This Game Will Kill

Chapter 109 - Fight

In less than three seconds, Li Ye had already made the fastest response.

But the opponent is obviously not as simple as an ordinary player. If the shot is not Li Ye’s conditioned reflex, avoiding a slight angle, it has already penetrated his heart!

“You have courage.”

A hoarse and low voice came from the other person’s body, but Li Ye sensitively captured the other person’s lips without any movement.


Even hiding her own voice, and wearing a terrorist-like headgear, Li Ye couldn’t see the other person’s appearance at all.

“How about a deal?”

“What deal?”

Li Ye controlled the other person in front of him, trying to avoid the other person’s muzzle. The opponent’s magical marksmanship, he is not willing to bet on whether it is coincidence or really so accurate.

“You let my people go, and then hand over the virus serum, I can consider spare your life.”

Arrogant tone, but also relatively let people know that the other party never thought of giving in, aggressive!

In fact, from the beginning, when he came into contact with the other pair, he had no feelings, and only had a strong murderous look. Li Ye knew that the player he faced was definitely not what he imagined. Players who stay for some purpose.

This is a very dangerous person!

A trace of vigilance flashed in my heart, different from him, and even different from anyone he touched!

The other party is definitely the kind of person who does not blink.

“You think you have the ability to kill me?”

From the other party’s tone, Li Ye heard absolute self-confidence. He is very curious about this point. The other party’s companion is still in his hands. How can he threaten him unless he ignores the life and death of his companion?

“The second chance, let go of the person and hand over the virus serum, I can consider spare you.”

The other party didn’t change any expression at all, didn’t even blink his eyes, and the muzzle was always firmly locked to Li Ye. The feeling made Li Ye’s heart burst into a chill.

The other party offered to hand over the virus serum for the second time! In this sentence, Li Ye couldn’t help moving!

“You’re confident.”

“I will only say the same thing a third time to a corpse.”

A strong danger caused Li Ye’s hair to stand upright. Obviously there was only one gun in the opponent’s hand, but why did he feel like he was all over the body at the moment, all pointed at the muzzle?

“How do I believe you will not gossip?”

“You have no choice! Give up the virus, you live. If you don’t, you die!”

Obviously the other party ’s patience was also smoothed out, but Li Ye seemed to deliberately show a little hesitation on his face in order to verify a certain guess. At the same time, under the other party ’s gaze, he nodded slightly.

Suddenly, Li Ye flicked a thumb-sized glass bottle towards the other party. At the moment of throwing out, it was obvious that the other person’s numb and cold-blooded eyes had a subtle change, and his eyes also shifted from his subconscious To the glass bottle that was thrown out.

In this throw, Li Ye threw a thief and threw it directly into the air!

And the other party did as he wished, and the sight turned to the glass bottle thrown out by him!

“It’s now!”

When he slammed into the other party’s companion, the huge force directly caused the man to stumble towards the man, and Li Ye didn’t know when he had an extra dagger in his hand, and threw it directly!

Between electro-optical flint, it depends entirely on the reaction speed and thinking reaction of both sides.

Li Ye is planning ahead, but he underestimates the reaction speed of the other party!


A bullet directly hit Li Ye’s dagger, and a spark star flew out, and the dagger was bounced high, while the second shot sounded almost before Li Ye reacted.

But this time, Li Ye was already prepared!

The whole person is a carp leaping dragon gate, the body is close to the partner of the other party that he was knocked out, only heard a groan, this shot directly hit the man’s forehead!

The pupil contracted slightly, the opponent’s heart was fierce and even exceeded Li Ye’s expectations!

He showed no mercy to his companions and strengthened his previous thoughts.

“This man is very dangerous!”

Both shots did not hurt Li Ye, and at a distance of just a few meters, before Li Ye approached, he unceremoniously reached out and hit the other party ’s wrist with a cleverness, enough to dislocate the normal person ’s wrist or even his hand. Bone fracture!


Sure enough, even if the opponent responded no matter how fast, even at such a short distance, he could not avoid it, and the pistol fell at once.

However, the other hand of the other party didn’t know when there was an additional three-sided army thorn, and stab directly at Li Ye’s chest.

The opponent has a wealth of close combat experience!

The body slightly avoided, almost rubbing his chest, and Li Ye’s shoulder directly hit the other party’s chest, but Li Ye felt that his shoulder was like hitting a hard iron block.

