This Fake Daughter Deserves To Be Spoiled

Chapter 28

Therefore, Tang Shuangxu was successfully retained.

It has been a few months since Tang Shuangxu stayed here last time, the quilts have been replaced with thick winter quilts, and Yang Chuyue still has an oversized carrot pillow on the bed.

She usually puts aside when she sleeps, anyway, she sleeps alone on a two-meter bed.

But obviously not tonight.

“Go to bed on the ground.” Yang Chuyue patted the carrots and placed them on the ground beside Tang Shuangxu, leaning against the bed.

In winter, there is carpet in her room. She usually sits cross-legged on the floor and plays with her mobile phone, so she doesn’t have to worry about getting 56 dirty if she just put the carrot on it.

, Yang Chuyue looked up at Tang Shuangxu when he put the carrots, and said, “Just put it here. If you accidentally roll off the bed, it will follow you.”

“No.” Tang Shuang prefaced. After a pause, she added: “Neither did it last time.”

She didn’t get out of bed the last time she stayed here at Yang Chuyue.

After they were cleaned up, the two of them drew back into the bed. In fact, it was still early. Yang Chuyue didn’t know anyone at one and a half. She didn’t turn off the light in the room, and took out the flat support in the bedside table. Tang Shuangxu watched the movie with his back leaning on the bed.

Yang Chuyue selected a comedy based on the label. She couldn’t laugh in front of her. Who knew the next moment she suddenly began to cry.

Her tear point was already low, and she was still lying on Tang Shuangxu’s shoulder, and she couldn’t help sniffing while watching the story of tearing.

Tang Shuangxu looked at her sideways and silently handed her a pack of paper.

“My tear point is too low…” Yang Chuyue wiped her tears, a little embarrassed, “It’s all because this movie cheats me, and secretly earns my tears under the label of comedy! It’s too much!”

“Then…change it?” Tang Shuangxu frowned slightly, and stretched out his hand while asking, it seemed that as long as Yang Chuyue nodded, she would immediately cross the movie.

Yang Chuyue quickly hugged her hand, “Don’t don’t don’t, you’ve already watched so much anyway, let’s talk about it after reading…”

She successfully prevented Tang Shuangxu from going to close the movie and didn’t let go, so she held someone’s arm and leaned her face on Tang Shuangxu’s shoulder to continue watching the movie.

It is unclear whether the ends of Yang Chuyue’s hair or Tang Shuangxu’s own hair fell on the side of her neck. Occasionally, she moved it slightly, which caused an itching sensation.

Tang Shuangxu endured forbearance, but still didn’t hold it back, reaching out and scratching his neck.

Several times in a row, it seemed that she had already removed the messy hair ends, but it didn’t take long for her to itch again.

Finally, when Tang Shuangxu reached out to touch her neck again, Yang Chuyue stretched out her hand one step ahead of her.

“What’s wrong? Is it an itchy neck?” Yang Chuyue’s eyes were still staring at the tablet, and the hand that he took out of the bed was warm, and he touched Tang Shuangxu’s neck, and fiddled with all the broken hair behind her ears. go.

Tang Shuangxu’s body stiffened, and she sat there without moving, but the place on the side of her neck that was touched by Yang Chuyue’s hand, without exception, aroused a small lump.

After a while, she sideways avoided Yang Chuyue’s hand, her voice was a bit dry and dumb, “itchy.”

“Ah? Then I won’t touch you.” Yang Chuyue glanced at her and sat up straight, thinking that at least her hair would not run to harass Tang Shuangxu.

But Tang Shuangxu felt that the part of her shoulder was suddenly empty. She looked at Yang Chuyue sideways and pressed the corner of her lips without saying much.

It just so happened that the movie was about to come to an end, and at the end it made another wave of tears.

Yang Chuyue’s eyes were red from crying, she stood up and said to Tang Shuang, “I’ll wash my face. If you’re sleepy, go to bed early. Just leave a bedside lamp.”

“Yeah.” Tang Shuangxu replied, and the whole person slid down, just so retracted into the quilt.

When Yang Chuyue came out after washing her face, she found that Tang Shuangxu was asleep.

The whole person was shrunk in the quilt, his head slightly tilted up, almost leaving his nose to breathe outside, looking from the bedroom door to this side, he thought that Tang Shuangxu buried the whole person in the quilt.

Yang Chuyue leaned over to take a look, and stretched out her hand to press down the quilt that was about to cover her nose.

There was one more person in the bed, and Yang Chuyue didn’t feel anything uncomfortable. On the contrary, she still slept quite comfortably.

Rarely fell into bed the next morning.

In the morning, Yang Chuyue didn’t plan to go out. She had an appointment with Qiao Yue and others to rehearse in the afternoon. After the rehearsal, they went to dinner together, and then went back to school.

This means that she is at her disposal throughout the morning.

Yang Chuyue chose to stay at home and blow the air conditioner.

It’s too cold outside, she doesn’t want to go out.

Tang Shuangxu didn’t go back, but stayed with her. She was dragged by her to lie on the sofa, watching movies, watching movies, and playing games. Father Yang and Mother Yang are not at home, which means that Yang Chuyue can eat whatever she wants. There is no need to worry about snacks being talked about by Mama Yang.

“I’ll get something to eat, do you have anything you want to eat?” After the game ended, Yang Chuyue asked Tang Shuangxu.

Before Tang Shuangxu, who was sitting next to her with a pillow, had time to answer, Yang Chuyue stood up with a look of excitement, “You should choose by yourself, you can eat whatever you want.”

She took Tang Shuangxu and ran into the study.

