This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 100 Days

This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 39 Days

By Thursday, the Otaku realizes he’s got a lot more stuff to do this weekend then he anticipated. At this rate, he’ll never catch up on his manga. Still though, it’s not really a bad thing when the people he’s spending time with are Otomore and Koyamauchi. The latter’s always tons of fun. Though with the former, he’s not really sure on what to expect. She didn’t even tell him what they were going to do on that day.

Either way, that’s something to look forward to for later. Right now, he’s more concerned with getting through the rest of this week intact. Apart from the occasional teasing from Kinjyou, who seems interested in trying to get him to blush with his recent actions. The boy’s living life normally.

“Oi, Otaku!” One thing that’s certainly considered normal is the Gyaru showing up to bug him about stuff. “So, looks like you’re really digging your nose in that weird manga again.” First comes the teasing about his reading habits. The only reason he’s doing this is because of how busy his schedule is about to be this weekend. But who is he kidding, when the boy’s got nothing else better to do during breaks. He’s always reading manga. It’s not like he can play video games while he’s here.

“Hey.” He responds back. “So, I see you’re still as immature as ever.” Her statements do earn her a remark from him, even if his game’s a little weak.

“Anyway, I was just raring to ask you.” She begins. “We should go find something to do this Saturday. I liked that karaoke singing we did, maybe we can do that again.”

“Saturday?” This is an odd reversal he never expected would happen. “Actually, I’m busy on that day.”

“Huh? Well, what about Sunday then?”

“I kind of have plans on that day too…” He felt bad. Normally, he’d jump at the opportunity to spend time with the Gyaru. She’s pretty much his best friend… Mostly because she was his only friend for a while. “Sorry, but I guess we can’t do anything this time.”

“Really?” She’s in complete and utter shock in this news. This is the Otaku they’re talking about. He’s not exactly known for being a popular guy, but apparently he’s now hanging out with all these girls. What happened?

“Wow, you really are a popular guy now, aren’t ya?” Suddenly, out of nowhere, Kinjyou pops out from behind him.

“Ah!” Her sudden appearance is enough to get the two of them scared and it even knocks the boy out of his seat.

“You even got the gal here interested in ya? Man, I wondered what it is you’re doing to trick these girls into giving you attention.”

“It’s not like that!” The Gyaru is flustered at the insinuation that she’s romantically interested in the boy.

“I’m not doing anything bad.” He also defends himself. There’s no way this boy would ever consider taking advantage of any of these girls.

“I’m just joking with all ya.” She laughs. “I swear, it’s too easy to get people all red in the face these days.”

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