This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 14: Great Acting

Chapter 14

“Why are you working here, experiencing life?”

Shen Youlin's face darkened, his expression stubborn and forbearing, he turned his head and said in a muffled voice: “My family...went bankrupt.”

Yu Shu was instantly complicated - beautiful women in distress, whoever can resist it!

"Let's add each other on WeChat, I'll give you the down jacket money."

Twenty-eight thousand, enough to live for several months. Yu Shu doesn't know how to comfort people, but sending a huge sum is better than any words of comfort at times like this.

Shen Youlin didn't refuse, took out his phone and added Yu Shu's WeChat, and readily accepted her transfer.

Shen Youlin's WeChat nickname was Shen Ba Cha, his profile picture was a Samoyed sticking out its tongue, peeking out more than half of its head from the bottom left corner, the furtive peeking look of the dog was very cute.

Perhaps girls are born to like fluffy animals, Yu Shu couldn't help but click to enlarge the picture: "Is this your pet? Very cute."

"Yeah, her name is Dou E."

Yu Shu raised her eyebrows: "That's quite an unusual name."

"Because with her around, it snows even in June." Shen Youlin spread his hands helplessly, "She sheds so much fur that the house is covered everywhere."

Yu Shu's alarm interrupted their conversation, it was time for her to pick up her dad from the hospital.

"I'm leaving now, I have to go." Yu Shu took her shopping bag and slowly organized her words, "You... don't be too upset either, life still goes on, things will pass eventually."

Yu Shu felt those few sentences were frivolous, like oil bubbles floating on chicken soup, not impactful at all, even a bit greasy, but she really couldn't come up with anything more chicken-soupish and nutritious.

Shen Youlin's eyes instantly turned red, and he pursed his lips slightly: "Okay. You're the first person to say these things to me."

Poor thing, he must have suffered a lot of grievances and setbacks.

Yu Shu suddenly felt a little heartache, the higher you climb the harder you fall, how many people must have kicked him when he's down.

"Let me treat you to a meal when we both have time." Shen Youlin smiled again, his smile tinged with sadness, "Just... pretend we are making friends over our poverty."

"No need, you take care of yourself." Yu Shu didn't make small talk anymore and hurried away.

Watching Yu Shu's retreating figure, Shen Youlin's smile grew wider, even the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were saturated with joy. Then, smiling, he went to change out of his uniform and resigned from the manager.

"Nevermind, just consider me skipping work and resigning."

Yu Shu was waiting at the roadside, and out of boredom searched online for "tudongsung". Last time at the Kyoto airport she didn't hear clearly, she vaguely heard Shen Youlin say something like "tu what song", thinking it was some kind of bamboo shoot, heard it and then forgot about it, and today when she heard it again, she vaguely felt it might be different from what she thought.

The search results made Yu Shu's stomach churn, she almost smashed her phone.

A Bentley stopped in front of her, the driver's window half rolled down, revealing Shen Youlin's roguish face: "Hey, songdongdong, where are you going? Let me give you a ride."

Yu Shu gnashed her teeth, barely squeezing out two words: "Went bankrupt?"

"I lied to you, silly girl."

Yu Shu was furious, feeling that all her kindness had been wasted on a dog, wishing she could seize him and bite off a piece of flesh from his face.

Perhaps her expression was too terrifying, Shen Youlin's expression became much more restrained: "Just joking, don't be angry, come on up and let me drive you."

Yu Shu was so angry she wanted to eat someone alive, but she didn't know how to curse, after a long pause she squeezed out two dialectal swear words: "Stupid c*nt! Stupid f*ck!"

Shen Youlin was amused, he had spent a long time in Sichuan and Chongqing, naturally he understood what they meant, but he didn't seem angry at all, on the contrary he poked his head out the window with interest and asked: "Who's stupid? Believing whatever people say about you, what a silly little cutie."

"Cute your mom!" Yu Shu blurted out, and in her heart apologized to Shen Youlin's mother - she was cursing his hypothetical mother.

Shen Youlin highly approved: "Ah, that's right. When cursing someone, curse their mother first to have an impact."

Yu Shu was punching cotton, unable to vent her anger, her face even turned pale, her lips trembling slightly.

Shen Youlin looked at her lips, unconsciously gazing for a few seconds - classic Dior 999 matte garnet red, her lips were small and plump, plus her fair skin, wearing this color put professional models to shame.

Tsk, experiencing life for just a short while and already so unprofessional, Shen Youlin mocked himself, imperceptibly shifting his gaze away.

He was also afraid of angering her too much. He had just unfastened his seatbelt wanting to get out of the car, but Yu Shu didn't even glance his way, turned around and left, walking off without looking back and getting in a taxi.

Her back was resolute and sharp.

"Small in size, but quite a fierce temper." Shen Youlin refastened his seatbelt, and said on WeChat: "I'm sorry okay, I didn't mean to lie to you."

These words really lacked persuasive power, even he didn't believe them himself.

He had deliberately teased her.

Shen Youlin had imagined Yu Shu's reaction - she might ignore him, she might keep scolding him, or naively and silly believe his words, but what he saw was a red exclamation mark, and -

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Shen Youlin's brow furrowed tightly: "What a fiercely big temper."

Yu Shu shoved her phone angrily into her bag, leaning back sullenly in the car seat. The more she thought about not cursing skillfully earlier, the more sulky she felt.

The angrier she got the more she thought about it the angrier she got!

Her already uncomfortable stomach protested even more strongly - her stomach condition hadn't acted up in a long time, so she didn't realize the severity at first.

By the time they reached the hospital, her face was white from pain, frightening Yu Feng so much he dropped his cane, yelling for the doctor.

"It's fine." Yu Shu stopped him, "I'll take some medicine when I get home."

With so many people at the hospital, she'd be in pain to death before even seeing the doctor and getting medication.

Yu Shu didn't eat a bite of lunch, took the medicine with warm water and went to sleep until nightfall.

At night, Yu Feng carefully cooked all her favorite dishes, but Yu Shu barely ate two bites, mashing the meatballs in her bowl into mush with her chopsticks, her little mouth chattering nonstop.

Yu Feng ladled her some soup and placed it by her hand, silently praying in his heart for whoever had offended Yu Shu - don't let Yu Shu get hold of him again.

Mother and daughter were the same, bottling up anger made them irritable, venting made them feel better, and afterwards they absolutely wouldn't bring up old grievances again, but if someone wronged them and they didn't get immediate retribution on the spot, they would bear the grudge forever, biding their time until they got a chance for endless reprisal.

To this day, Mrs. Ye Ping still resented him for forgetting to buy her the chicken feet snack she had craved when pregnant with Yu Shu.

"Who upset you?" Yu Feng asked gingerly.

Yu Shu glared - very much her mother's true heir, full of intimidation: "A stupid f*ck!"

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