This Fake Daughter Deserves To Be Spoiled

Chapter 13

But this time, Yang Chuyue and Peng Anran were a little far apart, most of the stadium.

There was a boy sitting behind Yang Chuyue. She didn’t know him. However, when the exam had just begun, her stool was kicked by someone behind her.

At first Yang Chuyue thought he had accidentally kicked, but after a while, her stool was kicked again.

Yang Chuyue paused while answering the question, turned back and glanced back slightly.

When the boy in the back seat saw her turning around, he immediately winked at her.

“Be your own, don’t look around!” The invigilator in front rang.

As soon as Yang Chuyue retracted her gaze, she immediately looked at the teacher sitting in front of her.

Glancing at each other, Yang Chuyue even moved the stool forward and continued to lower his head to do the test papers.

Halfway through the test paper, her stool was kicked again. This foot movement was a bit loud, and she even turned around in the otherwise quiet stadium, so that the invigilators standing elsewhere looked over. .

Yang Chuyue’s expression remained unchanged, and she raised her eyes to the invigilator sitting in front of her.

The invigilator moved the chair aside and said to Yang Chuyue: “You move the desk forward.”

So Yang Chuyue, who was originally sitting on the same line with the left and right, just sat in the position where the invigilator had just sat.

The invigilator lifted the chair and put it behind her, and just sat down like that.

“Puff~” Several laughter sounded nearby.

Yang Chuyue couldn’t see the expression of the boy behind, but she was in a very comfortable mood, she curled her lips and smiled, and took the test paper with peace of mind.

This teacher invigilated the exam in the morning. Since she moved the chair over, she has never moved the floor. Yang Chuyue felt most comfortable. When the morning exam was over, she packed her pencil case and got up to go to Tang Shuangxu for dinner.

The boy sitting behind walked past her and deliberately bumped her on the shoulder.

“You wait for me.” The boy pointed at Yang Chuyue and said harshly.

Yang Chuyue raised her eyebrows lightly and watched the boy walk out with a few others.

“Who is that?” Yang Chuyue asked sideways.

Peng Anran, who had just walked next to her, was asked for a moment, and said, “You are a very confused person from Class 7, please be careful.”

“Yeah.” Yang Chuyue replied. When he walked to the gate of the teaching building, Tang Shuangxu was already waiting there.

She didn’t say anything about the boy. After eating, she wandered around in the school playground. Tang Shuangxu returned to the classroom for a lunch break, and she went back to the stadium.

As soon as Yang Chuyue entered, she saw her desk turned to the ground. The school uniform jacket she put on the desk fell to the ground, dirty, and a clear footprint could be seen on her back.

There were already many people in the stadium. As soon as they saw Yang Chuyue coming in, they immediately gathered together and whispered, and a few laughs could be heard.

“She is coming.”

“No way, who made her offend Wang Li, Wang Li is not easy to provoke, even girls can be beaten, it is good not to directly act on her.”


Amid these discussions, Yang Chuyue silently lifted the desk up, and when she picked up the school uniform jacket, her brows wrinkled.

It doesn’t matter if the school uniform is dirty. The footprint on it can also be washed off, but when she picked up the coat, she discovered that two characters were actually written on the coat with a marker pen.

“Cheap, good.”

“It’s not easy to wash.” Peng Anran didn’t know when he came, and when he got closer, he saw these two words, muttering and looking at Yang Chuyue.

Yang Chuyue replied, and pulled out a few wet tissues from the desk to wipe the school uniform. She barely wiped off some of them, and she couldn’t do anything else.

At this moment, several people from Wang Li came in from the outside. They were arguing. Wang Li was pushed a bit and hit Yang Chuyue’s desk directly.

Yang Chuyue raised her head to look at him, her expression calm and silent.

“What are you looking at?” Wang Li turned his head to meet her gaze, and kicked her on her desk.

Yang Chuyue looked down and swept across his leg, pinching the school uniform’s fingertips and shaking.

But she still didn’t say anything, sat down, stuffed the school uniform into the desk, and planned to soak in the dormitory with water after finishing the exam in the afternoon, maybe it could be washed clean.

“He provokes you like this, you can endure this tone?” Peng Anran leaned over again.

Yang Chuyue raised her eyes to look at him, “Otherwise? Have a fight with him?”

“Don’t tell me you are scared.” Peng Anran said, “Take out your courage to kill people before!”

“Who killed someone?” Yang Chuyue looked unclear, “What is your misunderstanding about me?”

She can’t even kill fish, how could she use a knife to chop people? Yang Chuyue can guarantee that if she really did this, it was not that she had cut people, but that Yang’s mother was going to cut her.

Peng Anran: “Isn’t there? Everyone is spreading it.”

Yang Chuyue: “…who passed it on?”

“The affiliated middle school said that there was someone one level lower than us who was cut off from school. I heard that the boy was going to provoke you.” Peng Anran said, “I heard about you when I was in the third year of junior high. , There is a lot of rumors, and there should be very few people who are out there who don’t know about you.”

