This Game Will Kill

Chapter 183 - Ventilation report

“Sister, tell me honestly!”

Ren Xi and Ren Qian ’s twin sisters are almost identical. The key is that even their height and body are almost indistinguishable.

The similarity of the two sisters can almost be said that the two of them sat quietly without speaking, and even their parents could not be completely distinguished. Even these years, no jokes have been made.

But in one mouth, you can see the difference between the two sisters.

Sister Ren Qian is more mature and stable, perhaps it is the experience of the police school. Sister Ren Xi is even more playful, with a small devil-like glow on her face, a pair of beautiful eyes twirling, not knowing what to pay attention to.

“Explain what, return the car key to me!”

Ren Qianxiao blushed, but she immediately showed her majesty as a sister, but unfortunately, Ren Xi did not eat this set. The two sisters have been familiar with each other for so many years. Where do they not know who their sister is?

“Sister, do you know that as long as you show such an expression, it’s you acting as a guilty conscience? Why have you not overcome this over the years?”

After listening to his sister’s teasing, Ren Qian was embarrassed, but a face, “What do you say, dead girl! Hurry to return the car key to me!”

However, Ren Xi held the key, and the expression on his face was even more quaint, “Hee hee, guilty? Or panicked? Sister, tell me, who is that person?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about! Give me back quickly! Otherwise I will use force!”

Ren Xi is familiar with Ren Qian’s character and weaknesses, but Ren Qian is also familiar with her sister’s weaknesses!

Sure enough, when he heard that he was going to use force, Ren Xi panicked and shouted, “Sister! You are cheating! Where did you bully your own sister so much!”

Before she finished talking, she was caught by Ren Qian, and her neat arm twisted, and with pain, the car key was snatched back by Ren Qian.

“It’s always like this every time! Sister, if you continue to be so violent, you won’t be able to marry! When you become an old girl and stay at home, don’t regret it.”

Rubbing his reddish wrist, Ren Xi grunted, but let Ren Qian suddenly squint.

“Don’t get it, don’t say it, don’t say it.” But although she didn’t say anything, but the little devil’s character still made her unable to resist her inner curiosity, and asked again, “Sister, really not Thinking that Leng Bingbing is like a man-in-law, you are really springing up, when did you have a boyfriend? At what stage of development? Have you kissed? Or … “

As he talked over, before he finished speaking, Ren Qian was blushed and covered her mouth, and Yi Yi murmured.

“Smelly girl! Do you believe me tear your mouth ?!”

“Hoo! Sister! You want to suffocate me! Murdered my sister!” Ren Ren’s expression was not good, Ren Xi’s expression suddenly changed, very cute from the little devil, but the rippling light in the eyes can be seen In fact, she didn’t give up at all.

Hugging her sister ’s slender waist intimately, her eyes blurred like a little goblin who hooked a dead man ’s life, and spit out the fragrance, “Speak, let ’s say, who our two sisters and who are, what secrets ca n’t know each other , Who is that man? “

“I do not know what you’re talking about.”

Ren Qian turned her face, but unfortunately Ren Xi would give up, and made a hey laugh, “It doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it, anyway, I already know where he is, don’t you say it, believe me or not to ask him?”

Ren Qian shuddered slightly, obviously shaken, not to mention the two sisters were close to the body, you can immediately notice, even if not, Ren Xi’s understanding of her sister, you can see clues, and suddenly issued a weird laugh!

“Hee hee, sister, if you are an outsider, can you tell who you are from me? You said that if I came to him and pretended to be you, to seduce him, would he win?”

Such a bold and provocative speech, the average girl can’t speak at all, but in Ren Xi’s mouth it seems easy, at first glance is a middle-aged veteran! Old driver!

“you dare!”

The next Ren Qian couldn’t sit still, the tiger glared at his sister. Of course, she knew in her heart that although her sister seemed frivolous like a witch, she was not the kind of chaos, but she was chaotic, or she was already confused!

“Hahaha! I’ve got it! See you don’t admit it! So nervous. Rest assured, I don’t want any men that Ren Xi wants, and won’t rob you, don’t worry so much.”

“Go to you! Dead girl! Who is my man! Don’t talk nonsense!”

“Xing Xing Xing, no nonsense, anyway, I saw it. He didn’t recognize that I wasn’t you. Hey, find a chance to tease him.”

“you dare!”

What kind of virtue does Ren Qian do not know? Suddenly startled, she really knew her sister could do it. By then, in case someone wins, she doesn’t know what the reaction is.

