This Game Will Kill

Chapter 64 - Side quests (re-fat will really die)

Is dazzling?

Do not! Li Ye’s eyes lit up suddenly, and the flesh and blood monster did have a small body surface, and even a thin layer of frost had condensed, and there was even a tendency to gradually expand.


Even bursting crossbow arrows can hardly cause too much damage to this monster. The super undead flesh that can heal almost in a blink of an eye, why is there such a weird phenomenon?

Soon, Li Ye saw that on the side of this corridor, the rows of pipelines were intricate, probably because of the explosion caused by the burst of crossbow arrows he just shot, which caused many of the pipelines to burst, some white gas It just spewed out of it, but I hadn’t noticed it just now, but Li Ye felt at this moment that the temperature here seemed to be much lower than it was just now!

The original explosion did not make him feel that the temperature was lowered, but now, obviously, it made him feel a cold feeling.


Those white gases are a phenomenon caused by the vaporization of liquid nitrogen! At the same time, the temperature of the entire corridor began to decrease gradually because the liquid nitrogen in the pipeline was leaked and vaporized due to the rupture of the pipeline.

“This thing is afraid of freezing!”

A flash of enlightenment flashed through his mind quickly, and he knew that since the system had a mission to release and kill the monster in front of him, he would be rewarded, so it would n’t be really undead! It’s just that everyone before did not find its weakness, and blindly drilled into the tip of the horn.

Sure enough, under those nitrogen sprays, the flesh monster slowly grew a layer of white frost all over it, and it looked as if it was wearing a layer of clothes, and the movement gradually slowed down.


With a crunchy sound, Li Ye directly carried the mountain knife and cut it with a knife toward a pipe beside him!

Suddenly, the pipe was broken, and innumerable white gas was spouted madly. The temperature was extremely low. Even Li Ye accidentally did not withdraw, and his arm was sprayed, and there was a severe frostbite in an instant!

“Good low temperature!”

Seeing frostbite on his hand, a trace of horror crossed Li Ye’s face. But he soon knew what he was going to do next, and directly replaced the last burst crossbow arrow with a normal crossbow arrow, then shot at the intricate pipes on both sides of the corridor.

For a time, the entire corridor was sprayed with liquid nitrogen gas with extremely low temperature, just like a moment, entering the cold winter, and even a trace of ice crystals appeared on Li Ye’s brow hair.

A breath from the opening can also be seen immediately, there is a sign of condensation, one can imagine how low the temperature is now.

And at such a low temperature, the flesh-and-blood monster really slowed down, and even the movement started to become clumsy.

From time to time, you can see some icing on the body surface of the flesh monster cracked and broken into pieces, but it was quickly frozen again.

Just when Li Ye’s almost limbs were stiff, finally, the whole body of the flesh and blood monster in the naked eye was almost still, like a huge ice sculpture, stopped there.

At the moment, Li Ye’s location is actually less than two or three meters. It can be said that if this weakness is not discovered, Li Ye may have become a part of its body at the moment.

“Not yet dead!”

At such a close distance, Li Ye could carefully observe the culprit that caused the entire prison and even the mysterious Institute No. 7 below, and everyone died.

Has no obvious features of facial features, and no limbs, like a pile of meat balls, very disgusting. Even on the surface, you can see a lot of things like human eyeballs, which is enough to make people with intensive phobia look dizzy.

Even if it was completely frozen, there was still a bad smell at this time, so close, it was enough to make people directly fumigated.

In the ice sculpture, the body of the flesh-and-blood monster is still beating slightly, as if it has a heart, but Li Ye is not quite convinced. Just such a monster that is not a ghost or a ghost, can it have a heart?

There is no reward for the system prompting completion of the side mission. Obviously, the flesh and blood monster turned into an ice sculpture has not been killed, but only temporarily trapped.

“This is not dead.”

Went to the other side. In fact, Li Ye’s task has been completed at this time. He delayed more than three minutes and can leave directly. But I don’t know why. Looking at the huge ice sculpture frozen in place, an amazing idea burst into my mind.

“If I can kill it completely, I can get 5000 game points.”

5000 game points, even if it is to complete the entire copy task, it will only reward 3000 points! It can be seen how rich the rewards are for killing such a monster.

Also explained that this thing is very difficult, and even complete the entire copy.

Does kill?

The key is **** it completely.

The next moment, Li Ye raised his hand crossbow, and the last burst crossbow arrow once again had its place!


