This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 100 Days

This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 24 Days

The Otaku just wants to cry today. For once, he wanted to try and take the initiative on something, and it seems like that is not going to be the case for him. Is what happened to them that night really enough to ruin a relationship? He’s not sure since he’s never had many friends. Not to mention, he certainly never had any friends that were girls before. So perhaps this is something that could get her to not want to associate with him.

Personally for him, while it was weird enough to cause him to black out from shock. The idea itself isn’t enough to get him to reconsider their relationship. Then again, it’s possible she might remember more of the past than him. There has to be a reason why they didn’t stick together all the way through childhood. It could’ve been a bad falling out, or maybe she hated something about him then, so it’s bled into now.

No, that can’t be true. Partially because he doesn’t want the fact that Otomore would hate him to be true. But more importantly, she didn’t seem hateful towards him when he was in her bed then. If anything, she was concerned for her well being, so it has to be something else.

“Ahh… I wish she could just tell me what’s up.” He says aloud, planting his face back onto his desk.

“Um, Otaku?” That’s strange, he thinks. The boy could’ve sworn he just heard Otomore’s voice right besides him. “O-Otaku?” Now it’s right up in his ear… He turns his head towards the source of the sound, only to be met with a close up of Otomore’s face.

“Ahhh!” He’s scared, like he’s just seen a ghost as the boy falls over from his chair. “Oof!” However, this is no apparition. This is the actual girl standing before him. “Huh? What are you doing here?”

“I heard you were looking for me.” She replies.

“Yeah, where were you yesterday?” He asks, a bit surprised that now she would show her presence to him.

“At home.” She answers simply. “I was sick.”

…Oh, now that makes more sense to him. She hadn’t been avoiding him because of what happened. They just hadn’t been able to see each other due to her health. Now it makes the last day of sulking a bit more depressing, but now things can turn around now.

“So, about what happened back on Saturday.” He asks coyly, not directly mentioning their past.

“I think it’s pretty cool.” She smiles, showing that she’s feeling the opposite of what he had originally expected she’d feel. “It’s not everyday I get to run into a childhood friend, right?”

“Hehe, yeah I guess you’re right.” He responds, feeling absurdly relieved from everything that had happened in the past few days.

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