This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 100 Days

This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 50 Days

The Otaku is waiting at the spot the Gyaru told him to meet her. Very nervously at that, seeing as he’s dressed a bit more nicely today as well. The other time’s they’ve spent time in public has either been more casual clothes, or their work uniforms. So he’s hoping that he’s not over prepared for this moment as he checks his hair.

“Ota~ku!” She calls out to him, prompting the boy to turn his head and drop his jaw in awe of her appearance. She seems to have also been on the same page as him, with her hot pants and fashionable top. This girl is already pretty in his eyes, but this just takes it to the next level. “Good you don’t keep a girl waiting.” She says.

“W-well, I didn’t want to be r-rude.” He’s now even more anxious than he was before. Now that they’re all ready for this little get together, he really doesn’t want to mess up and make himself look stupid.

“Well, come on.” She takes him by the hand and begins directing the boy towards one of the buildings nearby. “You already got to sing karaoke with Himekawa, so you owe me one too.”

“It wasn’t that special when I did it with her.” He responds as she drags him along. When he was there last time, she ended up hogging the mic the whole time. So he didn’t get the chance to sing. “But I’d love to do it with you.”

“All right now!” She cheers as they get into one of the reserved rooms. “It’s been too long since I’ve enjoyed some singing. But you should go first.”

“Me?” This is the complete opposite of what he had the last time he was here. Though even if it was unfair to miss out on it, the boy isn’t very comfortable with singing in front of other people. According to his mom, his voice sounds like that of a cat dying. So he’s really doesn’t want to embarrass himself in front of this girl.

“Yeah come on.” She pushes the mic up into his face. “Please? Just one song at least.”

“F-fine.” He relents and accept the mic. After she chooses a song for him that he barely knows, it’s time to begin singing. The boy does his best to not sound off note or have his voice crack. Sadly, his lack of talent shined through and it sounded awful.

“Hahaha!” The Gyaru is laughing, falling over backwards over how bad he is. It’s enough to make him blush in shame over having her hear that. “You’re terrible.”

“Yeah yeah.” He tries to save what little pride he has left and hands her the microphone back. “Anyway, I guess it’s your turn.”

“But I’m glad that you’re not good at this.” She said, wiping the tears from her face. “I’m not really good at singing either, all my friends say I’m the worst.” The girl goes to the machine to look up a fun song to try. “I think I’m still worse than you even.”

“Really?” He’s surprised to hear her admit something like that to him. All this time, he assumed she’d at least try to maintain an image like she’s above him. “Then… Maybe we should do duet?”

“Duet?” She’s taken aback by his suggestion. That’s a real bold thing coming from him.

“Yeah, that way… We can both be awful together.” He thinks he’s about to get shot down for that offer, but things are a bit different between the two of them.

“Yeah, let’s!” She picks out a song they can do together and hands him a different mic. Today’s little outing was quite fun for the both of them.

Officially speaking, we're finally caught up to the other places I posted this at. No more three chapter days, but they'll still likely be some days here and there where I post two. I'm sure you get what I'm trying to time things for.

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