This Fake Daughter Deserves To Be Spoiled

Chapter 85

Yang Sanhuo immediately responded with a smile.

Mother Yang said next to him: “It’s still early, at least it’s time for him to go to college. Before going to college, everything is still focused on learning.”

“Yes, yes, your mother is right.” Grandma agreed, and turned her head to greet Tang Shuangxu and Yang Chuyue, “Does Shuangxu play mahjong? Call your uncle and the others, and you kids sit down. At the table, play around…or let Chu Yue take you around and buy some firecrackers to play.”

Yang Chuyue couldn’t help laughing: “Grandma, Asu, she doesn’t play firecrackers, it’s all for kids.”

“You are all still kids, you are all…”

At the beginning, Yang Chuyue and Yang’s mother sometimes dealt with each other, but soon when Zhao Canlin and the others came, Yang Chuyue was dragged to play games together, but as soon as she turned her head, she was beaten by her grandmother.

“Why don’t you call Shuangxu to play together?” Grandma patted Yang Chuyue’s back, and put the snacks and milk in her arms on the coffee table, “Play with Shuangxu, you know?”

“Grandma, Asu, she doesn’t play games.” Yang Chuyue whispered.

Grandma glared at her, walked over to Tang Shuangxu and sat down.

When Yang Chuyue turned her head and looked over, she saw her grandmother smiling, and the two were talking.

She took the time to listen, and then she heard her grandmother say: “It’s good to be a teacher, it’s good to be a teacher. You will be a policeman in the first month from now on, and you will be a teacher. It’s all good…When you get older, you will adopt a child. , You and Chuyue will definitely be able to teach your children well. When you are old and someone will take care of you, my mother and I will be relieved…”

Yang Chuyue happened to hear this, and the screen of the phone went dark when he was playing the game.

“Are you stuck? Why are you gone?” Zhao Canlin shouted.

Yang Chuyue replied vaguely, and wiped her finger on the phone screen unconsciously.

Stayed at grandmother’s house for one night, and went back the next day. After returning home the next day, Yang Chuyue accompanied Tang Shuangxu to the city to see her teacher. Nothing was unusual, and they greeted the two to stay overnight before leaving.

Yang Chuyue responded, thinking that they would go to Wei Xu’s house by the next day, and they would like to pay a New Year greeting to his aunt anyway. Father Yang and Mother Yang will also be over tomorrow, and they will go home together after the New Year greeting.

It’s just that she didn’t expect that after such a long time, she could still see a scene in the plot of the original book.

When Yang Chuyue and Tang Shuangxu came to see Teacher Li, Chen Yao was not at home because she and Chen Yao were not familiar with each other, and Tang Shuangxu did not take the initiative to ask, so Teacher Li did not say much, only that Chen Yao was with him. My friend went out to play and won’t be back until the evening.

In the evening, she and Tang Shuangxu had just finished their dinner with Teacher Li. Teacher Li went upstairs to rest first. She and Tang Shuangxu had trouble sitting underneath, so they went back to the guest room prepared by Teacher Li.

Because the room has floor heating, it is quite hot, so I opened the glass door from the bedroom to the balcony for ventilation.

Yang Chuyue was sitting cross-legged on the carpet and playing with her mobile phone. She heard the movement of a car stopping downstairs. She glanced at Tang Shuangxu and said, “It should be Chen Yao who is back.”

As soon as the voice fell, she heard Chen Yao’s angry voice coming up.

“Shen Fu, don’t you really think that you are being unreasonable and unforgiving? This is not the first time. It is clear that the other party has been humility, but you just hold on to the other party and have to look at the other party very hard. You are so miserable…”

Yang Chuyue heard the name of “Shen Fu” moved in his mind, and thought for a while, guessing that the male and female leaders are already together at this moment. He must have experienced a lot of misunderstandings in the middle, and then he can be together.

But none of this has anything to do with her. Yang Chuyue was about to lower her head to continue playing with her mobile phone, when she heard something from the butler underneath, it seemed vaguely that she heard A Xu’s name.

She raised her head to look at Tang Shuangxu, and met Tang Shuangxu’s suspicious look.

“What’s the matter?” Tang Shuangxu asked aloud.

Yang Chuyue opened her mouth, before she had time to say anything, Shen Fu sneered downstairs, and a voice mixed with emotions came up.

“Chen Yao, you only know that you love others, why don’t you love me? I’m your girlfriend! I hope that the person standing next to me can stand firmly by my side no matter what happens. Like you! Actually, you don’t like me at all. What you like is a girl like Tang Shuangxu, who can play the violin, please Aunt Li, and won’t be like me…”

Yang Chuyue couldn’t sit still, she stood up and walked to the balcony.

When I went to the balcony and looked down, I happened to see Shen Fu throwing something at Chen Yao’s feet, and then turned his head to leave.

“Wait a minute!” Yang Chuyue said, and both Shen Fu and Chen Yao looked over.

When she saw her, she stunned, and then Chen Yao showed embarrassment on her face, opening her mouth to speak, Yang Chuyue glanced at him, her eyes fell on Shen Fu, and said: “Can your little couple quarrel? Don’t pull in irrelevant people at all times? To be honest, I am very upset as a family member of the innocent people you have hit.”

“What?” Both Shen Fu and Chen Yao were taken aback by Yang Chuyue’s words.

