This Fake Daughter Deserves To Be Spoiled

Chapter 1

As soon as the bell rang at the end of the fourth get out of class, the classroom was soon empty.

When everyone was almost gone, Yang Chuyue got up and walked outside slowly.

This is the first day of the second year of high school. When most people just made up their minds to study hard this semester, Yang Chuyue had a class in a trance.

The culprit who made her distracted was the new classmate in the front row. Before this new classmate walked into the classroom, Yang Chuyue would think Yang Xiaoer at home was cute, and the old cat at grandma’s house would be cute too. She never knew that someone could even grow so cute ears.

It’s so cute that she doesn’t want to learn.

The second high school is a bit far away from her home, so on the first day of high school, Yang Chuyue moved into the school dormitory and started boarding life.

On the first night of boarding, Yang Chuyue, who was accustomed to the two-meter bed at home, rolled over and got off the bed. She fell to her head and learned a big secret.

This world turned out to be a real and fake book, but she was just a passerby who didn’t even have a name in the book.

Yang Chuyue, who knew this amazing secret, didn’t change much except that she woke up the next day with a bruise on her forehead and was laughed at by her roommate for a long time.

It’s still September, and the schedule is still summer. There is a lunch break at noon, but the second high school stipulates that you cannot go back to the dormitory during the lunch break. Everyone must rest at the desk in the classroom.

Yang Chuyue didn’t want to sleep, every time she woke up, her arm hurts and her stomach was still suffocated.

So as soon as she looked up, she saw the new classmate in the front row, and stared at him again.

The small, white image will transmit light.

Little Ear-Yang Chuyue lowered her head and wrote these three words on the paper.

After two classes in the afternoon, seven or eight classes were originally self-study, but because it was the first day of school and it was a new class, the head teacher walked into the classroom during the seventh class and asked everyone to go to the outside corridor and stand according to their height. .

The few girls who played well with her in high school all chose liberal arts, so that although she knew people in this class, they were not familiar with them.

At this moment Yang Chuyue was standing in the middle of the team in a daze.

There are three big group positions, each big group is three groups, boys and boys sit, and girls sit with girls.

When the head teacher started to let people in and sit down, Yang Chuyue leaned forward to see who the other two at the same table would be. When she leaned forward, she caught a glimpse of “Little Ear”, which was right in front of her. Two positions, separated from her by a person.

“Tang Shuang Xu, can we change positions?” The girl in front of Yang Chuyue was also counting people’s heads, and suddenly asked the “little ear” in front of her.

Everyone wants to sit with people they know, all counting.

Yang Chuyue blinked and watched the person in front of her change to another, her gaze still fell on the tip of the other’s ears, twisted her fingers, and controlled her not to reach out to pinch.

“So your name is Tang Shuangxu?” Yang Chuyue said. For a moment, he felt that the name was a bit familiar, but he quickly put it aside and sighed: “It sounds good.”

The “little ear” in front turned his head and looked at her. Yang Chuyue finally saw her face clearly, so she added another sentence: “You also look good.”

The skin is white, petite and petite, but when I look at people, my eyes are a little cold, and I look a bit uncomfortable.

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