This Fake Daughter Deserves To Be Spoiled

Chapter 58

After finishing writing, she looked at Tang Shuangxu’s side, and just caught a glimpse of her having already written her name.

“Axu, have you already written it?” Yang Chuyue was a little surprised.

Tang Shuangxu nodded without covering up, and directly handed over the post-it notes he had written, and said softly, “It happens to be in the same city as the school you want to go to.”

The two had talked about colleges before. Yang Chuyue knew that Tang Shuangxu wanted to take a teacher’s exam. After she returned, she had gone to the Normal University for information. She knew all the well-reputed universities. I haven’t checked which school is closest or farthest from the school I want to take.

Although it was clear, Yang Chuyue did not tell Tang Shuangxu these things.

At this moment, when she saw the name of the university written by Tang Shuangxu, the distance between the two universities and related information about this university immediately appeared in her mind.

“It’s really close. It’s in a university town, diagonally opposite.” Yang Chuyue’s eyes were bright, and the joy on her face could not be concealed. She took Tang Shuangxu’s arm and said: “We can still go together at that time. For dinner, I heard that there is a snack street nearby, there is also a square next to it, and there is a night market in the evening. When we wait for the summer evening, we can slowly walk over to eat supper, and then walk back slowly after eating…”

She seemed to have imagined such a scene, and she couldn’t even wait.

Even if he had clearly defined his future goals a long time ago, Yang Chuyue has never expected it like he does now.

From this day on, after every exam, Chen Bo will ask everyone to write a new post-it note to replace the previous one, but it is different from the first one. The post-it note to be replaced not only needs to write what you want. When you go to the university, you have to write down how far you are from this university.

There is also a number on Yang Chuyue’s post-it notes, and this number is very small, and every change is very small.

At the end of the final exam in the second year of high school, the number on Yang Chuyue’s post-it note was a little smaller. Qin Tao was there when she went to post the post-it note and couldn’t help asking her: “What is your number? Is it a score? That’s not right. I remember that the score line is just a score line for the school you want to take the exam. Isn’t it a problem for your score to take the Beijing University exam? Isn’t it appropriate to take the university?”

Tang Shuangxu was also there, she put her post-it note next to Yang Chuyue’s post-it note, and she also looked at Yang Chuyue after hearing this.

In fact, she knew what this number meant, because Yang Chuyue had told her.

At this moment Qin Tao asked, Yang Chuyue looked at it sideways, and said seriously: “It’s not a score.”

“What’s that?” Other students nearby also looked over, looking curious.

Yang Chuyue: “It’s weight.”

Regardless of whether they are admitted to the police school or not, all senior high school students must undergo a physical examination before the college entrance examination. It is just that the physical examinations for the police and military academies are more stringent. Enrolling in such schools also has strict physical requirements.

There is a standard requirement for the ratio of weight to height.

Yang Chuyue had already thought about it, her weight was not enough, she was a little short of it.

“No reason…” Qin Tao suffocated a sentence for a long time. She threw herself at Yang Chuyue and shouted: “Yang Chuyue! Why don’t you gain weight after eating so much!”

I’m so angry that I control my diet carefully like her, for fear that I will eat more meat, but I prefer to drink water to get fat.

However, there will always be such a kind of person in this world. She can eat whatever she wants. She never has to worry about whether she eats too much. Sweet and spicy comers will not refuse. It is not enough to eat three meals a day at night. There is also a supper. The desks are always full of snacks.

For such a person, she still has to find a way to gain weight.


That’s the end of the sophomore year of high school.

The summer vacation started, but for Yang Chuyue, Tang Shuangxu and others, this summer vacation this year is destined to not be easy.

Because they still have competitions.

In July, the preliminaries of the biology and math groups were held as scheduled, and in the English group, Yang Chuyue and Tang Shuangxu both crossed the line. After crossing the line, Yang Chuyue entered the summer camp first and began to prepare for the training before the league.

The biology league is in August, while the English and math groups are both in September, when the senior year of high school has already started.

The weather in August is still extremely hot, but occasionally it will fall into the sultry heat, as if the air is sticky, until a heavy rain falls at a certain moment, the temperature drops for an instant, but no one has responded yet. When I came over, it rose sharply.

Together with the rainwater on the road, it was quickly evaporated.

With one day left before the start of the league, Yang Chuyue suddenly woke up from her sleep under the heavy rain this night.

This rain was exceptionally heavy. In addition to the sound of rain, a few thunders could even be heard. The hearts of the people who were ringing were all startled, and they couldn’t sleep at all.

Yang Chuyue simply turned on the light and went to sit down at the desk. The digital clock on the desk indicated that it was four o’clock in the morning, and the darkest hour of the morning was passing. She thought about it, from a pile of test papers and competition questions. Draw out a red leather diary.

This book was given to her by Tang Shuangxu before she came here.

There are two books in total, one in red and one in black. There is no fancy decoration, only a line of gilded English written on the cover.


The diary is also hung with a golden capital letter on a ribbon of the same color, which can be used as a bookmark. The red one has the letter Y and the black one is X.

Tang Shuangxu left the black one to himself, and the red one to Yang Chuyue.

Yang Chuyue used it to write a diary.

In fact, before coming here, she had bought a lot of diaries since she was a child, but she never insisted on keeping a diary. She always left behind after writing a few days on a whim, and eventually became a draft, so much so. She really only relies on her own memory for her memories of the past.

There is no diary or the like for her to remember.

But this time, from the first day she came here, until now, exactly 30 days, one day has not fallen, she has written a diary.

