This Fake Daughter Deserves To Be Spoiled

Chapter 11

Because during the exam, the location can not be as dense as before, and the distance between the tables should be widened. The classroom where there were originally more than sixty people, when the test is completed, only 30 or 40 people can sit. One, the order of the examination rooms is in the back row, and the people at the back almost take the exam in places such as the stadium or the library.

It is said that in the past there were people who went to the canteen to take the exam, but Yang Chuyue had not encountered it.

There are no tables in the stadium, so those who go to the stadium for the exam have to move the table by themselves. Yang Chuyue is in the front examination room, right here in the teaching building. There is no need to move the table. After breakfast, she helped Tang Shuangxu move the table together. stadium.

Just ran into Peng Anran and others.

Peng Anran was sitting at the back of Tang Shuangxu’s right hand. When she saw Yang Chuyue and Tang Shuangxu coming, she walked over, looked at Tang Shuangxu and then Yang Chuyue, and asked, “Has her matter been resolved? “

“No.” Yang Chuyue said.

The girl was in the first high school, and Chen Bo was inconvenient to inquire, so she could only tell Yang Chuyue to look at it a little, so that both Yang Chuyue and Tang Shuangxu should be careful. Fortunately, this month did not happen again like Chen Sihao. matter.

Upon hearing this, Peng Anran looked back and said, “Isn’t your path quite broad? No one in you?”

“Where did you hear this?” Yang Chuyue looked at her in shock, “What is your misunderstanding about me?”

Is the road very broad? Yang Chuyue didn’t know it herself.

Peng Anran sneered, “You just pretend to be chanting, but you are really awesome, you can mix everywhere, even the teacher can mix well.”

After saying this, she turned and left.

Yang Chuyue: “…”

Withdrawing his gaze, he met Tang Shuangxu’s gaze, which was a bit strange.

She quickly explained: “Don’t listen to her nonsense, I don’t know why she has such a misunderstanding.”

Said as if she Yang Chuyue is some kind of boss.

Yang Chuyue herself was a little confused and speechless.

“Yeah.” Tang Shuangxu replied, “It’s about to take the exam, you can go back to your own exam room.”

After getting acquainted, Tang Shuangxu occasionally smiled.

Yang Chuyue turned around and left.

Students taking exams in stadiums and playgrounds are more difficult. Every time they move their desks before the exams in the morning, they must move their desks back to the classroom after the exams to study in the evening, and move them again before the exams the next day.

Fortunately, everyone’s books have been taken to the dormitory before the exam, and an empty desk is not too heavy, and Yang Chuyue is here to help.

Soon, on the afternoon of the last day of the exam, the last exam was for Chinese.

Among the three main subjects, Yang Chuyue is the least good at English, but her Chinese and math scores are very good since she was a little girl. She is a little lazy and doesn’t like to endorse. When she was in elementary school, she was detained almost every day because of the back of the text. Does not come out.

“When we were in elementary school, our Chinese teacher assigned us tasks every time we were about to take an exam. We had to memorize texts and explanations of words.” When eating at noon, Yang Chuyue sighed and talked about what happened in elementary school.

When memorizing word explanations, the monitor is responsible for random checks. The amount of memorization depends on how many notes about word explanations are made in each person’s textbook.

Yang Chuyue got up and took two bottles of soy milk from the freezer, opened them for herself and Tang Shuangxu, and said, “I don’t want to memorize it. In order to reduce the burden, I erased all the notes in the book.”

Just leave a few explanations that are particularly short and easy to remember.

Yang Chuyue’s task suddenly became easier. When the squad leader came to spot check, she explained seriously, “My brother did it!”

“My brother never did bad things when he was young. He always tears up my workbooks. The monitor knew about it and didn’t doubt it. I succeeded in passing this level hahaha…” Yang Chuyue said cola, chittering. : “I was so witty when I was a kid.”

It’s just witty and a bit useless in the right place.

She was also amused by Tang Shuangxu who was sitting opposite. Every time Yang Chuyue told her about the things she had done when she was a child, the smile on her face had never been put away.

However, most of the time Yang Chuyue said that Tang Shuangxu rarely mentioned her own affairs.

Yang Chuyue seldom asks, she probably knows something about Tang Shuangxu’s childhood. She also heard it mentioned in the original work that Tang Shuangxu’s role as a fake daughter is not too heavy, and the author can’t discredit her.

Probably it was a child who was strictly required by the Shen family’s parents since she was a child, but she began to rebel when she grew up. She wanted to get recognition from the Shen family’s parents, but was unwilling to follow the route arranged by the Shen family’s parents to carry on her own life. .

And Tang Shuangxu’s biological parents, that is, the Tang family, the author wrote in a few words about a patriarchal family.

After eating, Yang Chuyue went back to his examination room.

She writes Chinese test papers quickly, and has never had the habit of checking test papers. There is still an hour after finishing writing, and the school is not allowed to hand in papers in advance, so she simply lay down on the table and began to sleep.

