This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 44: Make Trouble

Chapter 44

Wherever there was a tourist attraction, there would always be a street selling wholesale goods from Yiwu under the banner of "old street souvenirs".

Wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, Yu Shu walked down the street with a coconut drink in her hand, while Shen Youlin held a coconut in one hand and a large fan in the other, fanning himself. They strolled from one end of the street to the other, cursing the sun overhead and the cement road under their feet.

The young master was in a terrible mood today, and his morning temper still hadn't fully dissipated.

"Are you here visiting your aunt?" Shen Youlin asked irritably.

"I'm going back tomorrow. My old man is having his 80th birthday celebration," he huffed in response.

"Oh, well have a safe trip back then."

"That's it?"

"Bon voyage? Oh no, I should wish you heavy turbulence since you're flying."

For no reason at all, this made Shen Youlin even angrier. He strode ahead, leaving her behind.

This was so annoying! He didn't want to leave when he hadn't finished having fun! If it wasn't his father's 80th milestone birthday, he wouldn't have gone back at all!

After walking quite a distance, Shen Youlin realized Yu Shu hadn't caught up. He backtracked to find her squatting at a roadside stall, engrossed in examining the wares.

The small stall mainly sold vases and some decorative knick-knacks. A simple and elegant blue and white porcelain vase had caught Yu Shu's attention. She thought it would make a nice addition to her apartment's entryway.

The peddler recognized at first glance that she had money to spare. Gleefully eyeing this fat sheep that had wandered into his trap, he smoothly launched into his sales pitch: "You have excellent taste, miss. This blue and white porcelain is from the Yongzheng era of the Qing dynasty. Just look at the glaze and shape - I tell you, this is my family heirloom."

Shen Youlin lazily chimed in from the side: "It does look pretty good."

The peddler was even more delighted: "You see, sir, you and your girlfriend have the same fine taste."

"One look at the glaze and shape, you can tell this was bought wholesale by the jin (500 grams)."

"Young man! If you don't understand, don't go making irresponsible remarks! This is a genuine antique from the Yongzheng era, let me tell you..."

Too lazy to listen to his nonsense, Shen Youlin grabbed the vase from Yu Shu's hand and casually threw it to the ground. "Listen to that sound. It'll last three months at best."

No one expected him to smash it just like that. Squatting on the ground, Yu Shu jumped in fright. As she hastily stood up, a wave of dizziness overcame her and she frowned, asking: "What do you think you're doing?"

The peddler called over his friends and surrounded the two of them, yelling: "You're not leaving until you pay compensation!"

"Why get so worked up? I didn't say I wouldn't pay. Name your price."

The peddler and his buddies exchanged glances. One of them shouted: "200,000 yuan!"

Shen Youlin snapped his fingers in a gun shape, pointing at the peddler's brow. "Bang! Extortion."

He then pulled out 200 yuan from his wallet and flung it in the peddler's face. "Keep the change."

Yu Shu sighed. Why had she brought him out today?

"Boss, I'm sure you know in your heart whether it was really from the Yongzheng era or not. Let's talk nicely and settle on a reasonable price - that works for everyone right?"

The peddler looked her up and down, his gaze growing increasingly lewd as it lingered on her chest. "Sure, sure. We can always negotiate other forms of...compensation."

As soon as the words left his mouth, the peddler and his gang burst out laughing lasciviously.

"See what I mean?" said Shen Youlin.

"Shut up!" Yu Shu barely managed to restrain herself, but finally couldn't hold back. "How dare you! What kind of filthy toad spirit are you! All bulk and no bite - take it out and it wouldn't be thicker than a matchstick mushroom!"

The peddler cursed her in the local dialect. He rolled up his sleeves, on the verge of getting violent. But Shen Youlin reacted faster than him. With a kick, he toppled over a 2-meter tall vase. Grabbing another vase, he smashed it at their faces.

The gang of thugs scattered. Shen Youlin seized Yu Shu's hand and they took off running.

A group chased them from behind. This was far more thrilling than the playground game of "catch me if you can"!

"Shen Youlin, you f*cking bastard!"

Today, Yu Shu had chosen to wear flimsy sandals and a short skirt, completely unsuitable for sprinting long distances.

"Woooo!" Shen Youlin whooped excitedly. "Wasn't that such a rush? Wasn't that fun?"

"You f*cking..."

Before Yu Shu could complete her curse, Shen Youlin slammed the brakes. Caught off guard, she nearly crashed into him. Thankfully he reached out to steady her just in time.

"Why'd you stop? Keep running!"

