This Game Will Kill

Chapter 52 - Earthshaking

“Some misunderstandings, just explain clearly.”

Some things, although Li Ye and Luo Fang are closer than their brothers, but because of this, he does not want him to be involved.

Seeing that Li Ye did not want to say, Luo Fang frowned, but did not continue to ask.

The game helmet is still in the bedroom!

When he saw it, Li Ye was relieved.

Ren Qian did not come to take it, which surprised him. But he wouldn’t ask too much if he wanted to, at least the mysterious game he came into contact with, the fewer people knew the better.

After experiencing the Devil’s Day and the last copy, Li Ye knew that this mysterious game was not a joke, and one accidentally even took his life into it.

Jiyou long-term reunion, naturally not drunk.

It just makes Li Ye feel a little weird. His wine volume is always not very good, a bottle of beer will almost be poured. But the whole night, the two people directly killed a full three boxes of draft beer and two bottles of old white dry on the food stalls. In the end, he didn’t pour it. On the contrary, Luo Fang, who had a good drink, ended up like a dead pig and was thrown into the taxi by Li Ye shouting.

“When do I drink so much?”

Touched the door, it was already two or three o’clock in the middle of the night, just turned on the light and suddenly Li Ye was alert all over. The whole person showed a trace of vigilance as if naturally.

The sound of broken air sounded, and a fruit knife almost wiped the tip of his nose, and then nailed to the back of the door.


There was a strong killing intent in my mind, when someone touched his house, when? What purpose?

But he waited to see who was the figure in the living room, but the whole person relaxed.

“I said to be the captain of the brigade, don’t you know that it’s illegal to be good at private houses? Even if you are a police officer, you don’t seem to have this right?”

Ren Qian!

In the living room, who is Ren Qian who is sitting on the sofa in a casual dress?

Seeing her, Li Ye’s head was completely blown up. Just now, if the fruit knife was not responded in time, it was inserted directly in his abdomen!

“Is there? How do I remember someone invited me to come.”

“invite you?”

Li Ye was dumbfounded, saying that women are unreasonable, it is absolutely reasonable and difficult to distinguish, and now he can be seen. This is the natural ability to talk nonsense, right?

“The response is good. An ordinary college graduate actually has such a response. If you have not investigated your resume, I have to wonder if you were retired from the army.”

“You investigate me?”

Li Ye’s face sank slightly, and his tone was low.

I saw that Li Ye’s face was ugly, but Ren Qian didn’t have any shame. Instead, she looked up and down with interest, and the eyes of Li Ye felt horrified.

Being stared at by a beautiful woman may be very pleasant for the average person, but Ren Qian ’s eyes, like X-rays, seemed to be standing in front of her naked.

“Okay, nobody here, do you have anything to tell me?”

“Such beautiful scenery, high moon and black wind, little girl, let’s go to bed in a wide clothes and do something that will make a great contribution to the country, the people and society.”

Li Ye’s complexion changed suddenly, and she suddenly became a bit slick. Although he is relatively indifferent on weekdays, it does not mean that he is really stupid, especially since he has been taught by a good friend Luo Fang in sequence over the years, naturally he is also a bit suffocated.

These words, Ren Qian said suddenly looked red-faced and stared at someone fiercely.

“Do you believe me or not, I have detained you into the police station for interrogation now?”

“Unbelief, if you want to catch me in, you won’t send me to the hospital, and you will also inform Luo Fang to come and pick me up, and you won’t choose to sneak into my house at night at this time and meet with me in private.”

“Who has a private meeting with you!”

“Okay, less reading, inappropriate use of words, quiet meeting.”


Suddenly, Li Ye found that the youngest captain of the Criminal Police Department in Yunyang City, the female tyrant in the mouth of her good friend, had another lovely side, especially when she blushed.

Funny also made fun, Li Ye also knows that there is little chance to easily kill Ren Qian.

“What do you want to know, but I explained in advance that many things, I myself are in the clouds, so I can’t tell you.”

Since this is the case, Li Ye also decided to make some things public. At least, he feels that Ren Qian is different from the general police, and may be of some help to him in investigating the game.


The game helmet was placed on the coffee table in front of Ren Qian.

Didn’t wait for Li Ye to speak, and suddenly Ren Qian put a cardboard box on the side again.

When he saw the cardboard box, Li Ye’s expression changed.

“what is this?”

“I have investigated, just over a week ago, you once received a courier that could not find any origin.”

“What does this mean?”

“And I have investigated some of the deceased in headless homicides recently, including some people who are characterized as missing. At first, I couldn’t find any connection with them until today I received this.”

Pointed to the carton on the coffee table and Li Ye took a slight breath.