“Wang Li?” Yang Chuyue thought to herself, it is one thing whether she is ruthless, but since people like Peng Anran think she is so ruthless, why does Wang Li dare to provoke her?

Peng Anran glanced at Wang Li and said, “Maybe it’s because you have divided the past two years.”

After a pause, she said again: “I said, Yang Chuyue, Tang Shuangxu can be so concerned about things, why did you have no reaction at all when it was your turn to be bullied like this? How about your brothers? Huh? Let me tell you, Wang Li is just bullying and fearing hardship.”

Yang Chuyue twitched her forehead, thinking that she was Yang Shen’s own brother, where else could he call his brother?

“Wang Li must be able to keep an inch, forbearance is useless, just wait and see.” Peng Anran finished speaking and left.

Yang Chuyue turned her head and glanced at Wang Li’s side. When she glanced over, Wang Li took a sip at Wang Li’s gaze.

Seeing Yang Chuyue frowned.

It’s disgusting.

During the exam in the afternoon, Wang Li repeated his old skills. Yang Chuyue’s stool was kicked again. It was useless to move the stool to the front. The invigilator sitting in front was dozing off and did not notice her and Wang Li at first. During the movement, Yang Chuyue suddenly moved the desk.

She carried the desk forward and placed it next to the invigilator.

The invigilator was awakened and looked at her blankly.

“Teacher, I think I am the most calm when I sit next to you and answer questions.” Yang Chuyue said solemnly.

The teacher nodded subconsciously, “Oh…oh…”

Yang Chuyue retracted his gaze, lowered his head and continued to write the test paper.

After she had written a few questions, the invigilator reacted, and looked at her sideways, still a little surprised.

But Yang Chuyue remained unmoved and answered the question. The distance between her and Wang Lizhi was already very far away. Wang Li wanted to kick her stool unless he got up and walked over.

Obviously Wang Li didn’t have the guts, so he could only sit behind and stare at her, feeling hate in his heart.

Many people around me snickered when watching this scene. In this examination room, there were very few people doing the questions seriously. Most of them were either looking around, dozing off, or throwing notes.

After finishing the exam in the afternoon, Yang Chuyue didn’t rush to leave. She stood there to pack her things. Now everyone is moving the desk outside. As soon as she goes out, the desk and the desk are stuck together. Move forward eagerly, delay time, it is better to go to dinner first.

Anyway, the stadium will not close until 7:30 in the evening.

Yang Chuyue took all the things in her desk, but fortunately, she didn’t have anything at all, only a pencil case and school uniform jacket.

There is no delay in eating together with these things.

When she first walked to the door, she heard a loud noise behind her.


Several exclamations sounded at the same time.

Peng Anran’s voice was particularly prominent, “Wang Li, what are you going crazy? What is it to vent your anger with Yang Chuyue’s desk? Disgusting.”

When Yang Chuyue heard the loud noise, she had a bad feeling in her heart. Then she heard Peng Anran’s voice, and when she turned her head, she saw her desk being kicked to the ground.

When Wang Li saw her look over, he slammed her stool on the desk with a face of provocation, “I just smashed it, what’s the matter?”

Yang Chuyue glanced at him blankly, turned around and left. Instead of staying here and worrying about a madman, she might as well find Tang Shuangxu for dinner earlier.

“Hey, kind!” Wang Li’s yelling and cursing were left behind by her.

After dinner, Yang Chuyue didn’t mean to go to the gymnasium. Tang Shuangxu was a bit strange and asked, “Don’t you need to move your desk back?”

“My desk is gone.” Yang Chuyue sighed, “Someone wants me to replace it with a new one. I can’t refuse it. Let’s go. I’ll go to Bobo to find a new desk.”

Tang Shuangxu frowned slightly, always feeling that there were other hidden things.

“Will you help me dictate at night?” Yang Chuyue broke the topic.

Even after the exam started, the evening reading newspaper was still the time for her to dictate, but she did not memorize new words in the past few days, but kept reviewing the ones she had memorized before.

As soon as the evening reading time came, Yang Chuyue was empty in front of her. There was nothing in front of her. The chair she was sitting on was the same chair that Chen Bo usually placed at the back of the classroom. He would sit there quietly when he was in self-study classes occasionally.

“Where is your desk?” Chen Bochao asked Yang Chuyue.

Others in the class also watched. At that time, it was not just Yang Chuyue who was taking the exam at the gymnasium. There were also several people in the class. What’s more, the conflict between her and Wang Li had spread throughout the meal.

Yang Chuyue said: “It’s broken.”

“Did you go for the exam or what did you do? How come the good desks are broken?” Chen Bo looked strange, “damaged desks must be compensated at the price.”

“I didn’t break it.” Yang Chuyue looked innocent, “I was smashed by someone, even with the table, teacher, if you don’t believe me, go to the gymnasium to adjust the monitoring, and a lot of people watched it at the time, so I shouldn’t want me. Lost it?”

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