Their pursuers were about to catch up. Shaking off his hand, Yu Shu strode away. "I'm too cool to stay behind - you're too ugly to take the lead."

"No need to run now." Shen Youlin grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, nodding towards the side. "We've got backup."

"The police station!" Yu Shu cried joyously.

Somehow there was a local police station here. Due to the tiny entrance and dilapidated exterior, the insignia was obscure and Yu Shu had almost missed it.

Shen Youlin pulled her along, rushing to the officer at the front gate. Sobbing pitifully like a willow in the wind, he tearfully recounted: "Uncle policeman, we were swindled!"

Having hoodwinked tourists multiple times in the past, the peddler was a habitual offender. Shen Youlin fully displayed his superb acting skills, bringing Yu Shu into his performance as well. Together, they portrayed a guileless young couple, innocent tourists cruelly taken advantage of.

In the end, they didn't pay a single cent. Leaving the police station, they could still hear the peddler being berated in the background.

Yu Shu exclaimed: "Apart from applying for my ID card, this is the first time I've stepped into a police station. Thanks ever so much!"

Shen Youlin nodded sagely: "You're welcome. Everyone should have these life experiences."

Yu Shu rolled her eyes. "You're actually gloating? If we hadn't lucked out with a police station nearby, you would have..."

"Did you think I was as blind as you?" Shen Youlin haughtily lifted his chin. "Who do you think noticed the station first and pulled you to run this way?"


That wasn't the issue here!

Too exhausted to debate any further, Yu Shu opted to let it go. "Well, thank you very much."

"You're welcome~"

On the ride back, Yu Shu didn't speak to him at all.

"Wow! Look outside! There's a little boy peeing on his own face! Teehee! How silly!" Shen Youlin pointed out the car window, cackling.

Yu Shu ignored him completely. Shen Youlin finally clued in that she seemed angry about something.

"What are you mad about? So unreasonable."

Not wanting to talk to him, her heart utterly drained, Yu Shu turned her face away in silence.

Gazing at her profile, Shen Youlin grew more and more tempted to tease her. "Little Shu shu...Shu shu...Sweetie pie~ Little sweetie~"

As Shen Youlin called her nicknames, he poked her as well. After three prods, Yu Shu couldn't stand it anymore. "Get your pig's trotters off me!"

It tickled like crazy!

Shen Youlin was struck by revelation: "So you're ticklish!"

"Stop! Hahahaha...let go...hahaha you bastard..."

Yu Shu struggled with all her might, but no matter how useless Shen Youlin was otherwise, he was still a man. There was no way she could break free of his grip.

Glancing at their tussle in the rearview mirror, the driver sighed affectionately. Young couples these days really went all out with their affection.

Abruptly, dead silence descended within the vehicle...

Shen Youlin's big hand was pressed against Yu Shu's shameless region. Both of them froze in this instant.

The ambiance of their taxi ride home could be summed up in one word: Awkward.

"Let. Go."

"Oh! Oh! Okay!" Shen Youlin hastily withdrew his profane hand.

Neither spoke another word. They plastered themselves against the car doors, as far apart from each other as possible. Rolling down the windows all the way, the night breeze blew on their flushed cheeks.

That hand had to go. It was unclean now. It didn't even feel attached to his body anymore.

Shen Youlin flexed his fingers. His palms were lightly damp with sweat.

The rest of the ride passed in total silence. Arriving at the hotel, they retreated to their separate rooms without a glance at each other.

"Oh wait!" Shen Youlin called out to halt her. "Want to come see my room?"

Yu Shu looked him up and down dubiously. "Can I feel my way there?"

Shen Youlin clutched his chest, exclaiming coquettishly: "What are you saying? I'm a respectable lady. Not for sale!"

Yu Shu snickered. "It's not selling if there's no money involved."

If no money changes hands, it doesn't count as prostitution.

Shen Youlin primly spat out a "Pei!" in embarrassment.

"But seriously, no Yongzhengs but I've got a matching pair of Ming dynasty blue and white porcelain from the Yongxuan period. Want to see?"

Yu Shu perked up in eagerness. "They're genuine?"

"Of course they're real."

"Let me touch them a little. I've never gotten to handle real antiques!"

Yu Shu followed Shen Youlin into his room. She watched as he brought out his luggage and removed a pair of blue and white porcelain flasks, casually placing them on the table.

His nonchalant attitude was no different than when handling those cheap wholesale goods from the street stall this afternoon.

"You just...pack them in your luggage like that?"

With only some bubble wrap and a thin cotton quilt as padding.

"Yeah? What else am I supposed to do, enshrine them on an altar?"

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