didn't expect Zhang Yimou to shoot as fast as Wang Jing.

But in theory, it didn't take too long to shoot the first part of The Immortal Qin Empire.

Because the most time-consuming part of the whole series of The Immortal Qin Empire trilogy is the post-production, it is actually not difficult to shoot.

After the script reading started, Yue Guan took the initiative to speak:

Teachers, if you have any questions about the script, you can ask them directly. Director Zhang and I have communicated with the screenwriters of the screenwriting team many times, and we still know enough about the script.

As soon as Yue Guan finished speaking, Chen Baoguo said, Yue Guan, is the Emperor of Heaven weakened in the script of The Immortal Qin Empire? In the script of Immortal Qin Empire, the Heavenly Emperor is obviously much less threatening.

Yue Guan smiled: Mr. Chen, the strength of the Heavenly Emperor has not been weakened, but the others have become stronger. In Fengshen 3, the king Suantian, with the help of Empress Nuwa, made it on the list of gods. Hands and feet, turned the heaven into the heaven of the human race. In fact, it is equivalent to the boss of a start-up company introducing professional managers, but being emptied by the professional managers.

Typical wolf-in-the-house.

Chen Baoguo can understand this setting.

He just found it a little too easy.

After I read the script, there is one thing that I still haven't figured out: if the other four great emperors of the Heavenly Court join forces, can they defeat the Heavenly Emperor?

No, otherwise they will directly overthrow the Emperor of Heaven. Yue Guan gave an affirmative answer: However, the Emperor of Heaven will not attack them at will, because one of the avatars of the master of the Xianmen, the Taishang Laojun, sits on the third floor. The thirteenth heaven is also a ticking time bomb for the Emperor of Heaven. No matter how strong the Emperor of Heaven is, he is still invincible with two fists and four hands. All problems cannot be solved by force, and can only be solved slowly through other methods.

Chen Baoguo nodded: Then I have no problem.

Chen Baoguo has no problem, but Gong Li has.

The Terracotta Warriors and Horses were built by Empress Houtu with the help of Ying Zheng?

Yes, the human race has passed the torch from generation to generation, and they have not considered victory before thinking about defeat. During the Conferred God period, the emperor fought hard, and he did not forget to arrange the succession of the human emperor and the future of the human race before he died generously. Zheng is more confident than Di Xin, and he is facing a better situation than Di Xin, but he also has to consider the future of the human race. Once he fails, he must ensure that the future human race still has hope of rising, so the Terracotta Army and the Great Wall are left to him. The wealth of future generations.

I understand the truth, but why did Empress Houtu help Ying Zheng?

Yue Guan looked at Zhang Yimou.

Director Zhang, this is your ex-girlfriend, can't I always be on top?

Zhang Yimou understood Yue Guan's eyes, coughed lightly, and gave Gong Li a speechless explanation: This is a setting, please don't get entangled.

Gong Li: ...

Yue Guan put his hand on his forehead, very helpless.

I don't know why the two broke up in the first place.

Change to Yueguan, and collect everything in minutes.

Why do you have to be arrogant when you can clearly explain the problem in a few simple sentences?

Yue Guan couldn't stand it anymore, so he stood up and cleaned up the mess: Sister Li, in fact, the script has hidden settings. Empress Hou Tu and Empress Nuwa have a good relationship, and Ying Zheng's lineage is descended from Fei Lian. , Fei Lian was a loyal minister who died for Emperor Xin, and Empress Nuwa admired him very much. The most important thing is that Yingzheng at that time had already ruled the world. He was the emperor, and Empress Nuwa naturally wanted to help him, so Empress Houtu also chose help him.

Since that's the case, why didn't Empress Nuwa make a positive move in the entire Immortal Qin Empire script? Gong Li asked.

Yue Guan patiently explained: Because the Heavenly Emperor's back is in the world, and the master of the Xianmen's sect is also in the world. Zhao Gao is a genuine human race, Liu Bang is a genuine human race, and there is no reason for Empress Nuwa to intervene in the internal struggle of the human race. And Empress Nuwa is the Holy Mother of the human race, not the fire-fighting empress of the human race. If the human race is to be strong, it must always rely on itself, not on others to stand up and save us.

This is the value inherited from the Immortal Qin Empire series and the Fengshen series.

There was never any savior.

The strength of the human race depends on unremitting self-improvement, on the hard work of the ancestors, and on the continuous progress of the younger generations, rather than the pity of the Almighty and the favor of heaven.

Compared with the Fengshen series, which ultimately depends on Nuwa Empress and the Emperor of Heaven to end, Immortal Qin Empire is actually a step further, with a higher structure.

Xianqin is more powerful than ancient Yinshang.

So Xianqin is also more proud than ancient Yinshang.

After unifying the world, the Heavenly Emperor wanted to recruit Xianqin, but Xianqin, who had inherited the will of his ancestors, was unwilling to bow down to another organization, and was unwilling to let the future of the race be at the mercy of the superior immortal gods.

Therefore, a slogan was shouted inside Xianqin:

Holy Immortal Buddha, would you rather have a kind?

This slogan greatly encouraged the momentum of the Xianqin army, allowing the Xianqin army to win an overwhelming victory against the Heavenly Court on the battlefield.

Later, the slogan was changed by the Emperor of Heaven, and it was passed down to the world, and became Princes, generals and ministers, it is better to have kindness.

As a result, Xianqin was cut off.

However, Xianqin was not defeated by Heavenly Court.

The human race of Xianqin lost to other human races, not to the high gods.

In order to defeat Xianqin, the Emperor of Heaven had to take the initiative to guide the rebellious spirit of the human race.

In the end, a Xianqin fell.

Thousands upon thousands of Xianqin stood up.

PS: I wrote Xianqin is a bit stuck, let me start with 4,000 words, and update it during the rest of the day. Today is definitely a 4,000-character base.

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