Most of the time these diaries are like running accounts, or talking to themselves, what did you eat in the cafeteria today, whether it was delicious or not, I miss the stewed noodles in the small black house, I miss the braised pork, and the duck blood in pickled pepper…

There are also snacks.

The nearby supermarket doesn’t even have the lactic acid bacteria drink that she loves the most. After going back, you must buy a box of each flavor and drink enough!

But at the end of every diary, she would write a sentence: “I will go to eat with Asu after the exam.”

Yang Chuyue opened the diary and turned directly to the page she had finished writing last time, pulled out the silk ribbon and letters sandwiched in it, and turned a page.

“…I really want to eat lychees. I haven’t eaten lychees this year. I want to peel off the lychees and freeze them in the freezer. I also want to drink fresh coconut juice. When I go out, I want to tell Axu that I will Peel the coconut hehehe…”

Yelling wrote a diary, she stopped with the tip of her pen, and finally wrote: “Dreaming about Grandpa, he must miss me.”

After writing the diary, Yang Chuyue couldn’t sleep anymore. The outside gradually lit up. She simply started to write questions. When the alarm clock went off, there was a knock on the door. Do you have breakfast?”

“Come!” Yang Chuyue put down the pen quickly, and walked towards the door while stretching his hands.

Although it will be the league tomorrow, this day is no different for the students who are training here. Everyone is still living the same life as before. It is time to eat, eat, activities, and to concentrate on the problems.

One day passed quickly. At 7 o’clock in the evening, when Yang Chuyue was studying in the classroom, Chen Bo, who hadn’t seen her for nearly a summer vacation, suddenly appeared outside the classroom and called her out.

Yang Chuyue got up and went out and took her mobile phone from Chen Bo. The incoming WeChat call was still vibrating. It was Yang Sanhuo.

She felt strange, but her mind that was clear when she solved the problem was a bit blank at this moment, probably because she had a bad premonition.

“You answer the phone first.” Chen Bo said dumbly.

Yang Chuyue replied in a daze. The moment she answered the phone, she didn’t say anything, and Yang Shen’s voice could not be slowed down.

The first time she heard Yang Shen crying so hard, she cried until she couldn’t speak clearly, intermittently, but the first word she spoke was to call her.

“Sister.” He said: “You come back soon, Grandpa is gone.”

When sitting in the car that went back, Yang Chuyue kept these words in her mind. It was obvious that Yang Shen was crying intermittently at the time, but when she appeared in her mind, it spontaneously turned into a smooth sentence. talk.

Yang Chuyue felt that she was completely in a trance, unable to think, as if she was floating in the air and could not land on the ground. She felt that she had lost all her emotions.

But when she took the car for more than three hours back to the small county town, and got in the car that father Yang had contacted for her in advance, she bumped to the small town all the way, and she didn’t close her eyes all night, and there was light on the horizon. When the time came, the car finally stopped.

She got out of the car and saw Father Yang waiting at the intersection.

Father Yang was very haggard, with red bloodshot eyes and red eye sockets. He was wearing a filial attire. When he saw Yang Chuyue, he moved his lips, but his voice was hoarse and he said, “Is there no motion sickness on the road?”

“No.” Yang Chuyue shook her head, her lips were dry, and she even felt that she didn’t make a sound.

But Papa Yang didn’t say anything, and led her in from the intersection. From a distance, he saw a large shed in front of the ancestral hall. The sound of mourning rang, and it spread far and wide.

When Yang Chuyue passed by, he saw many familiar people and many strangers. In the innermost part of the shed was a black coffin. There was a table next to the coffin. On the table was a black and white photo and incense candles. There is a brazier burning in front of the table.

Yang Shen and Dad Yang are dressed in the same costume. He kneels in front of the incense brazier with his back turned to Yang Chuyue, holding a handful of yellow paper in his hand and putting it in the brazier little by little.

“Chouyue is back.” Mother Yang saw her standing up too, and the sound reminded everyone in the shed.

The aunt came over with a white linen cloth and put it on Yang Chuyue. Mother Yang said to her with red eyes, “Chuyue, go and kowtow to Grandpa.”

Yang Chuyue walked over and knelt down, kowtowed, put the incense on, and burned the yellow paper. She saw Father Yang coming over with a pair of scissors and cut off a piece of her clothes. Mother Yang said, “Chuyue, wait. Put this in grandpa’s coffin at once, and grandpa can walk safely only when he sees you…”

Grandpa Yang went yesterday, but the coffin has not been sealed, just to wait for Yang Chuyue to return.

Because according to custom, the coffin can only be sealed after seeing all the children and grandchildren.

She was pulled over by Mama Yang to look at Grandpa for the last time. Inside the coffin, Grandpa Yang lay neatly, with a peaceful expression, just like when she was asleep before. Yang Chuyue remembered every time Grandpa Yang watched. This is the case when the TV is asleep.

Obviously she has seen it many times, she thought, is this different from before.

Until the mother Yang next to her said to her: “Chu Yue, call out Grandpa again…”

“This is the last time you call grandpa.” The uncle on the other side reminded.

The word “last time” reminded many people that the crying suddenly became intense.

At this moment, Yang Chuyue seemed to have finally recovered her emotions. She squeezed the corners of her clothes and looked at the old man lying inside. Her throat choked and she called him: “Grandpa… “

The corner of her clothes went into the coffin and was sealed inside with Grandpa.

The author has something to say: thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-03-1916:11:10~2021-03-2123:50:11~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Chen; 6 bottles of Rin’ao; 5 bottles of Fuchsia;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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