This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 100 Days

This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 32 Days

One more day, huh? Well, clearly something’s bound to run into him that’s going to affect his future plans, won’t it? Though this time, it’s something he’s seeking out for himself.

“Senpai, are you here?” He peeks his head into a classroom he’s never been in before. It’s one for the third years, so he’s never had a reason to come in. However, now that he’s close with Koyamauchi, there’s a good reason now. Hopefully this is the right room, or else this will get a bit awkward.

“Otaku!” Thankfully, she’s in here as the girl rushes up to him. “Funny to see you coming here. Usually we’re the ones coming to you.” That is admittedly weird, but a fact he doesn’t mind.

“Well, I just wanted to ask you something…” Having all of her classmates looking at them makes him nervous. Those third years look awfully scary, even though they’re only older than him by a year. Maybe they’re just jealous that an underclassman like himself is talking to Koyamauchi?

“And?” She asks, noting that he’s paused now to stare into the room. The way her tone sounds makes it sound like she already knows what he’s going to ask.

“Right… I was just wondering, since I was going to catch the new movie coming out with Himekawa and some of the others. Maybe you want to join us?”

“Fufufu, you’re only asking me after you already asked out a bunch of girls?” She responds, which makes him a bit panicked.

“I-I-It’s not like that!” He replies, a bit loudly so that everyone can hear it. “I’m just trying to be friendly with Himekawa.” Now it sounds like there’s a bunch of muttering by the students in the room. They’re going to think he’s romantically after that girl now, aren’t they? And knowing this school, that rumors going to find its way to her soon enough. Basically, he’s a dead man.

“Hahaha, I’m just kidding.” Koyamauchi laughs. “I already knew all about this from Kinjyou, duh.” It should’ve already dawned on him that girl would’ve already told her. They are best buds after all. “I just wanted to wait to see if you’d actually come and ask me yourself.” It seems she gets a bit shy upon making that latter statement. “So, of course I’ll come with you.”

“Ah, that’s good news.” At least some things are going right for him on this little side trip. It seems he didn’t make a mistake inviting her over. Now there’s only one things left to do.

“Ahem.” Unfortuately, it seems that last thing will happen right now. The Gyaru is standing right next to him, surprising him with her little cough.

“Ah! When did you get there?”

“Why am I just now hearing that you asked Himekawa to a movie?” She asks, arms crossed. “And how come you didn’t tell me about it?” Not to mention how bad it looks with him asking Koyamauchi to come along here as well.

“Ah, uh, well…”

“It’s probably because Himekawa doesn’t like him very much.” Thankfully, Koyamauchi answers for him. “So she probably didn’t want too many people finding out.” Though if that’s the case, then that’s a failure given the class they’re standing next to all know about it.

“I’m so sorry.” He bows his head down to her and begs for forgiveness. “Please forgive me.”

“Hmm… I might.” She replies while still pouting. “If you formally ask me to join…”

“Huh? You want to come with us?” He had asked that in a question of curiosity, not an offer. She still took it anyway.


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