When she slept in a daze, she heard the teacher say that she was going to hand in the paper. When she looked up, she found that the arm on the pillow was cramping, and the leg was cramping. She almost packed up her things and walked outside with a savage expression.

Soon he left the teaching building and went straight to the dormitory. In the fuzzy room, it seemed that someone behind him was yelling to himself, but when he turned his head, the crowded students behind them all walked out, and they didn’t seem to have any familiar faces.

It may be really sleepy.

Yang Chuyue thought to herself, retracting her gaze and continuing to the dormitory.

She studied until late, and in the afternoon the geography teacher who was invigilating her exam came in with Bo Bo and went straight to Yang Chuyue.

Yang Chuyue stuffed the novel she just finished reading into the desk, slightly guilty, but her face was still calm.

“Yang Chuyue, did you fail to hand in your Chinese test this afternoon?” the geography teacher asked.

“Huh?” Yang Chuyue was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously pulled the stack of papers she brought out of the examination room, including draft papers, questionnaires, and…an answer sheet sandwiched in it.

Boy, she really didn’t hand in the paper.

“Really didn’t hand in the paper?” Yang Chuyue encountered this kind of thing for the first time, and his expression went blank for a moment.

The geography teacher said: “I took the paper and found it from you, and I chased it out of the examination room to look for you. I have been chasing it all the time… Give me the answer sheet, now it’s too late to take it for scoring.”

“Forget it.” Chen Bo said, “She has taken the answer sheet out of the examination room. It’s been so long…”

Even if it is a monthly exam, the average score of each subject and the average score of the class are still related to the performance of the teachers. Yang Chuyue knows that Chen Bo is in line with the rules.

When she waited for the college entrance examination, she would only be stricter than this, this time it was her own fault.

Yang Chuyue stood up, reached out and touched the tip of her nose, and said to the geography teacher and Chen Bo: “I’m sorry, teacher, it’s my fault.”

When the geography teacher left, Chen Bo stared at Yang Chuyue with hatred of iron and steel, and said, “Eat a ditch and grow a wiser, next time you will dare to sleep.”

Sleeping…it’s likely to still sleep.

Yang Chuyue said in his heart, but on the face it was a well-behaved appearance to ensure that he would not make the same mistake again in the future.

The monthly exam results soon came down. There were more than 700 students in the science major of the second year of high school. Yang Chuyue’s Chinese results were invalidated, and the class ranking dropped directly to the middle and lower reaches. The school’s ranking was also more than 500.

On the transcript, her grades are highly polarized, and there is a clear distinction between high and low in arts and sciences.

“Finally, my English and history are no longer the lowest scores.” Yang Chuyue sighed with the report card.

As soon as he finished speaking, he got a hit on his head.

With a book in his hand, Chen Bo tapped lightly on her head, and said sternly: “Are you quite proud, aren’t you?”

“No.” Yang Chuyue coughed lightly, and said solemnly: “Teacher, you must have heard it wrong, I was so bad in the exam this time, I’m sad…”

She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

Chen Bo twitched his forehead, with a look of disgust, “Okay, don’t squeeze the rat to pee, Yang Chuyue, I can tell you clearly, whether history or politics, you don’t like these subjects at least if you don’t like them. I can pass, otherwise you don’t cry for the next semester exam.”

“Don’t worry, teacher, I know all about it.” Yang Chuyue also knew the importance in her heart, and quickly nodded in response.

Chen Bo turned his head to look at Tang Shuangxu, and said, “Tang Shuangxu, you stare at her a little bit. It would be best if you could raise her English score.”

After a lot of painstaking talk, Chen Bo left with his hands behind his back.

Today is Saturday, and school is about to be over for another class. Yang Chuyue packed everything up, and Chao Tang Shuangxu joked, “You should lift the desk for me next time for the exam.”

Tang Shuangxu did well in the exam this time, especially in English. In contrast, her science is weaker.

“There will only be one time.” Tang Shuangxu looked over.

Yang Chuyue nodded, “Of course, lifting the desk is so troublesome, I don’t want to lift the desk in the future.”

When school was over at noon, Yang Chuyue went home with his report card.

At that time, when the Chinese grades were confirmed to be invalid, Yang Chuyue had already called Mama Yang to say. In comparison, Mama Yang valued the studies of Yang Chuyue and her brother very much, and hoped that they could go to a good university. Looking for a relaxing job in the future, comfortable.

And Dad Yang, in the third year of Yang Chuyue’s third year, when he was at a loss because he didn’t know which high school to fill in, Dad Yang put all the information of the three high schools in front of her, listed the good and the bad, but told her “This is your own business. From this moment on, you need to make your own decisions about all your matters, including whether you will study literature or science in the future, which university you want to take, or not go to university…”

“If you are sure of what you want to do in the future, then dad will send you to do it. Money can support you. However, before you are sure what you want to do in the future, study hard.”

Yang Chuyue was already stocked when the parents of his classmates rented a room near the school to accompany them, or when they came to deliver meals three meals a day and stared at their studies.

She feels pretty good.

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