“Have you received it?”

“Are you surprised? I am also surprised, but even more unexpected is still behind! Jiang Yan, as well as the deceased in those recent cases, have a common similarity.”

Smiled bitterly, before waiting for Ren Qian to tell the result, Li Ye sighed, “all received this carton, and the carton is the helmet.”

Actually, when he saw Ren Qian taking out the carton, Li Ye almost guessed what, but to his surprise, why did Ren Qian also receive it?

Behind, who is pushing?

Even ordinary people, Ren Qian is a person in the police system, and is also the deputy captain of the Criminal Police Brigade. Are the people behind the scene not afraid of things being exposed?

“No matter what you guess or investigate, I can only tell you not to touch this thing, it is better to throw it away!”

“Yes, but you have to tell me why! Also, including Jiang Yan, are the death or disappearance of those people related to this?”

Li Ye wants to hide, or say, don’t want to see anyone else involved. Unfortunately, he underestimated Ren Qian’s dedication as a policeman!

“I don’t know, I want to know the answer like you!”

“Since this is the case, you should tell me what you know!”

Silence, Li Ye was full of hesitation. Whether to tell other people has always been a key point in his heart to avoid. Except for Xiao Xiao, who is already in the game, Li Yelian and Luo Fang did not tell.

“I need time to think.”

Finally, Li Ye exhaled, but did not immediately agree.

Ren Qian was a little disappointed, but at least Li Ye did not directly refuse, which disappointed her, but she still had a trace of expectation in her heart.

“Okay, this is my mobile phone number, if you figure it out, you can call me directly.”

Beauty gave him a mobile phone number, how many times was this? But Li Ye was not happy at all.

But then, he was stunned because Ren Qian ran directly into his bedroom.

“Wait, Miss Ren, what are you doing?”

“I live in my grandma’s house today, otherwise you think I have run away so much in the middle of the night that I ran over the wall into your house.”

Slightly and gracefully whitened someone, and Ren Qian jumped directly from the bedroom balcony and jumped to the balcony next door. Li Ye remembered this. Is n’t Granny Wang the next grandma?

What the hell? Do not take a good road, do you think this is not possible?

Click, lock the balcony door directly, and there is a big beautiful woman who can touch it at any time next door. Why don’t you feel any excitement?

Perhaps it was the effect of alcohol. After hesitating for a long time, Li Ye was still not sleepy. On the contrary, he wanted to know now, what happened in the end at that moment? Why would he return to reality and still be alive?

There was a slight distortion in front of my eyes, and the familiar feeling came again, as if it were turning in a whirlwind.

But just blinked and opened his eyes again, Li Ye found that he appeared in a strange and familiar place.

“A hospital again?”

Frowned, and now the game is late at night, the whole hospital is quiet.

And after appearing, a series of system prompts also appeared in my mind.

【The copy is completed, the player successfully completes the first copy task, and rewards 500 game points】

Is this a special reward for first experience?

[After the difficulty adjustment of the copy, from simple to difficult, reward adjustment, reward game points 2000 points]

Difficulty, is it because of those two high-level players?

[The side mission ‘Rescue Companion’ is completed, rewarding 1,000 game points]

[Kill two high-level players, reward 1,000 game points, increase the player level ~ ~ current level C]

The successive system rewards made Li Ye win the grand prize, but considering the previous nine deaths, at least he didn’t want to come again.

Of course, this is more than that.

Because Li Ye was surprised to find that there was a slight flow of fluorescence on his body, he might not notice if it was not in the middle of the night, but at this time it was clear.

At the same time, he noticed that his personal attributes had also undergone earth-shaking changes.

[Player, current level C, strength 26, reaction 37, stamina 49, speed 45, health 5]

There have been tremendous changes throughout, and the game points held are directly more than 10,000.

“How to improve so much?”

Almost every item has been quadrupled, this improvement is too exaggerated! No wonder he felt something strange in his body, as if he had an endless energy.

The only thing that reduces is health.

Not only did the gene chain collapse due to the gene-enhancing drug solution, but the whole constitution was improved?

Wait, gene fortification medicine? Is it because of this?


Made a bet with someone, then I lost

Someone told me that my daily recommendation ticket can break 1500, I said I do n’t believe it, and if I can break 1500, I will do two more! This book has become like this ghost. Can I still have a recommendation ticket?

Then, yesterday, the recommendation ticket broke 1800 …

So I dared to send two more! Correct! Not wrong! My snail is fast and double-open, and I have to go to the construction site to move the bricks during the day.

Although I saw that I had not broken the 1500 recommendation ticket today, it is estimated to be close at night.

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