This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 97: Old Lady Shen

Chapter 97

Yu Shu got on the car, immediately revealed her original form, laughed with delight, couldn't help clapping her hands: "Your cheap uncle, his face turned green with anger."

Shen Youlin spoke proudly praising her: "My wife is awesome! Her acting has improved tremendously, simply making rapid progress day by day!"

The driver silently raised the partition again, isolating the dog food in the rear seat.

"Call me husband!" Yu Shu pinched his face to correct him.

"Hey, aren't you getting ahead of yourself?!"

The two made a fuss for a while, and Yu Shu took out the rosary to appreciate: "Top quality imperial green jade beads, this is the first time I've seen such an old piece of jadeite, and the beads are so big."

"I'll take you to rob the old lady's study another day, full of top-grade jadeite."

Yu Shu glanced at him sideways: "Why do you talk like a bandit? It's either robbery or pillage."

She suddenly understood a little why Shen Chaowen was in such a hurry to "marry" him off.

Shen Youlin just smiled without denying or admitting anything.

"Since the old lady likes jadeite, why not kill two birds with one stone and give this to her as a gift?"

"No, my old lady doesn't believe in Buddhism, she believes in Taoism. Just keep it for yourself, or you can resell it for a huge profit."

Yu Shu nodded: "Then tomorrow you go with me to buy gifts."

"For whom?"

Yu Shu looked at him with an expression that said "Why are you asking when you clearly know".

Shen Youlin was very dissatisfied, clicking his tongue: "You said earlier that there's no hurry, we'll talk about it later. Who made you change your mind? My damn old man?"


"Damn, when I told you not to go, you didn't go, but as soon as he said it, you agreed to go. You listen to him so much?"

Yu Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Are you jealous?"

Shen Youlin was stubborn whether he was right or wrong: "Yes!"

Yu Shu was mentally prepared to meet Old Madam Shen, but didn't expect this event to come so abruptly. She and Shen Youlin had just returned home and hadn't even changed their shoes yet when Shen Youlin received a call from home. After listening for a couple of sentences, his expression changed drastically.

Old Madam Shen fell down the stairs and was rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Shen Youlin's hands were shaking as he hung up the phone. Yu Shu held his hands, which were full of cold sweat.

"It will be alright." She said, "Trust me, I said it will be alright then it definitely will be alright."

Shen Youlin gripped her hands tightly.

There was some traffic jam on the way to the hospital. Shen Youlin angrily smashed the car window glass, but the bulletproof glass, how could he smash through it? His hands turned red but the glass didn't move at all.

Yu Shu put his hands in her arms to rub them, angry from head to tail: "You really... just vent your anger by smashing things in the future. Don't take it out on yourself."

"Don't worry, it will be fine. Trust me."

Shen Youlin's nasal cavity soured, pursing his lips as if he was about to cry: "Yu Shu... I'm angry at myself for being so useless."

"They care so little about me, yet I still..."

Still afraid to lose them...

Why don't they care about you?

Yu Shu wanted to ask, but her intuition told her she shouldn't say it out loud.

The car stopped at Shen's private hospital. A doctor led them to Old Madam's special care ward and explained: "The old lady is fine, she just sprained her ankle joint. After resting for a few days she'll be good."

Shen Youlin could hardly believe it: "At such an old age, falling from the second floor stairs, and nothing happened at all?"

This feeling, how familiar.

"Yes, the old lady is very fortunate." If it weren't inappropriate for the doctor's identity to say this, the doctor would have put his palms together and recited "Amitabha Buddha protects us". Shen Youlin pulled Yu Shu towards the ward, pushed open the door, and came face to face with a Taoist nun in her sixties or seventies.

"How unlucky!" Shen Youlin scolded with a stern face, pulling Yu Shu to turn around and leave.

The old lady was lying in bed, surrounded by a circle of children and grandchildren. Shen Chaowen and Yu Fanxing were both there. Only the elderly Taoist nun stood alone by the window, out of place with the loving and filial atmosphere around the old lady's sickbed.

The Taoist nun looked very old, but her spirit was very good. Wrinkles were all over her face, but her appearance didn't look fierce at all, it was very peaceful. Her hair was coiled up and held in place with a very simple wooden hairpin. Her Taoist robes were also washed until fading.

Yu Shu didn't understand, so she bowed apologetically to Old Madam Shen lying in bed and followed Shen Youlin out.

The old lady watched them leave with smiling eyes, in a very good mood. She said to the people guarding her bedside: "You guys leave too. Eldest son and daughter-in-law stay."

They were uneasy, said a few words of consolation to the old lady to show their filial piety, then left the ward one by one.

The old lady asked: "Is it that child?"

"Judging by her looks, it should be." The elderly Taoist nun replied. "I wonder what time and date she was born?"

Shen Chaowen had investigated Yu Shu before, so he stated Yu Shu's date of birth.

The old Taoist nun didn't need to calculate with her hands, she just pondered silently for a moment: "Yes, she was originally destined for a life of difficulties, loneliness and hardships, but her destiny was influenced by a person of high morals, and became extremely noble and wealthy. Those around her can also benefit from her good fortune."

"You were originally unable to get through this catastrophe, but she came to your family, not only changed the fate of your grandson 'Solitary Star of Death', but also helped you get through the threshold today."

The Taoist nun smiled: "Older sister, not only did you escape death this time, there is more good fortune waiting for you in the future."

"It's all thanks to you, for taking the trouble to come down the mountain from so far away."

The Taoist nun lowered her eyes, not responding to these words. She had originally thought that this time when she came down the mountain, it was to attend the funeral and farewell banquet, to send her old sister on her last journey. But alas, man proposes, God disposes.

Yu Fanxing slapped his thigh: "That's right, Yu Bao is really fortunate. She stayed one night with me at the winery in France, and the next day we dug up many treasures from the cellar."

"Yes," Shen Chaowen echoed, "Last time when Youlin encountered an avalanche and fell from such a high place, he could still come out with all limbs intact."

Yu Fanxing asked: "Avalanche? What avalanche? How come I don't know about it?"

"Cough, it was all your son's doing. I'll explain it to you later."

After listening, the old lady smiled from ear to ear, convinced that a lucky star had fallen into their family, even saving her life. She looked favorably upon this grandson's fiancee-to-be, and couldn't wait to have Shen Youlin marry Yu Shu into the family immediately.

After the old lady fell asleep, the three exited the ward.

Yu Fanxing grabbed the old Taoist nun's sleeve: "Sir, is Youfei doing well?"

"All is well."

That's right, Shen Youfei no longer exists in this world, only the Liaowu Daoist of Luxia Mountain.

Liaowu, liaowu, free from concerns, devoid of passions.

Shen Youlin didn't say anything, so Yu Shu didn't ask either. She followed him to eat crab roe noodles at an old established restaurant.

After eating half a bowl of noodles, Shen Youlin regained his usual carefree appearance.

"That old buffalo nose is just a boasting swindler. Yet my old lady's brain has malfunctioned. Ever since she was young she believed in these things, elevating that old Taoist nun to the heavens." Shen Youlin complained indignantly, explaining to Yu Shu: "Feudal superstitions are intolerable!"

Yu Shu agreed: "Yes, intolerable."

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