“Relax, don’t worry, I won’t cross the line, but since I want to soak my sister, I will definitely test it, but not everyone can be my brother-in-law of Ren Xi, in case of a pervert or hypocrite You can see him clearly as soon as possible! “

However, Ren Qian was startled and warned, “I and him … just ordinary friends! Don’t mess up!”

“Hey ~! ‘Ordinary’ friend! I know, rest assured, rest assured. But I remember someone who has a cleansing habit, except for my closest and most beautiful and glamorous sister. It will be completely unbearable! Actually, for the sake of a ‘ordinary’ friend, will all borrow the car? “

In the end, the tone was even higher, and it was just a frown at Ren Qian.

“Dead girl! It seems that you forced me!”

Suddenly the two sisters were in a mess, the scenery was infinitely good, but unfortunately no one could enjoy the wonderful scenery of this scene.

After returning the keys, Li Ye couldn’t help turning out an old photo, which happened to be a group photo of a high school graduate five years ago.

“Five years, the time has passed so quickly.”

In the same society, Li Ye shook his head slightly, and always had to face some things. It’s just that he is completely different now than five years ago.

“You can bring a female partner!”

The last sentence of Wang Qiang’s phone call obviously meant something. After all, the two of them were considered to have fun, and Wang Qiang knew many things naturally.

But with a female companion, Li Ye showed a helpless smile on his face.

How are he and Zhang Jin talking now? Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but take out his mobile phone. During this time, he was busy developing in the real world. Several times he was surrounded by dangers. Now, suddenly, he feels that he misses the life in college.

“Are you there?”

A thousand words, but in the end there are only two words.

But to his surprise, the reply was quick.


Seeing a short word made Li Ye’s bitter smile deeper.

After hesitating for a long time, Li Ye finally did not speak. It’s not that he didn’t want to, but he discovered that after this time, suddenly he changed a lot. Not his feelings have changed, but some other aspects.

“Is there any difficulty?”

It may be that there is no response for a long time, and the phone vibrates again.


“No, miss you. Also, wait for me!”

After finishing a few words, Li Ye seemed to be exhausted. Only when I have loved, I realized that this thing is indeed more poisonous than poison!

no respond? Disappointment appeared on Li Ye’s face. Although he gradually knew that the background of Zhang Jin’s family was not simple, his kind of uncomfortable children were not worthy, but he believed that he could one day make her family nod.

But he needs time!

Instead of waiting for Zhang Jin’s response, he waited for another person’s unexpected call.

“Lee! My sister will be attending a party this Sunday, don’t blame me for not reminding you! All you have to tell you! You can do it yourself!”

Zhang Long! Zhang Jin’s younger brother! Li Ye did not expect that this kid really reported to him! At the same time, Zhang Long sent him an address, but it was a fairly large club in Yunyang City. Even if he knew that basically Yunyang City had heads and faced dignitaries, they all liked to go to that place to gather.

Seeing that address, Li Ye’s expression became particularly eccentric.

Then I looked at the place where Wang Qiang sent his classmates to gather on the weekend …

“Should it be such a coincidence?”

Time ~ ~ Where are they all together?

At the same time, in a luxury club in a Yunyang city, in a luxurious private room, I saw only a few oil-toned noodles, and a few young women dressed in **** and enchanting clothes, laughing.

“Zhang Long, what are you doing? There are beautiful women who are so absent-minded, wouldn’t you drink too much last night?”

One of them is Zhang Long, and there are a few others of similar age. At first glance, they are the young people of the second generation of the elite. One of them saw Zhang Long holding his mobile phone and made a little fun.

“Don’t bother me! Bother!”

However, several other people were yelling and flirting with the beauties around them. Zhang Long was sullen and did not know what to think, so that the two **** and enchanting beauties beside him dared not get close.

It can be seen that this group of young people are all brothers and sisters of Yunyang City, but it is obvious that Zhang Long is the biggest one. Several young people are unhappy when they see Zhang Long, and they all let go of the women around them.

“What’s the matter? Who annoyed us Master Zhang Da? Do you want to find someone to teach?”

One of them can be regarded as the most burly among the elder brothers, with a grin. He is the youngest owner of the largest underground social group in Yunyang City, and he is also a hegemon in Yunyang City! But compared to several others, especially Zhang Long, it is far away, so I have been trying my best to please the relationship, and now I am more willing to fight.

Don’t look at his big five and three thick, but his heart is careful!

“A self-improvement guy! Obviously he has no ability, and he is not willing to give up! I want to see if you can set off any waves!” Zhang Long will naturally not say things, but his eyes reveal a little anticipation. !

Although he despised Li Ye, he also looked at the brother-in-law who was his name in the future, even more unhappy!

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