This Game Will Kill

Chapter 105 - Come, make a choice

Blockade across the city!

Just like the former detention center and prison, it has now become an entire city!

Unless it is to complete the task specified by the system, otherwise it is impossible to leave! It is even more impossible to leave the game.

“Damn! The city is completely isolated, and now, it really becomes a huge copy mission.”

Everyone was dumbfounded to see that light curtain cut off the waist of the bridge!

Not to mention players such as Li Ye, even the people waiting on the bridge to cross the bridge are frightened and screamed again and again by the strange scene in front of them.

“What’s going on? Why was the bridge cut off?”

“Did the government abandon us?”

All of a sudden, a group of people who were already confused and emotional broke out completely! On the side of the bridge, there are also some armed policemen and soldiers in the army who are separated on this side, and they are also confused.

But before they responded, they were completely overwhelmed by a group of angry people on the bridge.

At this time, they had completely lost their minds because they had nowhere to escape, even ignoring the guns in the hands of the police and soldiers and rushed straight up.


A series of gunshots sounded, and it was one of the police who fired three shots into the sky, trying to deter the violent crowd. But it may still be useful before the change, but now, just for a second, it completely loses control the next moment.

Just a dozen or so police soldiers, not opponents of hundreds of rioters, disappeared all at once.

But when the group of people came to the middle of the bridge, they found that they were blocked by an invisible wall.

“It must be a ghost of the government! They want to completely isolate the entire city and want to give up our entire city!”

“Yes! The virus is now spreading, they can’t control it. To avoid getting infected, they certainly won’t let us out!”

I do n’t know who shouted. A group of people who were almost crazy was blown away at once. One of them drove a car crazy, and the throttle stepped on the end. The throttle roared and hit the invisible wall!


Just like an egg hitting a rock, the whole car instantly squeezed into deformation, then exploded violently, and blasted many people around.

At the same time, the catastrophe is not alone. Someone on the bridge made a horrified cry. Upon closer inspection, many virus-infected people also heard the sound and were hunting wildly towards hundreds of people crowded on the bridge.

“Let’s go.”

Seeing the pictures on the bridge, the green fox ironed his face.

The hungry wolf also shook his head, although he was not as cold-blooded as the green fox, but he would not go to the bridge at this time.

Only Li Ye hesitated, but finally he smiled bitterly.

He is different from other players. He has never regarded anyone here as a set of data, but at this moment, the end of hundreds of people on the bridge can be imagined. It is almost a dead end, and what is waiting for them is death. Coming, become a member of those infected with the virus.

He is not a saint, nor a superman. It is impossible to save everyone.

Since there is no hope of going out of town, the three groups of people are now clearly among each other, and the atmosphere is slightly subtle.

“Green Fox, who is this little girl?”

Obviously, although the hungry wolf and his group of players also received system tasks, they did not know the identity of the little girl.

But what surprised Li Ye was that Green Fox also shook his head. “I don’t know, but the system made me take her out of the city. Now that the road to the city is blocked, this time the task is meaningless.”

Yes, there is no way out of town, there is obviously only one choice waiting for them!

Get through the next 23 hours!

Waiting for the end of the Devil’s Day.

“His mother, I originally thought I could earn a vote this time, but I didn’t expect to lose my wife and break the soldiers!”

His mouth was scolded, and the face of the hungry wolf was also not very good-looking. After all, he and the Green Fox both lost one person. At this time, one person was wounded with each other, and the others deliberately distanced themselves from them.

The expressions on their faces were not very good, and their faces were pale.

“They don’t know that the little girl carries the serum of XF virus!”

Seeing the reaction from both of them, Li Ye moved, and was considering whether to tell them both.

Suddenly, there was a trace of vulgarity on the face of the green fox over there, and his gaze was slightly unsightly towards Li Ye.

A group of people just wanted to **** the little girl out of the city to become an alliance for a short time, but now it is different. Between players and players, it is difficult to have real trust! What’s more, Li Ye is alone!

“Green Fox! What do you want to do?”

Li Ye had just sighed in his heart, and his hand clenched his Nim alloy long knife slightly. There, the hungry wolf whispered with a chill in his eyes.

“What are you doing? Hungry wolf, you and I are old acquaintances, don’t you know the dangers of this world? This kid has nowhere to know. Since everyone can’t get out of the city now, I wouldn’t joke about my human life!”

Several other players under the Green Fox are also ill-faced. Obviously, they did this kind of thing not once or twice, without any guilt in their hearts.