It is said that it is a study room, but Yang Shen usually draws and paints here, and Yang Chuyue’s magazines and novels are full of bookshelves. The opposite side of the bookshelf is a cabinet, which is usually used for holding trophies and the like.

But Yang Chuyue didn’t have any trophies to make a good house, so this shelf became her snack rack.

“Take whatever you want to eat.” Yang Chuyue waved at the whole wall of snacks, and there was a scent of “Look, this is my country”.

Tang Shuangxu was surprised at the dazzling array of snacks. He didn’t rush over, and turned to Yang Chuyue and asked, “These are all yours?”

“Yeah.” Yang Chuyue nodded, “Make sure not to step on thunder. All of them are snacks that have been approved by me. Here are potato chips, the upper two rows are biscuits, and there are drinks in the cabinet over there, and in the beverage refrigerator. There are also popsicles in the freezer…”

It was like unfolding her secret world in front of Tang Shuangxu, Yang Chuyue’s eyes were very bright, and she excitedly introduced this piece of snack world to her.

When Yang Chuyue shared his snack treasure with Tang Shuangxu, Yang Shen also walked in from outside, took a bag of potato chips and walked out, he heard Yang Chuyue talking with Tang Shuangxu, he took a step back and said. : “My sister has liked to stock up on food since she was a child. My mother said it was because she ate too little in her previous life, so she has to eat more in this life.”

“You know what a fart!” Yang Chuyue drove him out of the study and turned to Tang Shuang’s preface: “Holding more food will make you feel safer. Think about it, if it’s the end of the world one day, at least I’m hoarding these. We can eat enough to survive for a long time.”

She took apart a marshmallow with a filling, and used the tip of her tongue to break the outer layer of marshmallow, and the sweet and sour jam quickly filled her mouth.

Yang Chuyue narrowed her eyes contentedly, and smiled towards Tang Shuangxu.

And Tang Shuangxu stood there looking at her, wondering if he really believed her words.

The New Year’s Day party came in an emergency rehearsal. After dinner that night, Yang Chuyue and others went to the auditorium early. They had nothing to do except for nagging and blowing water. They didn’t need to change clothes or make-up.

In contrast, the dressing room next door is extremely busy.

Yang Chuyue moved two stools and sat side by side with Tang Shuangxu, but sitting there, she seemed to have no bones, and she leaned on Tang Shuangxu’s body.

To the back, she was leaning against Tang Shuangxu from behind, with one hand tucked in her pocket, and the other hand sliding the phone.

“You two are too sticky.” Qiao Yue came in with a bag of drinks, and gave everyone a bottle. When it was Yang Chuyue’s and Tang Shuangxu’s turn, he shook his head and shook his head again. “The director of the school just passed by the door but stared at you several times. I guess he must be thinking about which class of little **** he is. He is so courageous that he is cuddling in the crowd.”

Yang Chuyue wears a black knitted hat on her head, and her hair is hidden in her coat. Coupled with the loose black coat on her, it is indeed possible to mistake her as thin when viewed from the back. Boys.

Yang Chuyue didn’t pay much attention to Qiao Yue’s teasing. She unscrewed the drink in her hand and took a sip. The cold liquid entered her abdomen down her throat, and she shivered immediately.

“It’s too cold~” Yang Chuyue twisted the drink, reached out and hugged Tang Shuang Xu, only to dissipate the coldness in his body.

Tang Shuangxu took her bottle of drink and frowned, “Don’t drink it.”

“Don’t drink or drink, it’s too cold.” Yang Chuyue sniffed and said, turning around but couldn’t find her thermos. “Where is my thermos?”

“What thermos cup? When you came here, I seemed to see you with an erhu.” Qiao Yue said.

Tang Shuang prefaced: “You didn’t take it.”

“Ah…I forgot that.” Yang Chuyue sighed, holding Tang Shuang Xu even more not wanting to let go.

Tang Shuangxu smelled good, soft and comfortable when he held it, not so cold yet.

When Qiao Yue teased her for being like a clingy person, Yang Chuyue directly replied: “If you are jealous, you should also find someone to hold it. If you can’t find anyone, don’t come to me to be sour.”

It was getting more and more lively outside, and classes began to enter, and soon the entire auditorium was almost full.

Yang Chuyue’s show is ahead, so it doesn’t take long to wait.

When the host started to take the stage, Yang Chuyue let go of Tang Shuang’s sequence, turned to check her erhu, and began to make preparations before the performance.

The host is a male and a female, the male host is Xie Chengwen, and the female host is a senior in high school. Yang Chuyue is not very familiar, but Qin Tao said that she learned Latin dance, so people stop there. The temperament came out.

Before reaching them, Yang Chuyue pulled Tang Shuangxu from the side and secretly looked on the stage.

When she saw the crowds of people in the auditorium, she suddenly became a little nervous.

“A Xu, I’m so nervous.” Yang Chuyue grasped Tang Shuangxu’s hand and whispered, “Why so many people…”

“did you…”

“I used to be watched by many grandpas and grandmothers pulling the erhu in the street center park at most, and I haven’t performed on stage yet.” Yang Chuyue Barabara said, while she was talking, her gaze swept off the stage. pass.

Seeing a few strange figures sitting in the front row, Yang Chuyue said: “By the way, A Xu, you don’t know yet, it seems that the city leaders have been invited over for this party.”

“I know.” Tang Shuangxu’s cold voice sounded in her ears.

Yang Chuyue noticed something was wrong, and quickly turned to look at her, only to find that she was staring at a person in the front row of the stage with an indifferent expression.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-01-2123:17:59~2021-01-2317:59:03.

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution:. 11 bottles; Gao Chang. 10 bottles; 2 bottles of chasing north; 1 bottle of Danbo;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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