Especially the words that followed her made the two of them feel a little bit at a loss. Shen Fu couldn’t help but said, “You and Tang Shuangxu should not be related to each other, right?”

“No.” Yang Chuyue nodded, and wanted to say it again. Tang Shuangxu who came out grabbed her arm and pulled her into the bedroom, with a helpless tone: “What are you going to join in the fun?”

“They dragged you in first.” Yang Chuyue was dissatisfied, “You are my girlfriend. What are you doing when their lovers quarrel with you? Damn it!”

As the bedroom door was closed, Yang Chuyue’s voice became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared altogether.

Downstairs, Shen Fu and Chen Yao looked at each other. After a while, Shen Fu asked dumbly: “They… what kind of relationship?”

“I don’t know.” Chen Yao shook his head and saw her eyes were red and her hair was a little moist. He sighed, walked over and took her hand, and said, “I will send you back.”

I don’t know if he is still in a trance, but Chen Fu did not refuse.

In the bedroom upstairs, Yang Chuyue was lying on the bed with Tang Shuangxu in her arms, looking at her from top to bottom with bright eyes: “…Kiss again?”

“Get up.” Tang Shuangxu reached out and pushed her.

Yang Chuyue didn’t move, she leaned over and hugged her with both hands, burying her face in the side of her neck and rubbing again: “No, I don’t want to get up.”

Just keep holding it like this, she didn’t want to let go of her at all, and she didn’t want to get up and walk away.

Tang Shuangxu pushed her twice, but she gave up if she couldn’t push her away. He relaxed and let her hold. The two cuddled up close to each other, smelling the breath of each other, and fell asleep like this.

Fortunately, the heating in the room was sufficient and it was not so cold. In addition, the jacket was taken off when entering the bedroom, which was not cumbersome. After sleeping for a while, Yang Chuyue fumbled for the quilt next to them and wrapped them up.

Was awakened by heat the next day.

With hot and dry throat, Yang Chuyue went downstairs to pour two glasses of water to relieve it, and it was red.

Chen Yao was present at breakfast. Yang Chuyue and Tang Shuangxu greeted him together. The three of them did not mention what happened last night in a tacit agreement, and Chen Yao also looked as usual, only occasionally speaking to Yang Chu. When Yue two people were here, their expressions were inevitably a bit embarrassing that could not be concealed.

Yang Chuyue didn’t care either, it wasn’t her embarrassment anyway.

Probably the attitude of the two of them was too natural, and Chen Yao quickly reacted and tried to talk as usual.

Although he didn’t take the initiative to mention it, Yang Chuyue probably knew from some of his words that the plot of the original book has been moving step by step, and only the part that originally belonged to Tang Shuang’s preface has changed.

However, Tang Shuangxu had no proportion in the follow-up plot of the original book, and it had no influence at all.

Yang Chuyue didn’t care how Chen Yao and the others were doing, and after having breakfast with Teacher Li, she got up and said farewell with Tang Shuangxu.

When I left, I got two big red envelopes from Teacher Li. Yang Chuyue originally wanted to refuse, but Teacher Li’s words were similar to those of Yang Chuyue’s grandmother. Yang Chuyue changed his mind. For Tang Shuangxu, Teacher Li was probably just The only elder of her relatives left, so she accepted it.

When they got in the car, the two also mentioned a lot of fruit snacks and the like.

“Help me say hello to your parents.” Teacher Li said to Yang Chuyue with a smile while standing by the car.

Yang Chuyue nodded in response, Tang Shuangxu’s expression was gentle, and said to Teacher Li: “Teacher, you go back quickly, don’t blow the cold wind anymore.”

“I will go back when the car leaves. Don’t miss me. I’m fine. Just take care of yourself.” Teacher Li smiled gently.

When the car left, Yang Chuyue and Tang Shuangxu looked back and saw Teacher Li and Chen Yao still standing on the side of the road until they were almost out of sight. Yang Chuyue reached out and held Tang Shuangxu’s hand and whispered. Said: “If you have a holiday or anytime in the future, I will accompany you when you want to see Teacher Li. Anyway, whether it is City C or the small county is not far from here, you can come here at any time.”

After a pause, she said again: “I’ll take time to take the driver’s license test when school starts. It will be more convenient to buy a small car when the time comes.”

This was originally what Dad Yang meant, saying that after she got the driver’s license, she gave her a car. The Yang family’s luxury cars are not so easy to afford, but ordinary cars that can satisfy the trip are still worthy. From.

But Yang Chuyue also had a plan in her heart. She saved a lot of money, enough to buy a car by herself.

Even after returning, she enthusiastically discussed with Tang Shuangxu which would be better.

Normally, Father Yang and Mother Yang have their own cars when they travel, and they don’t need Yang Chuyue’s car. Yang Chuyue wants to buy a smaller, more comfortable and warmer car.

“After buying a car, there is still a portion of the money left. The remaining years of university will save a little more. When we graduate, we can probably pay a down payment for a small two-bedroom. Is the two-bedroom enough? The bedroom, a study room for your usual lesson preparation. There is a sofa bed in the study room, which is usually put away. Whenever my parents or other friends come, it can be used as a guest bedroom…”

“The house must have a spacious living room and a large balcony. Then move my rocking chair over…”

Yang Chuyue said Xuxu, with bright eyes in her eyes, and she was already looking forward to life at that time.

The author has something to say: thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-07-1918:30:12~2021-07-2018:10:36~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 416857291 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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