The huge strength made both of them back away at the same time, but the other party obviously couldn’t compare with Li Ye, who had been genetically strengthened twice, in three physical steps, but Li Ye only stepped back and stepped up again. .

He couldn’t give the opponent a chance. Although the opponent couldn’t shoot, but the reaction of the close fight just now is definitely not an ordinary person can do it!

This is a veteran! Even a mercenary who walks between life and death all year round!

Sure enough, even if Li Ye felt that the shoulder bones were almost split, even if the other party was wearing a bulletproof vest, the strong impact force was enough to hurt the other party’s internal organs, but Li Ye saw that the other party had pulled out a handle from the waist Gun, just about to pull the trigger towards Li Ye!

But faster than him is the crossbow arrow in Li Ye’s hand!

At such a close distance, there is no time to use a long knife or a hand crossbow, but the sharp arrows of the crossbow arrows are enough to kill anyone!

Both sides are almost fighting, no one will have any hesitation at this time!

Even if Li Ye’s heart didn’t want to kill any player, but at this time, once his heart is soft, he will die! No need to doubt, the unchanging killing intention in the other party’s eyes fully illustrates this point.

Gee … Gee …

Blood spewed from the opponent’s throat, and the sharp arrows of the crossbow pierced the opponent’s neck without hindrance, directly cutting off the opponent’s trachea and aorta.

At this time, the other party’s eyes had a different kind of glamour, fierce and unbelievable, and more, it was anyone’s desire for life!

[Kill the player “Wolf Soul” and reward 500 game points]

[The player “Wolf Soul” is in a hostile position, the virus serum is successfully protected, and the game points are additionally awarded 500 points]

[Players automatically choose to join the protection virus serum camp, the camp cannot be changed before the copy ends]

Successive system prompts sounded in my mind, leaving Li Ye speechless for a while.

There are not many rewards, but they are better than nothing.

But what is the hint that he added the protection virus serum by default? Just because he killed the player who wanted to destroy the virus serum, he chose to protect one side by default?

As soon as the other strongest person dies, the other three are almost without threat.

It’s just that Li Ye didn’t kill them. It was forced by the situation just now, but the other three have lost the threat to him, and now they start like an executioner.


There was a gunshot, and one of them shot directly at his head, and the whole head burst like a watermelon exploding.

The other two lying on the ground raised their guns at the same time. Both of them shot suicide.

Li Ye took a deep breath, he was really not ready to kill them! But these three people still chose such an extreme way.

As soon as the four players died, in the corner of the shadow, the pale and bloodless silly white sweet came out with the little girl. The little girl is okay, but the silly Bai Tian’s face can be shaky.

“You … you killed them?”

The voice trembled with death. Perhaps what happened just now was too difficult for her to accept.

Unfortunately, Li Ye did not have time to explain to her!

“Go! We leave here.”

The three of the other party chose to commit suicide, but it wasn’t just that it was their own hands!

The sound of gunshots is enough to attract people around the virus to approach this side!

These three people, even if they were dead, had to find a way to drag Li Ye into a dangerous situation.

Sure enough, in the distance, I saw a lot of shaking figures, approaching.


A few blocks away, several players rushed to hear the successive gunshots ~ ~ their purpose, naturally come from the virus serum.

At the same time, more people are heading northwest of the city.

If you look down on the entire city from a high altitude, you will find that there are countless black spots like ants that are moving from all directions to the northwest of the city.

These are all virus-infected people in the entire urban area.

How many people are there in the whole city?

a few millions? Millions?

After the entire city is blocked, the number of virus-infected people will increase geometrically. And those survivors will obviously be fewer and fewer.


Suddenly, a building exploded without any struggle, and then the whole building fell into flames and collapsed in such a short time.

“Hahaha! Cool! Cool! Come a little more! A little more!”

From the sea of ​​fire, I saw only a dark burly body wearing metal armor like iron man, and walked out of it. On his shoulder, a thick-armed spray device directly sprayed the blazing flames, and under any flame, anything turned into coke in a short time.

In his right hand, six barrels appeared!

Da da da!

Crazy fire tongues sprayed out of it, and countless shells fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

Several vehicles on the road were directly sifted and exploded.

Countless virus-infected people have succeeded, but before approaching, they were directly beaten with blood and flesh, and those who died could no longer die.

This is simply a terrible war machine!

Players! Only players can be so crazy!

The subscription plunged again, and the author was so excited that …

At this rate, probably by National Day, it should fall to single digits and make history

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