This Game Will Kill

Chapter 25 - Oh my! Finally got rid of

A brand-new car, although it is a brand that Li Ye has never seen, was instantly smashed into scrap iron.


Almost almost runny, Li Ye rolled and crawled, not looking at what happened in the back, rolled directly on the spot and pulled away.

At this moment, he dared to turn back subconsciously, but saw his mountain knife, which was being inserted into the head of the white demon, stabbed one of the three pairs of eyes, and the green blood flowed out of the wound, disgusting. the taste of.

Probably the only weakness was seriously hurt, and the white demon was irritated at once, and a strange deafening sound from the white demon sounded like ultrasound, but it was enough for Li Ye and the three to hold back. ear.

“No! It’s calling other demons! Stop it!”

In the distance, the trigger roared, his face eager.

Li Ye has not yet reacted, there is a little hesitation of the pink demon girl’s face, and then the little girl seems to have made up her mind!

There is no wind around, but at this time it seems weird as if you can feel a ray of breeze coming from all directions.

“That is!”

The trigger didn’t know what happened, but Li Ye knew!

“Wind Blade!”

An almost transparent wind blade instantly crossed the head of the white demon. At the same time, the body of the pink demon jiggled slightly, as if exhausting all his strength, and his small face was pale, and he sat on the ground.

In the distance, a deep crack is left outside the entire wall of a shop. The sharp cutting surface is like being cut directly with the most precise cutting machine. It can be seen how powerful the wind blade was just now.

But …


The harsh sound was louder than before. Li Ye’s eyes widened, and the three pairs of white demon eyes, except for the last one-eye, were all directly cut by the wind blade of the pink demon, the green blood flowed, sprayed Everywhere around.

Obviously, three pairs of eyes were injured, and the white demon also lost most of his eyesight, like a mad rhinoceros, madly pounding everything around.

In front of that terrifying force, whether it is reinforced concrete or whatever, it is so fragile.

“Trigger! Okay!”

Li Ye finally reacted, picked up the pink demon in the past, and shouted at the trigger in the distance.

“Okay … Okay! Come here!”

For three minutes, I never felt so long. During the trigger shout, Li Ye looked shocked, ran his teeth and ran in the direction of the trigger.

And behind him, his voice let him know that even if he lost five eyes, only the remaining one would still be chased by the white demon.

Ten meters!

Five meters!

Three meters!

Li Ye didn’t dare to turn around. He was afraid that if he turned around, he would lose all his strength and give up hope.

Even he could smell the disgusting bad smell coming from behind, as if it were like the smell from the body of a rat that had been dead in a stinky ditch for many years.

He is undoubtedly physically and ordinary, holding a pink demon, plus the previous physical exertion, only relying on a will to support.

“If I survive this time, I must find a way to improve my body!”

Couldn’t help crying, finally Li Ye saw the trigger’s face, but also saw the tension and fear in his eyes, as well as the slowly expanding pupil.

Li Ye once heard that from a person’s eye pupil, many things can be reflected like a mirror.

He never believed, because he thinks that human eyes are turbid unless they are children, and it is impossible to be so clear. But at this moment, it seemed to be the time to freeze, and it seemed that everything was still. He really saw himself in the pupil of the trigger, saw the pale girl holding him in his arms, and immediately followed, then The horrible white giant body …

“Get down!”

Shouted, Li Ye conditioned reflexive holding the soft body of the pink demon girl rolled to the ground.


The waves of fire came, and the sound of almost deafening explosion accompanied the fire.

“The special effects in the movie are too scum!” Before losing consciousness, Li Ye’s mind suddenly did not know why, and suddenly such a thought popped up.

I don’t know how long it took, when Li Ye felt a cold biting on his face and woke up instantly.

“Finally woke up!”

What I saw was the surprised and relieved expression of the trigger.

“I’m not dead?”

Asked, Li Ye looked around, but saw the original bustling commercial pedestrian street, almost as if it had been baptized by war, a ruin, and even many places saw water jets burst from fire pipes, some places Still burning, like hell.

“How long have I been in a coma?” Looking around, and not seeing the horrible white demon, Li Ye wiped his face and asked.

“Less than a minute, I just thought you were dead!”

The trigger hugged Li Ye and patted his shoulder.