Shot an arrow, in fact, Li Ye’s heart was not too sure, maybe it was just a vent that he wanted to confirm his inner guess.


The huge ice sculpture burst like a chain reaction at the moment when the burst crossbow arrows exploded, and suddenly burst into countless pieces. Only a piece of flesh and ice was scattered on the ground, and one of them even rolled down to Li Ye’s feet.

Looked down, and the blood and flesh frozen in it started to beat violently, as if struggling towards Li Ye.

Was shocked in his heart and directly blocked the blood clot on the wall with his crossbow. Like the same sludge, it was disgusting.

And when you look closely, as the ice sculptures are exploded, the blood and flesh that have been exploded into countless pieces seem to be rejuvenated, and they want to gather together again, only because the temperature is very low, and most of them are sealed by ice cubes. The speed is not as fast as it was just now.

“what is that?”

Also took advantage of this gap, but Li Ye saw a detail that he had not noticed several times before.

In the middle of countless pieces of flesh and blood, a beating heart seems to have life. After falling on the ground, he crazy wants to attract the broken flesh and blood around him. In a short time, he saw A few pieces of flesh attached to the heart, and even a very disgusting eyeball appeared.

“Is this the only fatal weakness of this monster?”

A heart! A disgusting but strange heart!

Almost without hesitation, Li Ye shot an arrow towards the heart, and a sharp crossbow arrow was directly inserted into the heart. Li Ye suddenly seemed to hear a shrill scream, like a desperate roar. At that moment, the flesh and blood of the autonomous consciousness stopped moving.

Swish swish!

Several arrows in a row, Li Ye will not be soft at this time, and since he knows the biggest fatal weakness of the flesh monster, he will not let this best opportunity go!

The blood flowed out of the heart, but it was not the bright red color of normal people, but a thick white liquid like milk, exuding a pungent odor, like an old corpse, making people unbearable. I want to vomit.

【Kill XF virus variants, reward game points 5000】

Sure enough, I remembered the sound of the system in my mind, and it was the first time that Li Ye felt this sound so beautiful!

It’s more than that. Before he showed his surprise, the system’s prompt appeared again.

[Discover the heart of the XF virus variant, complete one of the requirements of the XF virus mutation research branch task, mutate the heart, and reward 1,000 game points]

Variant heart? He actually hit a hidden side mission under the mistake of hitting by mistake? However, it is obvious that this is only one-third of the requirements of this hidden branch task.

Sure enough, take a closer look, and finally got some more information about this hidden side mission.

[Hidden branch task, find the cause of XF virus mutation, collect the variant organs on the variant, the current collection completion degree is 35%, and the variant heart is collected]

After carefully reading this hidden branch task, Li Ye’s face not only did not have any joy, but on the contrary, his face changed a lot!

“XF virus variant! Not good! There is more than one monster!”

The task requirement is to collect the mutated organs on the mutant, and now he has found one completed one-third, UU Kanshu obviously has two other things that he needs to find!

The only explanation is that in the entire copy, there are at least three such monsters that are almost difficult to kill! Three monsters produced by XF virus mutation!

At this time, he was not in the mood to be happy that he got 5000 game points rewards and started the hidden side quest, but thought of another guess that made him tremble.

There are three mutant monsters, where are the other two?

The entire prison was barely seen, the only explanation!

In the No.7 Research Institute!


Why do mutant monsters have appeared in the prison, and the entrance of the 7th Research Institute is still blocked? Whether it is artificial or the decision made by the intelligent system of the institute based on judgment, the only explanation is that there are two terrifying mutant monsters there!

The closing of the research institute is not to prevent other people from invading, but to prevent the two monsters from running out!

On the ground, the mutated heart is like a deflated ball, the entire volume has shrunk by more than half, and it has become crumpled like a rotten flesh. As for the flesh and blood that the huge body of the mutant exploded, it is now decaying rapidly.

Obviously, the weakness of the mutant is the mutated organ in the body. Once destroyed, it will completely die.

Although this is a mission item, Li Ye has nothing to take away, and what he is more worried about now is the trigger and others.

In the research institute, if there are really two mutant monsters, once they successfully destroy the entrance gate and go in, is it not equal to the sheep into the tiger’s mouth?

Even the four-eyed man and his two companions, even if they died, but the trigger black cat and the little girl, three people, let Li Ye be relieved, and the vaccine! Also in the institute!

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