This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 92: Cut Meat for the Eagles

Chapter 92

Yu Fanxing hugged Yu Shu and began to sob and cry: "Baby, my baby, you've really suffered...sob sob... In the past, Buddha sacrificed his own flesh to feed the eagles, now Yu Bao, you sacrificed yourself to feed the demon...sob baby..."

Shen Youlin jumped with anger, pointed at Yu Fanxing's nose and yelled loudly: "Old hag, if you can't speak properly then shut up, I'm warning you! Don't try to undermine our relationship."

Yu Shu gently hugged Yu Fanxing in her arms, her eyes were like daggers as she asked Shen Youlin coldly: "What did you just call her?"

Yu Fanxing turned her head with a smug look on her face.

Shen Youlin sneered and changed his words: "My 'old' mother."

"Damn you, are you looking for a beating?"

"Come on then, let's see who beats who!"

"Ungrateful child, let me tell you, when your dad and I kick the bucket, we won't leave a single penny for you. You little brat will have to live on northwest wind in the future!"

"When you and dad croak, I'll definitely dig up your ashes and mix them in pig feed to feed the pigs..."

Yu Shu's head started hurting again. Seeing how this mother and son were at each other's throats as soon as they met, they probably had each other blocked on WeChat and only communicated through drifting bottles when necessary.

Before this fight between mother and son could escalate, she quickly coaxed Shen Youlin to go pick up Dou'e.

As Shen Youlin was pushed out by her, he suddenly remembered to ask the most important question: "How do you know this 'old'...mother?"

"I'll tell you when you get back, be good!"

"You're not going to run off with this 'old' mother, are you?"

"I won't."

"Don't listen to her nonsense, this 'old' hag is up to no good!"

"Okay, okay, now go get our dog son."

Only then was Shen Youlin satisfied. He pouted his lips to signal her.

Yu Shu smiled at his teasing and planted a kiss on his lips. Shen Youlin sneered at Yu Fanxing again before reluctantly leaving.

Every sentence contained "old"—what an unfilial son!

"Wah..." Yu Fanxing pretended to wipe away non-existent tears, then looked at Yu Shu with unprecedented solemnity and seriousness. She said softly: "Yu Shu, I'm speaking to you now as a mother. No matter what mistakes Youlin makes in the future, or if you find out he's not who you thought he was, please give him a chance, don't abandon him."

Yu Shu's brows furrowed slightly: " should act a bit more normal, you're scaring me."

"Sigh—" Yu Fanxing let out a light sigh and sniffed. "I'm not very skilled at being a mom yet, please excuse me."

"If you two hadn't gotten together, I would have happily played the villainous mother-in-law opposing your love. But you've already cooked the raw rice into cooked rice, so I can only make things difficult for you. You'll have to spend the rest of your life with that disaster."

"It's not nearly as dramatic as you make it sound." Yu Shu poured some hot tea for Yu Fanxing. "We're just dating, it doesn't mean we'll necessarily stay together forever. More likely than not there will come a day when we break up."

Yu Fanxing shook her head. "You don't understand. Shen men are obstinate, once they decide on someone they absolutely won't look back. If you really anger them, they'll even resort to locking you in a little black house BDSM."

Yu Shu couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. "You sound quite experienced."

Just thinking about it made her angry. Yu Fanxing banged the table and started cursing Shen Youlin's father for being a scumbag. At his age, he was still messing around with that kind of thing, wasn't he afraid of throwing out his back! Ever since tricking her back to China, he had locked her up and "marinated" her until letting her out today!

Yu Shu covered her ears. "Don't speak of improper matters, don't speak of improper matters..."

Yu Fanxing was stunned for a moment, then laughed resignedly: "From sisters to mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, we really can't gossip so freely anymore. Look at the mess this has become!"

Yu Fanxing didn't stay for long. According to her, it was because "Every ten minutes with my dog son makes me grow another wrinkle."

Before leaving, she made her stance clear: "You're destined to be the daughter-in-law of my old Shen family for life. Work hard, when I kick the bucket, I'll leave all my jewelry to you."

Yu Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "You really...don't have to curse yourself like that."

Yu Fanxing got into the car and left. The driver took her to the Shen Group headquarters building. Yu Fanxing took the executive elevator straight to the CEO's office.

Shen Chaowen was talking with people below him. Seeing her come in, his gaze immediately softened and he beckoned her over, dismissing the people below him with a few words.

Shen Chaowen pulled Yu Fanxing over to sit on his lap. "Why so unhappy?"

"It's all your fault!" Yu Fanxing punched him hard in the chest. "You already knew about that disaster's feelings for Shu Shu but didn't tell me. You even helped that disaster!"

Shen Chaowen was pained by her punch and sucked in a breath of cold air as he rubbed his chest. "I'm old, I can't take beatings. Are you trying to become a widow? Could I have stopped that disaster even if I wanted to? You should know the temperament of our Shen men."

"Humph. You know you're old yet you still went after that new intern girl who just graduated."

Shen Chaowen's scalp immediately went numb. Under her gaze, he continued explaining in a small voice: "I just thought she looked like your younger self, so I spoke to her a little more."

He really had only "spoken a little more." But in the eyes of those below him, it became a different story. It was all because those below randomly speculated and got him into trouble.

"What do you mean? She looks like my younger self? So you're saying I'm not young anymore, huh? I'm not dead yet and you're already eager to pull a Cao Cao and Lady Zhen move? If I die, won't you immediately bring her home as a stepmom for your son?"

Shen Chaowen's head throbbed with pain. He patiently coaxed her in a soft voice for a long time before Yu Fanxing finally smiled and stopped bringing up the matter.

When Shen Youlin returned home, he patrolled inside and out, up and down, confirming that Yu Fanxing had really left before cheering and plastering himself on Yu Shu. "What did she say to you?"

All of Dou'e's fur had been shaved off except for very short stubble. It wore a lion dance costume to keep warm and bounced around looking very festive.

Yu Shu opened a can of food for it and sat on the sofa with the human leech Shen Youlin clinging to her. "Nothing much, just told me to take care and that all her jewelry would be mine in the future."

Shen Youlin humphed twice, nuzzling against her waist. "Good that she knows better." You two met, how exactly did you get to know each other?"

Yu Shu briefly recounted how she met Yu Fanxing. Shen Youlin giggled.

"You see, you got to know my brother and my old mother, it's destined that you'll be my daughter-in-law. It's fated."

"More like an ill-fated

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