At this time, Li Ye also saw that the pink demon had not woke up, and was obviously stunned by the explosion just now. Fortunately, neither of them was injured.


“Successful! Thanks to you two! Otherwise, it is too difficult to lay down the chain bomb just now!”

The trigger face was slightly excited, and Li Ye also heard the system prompt coming from his mind.

[The player kills ‘Angel’ and gets 150 reward points]

150 points! Li Ye was shocked. At the same time, he saw a surprise on the trigger’s face. When he saw Li Ye looking at him, he nodded. “I got 200 points. The system said that the final blow would be more rewarding. . “

Said, he slightly apologized, “This, if not just you two, I also …”

“It’s okay, the system is right, it’s not your chain bomb, we all have to die here now.”

Li Ye scored 150 points and the trigger was 200 points. According to what he learned from the trigger before, the weakest among the demons is the one they encountered just now. Once killed, they can get 500 points!

That is to say, the three people worked together to kill an ordinary demon, and the 500 points were distributed according to the contributions of the three people.

“Is this monster actually called an angel?”

Li Ye couldn’t help but say that the trigger on one side was obviously not the first time. He smiled and said, “Maybe it’s the bad taste of the game system, anyway, whether it is an angel or a demon, we survived! And we got a reward ! “

Pink demon also woke up wandering, and also got the system prompt.

“150 points?”

She quickly revealed a surprise, “We succeeded?”

Li Ye and the trigger looked at each other, then suddenly all laughed at the same time, nodded, “Yes! We succeeded!”

Sure enough, not far away, the three found the almost demolished white demon corpse with a bad smell.

“This is not safe, let’s leave here first!”

Still had the fastest trigger response, and reminded them.

Wenyan Li Ye and the pink demon also nodded. After all, it was so big just now. As long as there are other players or white demons around, they will certainly hear the news.

Now, whether it is a white demon or other players, it is very dangerous.

Found the mountain knife he had fallen, and Li Ye and the others left.

Not long after they left, several figures appeared on the ruins.

“Ordinary goods, it seems that they were directly killed by bombs.”

There were three people. One of the bald men looked at it, and there was a slight sneer in the corner of his mouth, as if he was very disdainful. “You have to make such a big deal to deal with such ordinary things.

“Feidi, not everyone is you. Ordinary people encounter this ordinary thing, and it is good to be alive, but also able to fight back. It should have some skills.”

The second one is a woman. She looks 28 to 99 years old, mature and charming, and a pair of peach eyes seems to be naturally charged, but a ray of cold flashes deep in the eyes makes people know that this woman is not easy to provoke.

“Okay, a lot of newcomers have come in recently. The prince has already spoken, and when he meets a good seedling, he absorbs it.”

The last person, with flowing silver hair and white gown, looked extremely dusty, but as soon as he opened his mouth ~ ~ the other two shut up immediately, but still sneered at each other.

“It can be regarded as some ability to kill an ordinary angel, and it seems that despite the help of bombs, whether it is pre-preparation or awakening ability, it is worth observing.”

“You are the boss, just do whatever you say.”

Bald Han Feidi shrugged his shoulders, his face didn’t matter. The charming woman covered her mouth and chuckled, her eyes fluttered, her style was infinite, but the silver-haired man did n’t even look at her, which made her somewhat resentful, “A few newcomers, let’s make a big deal.”

At this moment, there was a trace of vibration on the ground, and the three looked around and happened to see a huge white body approaching.

White demon! Or, an angel in the mouth of the system.

“Hey, it’s another ordinary thing, this low-level game is really boring.”

The bald man laughed contemptuously, but the charming woman covered her mouth and yawned. All three were calm, without any confusion.

The white demon saw three people and rushed over as if it were a heavy tank!

“Are you here or me?”

The bald man looked at the charming woman.

“Come on, this little character, my aunt and grandma are too lazy to touch my hands and dirty my hands.” The charming woman glanced in disgust and stopped paying attention.

The bald man laughed, and suddenly his muscles seemed to swell in a circle. The whole person appeared in front of the white demon, grinning his white teeth, but he jumped up and disappeared.


It seemed like a watermelon that had exploded. Before that, the three people of Li Ye had to use nine cows and two tigers to kill the terrible demon, and the whole exploded and turned into a blood rain.

One punch! Spike!

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