“Hide behind me.”

Speaking in a low voice, Li Ye stood up slightly and pulled the two women behind.

A group of green foxes made it clear that they wanted to take Li Ye, but the hungry wolf and several players under him, hesitated.

“Boss Wolf, what shall we do?”

“Don’t intervene! I can’t see the kid. The hypocrite, the Green Fox, wants to deal with the kid, maybe he will lose money.”

The hungry wolf is also a senior player. Naturally, he will not make decisions as easily as ordinary players. He just looks on the wall and fully reflects the old and cunning side.

The two sides are about to erupt into conflict, but suddenly, the expressions on both faces have changed.

[XF virus outbreaks, infect cities, search for virus serum and protect for 23 hours, reward game points 10000 points]

[Find the virus serum and directly destroy it, completely triggering the spread of XF virus and rewarding 10,000 game points]

Suddenly, no matter where it is in the entire city, all players know the two tasks issued by the system almost at the same time.

Protect virus serum and destroy virus serum!

It is completely diametrically opposed, and can even be said to be two completely conflicting tasks.

Somewhere in the city, a young man slowly took the knife out of a corpse, and blood dropped drop by drop along the blade, with a weird smile on his face.

“Virus serum? Interesting, this time it’s a lot more interesting than ever.”

Beside him, there are at least dozens of virus-infected people staring, but if you look closely, there are more dead bodies lying on the ground!

On the youth, there was no trace of blood.

On a certain street, around a woman, as if the temperature dropped tens of degrees instantaneously, everything was completely frozen in an instant.

In a building, several people dressed in camouflage uniforms, fully armed like special forces, guarded a corridor, two machine guns were mounted on the barricades in the aisle, on the other side of the corridor, many virus infected people are crazy As they approached them, they were all under the fire tongue storm, and the entire corridor was almost covered with corpses.

Almost every player trapped in the city has received these two tasks issued by the system.

After the task, there is a choice.

[Accept the task of protecting virus serum]

[Accept the task of destroying virus serum]

The two tasks are opposed to each other, which means that once one of them is accepted, it will inevitably be opposed to the player who chooses the other task, or even fight.

On the riverside, Li Ye’s complexion changed, and he naturally saw these two mission choices.

He even knows that the so-called virus serum is actually beside him!

The little girl!

Choose protection? Or choose to destroy?

The green fox and the hungry wolf are also attracted by the tasks issued by the system. They did not expect the identity of the little girl, which is the key to these two tasks.

“Green Fox, you seem to have received it?”

“Huh, aren’t you the same? What are you going to do?”

“Haha, what I do is not important, what is important is, what is the virus serum? There is no hint at all, even if you choose to protect or destroy, there is no clue!”

A bit of wry smile appeared on the face of the hungry wolf, but it was a green fox, the light flashed in his eyes, and if he thought about it, he did not know what he was thinking about.

[Virus variant appears! caveat! Virus variant appears! 】

Suddenly ~ ~ Almost all players sounded a system alarm, and at the same time they learned an important message.

[Virus variants, the first stage, evolution of XF virus-infected gene mutations, evaluation, extremely dangerous! 】

Extremely dangerous?

It allows the system to directly warn of extreme danger. Fools know that once this happens, it is impossible for ordinary players to survive. Especially some old players, their faces are green!

After all, some people have experienced many copies and naturally understand what it means to let the system warn in advance.

“Damn it! This is to die!”

The Green Fox and the Hungry Wolf are naturally experienced players, and they understand what this means. The Hungry Wolf whispered in a low voice, “Go! Find a place first!”

Green Fox is also not very good-looking. A player beside him is even more pale. “Boss, what should I do? Last time we also encountered such a monster. At that time, only ten of us survived.”

Ten people survived three?

The reaction of the green fox and the hungry wolf made Li Ye feel a little nervous.

Virus variant? Is it the kind he encountered in prison? But even that kind of thing, it is impossible for these senior players to show such a terrible reaction.

At this time, Li Ye could not be taken care of on both sides, and the Green Fox immediately chose to leave, as did the Hungry Wolf and his men. But the difference is that the hungry wolf directly gave the injured man a gun, and the green fox simply ignored the injured man and took the person to leave!

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Do you think this will be able to hit the author’s bacteria?

Can the author be forced to beg for mercy on his knees?

You are wrong!

The author’s bacteria have long been … immobile o (╥﹏╥) o

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